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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BON, COUNTY .$0ERNAL-- U.B,A:" Thursday.-December. 27, L ('1t 2nd and Cola | 5th Grade / :i TO IIAVE WINTER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ho]latz or Elms announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Virginia, to David E. Belcher Miss Hollatz, a ..qraduate of Mary M. Knight High 3cho01, is employ- ed by Budget Fi- nance in Olym- '~;a. Her fiance, th3 son of Mr. ,~nd Mrs. Ernest Belcher, Olympia, w a s graduated from Olympia High school and is now employed by the Daily Olympian. A January 29 wed- ding in the Olym- pia Assembly of Brs, Ransmeier is Mrs. J. C. Bridger, Mrs. Don- oven Pa,rner az~d Mrs:. I-Coy Baker ,vere tea host.e~-'ses for the Shelton Garden C!tlb's mmua! C:'risln~as party held in the home of Mrs. Henry Ilansmeier. Gifts; for ex- change were plac(v:t uniler the Christmas tree in the beautifully decorated home. Mrs. Dora Deer Verbrugge, the daughter of one of the founders of the club. Mrs. MarLha Deer, was a guest. Mrs. Palmer played and sang several Ci~risLmas car- ols. A short business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Craig Eiiot, president, ~vho told ahout the Christmas Slmw at the Winthrop Hotel which she attended with Mrs. Isaac Jcffery, Mrs. Frank Drawn by Duanc Wolfe God church is Travis Sr., Mrs. Bridger, Mrs. A Grade- Mt. View School planned by the Almaden and Mrs. Win. Ilender- Agell-Sixth WARREH co,,p~e, son. Mrs..Eliot also went to.the LEH o,o~ sound District's show with the Dirt Dobbers members. Novel Theme Jsed =rs Eliot displayed the beau- tiful cathedral ~'indow made by MANN REAL ESTATE Hostesses or he,. hnsl,and which Was to be fly- Where The Action Is ' en away at the sale held last Thursday. Mrs. George Cropper was the fortunate winner. Members, besides the president, who assisted with the sale were Mrs. Frank Travis St., Mrs. Al- maden (she and Mrs. Eliot hsd a table at Safewayt, Mrs. ttansme- ier. Mrs. Bridget. Mrs. Isaac Jef- fery, Errs. Henry Jest. Mrs t~ov Rector. Mrs. Vin Connolly and Mrs. Frank Smith It. was announced the January meeting wig be held in the Cap- itol Hill clubhouse with Mrs. Eliot as hostess and Mrs. H. W. Gruver and Mrs. Henry Jest as tea host- esses. A discussion of tl~e card party to be held February 21 in the PUD auditorium was held then tea was served after the exchange of gifts. ESA Yule Party "Something different" in decor was added to the annual Beta Zeta Chapter, E~A Christmas party held in th'e home of Mrs. Glenn Sowe:'q Social committee members were attired as Mexican hom- bres as they served refreshments. DLtring the (.weni'ng membe:s ex- chan%ed gifts, revealing names of secret sisters. Mrs.Ken Evans won the door prize. "~Vtnner of the recent award giv- en by the chapter was Mrs. Eve- lyn Eliot. All proceeds were pre- sented to Exceptional Foresters, Inc. The next meeting will be held Jan 12 in the home of Mrs. Ray Rice. Lem and Sharon Warren .2:: ..7: ...: ........... , ;.,:2. ..... ii Greeting by Sana Brewer BETTMAH'S Bordeaux School 409 Railroad Ave. Ra©hel Knoll 6uild ( hrBs|ms Luncheon The annual Christmas luncheon of the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild was held last Friday in the Shelton Hotel. Fifteen members were in attendance. A. gift exchange followed lunch, Members brought gifts for the children who will be in the hos- pital during the holidays as well as gifts of canned fruits and veg- etables to be taken to the Shelton General hospital. Mrs~'Dorothy Jessup and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale were in charge of the arrangements for the lunch- eon Greeting by.Greg Brown POE 5th Grade Mt. View School and ALL These RICHFIELD STATION GIRL SCOUTS TO CAROL Shelton Girl Scouts will meet at the post office Christmas tree at 6:30 p.m. this Thursday for their annual caroning After carolling at the tree the troops will divide and carol along different routes on their way to the Methodist church for the annual cocoa party. Troops are reminded to bring enough cookies for their own members. All Scouts are to be picked up at the church by 8:30 p.m. CADETTES RECEIVE SKATING INVITA'FION ...... Cadette Troop 21 of O~ymspla has invited all Cadette Cirl Scoi~ts of Tall Timber Council to a roller skating party Decmnber 26 at the CaplLol Skate!and rink 'r%e party wi'd be held from 4 - 6::!0 pan. with a ca~t of 65 cents p:;r t1"irl which will include s::ate rental. Girls unfami'..i~r with the loca- tion of the rink are to meet at North Thm'ston High school at 3:15 p.m. The high school may :'e reac.hed by t~tcing the S!eater- Kinney St. Martin Freeway exit N EIGHB')RHOOD MEETIN~ L2aders and- Service Team 1Tleinbers of Maso]l Neighborhood - Hic]h Spotlight. A large part of keeping the Shelton Higt~ School studenLs m- formed about what is going on has been the job of Lane Premo, SHS senior. Last year Lane was editor of the school paper, the Highclimb- er. This year he is editor of the Saghalie, the school annual. He Large Crowd For VFW Yule Party The VFW Post and Auxiliary had one of the largest crowds ever for the annual Christmas party last Friday night. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served in the Memorial hall which had been beautifully decorated by Eva Swope, Helen Kunlde and Flo- rence Hamilton. Bags of candy, nuts and fruit were presented to all the children by Santa Claus, as well as a gift for everyone. A program of Christ- mas songs by the children was enjoyed. The drawing was won by Albert Kunley. The next regular meeting will be held January 7. DIRT DABBERS SLATE LATE Hall DAY PARTY Th~'l~lrt Dobbers Garden Club will have its Ch;'istma,q party next Tuesday at the Island Lake home of Mrs. Claude Rhodes. Membe.,'s wishing to attend should be at the PUD building at noon for a ride. Each person is to Lake a. gift ex- change• Project are in the October Breeze. Tray favors for the hospital and home for Christmas are tzeing ,nade bv T',oc),as 301 .9~5 and 108. Tray favors for New Ye:trs arc being made by Troop 308. held their regular December meet- ~a~'~-~, plans for the carolling, to be held i this ThLirsday, were made• The "Promise Project" was dis- cussed. It was agreed each troop would turn in all the informationI on their project at the January 13. The ~ meeting to be held in the home ~,~]B~,~' of Mrs. S. W. Vender Wegel~. De- ~,; l~,2~,~jl~ tails and forms for the Promise ...................................... LANE PREMO also does all of the ph, otograp, hy for the school. L His activities outside the news field includ AFS. ASB ex::.cutive board and Boys]' Club executive board. He was in charge of the Thanksgiving baskets program this year. Outside of school he is a mem- ber of Ski Club and Methodist Youth Fellowship, of which he is president. In college he p!ans to major in communications and minor in pol- itical science. Ire is applying to the University of Florida and will either go there or to the Uni- versity of Washington. Lane is 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighs 135 pounds and has bluc eyes and light brown hair. Skiing, hiking and photography are his hobbies. He was born in Olympia July 9, 1948 and moved to Shelton when he was in the third grade. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and has no bro- thers or sisters. Last summer Lane had an ex- cellent opportunity to get person- al praeti~ey4rio:i~terqri