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Shelton-Mason County Journal
Every year for the past decade,
Shelton's Teddy Bear Brigade, led
by Patti Kempton, has collected
stuffed animals, toys and more to
donate to the 40 et 8's Christmas
But this year, Kempton had help
from a set of Christmas elves at
CHOICE High School.
"This was the biggest blessing I've
had in years," Kempton said.
In fact, 15 students at CHOICE
have helped stuff 100 stockings full
"This was the 8) onDec. 23.
Robbins started collecting the toys
in October to fulfill the requirements
biggest blessing
of her senior project.
i've had in
years." some,"'It feltshe said.really cool, it was awe-
CHOICE teacher Carri Fennel
said the Students worked in an as-
of toys, candy and, of course, Teddy sembly line to get the work done in
bears, to go into the 40 et 8's Christ- time.
mas baskets on Dec. 23. The Teddy Bear Brigade also do-
CHOICE senior Varonica Rob- nates stuffed animals year-round
bins did much of the work collecting, to organizations such as Medic One
cleaning and preparing the bears for and the Shelton Police Department,
transport with Santa (and the 40 et Kempton said.
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
CHOICE High School students Becca Johnson,
left, Beryl Kadoun, Varonica Robbins and Bryce
Westermann are four of the 15 CHOICE students
that helped collect stuffed animals for Shelton's
Teddy Bear Brigade this year.
Mary Anne
Munson was
awarded the
Flame Award
by the Mason
Foundation at
Fantasy Forest
last month for
her service to
the hospital.
Journal photos by Natalie
Mary Anne Munson spends more time
volunteering than many people spend work-
Between working at Treasures Book Store,
the Mason General Hospital gi~ shop and at-
tending Hospital Foundation board and com-
mittee meetings, the 75-year-old Munson
spends a full five days a week volunteering
her time for Mason General Hospital.
The foundation gave Munson the annual
Flame Award at the 2011 Fantasy Forest
Gala dinner last month to recognize her for
her considerable service to the hospital.
"I was really, really honoredi., very sur-
prised," she said. "I think this is a wonderful
The Mason General Hospital Founda-
tion Board selects the recipient of the Flame
Award each year, Munson said, and as a
board member, Munson usually helps select
the winner.
This year, the board voted to give Munson
the award while she was out of town on va-
cation. Munson said her fellow board mem-
bers worked up a cover story so she wouldn't
know she would receive the award.
"They played a trick on me," she said.
Munson started volunteering with the
Mason General Hospital Auxiliary at the
hospital's gig shop in 1992, shortly after she
moved from California to Shelten.
"I found it hard to adjust from California
to small-town living," she said.
However, not long after moving to Shel-
ton, Munson made a friend who was then
involved with the hospital, foundation, and
has volunteered for the hospital ever since.
In fact, working in a hospital is nothing
new to Munson. When she was young, she
worked as a lab tech in a hospital. Now,
rather than be bored in her:retirem6nt,
Munson spends as much time as she can
volunteering for Mason General. Munson also spends time working with
"It fills a need to feel like you're doing other parishioners at St. Edward's Catholic
something," she said. "It makes you feel Church making Christmas cards for elderly
good about yourself." people living at Alpine Way, Fir Lane, Ma-
Munson said she doesn't volunteer to get ple Glen and other assisted living and nurs-
recognition or to win awards -- she has sim- ing home facilities.
ply come to like the feeling of giving back to "It, s all the little things that you do that
her community, add up," she said.
Munson particularly likes working at the While her volunteer work is tiring and
hospital's gift shop. time-consuming, at the end of the day Mun-
"Everything out of this gift shop goes to son goes home and is satisfied that she has
scholarships," she said. not only done a good job, but she has helped
Since last year the hospital has been in someone along the way.
the midst of a major remodeling process that "I don't ever go home and say ... why am
will increase the size of the Emergency De- I doing this?" she said. "I wouldn't do it if I
partment, add a surgical wing and remodel didn't have fun."
every patient room in the hospital.While suddenly picking up and moving
All of this work has forced the gift shop to from California to Shelton was a decision
temporarily relocate to the basement of the that she described as "offbeat," Munson nev-
hospital, er regrets coming to Shelton.
Munson said she can't wait until the proj- '~rhe people in this community are won-
ect is done and the gift shop can move back derful - they really support the hospital,"
upstairs to a much larger location,she said. %Ve're looking for some people who
"It's been interesting moving down to the would like to join us- there's so many things
basement," she said. you can do as a volunteer."
Thursday, December 22,
gatherings on
the horizon
Well, I hope by the time you
are reading this you have all your
Christmas shopping done. It is kind
of neat to see the island busy with
the Christmas tree business. I like
to imagine families driving across
the bridge to find a tree to take
home. And that tree becomes the cen-
ter of attention for the next month,
as joy and blessings are passed from
one to another.
When you turn left at the bridge
you will see that the Bridge Com-
munity Church has put in a couple
new street lights. They sure make
the driveway look very inviting. I ~
think one of the reasons for those
new lights is to lead you to their
Christmas Eve service. This will be
their fourth annual Christmas Eve
service. It is so nice to have an event
like this on the island. Last year
Judy and I took all the family we
had visiting and went to the service
and it was very nice. It will start
at 7 p.m. on Dec. 24 at 500 E. North
Island Drive. There will be lots of
singing and the Christmas story is
read in a very compelling way. Re-
freshments will be served at the end
and that gives all a chance to share
their Christmas
spirit. Space is usu-
ally limited because
this event does draw
a crowd, I'm sure
you can call Rev.
Spears with any
Last year the
MIKE island didn't have
CALLAGHAN a big Christmas
dinner. But Bar-
bara LaJune and
her band of elves are going to make
sure there will be a dinner on the
island this year. So, if you feel like
joining in on Christmas Day, they
would love to have you. The Com-
munity Club will supply the ham,
turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gra-
vy. All you need to do is bring your
favorite side dish or a dessert. Like
the Thanksgiving dinner, they will
be there working early, but would
like to see people show up around 2
p.m. with dinner being served around
2:30 p.m. If you want to help, or if
you want to let Barbara know a little
early what you are making and how
many in your group are coming to the
event, give her a call at 426-0494.
I just want to mention one more
time who the new officers are for the
Community Club because they do
so much work for the club and the
island that they really need to be rec-
Those elected were President Jeff
Roberge, Vice President Shelleen
Matthews, Secretary Bill Burrows
and Treasurer Jim Irving. The citi-
zens at large will be Sandy Murphy
and Judie Schaaf. The New Year for
HICC is starting and there are new
sign-up lists for jobs and duties. So,
get in a generous mood and call one
of these officers and volunteer. I be-
lieve the island newsletter will come
out in April and that will be the time
the new HICC memberships begin.
As happened this past year, the hall
See Harstine on page B,2
2011 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1