December 22, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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" " P 1 has !
Hours of ,
I With 2paidhours I A her'W hingtO°ncSt2t ;a t eCtmn eta2d°rhiSd ; iliii
One coupon per client. Hours must be consecutive. I its annual audit of Mason tion for "maintaining a high
Expires 1/31/2012. County PUD No. 1 for 2010, standard of excellence and
~ ~: ~i I Results show a clean au-accountability in our prac-
~i ~ dit of the district's financial tices and financial report- ~ .
reports and practices with ing" and said he was very
I ~:= I no findings or letters topleased with the state au-
: ~ [management, according to aditor's report, as was Com-
release, missioner Jack Janda, who
I I Greg Kester, the district s attended the exit confer-
auditor and director of fi- ence and reported the news
I!i! !i I
i ill I
) r
I Call Bonnie Pitts Stevenson, Director for details I Justin Thaddeus Morgan Jr. th?:t~l~; twih'~l li~5 z~en:'~C:en~a:el~e ~:::r c~s~z~ 'tmlh'ast-
I (360) 545-4321 or email I Justin Thaddeus Morgan Jr. was born Nov. 7, 2011, tration (BPA) in 2012, the Mason County PUD 1 B)ard
at Providence St. Peters in Olympia to Justin Morgan of Commissioners decided not to pass those additi onal
Licensed, Bonded & Insured Serving Mason, Thurston, . and Katherine Brown of Grapeview.costs onto ratepayers next year, according to a rele~ se.
I ~ ~ ' During the past year, BPA has communicated up-
....... Kitsap & Grays Harbor Counties I He weighed 5 pounds and l0 ounces.
~, .~ ~.,, .4,F~ ~,~ coming changes in how public utility districts and ( ther
I < z.J I He is welcomed by siblings Madelyn age 11, Hope
age 6 and Hunter age 4; grandparents Mark and Barb electric utilities will be charged for the electrical ~ ner-
. ,~'r-~OM~C,w,~:,~. ' Brown of Sumas, Janet Garmann of Grapeview and gy they provide on their systems. Moving away fr~,m a
Four Stars
The News Tribune
Call for Parties, nationallyk ....
Meetings, Receptions FRESH A
& Special SHELLFISH Seafood & Other Meat Dishes
Occasion Lunches DAILY ~th Chef Xinh T, Dwelley's Asian Twist
427,8709 * Open for Supper Tuesday.Saturday
Downtown Shelton Comer of 3rd and West Railroad Z
Gene and
ents Jane
Laronge Morgan of Joyce; great-grandpar-
Brown of Shelton and Dorthea Morgan of
Continued from page B-1
always needs something unexpected like the refrig-
erator going out. Those membership dues, although
small, are very important to keeping the hall up and
And also remember that in two years, the hall will
turn 100.
After years of faithful and hard work, Pam Woods
has retired from taking care of hall scheduling. If you
would like to rent the Harstine Island Community
Hall for any event the new person to contact is Shel-
leen Mathews at 427-4466.
Unfortunately, Judy and I can't attend this new
year's event. We have attended many of these and
always had the greatest time.
If you are here and want to bring the new year in
with a lot of joy and happiness and fellowship, make
plans to attend.
Back by popular demand 'Swing Fever' will again
take the stage and play from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
A buffet dinner will be served at 8 p.m. and the
doors will open at 7 p.m. Mixers will be provided but
Tickets will go on sale $20 per adult in advance
and $25 at the door so get your tickets early.
Tickets can be purchased from Jim Irving 432-
melded rate structure, BPA is now itemizing their
which include a new customer service fee based on
son County PUD rs portion of BPA's system; a mot
load shaping fee based on PUD l's forecasted en
needs compared against BPA's actual production; a
demand fee to ensure that BPA's electricity, equipl
and facilities are available to provide power during
peak demand hours.
In 2009, the staff and commissioners of PUD I
ticipated a substantial impending increase in p~
supply costs and instituted a preemptive 16 percent
increase to span four consecutive years in an effo
help pay for major capital improvements. This s¢
uled increase is in its third year, with the last sched
4 percent to be implemented in January 2013.
Commissioner Karl Denison said, "In this econ
people are having a really hard time making ends/~
We wanted to avoid compounding these financial t
lems for our customers and this budget proposal h~
lowed us to do just that."
After reviewing the 2012 budget proposal and stra
plan, the staffrecommended that the commission ace
moderate budget that included capital improvement
maintenance projects but allowed the district's bud
;pt a
~t to
absorb the increases from BPA, according to a release.
During the budget presentation, Greg Kester,I the
district's auditor and director of finance told the bqard,
"I am confident, given our conservative financial stOnce
over the last few years, that we are in a good position
.... I.
financmlly to recur these additmnal costs next year vpth-
out dramatically affecting cash flow."/
The 2012 budget was adopted by resolution at the Dec.
13 board of commissioners meeting. The next 4 percent
rate increase is scheduled to take effect Jan. 1, 2012;
Questions or comments regarding the new fees or the
2012 budget can be directed to the PUD 1 district dffice
at 877-5249.
9231 or Gary Benz 427-3180 or Jim Irish. ~ ~3 - ~ -i
S IKE'SHrOR UUCS 4thGraG angdnr 3Wnnb nlstAIla?sch°°' /I I
o ...,.,o.., / #1 / I
206 East Pine • Shelton, WA 98584 / INSURANCE Shelton, WA 98584 I I Over Three Generafionso/Quality:erv.e I
/~~ :~ i: SERVICES 360-427-1989 I I [homasPrinting
(360) 426-5637 or 1-800-303-5637 [ • ...... 360-426-5595 I ,I
428 W. Cota St. Sheen, WA 98584
Grace Baptist Church Contact us: a
Mailing addl~ss:
~i~/~tino C~i~h Service 6 pm
~ .2 Phone: (360/462 161I ,~ Chnst~centered Church ~lc~, WA
~! ~:~,~ ,~N~ght¢~;~c~hService ~m
Times of Services: V~'~i~*. (2@0) 4~ ii:.
!:: Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. ,- i~ec"
I:: Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m. ....... : ...... !
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.ra. ~; Listo~on SUMaI Mmi~We~hi~ tt~ ~ec. 2S~hrii~s~ ..............
....... Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m. ~f%:&~e~N ~ KMAS 1030 AM i * Bible ~ht~'
~, ~undaB 9:30 : lO:OOam , Tr,~6~i~naF8:,~ am,
Agate Grange Bldg, on Agate Loop Rd. i Co~n~r~e-$:I,:~ a rot i a Yc,@ A@~es
r. 9:30 a,m., 728 BaUr0adAve. ~.................. .............................................. , . o ,com o l , Mt. Olive St. David's
Pastor Steve Olsen CPd ]o l['eC , l[e Lutheran Church
Paster Brian Weinberer ~o ,, 9~ "Y; EPISCOPAL CHURCH
206 East Wyandotte Avenue A place where all are welcome
Shelton United Methodist Church Christmas Eve Service, 7:00 p.m. 324 w. Cedar St., Shelton l
CrossPoint Service Traditional Service ......... Pre-Service Music. 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve (12/24)
A ............... 19,,rary service A ...... lraditionalservice ~:! ,,~,:~.............................. Candle Lighting Services
: ..... Christmas Day. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
that, Praise Band • Praise'I . Contemporarybegins at 9100MessageAM .... I0:45 AMthat Choirbegins al : :" i!il :i : :{ Office 426-6353 Christmas Day. I0:30 a.m. !i
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Chtldcarebothservices DaYcare427-3165 Office phone: 426-8472 i
~~, Youth Group, Children's Activities, Spiritual Growth Classes www.
NEEDWEEKDAY "~ ' Adult Ch0ir, Small Groups, Bell Choir
Call usCHILDCARE? -~]pr , Intergenerational Ministries, Dynamic Worship Experience l~w
~~ ...forloveoftheworld! Openhearts. Ooenminds. Oaendoors. Church of
The people of Shellon United Methodist Church Refreshed - Restored - Renewed
in Rwers of Grace
~(. Jr? 360 -426-50893~.'2~1~- @ Sunday
o... (All are welcome!) ]
Sunday Services (i) Wednesday Night Service
9:00 ,,~ I Celebration Service 7:o(I ,,~, I Mid w,;okS~rvWe WORSHIP SERVICES
........ [ Celeb ............. ~ Chtldren's