December 23, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1965 |
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Square Dance Qroup Goes To Olympia
Members of the Salty Sashay-lson, Pat Fdeny, and AI Santignan
ers Square Dance class from Shel- "el e w h e ~r m'f'o
:. ". .. . t J n d it th • ol ~ m Shel-
ton taught by ~enme ~ernasonl,,,, ,~, +~.^ .r¢.~
joined classes from Olympia for a ..................... . .
dance at the Lac-a-do Hall near The Salty Sashayers will hold
Olympia Monday night, clleir New Year's Eve d~nce D~C;
Olympia clasSes of Clint Dot.- 31 with Bennie Berndson as caller.
Ilkl I I I III II n I lUll I! II I I I
Sav.upto40 on
Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as:
Aluminum Windows • St0rmDoors
Storm Window Kits,.,: .........
11= • ~o O T'I7_ _J_l .... ~;L~ ~__.L..~_ .._ A major/lake developmentpro, !of'lot'owners, public access areas
insulation weamer- tr!pplng ject is Underway on .La~ke Arrow- and lake, lagoon and stream front-
............... . . " ' ' " heart about, is:.mileS from Shelton a~e ,10ts ..... ,
: . :.... ] just. off the Lost' tart! Ro-d. ' ..... Development of the,project was
' : " _~ . -_, ' II Ilacluded in plans for the pro- started last spring, McGowan said
EAOR~TT LUMBER OOMPANY []Ject, being'devel0pedby J. Robert and will involve about a $700,000
-. u nMcGow is an. airpoz~ capable investment to complete it. :
ON HILLCREST ' ' PHONE 426-4522 in o, fiandling ,sm~l~l planes, a~ g01f' The lake ~of abopt 54 acres, is
' " ....... , i: .... : ~ [ c~urse, .stable facilities for horseshasShapedat vaxiousLike antimesarrowheadbeen known'and
5th Grade
Greeting by Pat Kneeland
Evergreen School
':as: Simpson Lake,' service. Lake,
Service and Hill Lake, and Ping Lake.
Most 0v WOR So far,
McGowan said, has been in pre-
liminary design and basic engin-
eering. Work has been done in
changing the drginage to provide
a Stable Water level and on the
outlet channel, . The outlet channel
changes have been approved by the
State Fisheries Department and
will now allow fish to get up into
the lake to spawn.
Work has beeh started on clear-
ing the proposed air field and one
of the basic channels is now com-
pleted, the developer said.
The next project will be the in-
stallation of the necessary roads
in the plat. A preliminary sketch
of the plat has been approved by
the county planning commission
and is being carried through td
final approval.
The plans call for the construc-
tion of a general store and service
station. The service station is be-
ing planned so it will be able to
handle land, air and water custo-
mers.- It will be leased when it
is completed,
Continued from page 1)
Evergreen School
Cindy Monger
Larry Shelton
Laura Greene
patsy Batstone
Leona Dahman
Ronnie Fox
Robin Tibbits
Scott Remsberg
Jimmie Oakes
Debra Gallinger
Anita Schimschat
Elizabeth Jean Poe
Jaimie Greene
Skip St!dd
Sylvia Frazier
Alan Roach
Mr. View School
Leans Correa
Kris Carte
Anita Knight
Lorl James
Lori Thompson
Elaine Pappas
Ann Phillips
Kenny Downer
Merry Coffey
Bruce Bamford
Dawn Rae
Terry Clark
Bobby Godwin
Randy Coot~
Lora Lea Knight
Dorothy Barnes
May all the Christmas Wishes
you receive from far and near
eome True to bring you happi-
ness to Last throughout the year.
--Tupper's Resort
at Lake Nahwatzel
Founord 1686 by Grattt C. Angle
SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance
Out~ide Mason County $5.00
DISPLAY ADVI~RTISING .... Tuesday noon
PICTURES AND NEWS -- Tuesday 5 p.m.
WANT ADS -- Wednesday 1O ~.m.
Mailing Address, Box 430,. Shelton, Wn. 9SSS,/ Phone 426-4412
r'ublished at Shftlton, Mason County, WaslUngton, every Tlmrsday.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
, ,n
, ,,,| , ,,,
They Seem Worse At This Time
There is no time of the year when traffic a('cidents are
nice; but, somehow, they seem worse during the Christmas
holiday season. To have a serious accident around Christ-
mas -injuries and car repair bills--sort of takes away the
joy of the season. And, of course, what could be worse
than losing a loved one during this time?
Perhaps it is time to stop and think. You
know, it could happen to you and your family.
Possibly it might even be the other driver's fault,
but itcould happen.
q his doesn't mean you should park t.l]e family auto in
the garage until the season is ow r. After all, the automo-
bile was designed to be a thing of convenience and pleasure.
It can still be all that. But, it requires some work on your
part. It means that you must do more than just obey the
traffic laws yoursel.f you'll have to be on the defensive and
be alert every second you are behind the wheel. You've
heard it before--DRIVING IS A FULL-TIME JOB---it takes
all your concentration. Yon may be obeying the laws, but
what happens if the other driver isn't? Then is the time
you find out if you are just a person behind the wheel, or
and expert. You see, the expert is ready for anything that
the other driver might do--it's called defensive driving.
So for now and during the holiday season why don't
you join the experts? When you are driving, make it a full-
time Job. This type of driving will greatly rmhance your
chances for fully enjoying the wonderful Christmas season.
This Kt ow God Lives
On Christmas Day a soldier in Vietnam, dirty with
jungle mud and blood, will tear open a letter from home.
For a few moment he will forget his bone-aching fatigue,
remembering boyhood days with his family and the excite-
sent of getting and giving gifts.
The sour-sweat smell of barracks and the dank green
odor of jungle camps will be replaced by the smell of white
sheets on the old bed at home on ( hristmas Eve, Hm pung-
ence of Christmas trees and the aroma of food from moth-
er's kitchen.
The illusion will be gone even before the letter is fin-
ished and that soldier will long for peace, more than you or
I who have never lived on a battlefield can ever long for
peace, and he may weep form meaning that has gone out
of his life.
At long as that soldier feels joy from no more than
the reading of a letter nn a battlefield, or has hope ex-
pressed as a longing for peace, or repents througl~ tears
for lost meaning, we know that God is alive. (Contributed)
Three Limber sales, involving
about 84,000 feet of Douglas Fir
will be held at the Department of
Natural Resources District Head-
quarters here at 10 a.m. Jan. 3. i
The tracts are appraised at less
than $2,000.
The 1965 wool marketing year
ends Dec. 31. Have you filed your
application for incentive paymen~
under the WoOl program. Jan. 31
is the deadline date for filing ap-
Karen Hansen
Mark Lewis
Brenda Singer
Kathleen Carl
Kim Stacy
James Dougherty
Dwight McKay
Mark Manke
Ilene Malloy
Kathy Bac
Darl Goldy
Robin Feu!ing
Dee Ann Davidson
Christine Frank
Tina Burbank
Walter Jackson
Belinda Darden
Tracy Leahy
Kerry Kramer
Roland Starr
Genell Stockwell
Brenda Singer
Tim Timpani
Robert Fox
Randy Homan
Terry Knauf
Kaye Duffsy
Leroy Bramer
Kenny gingery
Debby Parsons
Glenn L¢~ds
Stevcn Hansen
Mike Sullivan
Tim Fuller
Raymond Krumpols
Steve Baze
Randy Howard
Gary Simpson
NOT FOUND---The search con-
tinues for the body or Wm0am
O. Dennis, 21, a former Shelton
resident, in Gibbs Lake in Jef-
ferson County. Dennis drowncd
in thc lake Dec. 5 while duck
The State Highway Department
will open bids at 10 a.m. Jan. 4
on the Vaughn bridge on Highway
The work, estimated to cost
$50,000 to $100,000, will include a
pre-stressed concrete gilder
bridge and minor surfacing and
paving with asphalt of persons el
the approach to the bridge.
Where The Action Is
Greeting by Cheryl Tabor
5th Grade ' Evergreen School
I Notice to T,c,F. Patrons ' ~i
J Our Shelton office will close at 3:00 Friday afternoon to en, I
| able T.C.F. employees to more fully enjoy the holiday week end with |
I their frlends ?nd loved ones. i .... ; I
,"7 rUu.sroa,
Home Branch rane
Ii We at Mountain View Laundry
i Dry Cie'a:;dng center I
i. wish to say
,..~..,, c..,sr,.As i
who helped make our first year - "I
6th Grade
Thursday, December
Dr[t\vlt by Nolin Straiten
Sixth Grade - ML. View School
4th Grade
Greeting by Diane Crow
At This Holiday Season We At NeWs Pharmacy
Our Deep Appreciation To Our Customers For Their
Friendship And Patronage During The Pa~t Year.
5th & Franklin
Greeting by Angeh~ Dccicio
Mt. View