December 23, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1965 |
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December 23, 1965
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Ohrisfmasfown U.g.A." Sheltonl
i For
to Everyone, Everywhere,
.," says a sign hanging un-
ath the Ltlliwaup Post Of-
name during this holiday sea-
ld when patrons of the post
e came in from the chilly out-
s Monday and Tuesday they
surprised with the aroma of
dy-brewed coffee. Despite the
stress rush, Postmaster Faith
is had arranged to add a bit
hristmas cheer for office pat-
by serving coffee and cookies
day and Tuesday in the lobby.
lliwaup folks mailing some of
,very last greeting cards and
els and getting their daily
enjoyed the "coffee break"
enjoyed exchanging best wish-
r happy holidays with friends
came in. Yule decorations in-
and outside the post office
ng have added to the hospi-
atmosphere of this cozy
community center.
:h Christmas preparations,
ully, almost completed plans
he spend[ng o~ the hohday,
are uppermost.
}D YUL", and true Peace on
t" was the wish extended to
columnist and her readers
Week by Vivien Olson, when
told us of the plans her family
Jor Christmas.
~e Ed Olsons' plans this year--
[her permitting!--include a
:to the beautiful San Juan
~ds. They will enjoy two days
L their daughter and her fam-
the Dave Hansons, who are
Lding six months at the U. of
at Friday Harbor while Dave
~eparing a paper in connection
!his work for his Ph.D.
~e Olsons enjoyed a pre-Chl4st-
visit from son Wally Webb
family from Pacifica, Cal-
The Sweason
• .- . • • • •
in Viet Num.
Last Saturday night in the Yule
decorated woman's clubhouse at
Potlatch, members of the Lions
Club held their last game night
for 1965_ Their turkey door prize
wasWhO by Mrs. Lee Hale of
Hoodsport. ;~he next game night
party will be Saturday night, Jan.
NEW YEAR'S EYE playing pin-
ochle and having midnight re-
freshments, is going to appeal to
many Lilliwaup folks as a sane,
safe and happy way to see the
New Year in. The L{lliwaup Com-
munity Club has issued a genera!.
invitahon to their New Year's eve
party iu the community hall. Re-
freshments will be potluck. There
will be prizes for the pinochle
,weekend in Seattle with their
sons families is being planned by
the Jack Cattos, who will be house
guests of Mrs. Catto's son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Hill. They will have Christmas
day dinner at the home Of Jack's
son, John A. Catto. Five grand-
children in the two homes will be
visited by them.
After Christmas they are plan-
ning a trip to spend a couple of
days in Vancouver, B.C., accom-
panying Mr. and Mrs. Pim~pont Ro-
binson, brother and sister-in-law
of Mrs. Carte.
A FAMILY gathering at the
home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George
Berg, will take Addle and Dick
Schaufler to Silverdale for Christ-
i mas. The Bergs are in their beau-
]tiful new home high on a view
i hill above Silverdale and plan a
i ceiling-high Christmas tree, white
with blue ornaments in a large
window overlooking the bay.
Others sharing the event will
Iche Couple
Army Enlistments in
Recovering From
Department Presents Christmas Program; 8|8|6 On The In©rease
, Capt. Wallace J. Stauffer, In-
German Club Holds Christmas Party formation Officer, U. S. Army Re-
~ ~B~ [T~AJI?o~]~~¢~¢__=~eflt II m rueS By CINDY WlLLARD an effective system of control cruiting Main Station in Seattle,
announced today, that enlistments
In keeping with the spirit of the soon. in Washington were up 60 per
season, Sbelton High School mu- * * *
sic department presented a 45- GERMAN S'I'O L L E N (fruit cent in November over those of
I~AsM'~oLf~tIORMA~ minute portion of their annual bread) was the featured offering October.
wi Tlll~tyg~t we~: Christmas concert whici~ was ,re- to guests at the German Club'sCapt. Stauffer noted that the
m sented to the general public Fri-"Kaffee Klatsch" Dec. 15. sharp increase in enlistments
tOsheltonMr, andGeneralMrS. AlHospitalLOrd atwherethe daL night, to the students of SHSThe members had obviously shows that young men facing the
they are recuperating from injur- la.,t Thursday, beginning at 11 worked hard to organize the party draft, find the guaranteed enlist-
ments program offered by the
ies suffered in an auto ~ccidenta.m. for the SHS faculty and Latia Army, much more desirable.
last week. Their sons, Jay and Bruce Moorehead directing the Club members.
Bryon are here to spend tim holt- band, opened the 'program with The tables in the Multi-purpose According to Staufcr, the. guar-
days with them. several selections, including a pot- room had been decorated with anteed enlistment program and
A pro-Christmas dinner was tion of Tschaikovsky's "Nutcrack- boughs of Christmas greenery, the expanded Officer Candidate
served at the home of Bob and er Suite'. '. and candles glowed in the soft Schools offer young men a wide
range of fields to choose from.
h'ma Pendergra£t one evening last A jovial Santa Claus (actually darkness of the room. Fields such as, electronics, air-
week to guests, John and Lucillehis helper Bill Mendenlmll) visit- Upon the serving table was the craft maintenance, x-ray, airborne
Rice with daughters, Cynthia andcd the students assembled to urge stollen, punch and coffee services and hundreds of others are wait-
Shelby and Don and Mabel Air- their cooperation with the Girls' and a small Christmas tree adorn-
kens." . . Club by delivering their offerings ed with colorful frosted cookies, ing those who can qualify.
Stauffer added, "there are many
Mrs. Florence Taylor entertameaof toys for the club s annual toy Tl~e guests were welcomed as fields offered in the Army in
the ladies of the Past Matrons at drive, they approached the table, by a which a young man can learn
her home Thursday with a Christ- The SHS college-prep choir was large colored paper Christmas
mas luncheon, introduced and its members pro-greeting-- "Frohe Weinachsett" skills that wil last him a lietime.
Over the weekend Mrs. Hank sentcd a rendition of ' Climb Ev- ("Happy Christmas"). Thatment plUSprogram,the guaranteedmakes itenliSt'well
Unger, Mrs. Evelyn Ruff and Mr cry Mountain', along with several Shells Rogers isthe club ad-worth the while for any young
E. J. Sandberg traveled to Ya- other selections, visor, man to look into the New Action
kima to visit many relatives and The entire senior choir and band * * * Army.
friends. • - Were combined to accompany SHS SHEBYL STEVENS, a senior - ,, ,
h'a and Helen. Stansbury.,j~mea
Florence Taylor at the Ed Taylors Cl{bi'i, dircct0r, Bill Willianis, a~ he Was chairman Of the Girls Club
for dinner Thursday and an eve- sang "O Holy Night". Christmas toy drive this year. . schools throughout Mason Coun-
ning of playing pinochle. Most of the students did not She had asked that all toys do- The productions, some Christ-
A most "impressive Christmas know that Mr. Williams had such hated, which will be distributed to
program was given at the I~amil- an excellent tenor voice, and those needy families in Mason COunty, mas plays, are student cast and
che Community church Sunday ev- who were aware of his talent were
cuing by its members to start off probably not expecting or did not
this holiday season. Guests and realize the impact of the preach-
members were presented with ape- ration.
cial holiday treats following the If attention had been lax dm'ing
program. . the first part of the program it
Ruth Nelson Joined Mr. and Mrs.certainly was not during that song.
James Mohney and daughter Ks- The student reaction to the per-
thy at "Mom's Kitchen" to cele-formance was a standing ovation.
brute Caroline's birthday last It is sad to note that student
MR. AND MRS. HARRY Sire- behavior at the concert left a lot
mons motored to Olympia Sunday to be desired, and great latitude
to visit with Mr. ai'ld Mrs. A. P. for improvement.
Bissell and then went on to John- There is, as yet, question in the
son Point to drop-in on Mr. and minds of student senators, as to
Mrs. Jim Travis to extend the what misbehavior is, and who will
be turned in before'Dec. 22. , , ,
It takes a lot of, urging and
subtle prodding to get many rer ~:As the Christmas season draws
luetant ~tudents to part with their to its climax---Christmas EVe and
favorite old toys, but many did So, Christmas Day (Friday and Sat-
and the girls did,their usual .good urday)' ~ and the vacation begins,
.... .the high school students are corn-
job. , ", , '' pleting last minute holiday prep-
Last week, the Angle Gymna arations, as countless numbers of
slum was opened at noon hour for teenagers and children of all ages
the students, both boys and girls, throughout the United States. The
to play volley ball. ~ . sea~n' is truly meaningful and
Friday, after word of the inno-, happy for those who realize the
ration had been spread around, Origin of the celebration, the birth
the students -' spectators and of Christ.
players, packed the gym. i To each and every Shelton-Ma-
After Watching from the side-son County Journal reader, I wish
5th Grade
Greeting by Tami GibsOn
Evergreen School
reminiscing combined
Wishful thinking and long include their daughter Linda Berg, seasons greetings.
plans that maybe "next jet-planing home from Oakland, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor
(when son David will be Calif., where she is employed, forand son, Edwin, Mrs. Florence
from his current teaching a week's vacation with her par-Taylor and Mrs. Vic Butts jour-
in Kabul, Afgahnistan) the outs. At the Christmas Day din-neved to Tacoma for a family ro-
e family can get together for nor there will be Mr. and Mrs. un'ion dinner at the home of Mr.
~a holiday at Lilliwaup. Robert Hubbard, another Schauf-and Mrs. Don McIntyre. On the
~. and'Mrs Allie Robinson and ler daughter and family from return trip home, we stopped at
'eister, Mrs. Katherine Bum-Bellevue, a son-in-law and" daugh- the Tacoma Mall to enjoy the love-
6r, new resident of Lilliwaup, ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Kaarc,ly Christmas decorations and were
to leave Thursday to spend and family of Poulsbo, also George joined by Mr. and Mrs. Justin Tay-
~tmas In Bellevue and at Berg's mother, Mrs. lvIeltry Berg lor and "children.
r Lake In Bellevue they willof Bremerton. A very special Christmas greet-
at the homes of Allies son, The Carl W. Hansens.will. see inn is sent out this week to Mr.
~nce A. Robinson, and Madge's a number of relatives when theyand Mrs. Hilding Jaconbison of
IS-law and daughter, Mr. andgo to Seattle for Christmas EveMonomminee, Mich. They read the
Bob Burman. They will go and Christmas day. On Christmascolumn every week and enjoy see-
~lear Lake to have Christmaseve they will be with the family ing what ail their many friends
~r at the home of her son of Larry Witham, Mrs. Hansen's here are doing•
|daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. brother. They will have Christmas To friends who may have no-
,~_~r::g morning breakfast at thc home of ticed Don Whitener hiking along
a nephew, Charles W. V¢itham, and the highway Sundav, hc didn't
i~lPating'Mrs'h°lidayFred vMsia~i' nfrao~ will be entertained at dinner by plan it that way; his'car can't run
'~ Son and daughter and their Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Witham, on gas fumes he di:~covered.
|tiles. COming from Kooski, Ida. Mrs. Hansen's brother and sister- Thursday afternoon, under the
][be Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin, in-law, direction of their conductor, Mr.
~flaughters, Pamela and Cathy, Mr. and Mrs. "Wilbur J. Bolen-Conway, the Griffon School p,'e-
~/¢isit of several days. From der and children will leave Indian scnted" its 65 memher band and
i~l_~ will arrive Mr. and Mrs. ]Beach for Olympia Christmas day, ~ee,club to the Kamflcae Schoo
~.1 Glen and their daughters," ~0~hen~ they will be at the home of and while it was their first pub-
• ,~lia, NancY,. ar~] .~p.ll. Mr. Bolender's parents, Mr. and lic appearance; students were
~e newly-wed Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. F. Bolender for a family thrilled by their entertainmen~
,~ Bragstad will be spendinggathering. They are making plans to return
]~tnaas in Seattle with the fa- Another family holiday gather-for a spring presentation.
][~of the bride, the former Mrs. inn will be at the Tacoma. Imme A full Christmas program will
be presented by the Kamilehe pup-
/]~ P0itras. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wahl, son- ils Dec. 22, starting at 12:30 p.m.
1~.' AND MRS. RON Lawson in-law and daughter of Lewis and
~l~lanning to spend Christmas Faith Evans. The Evanses will l=e Chri.,tmas trees and decorations
][her parents, Mr. and Mrs. among the Christmas day dinnerare in each room and an exchange
~[~ l~owland of Hoquiam. Jac- guests and will sec there the faro- of presents will follow the pro-
;~la relaxing after a strenuous ily of their other daughtcr, Mrs. gram.
',~l in which she worked dur- Cliff Nelson, also Faith s mother. The boys and girls basketball
~he Pre-Christmas rush period Mrs. Florence Ross, of Seattle: gan~el:~hedUelneditfO~aD~un17 n~cs
~!~ office of the Christmas tree ATTENTION: Ncxt we.oK ~nis " -ive addili(mal time to
]tot G R Kirk Company column will be guest-ecu~ecl ~y essary t.og
~l~+ ~..L.,_'.. ,~^..,o .... ,~+~ +h~Dons O'Neil. formerly of Lilliwaup the Chrmtmas program.
;~'~.,;rh%m'pso~so~'bJy~p~a;drove now Hoodsport. .. +. I :vould likeotnomtoake thins ~(ppO:e
~ snend the day with them Please phone nor your news ~t- ~ ...... ~ ..........................
~oH~o ~=~,,~d will d~iveems (evenings. 877-5746) or write time of the year known as Christ-
!~t Angeles Thursday to spend her, P.O. Box 2, Hoodsport, so that mas, with all its pzeclous mome
i][hOliday with her "two sons, she will get it by Friday, as her shared by loved ones and the
~d Stanley Smith, and theirdeadline at the :lournal office is peace and contentment as families
I~l, es She will return Saturday Monday noon Your cooperation gather to celebrate the joyous
:~t. " in gettin~ ne~*vs to her will be up- birth of the Saviour, to extend
;]11~ ........ eciated~ I the happiest thoughts of the Ed
i~qa Roe will be hostess unrm~.- u- • . ....
]]~ Day to friends from Fort Happy Holidays, everyone!. And[Tay,ors to .ea_en_o[.. you an? ~ay
~l, Sgt. James Monroe, his thank you all for the woncmrrulltne ~ay orm~ you ~, u~
Dorothy and their two chil- help you have been in givingr.your blessings o~ this season anca may
h 196o ) _ore fondest dreams come true
Donald and Jimalene, Sgt. reporter news all throug • Y " -
Starting At
Color Pictures In A Minute. Why Wait?
The Ideal Christmas Gift for life-time Pleasure
124 North 2rid ,Street
Phone 426.6163
enforce discipline upon offenders Lines for a short time, many suet,.' u very Merry Christmas and a, ,,
if ....
., the Senate washes to censure tators observing the more astute rHapPy New Year.
~n~m.. . members of SHS society partici-, , ' ............. ,
z s~uaents wish to exercise con- pattng, j0ined,in the fun. I - " I
pear that they had better develop enjoying the opportunity for ex- I mL_ ~ mliB
erclse and are enthusiastically | r mn ! l, I
• ' " • k{ JI II • i
The pupils are looking foPa, ard participating in the actiwty, tl In~ii~fa ~ Fi
to Christmas vacation, which they , * " '* '. * , ~| • '
hoped would be a white one; but Sponsoring a dance after the )l ~1~ /i~JV fk'rME'J~ ~1[|]~]~11~'
iL appears they will be disappoint: game last Saturday night, the ][ ~ ~ ~1~/ v~,~ rvs~v~
ed although for awhile last weeksponsored sophomore class at-I|
[ih:irsth:pes~ere re~ high: V:ca: t~sptedotO earn mof:y 2 finafce]i Ready money is always available at Sound Finance Co. for Holiday needs or any
anSdEC uie ai E3. teachers ei;s U;irOrvtadned ;vniorye [ or tT he t] worthwhile purpose--Call on Us for Fast, Friendly, Co,lfldentlal Loan Service.
are planning trips over the holt- dance, which was held in the mul-]|
days, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert ti-purpose room. ' l[ ~ ,
Whitener making a trip to sunny * * * )l ~ f'~ ~'%1' TllkTl'~a
California (they hope it'll be sun- For several weeksl the members )| ]~g~--,J l.J 105 Railroad Avenue
ny), Mrs. Page will journey to of the fourth period dramatids[| ]~.p.~.,:.~] "~L~T"III~I'~'II~,~"~]~'Y~ I~ ~i~[ ' r
Walls Walls and Mr. and Mrs. class' traveling theatre troupe ll 14-', l Shelton Hotel Building "
Keller are planning to spend their have been presenting children'~ [|"--"" -"
vacation relaxing at home. and dramatic plays to students in '|, ....... , ....
r.o. us, ro
Mary Ann Besch
Bessie Steensen
Florence Sherman
Dorothy Lawson
Velma Hedrick
Bobble Barnett
Helen Burnett
o,,.t ,,,
Pat Harvey
Ed Sharp
Melissa Bergeson - 6th Grade - 1~1t. View
Evergreen Square 426-,4456
Lee Parker