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Shelton residents return after
assignment at Mormon center
Thom Rhoads and his wife, Gayle, re-
cently volunteered as service missionaries
in Wyoming for The Church !of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints.
"It's the best time you can have in your
life. It doesn't get any better than that,"
Thom Rhoads said.
The Rhoadses recently returned to Shel-
ton from their assignment at The Mormon
Handcart Visitors' Center, near Martin's
Cove, Wyo. Gayle Rhoads has a degree in
horticulture so she and Thom supervised
the upkeep and irrigation schedule of the
landscaping at the visitor's center and
worked to keep the deer and the antelope
out of the gardens.
"Martin's Cove, Wyoming is beyond the
middle of nowhere," Thom Rhodes said. "It
is 60 miles to Ronald McDonald. It is over
100 degrees in the summerand gets to 52
degrees below in the winter: Recent statis-
tics show there are more wild animals in
Wyoming than people."
In addition to landscaping and super-
vising other volunteers, the Rhoadses also
were assigned to posts where they had the
opportunity to share stories of the personal
experiences of men, women and children
who were part of two pioneer handcart
companies that were stranded in destitute
conditions during a blizzard near Martin's
The Rhoads said they found it inspiring
to learn about the stamina and faith of the
pioneers; however, Thom had a life-chang-
ing experience himself while they lived for
nearly two years in the isolated Martin's
Cove area.
"I realized that I had been addicted to
many things while living at home in Shel-
ton," Thom said. "I was addicted to TV, to
the newspaper, to bowling, to many things.
I also learned that I had not been attentive
to the needs of my wife. Out in Wyoming
I learned to sleep at night without the TV.
I appreciated having 24 hours every day to
serve alongside my wife and to realize what
a blessing she is in my life. I am going to try
and improve myself as an individual."
Gayle said, "When we first received our
assignments for this mission we didn't even
:know where Martin's Cove, Wyo., was. We
weren't sure how we were going to leave
our house and our family for so long, but we
knew that we wanted to give service as mis-
Courtesy photo
Thom and Gayle Rhoads recently
volunteered as service missionaries
in Wyoming.
sionaries. We just had to have faith that ev-
erything would all work out, and it did. We
enjoyed it so much; we are going to go back."
A statement regarding The Mormon
Handcart Visitors' Center explains that the
purpose of the facility is to "tell the dramat-
ic rescue story of the Willie and the Martin
Handcart Companies. Between 1856 and
1860, ten handcart companies of Latter-day
Saints made their way from Iowa City, Iowa,
or Florence, Neb., to the Salt Lake Valley.
Handcarts proved to be a less expensive
and often faster means of travel than wag-
on trains. Eight of these companies passed
over the more than 1,000 miles with little
trouble. Two of these 10 companies, how-
ever, became stranded in early, monstrous
snowstorms in Wyoming. The story of the
suffering of those two companies and of
their eventual rescue by Latter-day Saints
from the Salt Lake Valley is poignant and
The site where the Martin Company of
handcart pioneers took refuge is surround-
ed on three sides by rocky ridges and has a
high sandy mound in its center; this cove
provides protection from wind and blizzard
conditions. The visitor's center is free, open
daily to tourists and has more than 100
handcarts available for use by individuals
or groups who would like to make the trek
to and from Martin's Cove. During the peak
weeks the Rhoadses reported about 200-300
visitors per day. The reenactment treks,
which are pre-scheduled by various groups,
involved about 3,000-4,000 trekkers over
the course of the season.
,Diabetes support group meeting upcoming
"Diabetes skin care & next topic for the MasonBSN, RN, CWCN, will pro-
wound prevention" - topic General Hospital Sheltonvide essential information
for January MGH Shel- Diabetes Support Group on prevention and immedi-
ton diabetes support group meeting will cover this sub- ate, proper care of wounds
meeting ject -- "Diabetes Skin Care and irritations to the skin.
One of the potential long- & Wound Prevention." TheFamily members are encour-
term effects of diabetes is class is set for Thursday, aged to attend so they can
nerve and blood vessel dam- Jan. 19, 2012, from 1 to 2 be part of this prevention for
age, with the skin and feet p.m. in the Ellinor Room at their loved ones with diabe-
often being affected first, the Hospital. tes. Time will be set aside
For this reason diabetics Mason General Hospital'sfor questions and answers.
must take exceptional care Wound Care Services Co- For more information go
of their feet and legs. The ordinator, Lena McGinnis, to
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