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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1965
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December 23, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton Washington PAGE 17 =am Im Shelton Led For One Half But Centralia Finished Stronger Highclimbcr sperts fans felt lik, they'd had a shot of adrenMin \vhen their favorite hoopmen left the floor leading Centralia, 28-27, at the half Saturday night. The Tigers, however, asserted their supremacy af"~er the intermm- sion (apparently shaking off the weariness of their hectic overtime victory over Aberdeen the nigh2 before) and steadily pulled away to an ultimate 67-50 triumph in Shelton gym which marked the fifth consecutive setback of the season for tim Climbers. IT WAS A GREAT ball game from Shelton's standpoint iu the i'i:st half. The Climbers trailed by thin margins most of the way, '.)y 15-12 at the first quarter pause, jumped ahead at 18-15 on a phir of foul shots each by Scott Swish- er and Brady Whitener and a field ~,c'al by Chief Clayton, fell behindi when Centralia scored the nextI • .',ix points, regained it again whenI Bob Miller hit from the floor and! Vhitener paired free throws a.gaini and Ed Keenan hit from outside to make it 24-21. From there on the Tigers trailed until the buzzer, but they quickly assumed control when the third quarter opened and built a nine- point margin by the oeriod's end, 49-40, as Ed Petter scored all nine of his points for the game during the eight minutes. Swisher hit for six of the 18 whictl enabled him io share game honors with Tiger Wes Peterson, and one better than Centralia's Karl Kast. In that third quarter Centralia cashed in seven of 14 field goal attempts and added eight foul sho[% FOR THE GAME the Tigers shot 36 percent with 22 of 60 floor shots to which they added 23 of 35 chances at the foul line. Shelton hit 17 of 59 for 29 percent from the floor and 16 of 30 at the charity line. Miller continued 'to pull an ac- curate trigger for the Climbers and wound up with 11 points, his third straight double-figure total, as well as sllowing a lot of muscle on the boards. Swisher also was strong on rebounds. The Climbers go to Chehalis this Thursday evening, then will take a vacation from play until Jan. 7, when they open their Olympic League schedule by tackling the title-favored East Bremerton Knights in Bremerton. The lineups Saturday: Centralia 67 cf Shelton 50 Johnson 5 f Miller 11 Knapp 5 Swisher 18 Noyes 1 Bayley Pcterson 18 g! Clayton 2 17 gl Knautz 3 Subs: Centralia--Pettet 9, Mac Lachlon 6, Allender 4, Shirley 2 Olson, Althauser. Shelton--Keenan 6, Whitener 5, Preppernau 3, Cole. Fredson. Score by Periods Centralia .............. 15 12 22 18--67 Shelton ................... 12 16 12 10--5" L, '~ 'ii~ lUCK-AND-WING--Jim Borst (dark u n i fo rm), Highclimber hi, gave Steve Hilleany of Centralia a swing with the ger wrestler hanging on tightly in their mat bout Saturday ght. Hilleany finally won the decision, 7-2. + : : !/ i;L .... ~;/< ? = :): : "i¸< "ii !• ): r#{ , ~.1-. ~ .5 . , : _.i~ dOWnof 36 PA,pointsWhObyhadathe grandend oft°talthe sllps..o juggleC°mpelledhis lineupC°ach LarrYand matchWeir ?: Y TT. match, home of his grappiers out of their ',:::i The summary: Port Angeles 36,normal weight divisions. A normal i ,,= Shelton 15. Climber lineup would have walked ;~'L~" ii.~ : ( ( " ':~~ ~ ~ 103 division, Carl Pengras (PA) awaY103 withdivision,the decision.Dave $ $ * ", .... : forfeit. .... :. : " forfeit.112 division, Guy Iredale (PAl forfeit. . Lund (C) ') ~ I! ~ : :::: :' .... 120 division, Ronning (P'A) for- 112 division, Jim Kidrieck (C) ]| pinned Dave Rose, :50of the third iI I l' ,1 2 ' felt. • < t J)f~l 127 division, Anderson (PA) de- round, ¢~! l>~ ,,o ~,,,,,o, ~,,,c, ~,o,,,o,o, i i 133 division, Ken ,,in,ey (PA> (S> deeis,oned Tom Parks. 4-0. :; : pinned Clark Thorneck 1:53 of the 127 division, Joc Thopmson (S> second round, decisioned John VanNoy, 4-0. _'::L : .i !~:i:":.:< : ;. 615.(pA)138145 division,decisi°neddivisi°n'JimWarrcnDUrks~ aze, Fountain JagnoW,(s) pin- sionCddecisioncd133 division, Don Nell (S) deal-138 division,Ed ",Va rren Jacobsen,steve Jagnow,6-0'Eriks°n6-5.(C) ned Jim Pearman, 1:55 of the sec- 145 division, Steve Ingham (C) , " end round, decisioneds: versus DaVeDuaneDethleSS,vanQuae,4-3.draw i >: 154 division, Carl Rice (PAl 154 division, Andy Althauser ,• :iii pinned A1 Fitzthum 1;44 of the (CI pinned Jim Maloney, in :41 of ' i ' pinnedSecond165 division,Maxr°Und'Green,Walt :52Magelssenof the sec-(S/ (-the165thirddivisi°n'rOund" Steve Daugl~erty : i on~ ,.oon~ 175 division, Jim Maloney (S) i'75 division, Days'Cox (S) pin- :: forfeit• ned Jerry Volk, 1:53 of the first Greeting by Alvin Nielsen Greeting by Eddie Cooper 191 division, no match• round. 6th Grade Mr. View School ~Pecial Education Class Jr. High Heavyweight Unl., Tom Ellis 191 division, Don Armstrong (PAl £orfcit. (S) pinned Brad Hultbcrg, 1:24 frem Farnum & Lillie Leitz • * * of the second round. INELIGIBLES COST CLIMBERS Heavyweight Unl., Steve Hill- ,MATCH AGAINST CENTRALIA eany (C) decisioned Jim Borst, I; .................. o.n HlJl rut sa to io=t to c at la 7-1.