December 23, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday, December 23, 1!
" , T ,
Uso Joamal Ch, sified Ads -- TheyFay
...... FOVRSOM S.
.' ,: i :W L
Stlippers . ....... : ...... :.,..;.:.:'~.~0 16
Odd BRIz:.....~2: .............. 2~82"24
Twisters ::..,...........: ......... i.~9 27
What's N~t :L:...::.....;...,:29 27
Board Bu~i~ers',.,.=.,2..L..;26 : 80
Timber DucRS ,.2.:;::::.'.,.:~ 80
Ali-Kats .... ,..... ...... :.:...:_":221~ ~6~
Knock Outs:..,...,:.:..;..' ...... L.!9%36V~
High game~Marge ~Wi~craft
179, Lloyd Clark, 230,
luto Glass Floor Coverin
[ -- Expert Installation "1111 ". Linoleum Tns
5th :& Railroad Ph. 426-3926 ~ : Mt?EiXe:LOOR ~ Formica
Auto Repairing .... Furniture Repaxr ---
' Major Overhauls iRepairing and Roflnishl,
Brakes & Ignition [
Welding & TuneJupsjOn All Types of Ft rnltu
Special Winterizing ]
112 W. Cots 426-39926 ] 214 So. 2nd, St,
, , ,i, , ,i ,
, Complete Hair Care
Wigs - Wiglets - Switches
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Free l~emonstrations
6th ~ Lau~ 426-4582
Safety Check
Minor & Major
Sales & Servlae
1409 Turner
Drawn by Debbie Giles
Fourth Grade - Bordeaux School
Third and Gota Streotl
, - ': , :un
Strikers ................ 2.....: ...... 21~ 30½
Fearless Fou~ ................... 19½ 32~
Kan Knots ......................... 37
High games--Sheila Sievert 182,
Jack Mays 215. '
High sets--Shells Sievert 503,
Norm Schimschat 591.
Outmates 4 (Norm Sehimschat
591), Eight 0 (C. Norw0od:466);
Four 4 (.lack Mays '523), Misera-
bles 1 (Bob Bent 502); Strikers
3½ (Curt Wolfe ~3t), Knots ½
(Riley Fraley 512).~
: Greeting by Teresa Krise
i~ 5th Grade Evergreen School
. PULLING .THE TRIGGER--Scott -Swisher (44)
was about to let go one of the shots which helped
him buildup an 18-point total for the Highclimb-
Hot Foul ShooHng
Wins gpsol Vidory
For Lillle Glimbers
Superior foul shooting earned
Shelton's junior Varsity hoopmen
an astonishing 44-41 revenge vic-
tory over Centralia's JVs on the
Grant Angle gym maple board Sat-
u~day night.
: Ju§t a Week earlier Contrails
had walloped the Little Climbers,
74-55. This time Coach Jerry Knut-
son's cagers converted 16 of 22
foul shots while their rivals made
only 13 of 27, and that was the
margin of difference.
Hustling Jon Armstrong set the
Little Climber pace with 19 points,
dumping five of seven free throws.
He had three field goals, each in
the first and seccmd quarte,.s to
keep Shelton in the game, though
trailing 10-12 and 21-22 at the
period pauses. He scored four of
his five foul shots in the fourth
quarter, to which Tom Marshall
~td,'~.~ six of seven.
After pulling into. a 31-RU tie
at the end of three periods, the
Little ~limbers raced in front by
41-33, then staved off a late Cen-
tr~!a push
The upset victory, giving the
Little Climbers a 3-2 record, v.,~,.s
~chieved without their best scorer,
Jerry ~parLs, who was sidelined
bv illness The lineups:
Shelton 44 " [ Centralla 41
Swisher 9 fl Shirley 9
R. Marshall 2 fl Althauser 10
Looney 5 el Enoch 6
Armstrong 19 gl Seime.s 7
McComb 4 gl Wastradowski4
Subs: Shelton---T. Marshall 5,
Duckham, Slettedahl, Dorcy. Cen-
tralia.---R. Olson 4, Panteheff 4,
K. Olson. Neva.
Score by Periods
Shelton .................. 10 11 10 13--44
Centralia .............. 12 10 9 10--41
Where The Action Is
- V.
ers Saturclay n;ght. Ron Cole (32) looks as if he
is blocking for Swisher. Centralia rallied in the
~econd half for a 67-50 victory.
Office Now Open
L 323 Franklin Street
i. Phone 426-80e0
9-n,onn 2-6 closed Thurs.
Lawns, rockerles, tre~
Top soft, tilling,
Herbert Baze
Cleaning Service Rental Service
Weekly Service to Shelton Almost Anything
.I anitor Service Bulldozers - Loaders -
Ruk - Upholstery Cleaning Folding Banquet Tables'
Complete Line of Supplies & Chairs, Hospital Beds, ]~
2103 E. 4th~ Olympia 352-1367 2216 E, 4th, Olympia 357-1
, n~ n
Cleaning Service-------- Sand, Gravel
Carpets - Wall to Wall [ :
Floors - Stripped, Poli,~hed Top Soil
Windows - ~Valls - Upholstery I Peat Soil
"SHELTON'S OWN" ] Custom Tractor Worg
[ CLEANING SERVICE CO. I Johns Creek Sand &
, Days 426-8138 Nites 426-4376 I426-3552 Norm ,
Draperies, Custom Made Tire Service -----
Custom Made Used
For "I'4DUR Home
When Allen Scores Bulldogs Beat Chimacum,
Wright; When He Doesn't Quilcene Runs Wild
BELFAIR -- History repeated ....
!tself in the Nozth Mason gymnas-=e~ =~,-~v=.~l~[l~'~l~'~" vu=0? "~'~ ' DO
mm almost to the last detail when
the Bulldogs squeezed off Charles ~ / ~2~'~| ~
Wrigl,tAcademy, 49-48, here Tues- g? l~l 1A ~15'~|.i~,|~.,-~'1
day last week Sll~IPSON IYiEN'S LEAGUE
This was the exact score by Shop .................................... 35 21
which North Mason defeated the Mill Three .......................... 33 23
Tattlers the last time the Taro- .Loa'gers .............................. 30½ 25½
mans visited the Bulldog gym, ex- Mill Two .......................... 29,~.~ 26½
cept that time the game went ov- Raih'oad ............................ 26 30
ertime. Engineers .......................... 25½ 30½
a A1 ldo Loade, s 24 3~
J y- len, the 6-4 Bul gs cen- ". " ..............................
c IZ |o
Insulating Board 20 s35
ter canned 25 Pints as he led . - ._..:"&-----:- , ...
North ~,,- +~, r+' ....... A ,.;,~*,,.. l:~l~'ll game-- um l~rcGson ZSd.
. ~ H~,h serms-- Bill Fredson 642
in successmn It gave him a total ~, ~ , ~
of 49 tallies in those two successes. Bi!l Fredson cloreq the first hal£
The two clubs traded 13-6 scor- of the Simpson men's bowiing
ing performances in the first two league schedule with a hot-hanOi
quarters to wind up knotted at which pitched a 642 series at Shel-
19-19 at the half. The Bulhiogs ton Rec last Thursday.
made the comeback move, then
gained a 12-10 edge in the.:tb~rdr
quarter for a ol-29 mar~in.,g~g.
into the last frame. ..
Allen stuffed home the' ;]~e'y
i points as the Bulldogs made theft
second quarter rally and also con-
vez'te:l tln'ee foul shots at the end
of the third period which gave
the Bulldogs their lead. However,
Dwayne Blackwell and Stan Dish-
on came through with the clutcli
makers in the late going as North
Mason pulled from a. 41-40 deficit
to a 45-~1 lead with three min-
utes to go. Charlie Drake a:~:;istecl
on both baskets.
And tha.t was just enough to
His 033 214 and 195 games asp
't}]iff":~n~ineers a sweep over the
~Lbaders, whose Bud Knutzen mis-
gec] a 600 series by just seven
Shop, behind l oy Anderson's
556, l'oomed into the first half
chmnpionship on :~ shutout victory
over Insulating Board Plant (Jim
Simmons 516) while Mill 3 tCha--
Icy Miller 544) skidded to second
place on a 3-1 loss to Railroad
(Stan Ahlquist .580, M:el McGee
570). The Loggers (Norm Castle
567' Ken O'De]l 559) blanked Mill
2 (Dave Powell 536) in the fourLh
match of the concluding evening's
stave off the pressing Ta,ri,qrs,
',vl'o cloqed to within one point on ~_...~,~,,
6-3, 200-1b. Mike Davidson's basket
with 12 seconds left just alto) con-
verting a pair of foul shots,
N. Mason 49 Wright 48
Blackwell 4 f Andre 0 ~_ .~
Dishon 9 f Morgan 2
J. Allen 25 cl C. Allen 17
DeMiero 4 g~ Davis 15
Fleury 7 gl O'Rourke 5
Helena Rubinstein
cosmetics ......
Hypo-AllergtC Cosmetics
5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327
Mt. View Ph.
Air - Rail -
Bus - Hotels - Tours
No Extra Charge
Angle Travel Res. Cen!
401 Railroad Ave.
TV Service
Radio - TV
CB 2-way radio
Mt. View Ph, 426"
Electrical .......
Fairbanks-Morse Pumps
Electric Heating
Westinghouse Appliances
419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283
Greeting by Debbie Lowe
Subs: NM---Drake 0, Hedstrom
0. CW--Davidson 6, Storm 2,
Buttdorf 1.
Score by Quarters
North .- 6 13 12 18.-49
Chas. %Vright 13 6 10 19----48
It has become fairly obvious
that as Jay Allen scores ,~o goes
North Mason's basketball success.
When he tallied 24 points Friday
night (his third straight game in
that tally areal the Bulldogs blit-
zed Chimaeum, 49-42 on the Chim-
acum court, but When he was held
to five markers Saturday night
the Bulldogs took a fierce 57-27
whipping at Quileene.
North Mason tOok a command-
ing 28-16 lead at the half as Allen
tossed in 19 of his total, then held
off Chimacum the rest of the way.
It was just the reve-se Satur-
n. :lay, Quilcene romping to a 22-8
!ead as the Bulldogs managed only
~. two points in the second per,foal,
rod poured it on even worse in the
third quarter as the home club ~["~
ran up a 21-7 margin.
The lineups:
Mason 49 I C"~'n'u'.m 4~
Bhmkwell 6 fl O'Donnell 2l
.... ~ Dishon 7 fj Scarf 8
Allen 24 cI Lopem~m 2
Floury 7 gl Kellcn
Drake 5 g~ L. Allen 2
Subs: NM--Hedstrom 0. Chim'~.-
cure--Cook 8, Snydcr 1, .Wade 0.
Score by Periods
North Mason ...... 15 13 13 8--49
~, ,.. Chimacum ......... ...10 6 13 13,--,12
~. Qu;~!cene 57 I Masen 27
~~ o cl
, ". Marley 3 f~, Hedstrom 6
Cossette 27 c Allen 5
Weed 9 gi M. Fleury 3
Schaffer 8 gl Drake 2
~,~ %: : ....., Subs: Quilcene--Muberry 5, Fin-
:.;. :,.. : ley 2, Lycklan. NM-.-Cotant 2,
Dishon 5 G. Fleury.
~;~, ~ ., .-', ......... Score by Periods /
North Mason ...... 6 2 7 12 27
t Quilcene ....... ~:....;.16, 6 21 14--57
Greeting by Bruce McLain In freshman basketball compe-
6th Grade Mt. View School tition, West Bremcrton ran up a
SI 20-0 first quarter lead on the way
I to a 57-32 victory over the North
]Mason Fresh Friday at Belfair.
[ Bill Landrem topped No|th Ma-
, "son scoring with i0. 7th m treets
Phone 426-3344
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