December 23, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1965 |
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, irsday, December 23, 1965
)RT -- Sixty persons
the combined Christmas
and party at the Woman's
at Potlatch Friday eve-
ttostesses were the members
Hood Canal Woman's Club
Canal Garden Club.
e delicious turkeys were cook-
F Mrs. Verne Hill for the Car-
and Mrs. Lester Ager
Woman's Club.
Clubhouse was beautifully
for the occasion in tra-
Christmas style, including
Arthur Pauley played the
and everyone sang Carols
the dinner which began
~Hood Canal Kindergarten
taught by Mrs. Richard En.
had a field day and the
seeing first hand how
trees are sorted and
before being shipped to
all over the world, when
Were tallen to the Kirk
tree yard recently. Mo-
~oing with Mrs. Endicott
ru. William Bryant, Mrs.
Nesbitt, Mrs. Ron Goos and
aek Taylor.
at 1 p.m. the first,
and third grades and the
at the Hoddsport
had their Christmas party.
room had a beautifully dec-
tree and Santa Claus ap-
With candy for all the chin
Harry Nicholson and Mrs.
with sons Harry IV and
,arrived early Saturday mor-
from Vallejo, C alif., to
the Christmas holidays with
19velyn Nicholson and the
Pierces (Mrs. Nicholson's
Joan Dickinson is home
! Pullman for the holidays
rs lher parents, Mr. and Mrs.
~er '~ Dickinson.
" ~PIichael Stolen home were
Lad Mrs. A1 Crist and son
Ughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
risL, all of Oakridge, Ore.
ay the Stolens and the
~went to Milton, near Ta-
Lc attend the Silver wedding
~Sary of Mrs. Stolen's and
fist's brother and wife, Mr.
~s. Chuck Crist.
!Open house Anniversary re-
~, which was an all-day af~
,~as given by the children of
~ek Crist's, Jim, Linda and
0 N O Club held its Christ-
~.arty Wednesday evening at
"~e of Mrs. John Kneeiancl.
[~Iatt VanLaanen was co-
'~, Sixteen members were on
B ~]t0 participate in the good
~ld delicious hmcheon. Pol-
~.'s were revelled and gifts
: ~lged.
'~tl annual Christmas party at
.~B~Ushman, for City of Ta-
lC.Light employees, took the
Open To Army
College Grads
oung who
:~ate and h. as what
rmj' pew ot
~1 Enlmtment
If you can qualify, you
your military obligation
of leer.
to Sgt. Cliford L.
S. Army Recruiter in
at the ime you enlist
~:i~, guaranted in writing that
;~ill~P~ L go to Officer's Candidate
i/=Upon completion of basic
i!:~gt. Trudell at 205 EasL
~. Avenue in Olympia, to-
i:::~ if you can qualify.
MATLOCK---I ~ant to wish all
my readers a very merry and joy-
out ChisLmas.
The Mary M. Knight Christmas
program will be Wednesday night
at 8 p.m. at he school gymnasium.
Santa Claus will be there with
candy for all the children.
Thursday and reopens Jan. 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift spent
from Thursday to Sunday in Se-
The Earl Walkers received word
from their son, Daniel Walker, in
the Army in Korea. He now is
S.P.4 He jusL had another ad-
BOB STODDEN, who is teach-
ing at Garden Grove, Calif., is
spending his vacation with his
folks, the Amdrew Stodden family.
urday, aL the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Don Henry. Fourty persons
gtended and enjoyed the friendly,
informal hospitality, of the Hen-
Jeff Pill has been having a sev-
ere case of tonsilitis. Saturday his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pill
i~shed Jeff to a Shelton hospital
when they became justifiably
alarmed over Jeff's condition. We
hope Jeff is much improved, no
fun being ill at Christmas.
Saturday for Crescent City, Calif.,
for the holidays with her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Visser. Christmas Mrs. John-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Visser and
Francis will be guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Don McMullen of Santa Rosa.
Mrs. McMullen is the daughter of
the Vissers. A son and family, the
Gene Vissers will join the family:
gathering at the McMullens' for
Christmas also.
The Sewing Club met for a
Christmas party Thursday evening
at the Don Henry's. Fourteen
members were present. Co-hostess-
es with Mrs. Henry on the lunch-
eon and entertainment were Mrs.
William Ing, Mrs. Wally Mohr-
mann and Mrs. Starr White.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Goodpaster
entertaine.d at a Christmas party
Saturday evening. Enjoying a lov-
ely evening were 24 guests.
Many friends here will remem-
ber and be happy to hear of the
Cheston Moore family--Cheston,
Alma, Grace, Millicent and Buddy.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Buddy
now reside at Vincentown, N.J.
Grace was married last spring
to David Swan of Australia. David
made the trip to America in April
and in September they sailed from
Vancouver, B.C. to make their
home in Australia.
Jan. 3, Mrs. Moore plans to fly
down to see them and the new
home, returning Feb. 17.
Millicent, now Mrs. Ed Monroe,
lives in Tabernacle, N.J., and tea-
ches school. The Monroe's have
two children, Susie is a first grade
pupil and Ed Jr. is in Kindergar-
ten, called "Kiddie College".
Buddy is helping his father l~n
"M6~e's Acres", the land Ches-
ton's grandfather' homesteaded in
the early history of New Jersey.
Blueberries are the main crop
raised on the farm.
Mrs. Moore is an RN. She nursed
at the Shelton General while Lhey
were living here and Grace, Milli-
cent and Buddy attended the Low-
er Skokomish school.
GARY PIERCE, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Pierce, of Union and
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Pierce, of Union and grandson of
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Pierce left
Thursday from Seattle for San
Diego and training in the U.S.
Friends who heard Mrs. Herb
Boeck's poem, "My Steel Headed
Fisherman", read over Maury Ry-
der's "Ooutdoors" program on
Channel 11 Wednesday evening
were delighted with the rhythm
and tone of the poetry. Mrs. Boeck
has received numerous calls con-
gratulating her and they were
truly and sincerely meant.
SI-TELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Jerry and Dennis DeFore of
Leavenworth spent a few days
last week here visiting friends and
the school. Both are at£cnding
college at Bellingham this year
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman were Thursday evening
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
D. Portman of Shelton.
Wayne and James Hollatz spent
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Elvin Hearing.
MR. AND MRS, R. E. Brad-
berry visited the Wes Goodburn
family of Shelton Saturday. Sat-
urday evening they attended the
installation of officers, Job's
Daughters Bethel No. 37, when
their niece, Diane Turner, was hon-
ored to be the new Queen of
Mr. ana Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
took Nancy and Kenneth Sharp
home Saturday to Olympia. Their
grandchildren spent three weeks
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert of
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Charles Elliott of Hoquiam was
a dinner guest of the Kenneth
Howard family Sunday.
David Valley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W, dward Valley, is home on
leave from the Navy. He has been
stationed at San Diego, Calif.--
and also Rilley Beerbower, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beerbower, is
home on leave from San Diego.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
dinner and son David were Sunday din-
ner guesLa of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Ktllough of Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
spent Friday evening with Lhe
Kenneth Howard family.
The Matlock Ladies Club held
its Christmas party and dinner
last week Wednesday with Mrs.
John McGarvie and Mrs. Elvin
Hearing hostesses and Mrs. Max
Cash's birhtday was celebrated.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
spent Saturday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles LeBrcc.
children spent the weekend with
~,eir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
I. C. Ford. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
erbert Brehmeyer Jr. and fam-
ily were dinner guests at the Ford
Mrs. Edward Valley and M'rs.
Herbert Brehmeyer St. were Tues-
day luncheon guests of Mrs. Beu-
lah Gowan of Shelton.
Mrs. Ray Kimmerly and chil-
dren were Sunday dinner guests
of their folgs, the Herbert Breh-
meyer Srs.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent
the wcei~cnd ill Taco~na with rcla-
Lives. They also visiLed Earls fo ks,
the O. W. Walkers at Auburn
Our many community boys who home from college for Lhe
Christmas holMays are Bitl
Trcnckmann, Bill Stodden and
James tiollatz, home from Aber-
deen Junior College; Wayne Hol-
httz from Belling nam; Stet Pal-
mer from P'ulhnan and Jerry
Shaw from Whitman Colh, ge,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson were
Sunday dinner guests of the lat,-
ter's .,~is~er ad ramify,
.,:rs. Leo ~uinn ot S..e~.o.,.
£hcy brought their gr.,nddaugh- ,;augi,ter ~,.a,'go sp.~L , ...........
Let', JanetWalkcr, hoP.lewit: end at ~;cdro ~,v'uoncy wiL..c a-
were Saturday them. ~ tires.
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