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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IsA61E. 4 ~:: ...... ,,,,,;,?.=!! ~d,. . ~ Mt. Moriah Lodge F. & A. M. No. 11 Monday, December 27 (St. 30hn'$ Night) Stated Communications Lodge Opens 8 p.m. Loul O. Larson, W.M. Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary I1: I II• I I i I I 'G'ddy / 1 "gid¢ly" feeling may indi- cate the/presence of a.bodily di~urbance. .when a SiXth Grade ^ ,i ,i,, i i i Ii ii i i II III II.J.I..J CONKLIN NOW CORPORATE MEMBER OF ARCH!TE(TrS W. E. (Bill) Conklin has recent- ly been accepted as a corporate member of the American Institute of Architects.' With his acceptance as such, Conklin henceforth will call the office he opened here last spring as William Edward Conklin A.I.A, Architect. DL's CORNE~ Did I 'send ~ Christmas card to Aunt Mable? I hope I have remembered everyone on my list. Those are a couple of things peo- ple are thinking about this time of year. Then, just about the tirpe you think, you are ready for the big event, you receive a card from , . • . , , - ST-TI TON--MASON COUNTY Y0ERNAL --= Publisheit in "Ohr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington l, , , I. , , I I I I I I that long, 10st relative • • . THE HOLIDA~ HOUSE announced the prize-winners at their recent op6n house. They are: James Donovan, [ HOME DECORATED--Numerous homes in Mason son near the Shelton Airport is one of the many Tacoma, $5 merchandise certlfi: I County have been gaily decorated for the Christ- whose excellent decorations make the area sparkle. cate; Kathy Province, Potlatch, I masrseason. 'The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wi[ ......... ............................... Christmas centvrpiece; and M~s. [ Dam Wild'n, Sh¢lton, a Christmas swag. Congratdl~tiqns to all .:.. I '.,The MASON COUNTY FEDER- I AL CREDITUNION Will be closed Dec. 30-31 for f0r d closing of '.of annual divi. AGO0 Too Late To Classify FOR RENT -- Three bedrtmm centrally ]mated house. References. Pll[)n¢~ 426- 8113. 12/23 tfn EMPLOYMENT WANTED -- Dentist .~.~qL¢~t.all.t, ,~ .year..~ exp~;ri[,qlee.....Per~ sonal interview between Dec. 2~-30. Phone 426-4512. J 12/23 FOR SALE -- Mirror 27x48 inches. Phone 426-4512. J 12/23-30 FOR SALE -- 1947 10J£, Dodge flat- lind truck and '45 GMC pickup. Runs good. Phone 426-2582. . N 12/23. tfn FOR SALE or rent, Four bedroom house on fiw~ acres. Four acl'e~ ill Christmas trees. Small duwn pay- mont. Phone 426-2582. N 12/23 ifn Legal Publications CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllat 20 ::.. 40 ',.-- e,:$Q •,"e:00 7 ' ~ • ".::. ,/ . ' ' ~ :~' ~ .... one apparently made by the : ..... ! l~m :, : ~W E~ AT H err ' !~ • ': , men them,selves; The cover (re- !, : ...... Hi~hr L0,W Pr~oip, ' 'produced:here) is made of ori- , ~ L.('3~~ 27 ~-- .shtol sllk in brilliant red, yel- l7 ~'...:"4030 -~ i .,'l~w, green, black• and white 'i 18!, • 3632 .10 . iae:Wn on a piece of book paper, ':'19 ~ .... 4i 35 : 16 inside which is an insert of bond " + paber on which is printed ' "~hristmas Greetings and all Drawn by Nancy Dayton ...... Mt. View School • , VIETNAM •GREETING -- The L~ ..... A~erioa0 Legio:n Auxiliary unit ;~: of Fred B.;Wivell Post No. 31 :: ':":' re ceiVe'd elChristmas greeting .... :' ,C Card from the Officers and men ; : '~ 0fthe: 3rd Antitank; Battalion of ~ .tl~e 3rd Marine Division FMF serving in the field in South :" ' Vietnam WhiCh expressed their r appi'eclatl0~'for= the more than ;, . .2,000 books sent to them after a .!.. • s hort~ Intense drive in this com- ,~:. ' mufiity. The-greeting card is ' 'i " G ooid Wishes for the New Year." In'sfde the back cover is printed a',;plr.ture of an, American tank .with, this message written in ink: ,Our sincere thanks to you and all the wonderful people of Shelton, Washington, for your eff0~ts, books and for support- ing' us. May God bless every one of :you." The card was received by ,,Mrs. Rae MMcum, president of the American Legion Auxil- iary here. I l , M. Knight Sed(s BUS Driver ,,,,.. By Llnda Milletand Betty Lester Applications for the position of bus driver may be made by con- tactlng the school office or Supt. Eugene French for the proper forms. The seventh and eighth grades held their annual Christmas party Dec. 18, from 7 to 10:30 p.m. About 30 to 35 students attended. The chaperons were Mrs. Brown, the seventh and eighth grade teacher, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves, Mrs, .Kenneth Gribble, Mr. French and Mr. Brown. There was a dazice and games were played• We also had a Santa Claus, played by Greg Brown, 0ne of our seniors. He made a long list of requests for gifts which is on the school bulletin board. Dec, 28, the 'M.M.K. Owls will scaled bids will be recch, ed by the Board of Commlssioners of Public play basketball against North Ms- Utility District No. 1 of Mason Coun- son in the M M'K gymnasium ty, Washington, until 8:00 p.m., Men- -.. U|ll..--J~ • ll~.~w~,r,.,.-. "~'~,':~rx~r~,Y V¢-I~TES I day, January 24. 1966 at its oIfice Mary Helen Anderson --Pat Carver AND I HAPPY NEW YEAR! 25,500 lbs: G-• V IV, togethcr'w.lth.~a . ~ [ line construction bo~y, a nyurauuc turrent derrick and digger suitable for use as u power line construction and maintenance truck. Each bidder ]will be rcqutred to submit a bid bond ]in the amount of 5 percent of the [ bid price. J Specifications may be obtained at l the District's office or Ul)On written request to Star Route I, Box 233, Shelton, Washington. Dated this 20th day of December, 1965. Public Utility District No. 1 of Mason County, Washington Harold Hunter, Secretary 12/23-30 2t For Christmas Giving Drawn by Steplmnie Ann Martin Fifth Grade ,, Bordeaux School 317 Railroad Aven6e'e BROCK STLIRDEvANT, President • 426,8288 o . sets ca rts hods color holders doors ,screens f!roplaces i tongs matches fire log coal fire wood glassfyre portable free-standing . g r a t e s Carlson Tile & Fireplace Shop 2335 Olympic Hwy. N, 426-2057 Li!i ;i< ! Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Johnson, Star Route 1 Box 56, became par. ents of a baby girl December 18. SH ELTON DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB WINNERS .Winners in Monday night's play for the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club were Gordon and Don Ben- nett, a tie for 2nd, 3rd and 4th be- tween Gusti Goldschmid, Dexter Edge, Katherine Van Arsdale Lyna Getty, Rex Umphenour and Lillian Updyke: Fifth place went to Walt Parsons and Bob Quimby. MANN REAL ESTATE Where The Action Is ,i FROM THE MASON COUNTY JUSTICE COURT Appearing in Mason County ustice Conrt Dec. 17 before Judge. Pro Tern John Ragan were: Washimjton State Patrol Harold Wilbur, failure to dim headlights, no operator's license, $12 forfeit; Charles Richards, f, dl- ure to dim headlights, $12 forfeit; Daniel Cush, public intoxication, $25 forfeit. SHERIFFS OFFICE Phil Sentz of Hohabs Boy Scout Camp reported someone had en- tered the boat house at the camp. Sharon Marion reported an at- tempted gasoline theft. Mrs. Kelly of Arcadia Road re- ported a horse lost. Harris and Thomas Christmas Tree Co. reported the theft of a chain saw from a tool shed at the company's tree yard• Rubin Bindara reported some- one used his boat then sank it. Tom Daze reported vandalism to several mail boxes along the Dayton Road. James Churchill Succumbs Here James W. Churchill, Star Rt. 2 Box 141, died Sunday in Shelton General Hospital. He was born in Wisconsin Dec. 23, 1902 and had been a resident of Mason County about 50 years. The funeral service was held at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Batstone Funeral Home. Burial was in Shel- ton Memorial Park. He is survived by his wife, Mar- garet A. Churchill, Shelton; four sons, Lewis, James Jr., Charles T. and Carl V., all of Shelton; three daughters, Mrs. Richard B. Val- ley and Mrs. Fredric W. Kilbourne, both of Brookfield Mo., and Mrs. Vern A. Teeter, Glaham, Wash.; 23 grandchildren and nine great- grandchildren; one brother, (::has. O. Churchill, Grover City, Calif.; four sisters, Mrs. Esiher Kidd Mrs. Bessie Durand and Mrs. Al- ice Puhn, all of Shelton, and Mrs. Marian Cousins, of Bainbridge Is- land. Edna Mac Bender Taken Bv Death Edna Mae I~ender, 600 Park street, died last Thursday in the Shelton General hospital at 70 years of age. She was born Nov. "Ic.,.drh,.L Nob., and 23, 1395 in '- ..... ' 'lied been a resident: 'of Mason county tke past 27 years. The funeral ~ervice was con- dueled by Rev. Eugene Knautz at 11 a.m. Monday in the 19atstone Funeral Home• Burial was in Shel- ton Memorial Park. Surviving arc her husband, Jas- per Bender, Shelten; one son, Capt. Lynn Bender, U. S. Army, Law- ton, Okla.; one daughter, Mrs. Jean Sawyer, Shelton; four grand- sons; one brother, Ernest Bruce Orchard, Neb.; and one sister Mrs. Joe Burrell, Tekamah, Neb. MANN REAL ESTATE Where The Action Is Open Evenings Until 9 p.m. Until Christmas Olsen Furniture 4th &Cota 426-4702 Record SHERIFF'S OFFICE AI-iHES'fS Booked at the Mason County Sheriff's office dllrillg the l);h~;l week were Albert M. SmiIh. driv- ing wl,ile inloxicatcd; Larry Mil- let', negiigenL driving. SH ELTON POLICE Clifford Ristine rup(,rled :m an- Lctlna brol.:ei1 off his car. Alb~l't E. Parker reporled his ca.r hit by auother whi!e it was parked across from Clinic Hos- pital. Tile other car did no~ slop. Fred Pharris ]'eporlcd n car was blocking his driveway. Arthur Hedgers reported a pis- tol stolen Cecil Purvis reporled the theft of a tire and wheel from his :Ap~- Lion wagon. Gordon Jay brought in a bicy- cle he found over 1.he bank along Pioneer Way. Robert Furseth reported anoth- er ear hit his while it was t)arlced along Third Street. Clarence Bariekman ]'eportcd the theft of-71 ChrisLmas tree light bulbs. SUPERIOR COURT New Cases State Tax Commission ngainst Steve Sagmiller doing business as the Sheton Hotel. unpaid taxes (second filing ). Coast Credit Service against Mr. and Mrs. Frances Peterson. R. W. King against InvesLment Syndicate Inc. and Scofield Real Estate Inc.. debt. SHELTON POLICE COURT Appearing on tile docket in Shelton Police Court befo]'e ,Judge Rolls Halbert Monday night were Dorothy H. Barnett, failure 1•o yield right of way, $20 forfei!;: Dominian Babinski. drunlcenness tive days m jail $9.50 costs: John M. Juniinan. drunkenness $25 forfeit; Robert B. Johnson. negli- gen~ driving, $30 forfeit. A Christmas tree was removed from the t)lanter on CoLa Street between the Shelton Pawn Shop and the Little and BiK Shoppe. l~ichard Booth repori.ed a Welsh Terrier bad strayed from his heine. (?harles Young reported a set, of keys lost.. Carolyn O'Neill rel)orh'(I a tire and wheel taken from her station wagon. Thursday, December 23, 191 Cosmetics for YOU (This question and answer )n cosmetics is brought to as a courtesy by Nell's ?o help you in your choice inI oroper cosmetic for you.) USING BASE AND TOP Q. I Joel that any nail even when the bottle says nol rcqllire 11, b&se or l:/:~ts longer wlmn such a is a(.tua.lly used. Am I right? A. If your nail enamel a week or ten days, it is ink as it should. Frosted nail enamel is tot alld lonR'er-wearing than nail enamel an.d timrefore doe~ require a base and top coat. if you fired that your nail htsL'; longer when a base or coa~ is used, by all means Keep m mind however, that a top coat will lessen the look el a nail enamel. CUTTING VS. FILING NAI Q. I have been told that my nails before shaping and them will help make them It this true? A. In my opinion, no. has no effect upon the nails• Shaping should be done emery board. The filing in one direction only; up one and down the other. Never back and forth. COLD WEATHER CARE Q. What is the best way to for the skin in cold weatimr? A. During cold weather, skin on exposed parts of tile is robbed of its natural oils only by outdoor elements, indoor steam heating. During (:old weather do tl]c following: • Une tm emollient cream o~ ion on your at least day. • Never go olttdoors protective or foundation finder ,VOllr Ill:ll(eLlp. • Use a hand lotion on hands, legs and arms a day. FINEST RCAVICTOR STEREO PORTABLE The PORTABLE MARK I 4VC8 Series THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN SECOND AND COTA STREETS Precision Studiomatic changer floats down into playinR position. Feather Action Tone Arm protects records against audible needle scratch. Four speakers--two 6V2", two 3V2"--in detachable swing-out enclosures, for extra-dim,~nsional stereo sound. Diamond swhls. Sep- arate bass, treble, volume, stereo balance controls. Sing along mi- crophone. Vinyl-covered metal case. frorrl • •%:./-" Drawn by Bonnie DeRoche Sixth Grade lV[t. View 325Railroad Nita and Jim Bariekman UNUSUAL STEREO VALUE By from Six.speaker stereo sbUnd. Dua, Channel Amplifier.Stu- $239.95 di0matic 4.speed changer. The TAHOE VGT t5 series And Many Additional :i Models To Choose From SOUND iiance Where You Get The Best Deal, By George 426-4663