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t)ecember.29 19C, ITELTON.-.-M&S0N COLrN:Ty PAl
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Greeting'by Rusty Hulbert
Evergreen School
OhrisHan Science
The service to be read in Chris-
tian Science churches this Sunday
will empllasize the rich blesrings
which an understancling of Christ
Jesus' mission brings to m'mkind.
The Lesson-Eermon begins v;itl:
the prophecy from Isaiah (9:6l:
"Unto us a chihi is born, unto us
a son is given: and the governmcn',
shall be upon his shoulder: and
his name shall be called Wonder
ful, Counsellor, Tile mighty God,
The everlasting Father, The Prinec
of Peace."
Among the correlative readings
will be the first tenet of the
Christian Science Church: ".~s ad-
Qrapev[ew Groups Have
GRAPEVIEW - - The heart-
warming strains of "Joy to the
World" and "Peace on Earth,
Good Will to Men" foUowcd us
home Sunday evening after the
"mnual ChiHrcn's Christmas pa~-
c:mt at St. Davi:l's Epi:-:c~p~d
:~hurch and \re can't help wishilU?,
that the spirit of love cou'd be
brought to all peoples of ore" trou-
bled world iu such a sweet and
charming f:~shion. Taking part in
the program which carried as ils
theme, "Joy, Love and Peace" were
herents of Truth, we take the in- Chief and Gc.orgi:~. Clayton and
spired Word of the Bible as our Don and h:ri~ti Somers.
sufficient guide to ete,'nal Life" The spirit of good fellowship
(Science and Health with Key to was apparent at the Cralmview
the Scriptures by Mary Baker Ed- Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary
0y, p. 497). Christmas party last Wednesday
The Lesson-Sermon subject is evening when 12 members gather-
"Christian Science." ed at the fire hall for an evening
of fun. Hostesses, Mesdames Don
Local Student In Special Pogreba, Julie Stock, Bill Seiners
and Russ Wells, provided well for
Class At U of Denver the occasion with attractive dec-
Terri Turner cf Shelton, one of oratiop.s, fun games and delicious
the University of Denver's top refreshments ..... following a very
freshman students, has just cam- brief business meeting. A highly
plcted her first quarter of studies unusual Santa popped in at one
at DU as a member of a group of point to present each lady with a
78 University Scholars. gift before di,mppcaring---to re-
Miss Turner is the daughter of turn to his cave, perhaps? Recip-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, 705 ients of game prizes were Mes-
Sidney, Shelton. A graduate of dames Web EtherLon, Orville Ka-
Shelton High School, she is on- gel and Walt Clayton.
fire hall for the Fircmen's Annual
Stag Night, beginnin.q' with the
rebnflar meeting which included
e action of officers for the coming
yeur. Retained in their offices
were Joe Fmg'en, pre,~ident; Russ
V/el!s, vice-president; Art Zche,
seeretury and Phil Hardie. tress-
:o'er. Following the meeting sleigh
bells her:tided the surprise arrival
of S,'mLa Claus (and his deers!)
who presented tb.e good boys with
candy canes and their ~xch:m~e
gifts, after which refre~hne~"Ls
rolled in the College of Aa'ts and
Seienccs at tile University.
Miss Tumor's group of freshman
Scholars, which began work at
the University of Deuver last Sep-
tember, join 147 other DU Schol-
ars already involved in the special
study program.
The Scholars' curriculum pro-
rides special courses, accelerated
study, the opportunity to do re-
sea.rch and independent study, plus
interdisciplinaryseminars with
other Scholars.
!7 )> ;
: i:¸
Friday morning the ladies of the
Sarah EckcrL Orthopedic Guile
met at the fire hall for their an-
nual Christmas party which was
hostessed by Mrs. Etnar T. Pet-
tersen and her committee, Mrs. C.
W. Walker, Mrs. Harold Retzman
Mrs. Kay Sanford, Mrs. Clem Hell
Mrs. Jubie Hicks, Mrs. Herbert
Dowell and Mrs. M. J. Robinsoa
Meeting at 11 a.m., the ladies
made short work of their regular
meeting, voting to make a dona-
tion of $100 to the Mary Bridges
Orthopedic Hospital in Tacoma.
Following the meetiug, hulcheon
was served and the committee
really outdid tnemselves providing
such tempting morsels as tiny
decorated chicken salad sandwich-
cs and absolutely exquisite Christ-
mas cookies. The seasonal theme
was carried out in the table dec-
orations with lovely snow scenes
and winsome elves adding their
particular appeal to the clever ar-
After their repast, the group
sang Christmas carols for which
Ruth Wells generously provided
an accompaniment with her ac-
A beautifully decorated candle
fashioned and donated by Mrs. H.
P. Hillman, was then given away,
Mrs. Eke Eacrett being he lucky
recipient, after which the ladlei
enjoyed their customary gift ex-
change, all 27 of them, including
their five guests, Mrs. Russ "Wells
Mrs. Pennebera, Mrs. A. H. Rad-
amacher, Mrs. W. N. ELherton and
Mrs. Griggs' guesl:, Mrs. Smith.
'day atmosphere continued in ou~
prepared by Mesdames Rus~ \V,,~'~
Joe Engen and Ed Okonek, were
Taking a couple of hours out of
a, busy weekend to help prepare
our school for its Christmas act.iv-
ities were several members of the
Grapeview Mothers' Club who, on
Sunday, with the help of fathers,
Walt Clayton and Howard Som-
ers, set up and trimmed the beau-
tiful fir tree, so generously donat-
• ed for the children by Don Ander-
son. Trimmers included Kathy
Stoudt, Carole Battles, Linda liar-
die, Melba Hanson, Salli Clayton
and Muriel Somers.
Peter Tschaikovsky's delightful
"Tale of the Nutcracker" was pre-
sented by Margie Speck's Dance
Studio in Bremerton last Sunday
afternoon and our talented Nick-
laus brothers, ArL. Kim and Chris,
appeared in the well-attended per-
formance, with Art being honored
with the important role of the nut-
cracker. These dancing youugsters
are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Art
Nicklaus of Island View.
With the sweet savor of hard
work well done and a goal set and
met, the Phil Hardies moved into
their brand new home Saturday.
Thanks to the help offered by
Phil's brother David and family
and friend A1 Dawson, all of Shel-
ton, the "in-by-Christmas" goal
was reeL. Sunday evening the Har-
dies had the exquisite pleasure of
gazing out of their front room
view windows just as the glow of
the setting sun transformed Mt.
Rainier into a rosy highlight on
the panoramic scene. This is real-
ly living!
We wish to offer our apologies
for the "boo-boo" pulled in giviug
erroneous notice of the holidny
hours of the Grapeview Grocery.
Dec. 24, the store will be open
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (not 9:00 to
4:000 as was published in last
week's column). It will be closed
Dec. 25 and 26 also. Dec. 31, the
s~une arrangement will prevail,
open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and closed
Jan. * and 2, opening 9 a.m. Jan.
3 again, for business a usual.
One more shopping day until
Christmas. Hurry!! Hurry! Hur-
By the way, have you noticed
our own Santa Claus Lane---.with
its lovely display of outdoor light-
ing? Does our community proud,
we think !
~, i, ,~,
'1:17,. ,'
Drawn by David Castle
Junior High School Special Education Class
..... Gl%~t~g by Laura Johnston
.i' / !/ i¸~
~:i(7//i;:,: 4!
Jim Doran
On Mountain View
: iiiiiii•!:i!)4 ii•¸,.
le Court:Service
Sam, Ha~ei/
Matlo~k Road
• t, "
..... ,?
4th Grade Bordeaux School
Max and Ann Gash
C =bs, Qroups At$oeth id
Have ¢: r[st as Pat[e Last Wee
Distributors of SHELL PRODUCTS in Mason County
Hjelwick's Store
Mrs. E. K. Hjelwick
SOUTHSIDE -- Sherl!yn Byrd
Orthopedic members had their
Christmas party and dinner at the
Shelton !qotel last Monday eve-
ning. Me.tubers brought gifts for
the Children's Orthopcdic insLep.d
of exchanging gifts. Attending
were Joyce Byrd, Ruth Snyder,
Helen Kunkel, Toni Matson and
Ann V¢'hee: or.
Actions 4-H club members met
! % iA:¸ i:
Jim Vercher's Shell Serv.
1st and Cota Sts,
Glen & Marg Diess
Gr~a, ppview
Allyn Shell Service
Frank Kowalezyk
Grapeview Grocery
' ' I~uss and Ruth Wells
Front and Grove, Sts.
Drawn by Brad Aitkeu ...... 4th Grade, Bordeaux School
220 Cota Street
Ernest Hamlln, owner
last Tuesday. Bobby De Moire,
president, called the mee.ting to
order, Allison Wilder led the flag
salute and 4-H pledge, Terri Kim-
merly, secretary gave the roll
call anti the treasm-cr reported
they have $15. Club members
planned to have a Chrb, a=~as o'~rty
Dec. 21. A potluck dinner is plan-
ned aL Allison Wilder's home at
5:30 p.m. with an exchange of
gi~ts '~nd caroling after :he pa,-Iv.
Della tiarrk" ll~adc a lnotioK 1~ ad-
journ the moating, repo:'t':,i S~::~:::,
Past president of the Eagles
A_uxl!iary met at the hov~e ,'~ ¢~,):d
Asche Wednesday with Alice Her-
zog, Gertrude Wcstcott, Vir~.inia
Dnndas, Clara Stuck and Opal
Aschc attending for their Christ-
m:~s gift exchange and lunch.
MR. AND MRS. Fred Stuck of
Cole Road left Friday by bus to
:;pen:! the winter and Christmas
hoild:),ya in Los Angeles and San
Die:,o, Calif. visiting relatives, i ,.
Live Wires 4-H club members i:
'~a~ their Chri.~trn~ts party at the ;
',o:uc, of Ctlris Flint Wednesdc.y ,,,.,
Yeening. Tile main event for the
evening was pulling taffy candy,
exchange of gifts and reh'esh-
merits, hose attending were Pat-
ty Mell, Barbara Cook, Cheryl
Chambers, Chris Flint. Ruth Ann
Trotzer, Linda Rains, leader Betty
Wolf and Mrs. Flint.
MILL CREEK What Nots 4-H
club members had tacit t;i,. lSLz,z~
party Wednesday evening at the
home of Shirley Sykoya with a
planned potluck. Shirley Sykoya
hung a clown and snowman candy
duel on the ceiling and they were
burst. All enjoyed a candy scram-
Drawn by Denise Guyer -- 6th Grade, Bordeaux School
Mason County Title Insurance Company
County Savings & Loan Association
Alden C. Bayley • Title Insurance Building • Phil C. Bayley
ble, opened their gift exchanoce
and drew numbers on their gifts.
I~rownie Troop 109 met last
Tuesday and troop members fin-
iahcd their presents and made
Christmas cards for their dads
and mothers. Debble Swaync
br(mghL the treats. Brownie'-~ sang
Christmas c,.u'ols and re~d Chri::t-
l';~ a.a
Four Leaves 4-H club members
had their progress.i,, e m, zc,co,
Saturday. Club ~nemhm,:~ Po'-in
Bakke, Joan Auseth, Linda Trotz-
er, Llnda kuseth, Gall Bailey.
Beverly Trotzer, Janice WhiLtcn-
berg, Leahe Swayze, Vicky Nor-
reen, C h r i s i n e Schuffenhauer,
Candy Brown, Sandy Mell and
Nancy Swanson attended. Club
leader Mrs. Arhur Baleke and Mrs.
Arthur NIell took the group of
4H'ers around to different houses
and members exchanged gifts.
Drop-in guests of the Ray
Kratchas last week were Mxs.
Shirley Weaver, Mrs. Marjie
Knudsen and two daughters, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Guyett, Miss Shar-
lene Mikkelsen and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Kratcha.
Your correspondent, Mrs, Ray
Kratcha, wishes you all a Merry
Age 12
Greeting by Holly M:anke
Mt. View School