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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington Thursday, Debember 2: ARMOUR'S STAR 18 - 24 Lb. Sizes or Silver Beauty, U. S. Grade "A" -- 1965 Crop Young Tender Broad- breasted, Oven-ready, Completely Cleaned POUND '4 LB. SIZES POUND BONELESS -- ARMOUR'S STAR Magic Slice, Lite & Dark Meat .... 2-1b., 6-oz. Size ARMOUR'S Small 6-10 lb. Sizes BELTSVILLE ........ POUND BONELESS, CANADIAN "MAPLE LEAF" Perfect Smoke Flavor -- 5-6 Ibs. Whole or Half ................................................ LB. ARMOUR'S STAR--"HAM WHAT AM" $ = 8 - 10 Ibs., Fully Cooked Whole or Half ...: .................................... LB. HAMS RATH BLACKHAWK CANNED, BONELESS, FULLY COOKED 8 B. TIN HAMS RATH BLACKHAWK CANNED, BONELE88, HONEY GLAZED COOKED AND EXTRA LEAN 4 LB. TIN RATH'8 PORK 1 POUND ROLL DON'T FORGET THE CRESCENT POUL- TRY SEASONING AND NUTMEG FOR THAT OLD-TIME FLAVOR, Kaiser Heavy Duty 18" X 25' Roll SEASON'S fromALL OF US SHOP-RITE . . • MAY the YULETIDE YOU the BEST of EVERYTHING• BALLARD or PILLSBURY ............ 8 OZ. TUBE PACIFIC PEARL DUNGENESS .......................... 6V2-OZ. TIN OUR OWN BAKERY --SPECIALS--- 9" Assorted Variety of Danish Breakfast ~L ............................ Eal doz. ................ 10 BAKED FRESH DAILY 426-3377 ;RESH AS A DAISY --- THAT'S OUR :ODUCE! PRIZE CROP 11 OZ. TINS CRANBERRY Ocean Spray Jellied or Whole M-J-B lb. 69 2 lb. $1.37 INSTANT 10-oz. $1.19 3-LB. TIN JACK O' LANTERN TINS 15-OZ. 303 TINS 28-OZ. PKG. CASH'SAVIN6 COUPON LB. CAN LIMIT ONE PER FAMILY With this Coupon * 79¢ without Coupon Redeemable only at Shop-Rite Food Centers FANCY SUNKIST NAVELS FRESH AS A DAISY ............................ POUND FANCY .......... POUND FRESH OCEAN SPRAY .......................... 1-LB. PKG. FANCY LBS. FANCY ZIPPER SKIN ........................................ POUND WOW! BY POPULAR DEMAND! STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY CHERRY ORANGE LEMON LIME 3 OZ. PKG. NALLEY'S FRESH 'N CRISP ........................ 48 OUNCE JAR FANCY QUALITY .................................... NO. 21/2 TIN DECORATED ................................................ JUMBO =1 ROLLS BLUE MOUNTAIN CHICKEN AND LIVER .................... TALL TINS SHOP-RITE .......................................... LOAF (:ENTERS PILLSBURY 13 OZ, $1 BOXES To. 4 QUALITY ............ POUNDS CHUNK 4 No.V=$1 STYLE .............................. TINS IT'S BRANDIED • 28-OZ. JAR SHOP-RITE'S FRESH WHOLE EGG ............................ QUART DELICIA IT'S DELICIOUS! ...................................... 1/2 GAL. RHODES FROZEN BAKE YOUR OWN LOAF "FRESH" BREAD .................. PACKAGE OR PUMPKIN BANQUET FROZEN FOR PEAS & ONIONS, CREAM PEAS OR PEAS & POTATOES BIRDSEYE & FROZEN ...................... $ PKGS. MORTON'S -- 26-oz. Pkgs. NBC SNACK • , , , , 2/25 CRACKERS.. , SCOTT DINNER SIZE -- 50 CT. • • • • 25 ROLLS • • •- 3 Pkgs. SX We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 22-23-24. LIIVlIT RIGHTS. :New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat, -- Sun, 10 - 7 And Overlookit EDUGMION BY WGR NationaJ Defense (NDEA) of 1958 - Title During tim past year, Shelton School c~ived $1,654 in from purchases made Title V. At the time of EA), guidance a~td vices were considered adequate in American schools. Title V of the designed to develop these to a higher level of vh~; it allowed schools to tes%ing materials, guidance ials and testing services ching basis. In general, l)urchased for (either Title Title V may not be nature. Additional aid is given indirectly through counselors--under Title institutes have been o der grants to colleges versities totalling $7.2 The direction these take (and will take) emphasis represent the of national policy in the to improve the education to the American citizen: adult. Public Law 874 The largest single federal monies obtained Shelton Schools up to has been through the P.L. 874. EssentlaJly, P.L. 874 a fiat rate payment to riet for students enrolled paxents are either or axe living on federaJ properties. In a sense, Is In lieu of ta~xes that pa3d ff such l~rents ployed in private pursuits community. Reporting for P.L. 874 local district may be by "one count" or "two od. As implied, the of the claim is made or twice per year. in it must be established parent was actually a. federal property for 50 percent of the day of Further, he must have ployed there at least 50 of the reporting period, federal employees leased or rented quarters eligible, nor, would a operator be eligible than half of his day is state or county road. Payments received by ton School District in year under P.L. 874 total These f~nds are placed crating budget. year 40 percent of i~ charged against e During the present and in the future new supported programs will to common usaage in schools. ]V[uch of the the new Elementary cry Education Oct of only begun to take effectl Principal Clyde BroW; Slmlton High School can you with mamy and figllres on how the 'J ment is helping around and ask a few maybe you'll change (as we did). Merry Christmas to yours from Shelton's r NEW YORK idents of Mason County become painfully much they will have for medicare and for generous pension Congress. Beginning next wage earners and their will be hit by a big payroll taxes to finance benefits. As of Jan. 1, workt] who are covered by will begin paying at 4.2 percent on the earnings. Matching will be made by their This represents a the present rate, percent and is limited $4,800 of earnings. As for those who are ployed, the present 5.4 percent on the first jump to 6.15 percent fect income up to AS IT APPLIES County, it boils down all increase of amount paid for last year by local their employers. The figures are released by the Sea-vice, the Bureau of and others. They show that ,uorne ion was turned into the curlty trust fund last nation's jobholders )loyers. Mason County's total was an ~96,000. Next year, raider th~ it will climb to 659,000, based on the bet of workers. For a person earlli year, the tax will be more than he psi the $2,500 level, be $105, a rise of incomes of $6,600 or the maxinmm, $277, more at l re