December 23, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1965 |
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That's how the 40 & 8-Journal Cllrist-
lVund traveled this past week, with the
htl to the floorboard.
Contributions si n c e our last report
close to doubling the pr ious total,
nosed the fund past the $, 00 mark---
of the $1,000 goal for which it is
t heg exact figure is $935.44 as compar-
lie last week's accounting at $527.44.
I.These final three days before Christ-
should see the goal reached. Contri-
ions will be accepted with appreciation
thc,gt) still unattained. Just
Percy M. Pio Bookbinding Co.
6017 S. E. 86th
Portland, Ore. 97216
$ $ $ *
send or bring them lo the ,lore'hal ()ffi('c
for acknowledgment in these columns.
Three I)rand new (.ontributors to the
fund this year hell)ed make this l)ast week's
gains so impressive - the Shelton l)uplicate
Bridge Club with $100, the Elks Lodge ,lin-
gle Club of Olympia with $50, and the
State Patrol Academy staff with $21. Wel-
come abom'd, friends!
This evening and tomorrow the elbow-
grease l)hase of the Christmas basket l)roj-
cot gels under way, when voyageurs of
Mason Comity 40 & 8 Voiture 135, assisted
by their fcminim~ eomlterl)art:s of Mason
County 8 & 40 Salon No. 51 will gather in
the PUD 3 auditorium, where project (;hair-
man .lay UmpheImur will have stacks of
groceries and piles of toys accumulated so
they can assemble approximately 90 Christ-
mas baskets.
These baskets will be distributed to-
morrow to Mason County homes where
Lady Luck hasn't been smiling too fre-
quently of late, bringing to them a bit of
Christmas haPl)iness which might be lack-
ing co .npletely otherwise.
The baskct distribution will be han-
dled by truck drivers from PUI) 3 in Shel-
ton and Belfair, PUD 1 from Hood Canal,
and some 40 & Sers and others who have
helpcd in the years past.
Contributors since last week's listing:
State Partol Academy .................................... $ 21.00
J, E. and V. B ..................................................... 2.00
Shelbon Duplicate Bridge Club .................... 100.00
Katherine Van Arsdale .................................... 5.00
Anonymous ......................................................... 5.00
Mr, and Mrs. Max Schmidt Jr ......................... 5.00
Chapter B, P.E,O..: ............................................ 5.00
Anonymous from California .......................... 5.00
Degree of Honor ................................................ 5.00
Mr. and Mrs, A. Roy Dunn ........................ 5.00
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1694 ............ 10.00
,Pete Kosmonek ................................................ 5.00
Heinie's Broiler .................................................. 10.00
Donald B. Smith ................................................ 5.00
Zonta Club ............................ ,. ............................. 15.00
Econ-o-Wash Laundry ...................................... 5.00
Laura & Mlckey Wagener .............................. 2.00
Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's Association ........ 25.00
J. G, (GIb) Rucker (California) .................... 5,00,.
Licensed Practical Nurses .............................. 5.00
Mary, Judy, Mike and Bill ............................ 5.00
Nei'la Pharmacy ................................................ 10.00
Madrona Barracks World War I
Veterans Post 1462 .......................................... 10.00
T. W, (Tom) Webb ........................................... 5.00
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellaaon ............................ 5.00
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman ........................ 5.00
Hood Canal Woman's Club ............................ $,00
Bert V. Hoard .................................................... 5.00
Elks Jingle Club (Olympia) ........................ 50.00
Washington State Nurses Au'n.
Diat, No. 22 ........................................................ 17.00
Shelton Printing Company. ............................. 5,00
The Journal Staff ............................................ 15.00
Exceptional Foresters ...................................... S.O0
20th Century Thriftway ................................ 20°00
Anonymous .......................................................... 1.00
Previously listed .......................................... 527.44
.... GRAND TOTAL TODAY ........................ $935.44
Shelton City Commission
'ink a six-year street pro-
|Which was presented to it
try Supervisor Pat Byrne last
B. new plan is a revision of
~-year plan approved two
'J.yag0, which, according to
~'~egulations, must be revised
~[Pdated every two years.
Program outlines proposed
improvement work over the
~lx years and the source of
~es for them. Byrne stressed
.uIpany of the projects includ-
~the program are contingent
l establishment of LIDs by
~Y owners along the routes
AIl nancial participation by thc
~¢~Ly °wners thr°ugh these
~.~DULED ON TIlE pro-
][,.Program for 1966 is the
--,IFeraent of K Street from
A~.ic Highway North to the
Mlltaits. The project has an
-I~ted coslt, of $67,500 with $46,-
]~taing from the city's share
State gas tax and $21,450
• 1~:~.n LID. The LID for this
~t has already been approved
~s city plans to advertise for
• ~ the work early next year.
l'proJeet had been planned
"~ ,!s year, but, was delayed
~ack of finances for city
.... ~)6'~her project set for 196~
Next t
:i~ ,lournal will lmbllsh e:tr-
,~ln next week beeltuse of
~ew Year's holiday.
m '~dline for news and adver-
~Will be moved up one day.
i~,rlber~ will get their pap-
~ednesday instead of Thurs-
i.~ the mail.
i~tllines lor rural correspon-
~i~t collmm~, society news
~s~ld regular and classified
;~. advertising will be noon
~Y,~: Y.
:~fleadline for e.lassified ad-
~g is 8 p.m. Monday.
deadline for general news
...~:ls 5 p.m. Monday.
ibility study of San Joaquin and
Otter Streets from First to Chest-
nut Streets up Capitol Hill. Esti-
mated cost of this study is $1,090.
Scheduled for 1967 under the
proposed six-year program is the
improvement with asphaltic con-
crete, curb and gutter of Seventh
Street from Franklin to Alder
Streets at a cost of $31,000, of
which $23,000 would have to come
from an LID. Also on the program
is acquisition of right-of-way on
Turner Street between Sixth and
Seventh Streets at an estimated
cost of $1,200.
On the proposed program for
1968 is the improvement with hard
surfacing and an intersection
change on Pioneer Way between
Harvard and Arcadia Streets at
an estimated cost of $40,000 an_dd
Attorney Named
For Forgery
Suspect Here
James J. Green, 29, Shelton, ap-
peared in Mason County Superior
Court Friday for identification be-
fore Judge Charles Wright. Green
~e~-charged with first de~ree for-
gory in conn~eti0n "with scvcral
checks written to Shelton buM-
lleSs~ several weeks ago.
Judge Wright appointed John
Ragan. Shelton attorney, to repro-
sent Green.
FORMAL ORDERS of sentenc-
ing were signed for four young
men who had entered pleas of
guilty to charges previously and
had been given suspended sen-
The orders were signed for Rob-
ert Boynton, charged with second
degree assault a~(1 James I-Lich-
rater, Archic Pinder t~nd: Robert
DeVoe Jr. all charged with grand
larceny. The latter three, all Of'
Seattle did not appcar in court
for the' orders Friday.
Albert James OrtAz, charged
with forgery, appeared .in court
and asked for marc time to obtain
an attorney. The judge granted
]'din more time.
County residents will The one block of Railroad Ave.
across the world in ob- ] will be closed off at 6:30 p.m, for
C'hristmas Saturday. ]preparations for the presentation.
.~ost pro-Christmas activi" ~The pageant is scheduled to start
t, a feW are still coming]at 7 p.m. The street will be re-
: ,~ tetnainder of this week. ]opened to traffic about 7:45 p.m.
i~ St. Edward's Catholiclwhen the pagcant is concluded
;':~,Catholic Youth Organiza-[and the street cleared•
~:|i~u stage its Nativity Par-] This will also be the last night
':~k~.lllght in Evergreen Square ] for the Shelton Yacht Club's
~.~g.~lot and Railroad Arc. bc-] Christmas Ship on Hammcrslcy
[Inlet and Oakland Bay. The ship
will leave the city doc'k at. 6 p.m.
[ for its final cruise.
| STATE, FEDERAL, county and
]city government offices will be
] ch{sed Friday in lieu of the holiday
[ which falls "on Satnrday.
] Most businesses will close at
~r~ D~yS ]their regular closing hour Friday
[ night after being open evcry evc-
tWO XX eeks
] ning for the past ' .'.
CgRI$[NA$, l Students in Shclton School Dis-
]trict will be dimnissed at 1:30
] p.m. Thursday for Christmas wl-
/~ a~:,o~. They ,,,ill return to classcs
• , ".
Thcre will be no rural or city
mail delivery Chrsitmas day, with
the normal holiday mail schedule
in operation. Maii will arrive aL
and leave from the P'ost Office
and willbe distributed to Post
i i 15 H
"it !
''#]1 IMASON GOt I
the improvement of Dclcware ?,t. 79th YEAR--No. 51 Published in "Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
between Pioneer Way and Second
oat office at Shelton. Washington.
Thursday, December 23, 1965 I~tered. aa aecoad ~a~ matter at the p
Street at a cost of $27,000 with m~der Act of Mar~h 8. 1879. :Pub
• lished weekly at 327 West Cota
$20,000 coming from an LID. ! i
ON TIlE PROGI¢AM for 1969 ix
the improvement of E Street from •
Jackson to North 13th Street at
a cost of $89,000 with $70,000 to
come from LID participation.
On the program for 1970 is thc
improvement of Arcadia Street
from Lake Blvd. to Olympic High-
way South at a cost of $8,1,006 iI
wi[h $67,000 to come from LID
part;icipation; Lake Blvd. from
Second to University Streets, at
a cost of $21,000 with $16,700 to
come from LID participation and
10th StreeL from Turner to Euclid From Shelton's Young Artists
at a cost of $52,000 with $34,000
to come from LID participation.
Scheduled for 1971 is work on
Ravens %Vay fronl Tulner to Eu-
clid at a cost of $52,000 with $34,-
000 to come from lAD particip:~-
t ion. ly
S(.hedulod for 1971 i,'; a f(,asi-
l) } iv SII ely (m I