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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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D_ eeernher 1 Ofl. LTON--MA$0N JOUI NAL-- bllshed in "Chrisfmasfown Shelton, Washin on PAG .% i , I l'uLflic ti.n N()ItTI! MASON DISTRICT NO. 403 ('ALL FOIl BIi)N - 19611 Ihn'ner Oil--l'•S. 300 - ltegalar (,'as(dine TIw Nortll !Vlason Scilo-I Distl'iet N.. 403, 1Wastm County, Belfair, Wasll- ington will call for bids on lhp l'olhJW- W Diesel Burner Fuel for ]=hdfair Eie- ,nentary School and Allyn Elementary '/:~chool. i Appro:dnmtel'y 12,000-15,0'.)0 'g~l)v)lD~ lit!l" yea'). P.S, 390 Ifenvy Duty Burner Fuel "m' North M~l~()ll .]unior-Soni(H' Higll School. (Al)proxinlab'l:¢ 10,000 gallons per yO',l') P.,'Kt u" G:ls~ line. (Allproxinmtely 15,000-18t[10 gall,ms per ycsr) All bids must he subnltlted ta the Clerk, North Mason School District 9ffice n,) later than 8:00 p,m. on Jan- uarY t0. 19b'6 ai which lhue bids will b~' opclled. Tile North Mason School Dlstricl will receh'e llle~e products on aulo- rustic delivery. Gasoline shouhl be de- lh'cred we, k y, Oil Distril~utors will :'' ....... ' Publmatlons AMENDED NOTICE OF %VATER RIGIlT APPLICATION NO. 1t-1917l STATE OF WASItlNCTON, ()DIr'ICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- cated within SEV4SE~I of Section 18, Township 20 N., Range 2 W. W.M,, tn Mason County• An5' objections lnust be accoml)anied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed, witil the State Supervisor of Water Resources within thirty t30) days from December 28. 1965. Witness Sly lured and official seal this 7th day of Deccnlber, 1965. M. G. WALKER l 1 I II J lit JIL I ' [ I I ' : . Legal Publie tions NOTICE OF IIEARING ON PETITION FOil l'ltOIqL¢;EI) FIItE I)ROTF, CTION DI~TItlCT To The Honorable Board of Cmmty within Townsllip 22 North, Bange 3 ~Vc~t, V¢, M., Mason County, Wash- lngton, within tile following described arcs, tt,-wil : Beginning at the Northeast era'nor of Section 13, then in a westerly dire(:tion on tile North line of the following Sections : ]3, 14, I5, 16. and 17. to tile Nortiiwesl meander corner of Section 18. Thence follow- I : " i l II I II II I I I I .... l ogal' l'ublications u.; ca.o.s N(ITICE 'resolution of its Board ef Directors NOTICE is hereoy g~ven tilet Capital and by vote of ti~e e!ectors therein .,~ Savings and Loan Assocl•~tion, its in the manner required by law, bTevo- : [l!)llle offcc bc ng kcat(d at Fiflil and cabiy pledged itself to mane annu,tl lelTM Frauklin, Olynlpia. \Vashlngton. has les of taxt~8, witboul lllnitatl,)n ss tt~ applied to tile State Supervisor, Divi- rate ,dr alaount, upon all the taxable *:ion of Savhlgs and Loan Associath~ns, iJFupt'I•LY wiLl*Ill ttlt~ District hi the 1)epartnlent of General Adluini;~tration, aahJUl*, salllctcnI tu pay tilt" principal State of Was*ling*on, for peraliSslon (If tlt(' bonds when dLll. alLd uLLeruat [o organize and establish a DrllllCb Ult~tt!Oll US tho s~lnle slll~Ii [.)~e()lll(} dUO. offlce,.to be located ill Shelton, IVluson Bidders are invited l(i snbnllt pro- posals for the purchase of tlw D~,nd," , Xil~ *he nltere,'~t rate or rates that the same shall bear. The bids shall SpeCl[y either (a) the h)west I'llte Or ]'~t[*!S tlf illl~crest alld prenltuln, it" lilly, above pal" at ~,vllicb llw ill(*tier ~'ilt purchase the l)on(~s• or (I)) flip IOW(!!:t , : I,'t(' of rsti!s of tntel.esl ~.It which the hidder will pUl'cllase the bonds tit phr, NO bid will be considered for Ihe expirat!~)n of this period, tile SUllorvi- bonds for less than ]3~ll' a)t(l i:(,(H'av~l sor will consider the conlplete l•eo, lrd ultel'eSt, if ally. to dato of delivery of the cause and tile merits of tile el tim bonds. aPl)lieali0ll and issue his final order COUl)t)n rates bh] slltlli I)e ill lnulti- on tile matter. !l)les of 1/8 or 1/10 of 1%. or botil. Cauuty, Washington• All interested parties wishing to nmke specific objections may ao st) in person or in writing by fllhlg such protests witil the Supcrvis(u' of lhc zJivislon (:if Savi.ngs and L(len Associa- th)ns, State of 'W~slliilgtoll, on or De- fore Monday. January 10. D)68. Any such testhnony ()r written cvidence will be given due consideration. Al the WILLIAM E. YOUNG, Supervisor, ~) na,,c tllan ollt~ cult! el it(;, ll,i~y lie ,,c:~ponsible for checking tanks Per- State Supervisor of Water ing the meand(q" line of I Iced Ca- Division of Savings & Loan be lixed for any one malurily. Tile d (,'dlv , R,'sources. 12/16-23 2t nat. South and ]Dasterly. enlbracin~ Asseciations, Room 218 I nluxinmnl (Pffe 'ential between t e low- Gen. Administration Building !(,.st and h ghest coupon rates nanled tile followieg Sections snd portions INy]~s The Diret'tt)l's, North Ms,qon (',)ns,,l- NO ')05" , ,)f Sections: 18, 19. 20, 21, 22. 2"{, 2,1, OlynllHa, Waallingto. in any bid shah no, excee(, 2%• 1. t('(I School l)i:~tricl N() 403 rese,'ve "-T ..) .o 26 27 28 29 30 34 and 35, to t(u'- 12/16-23-30 3t b]a(,il bid shall state the total inter- the right to rvfus(, any o~' all' bids.St MMONS H¥ I UI|LICATION ..... , ( ¢ , IN THE SUPFI ........ , minnie at the Bit /nder co*n '* )I ........................... 'est cost over tbe lift~. of the lois(Is nnd ' ~ ell)It COt]RT t)}" TIlE ~%ood Canal and Section 24 Thenc(, C BO] ' Nortill'ETTYMas(,nCRISS'schooICh'rk Distciet ooiArE ....... O1~ WASHINGTON IN Northerly to the' Northeas't corm,,: NO ~625 the net effcclive interest tale of :,u('h 0eta _-426"4302 No. ,t03 AND FOR THE COUNTY oF MA- of Section 13 to the point of be-NOTICE OF llEARING FINAL bid. Only one cnupon will be atta('be(l Belfair, Washington 98528 SON ." ' ' REPORT AND PETITION FOR to eaeil bond for caci~ in stallmcnt of • ~. 12/23-30 1/6 3t ROBERT L, KOttL, and ginning, DISTRIBUTION I intere.~t lhcreon, and bias p)-(,viu!u~ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE for additional or supplemental cou- CONSTANCE E, KOHL, his wife, :For the purpose of the formation of STATE OF WASttINGTON FOR t pens will be rejccted. ' " Plaintiffs, a fife protection district we represent THE COUNTY OF MASON ] All bids shall be sealed and, exeeDt vs, and allege that the formation of said In the ~aatter of the Estate of S for the bid of the State of Washing- The unknown heirs at law of HENRYdistrict shall be conducive to the pub- JOSEPHINE PETERSON, Deceased• I ton, if one'is receivc(l sllall te uc- ( " YULE BUY SARLING, and all other persons orllc safety, welfare and convenience, NO~ICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN that lcoupanied by a deposit'of five pe,'centl !).a!'ties unkuown claiming any. cight, and will i)e a benefit to the property Carter Sanuahl, Executor of the, estate ] (59~) of the amount of the princilml [ utte, estate, lien or in*crest in tne Included therein, real estate described in tile conlplaint" We furtiler state that none of the of S. Josepiflne Peterson, ha8 fl~d I par value of the bonds either in cash i in the office of the Clerk of said I or by cashier's or certified check made I herein, Defendants, territory hereinbefore described is Court his Final Report and Petition/payable to the Treasm'er of l~asonl / AND SAVE LOTS OF Ifwithin tile limits of any Incorporated ,, To the said HENRY,S.ARLING, [ city or town whatsoever, and that the for Distribution, asking the Court l County, which shall be promptly re-/ XMAS MONEY l,vlng and the unknown ,leu's at law ot purposes of said district ,shall include to settle said report, distribute the / turned if the bid is not accel)ted'; and l HENRY SARLING, i~ deceased, and the elhuination of fire hazards and property to the persons thereto en-~ if the bonds are ready for d(qivcry DURING THIS a u.otner persons or parties _unKnown for the protection of life and property, titled and to discharge said Carter)and the successful bidder fails to e,lnl- crouton an l~ ht title estate sen For • g y "g .... .. . the purpose herein stated the Sandahl as executor; and timt said'plete the purchase of the bonds with- , - .~ _me ....... n_tul es ___ BIG USED CAR SALE! o, Interest in the real estate descrmea followin~ na s and slz a • ar~ report and petition will be heard on lm forty days following the acceptance in tile complaint herein, Defendants submitted, " the 14th day of January, 1966, at 10tel his bid, tile alnount of his Octmmt ' . . (End of Petition followed by ,12 sig-a.m. at the court room of the Probate shall be forfeited to the School Dis*- You e Ich of OU al e nereDy nature.) ' , and .~ Y ' "t 60 "" Department of said Court, at wlflch[riet and In that event the Board sUnlmoned to appear within six.y ( . ) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT: time and place any person nterested ] of Directors may accept the bid of da s after the date of the first pun A Hearts Lots of Xmas Spirit, Top Quality Y " " "" ith" . g will be held on said above in said estate may appear and file ob- I the one nlaklng the next best bid, lication of tiffs sunlmonB, to-wit, w - Petitlon, ~h3' ...e)h,~ ...~.,o~ .-,,...,.~a'~"~ .... ,~r on,,-).'..,.~ jectious thereto and contest the same. [ If there are_two or .more equal bids in sixty (60) days after the 16th any Commissioners of ~ason County, In Dated this 2nd day of Decenlber, and such bius ar~ tne best bids re.. High Value @. Low Prices • Wide Selection ot Dece~nber, 19~5, cud defesntae ale the Office of the Board in the Court. 1965, ceived for P.ot less than par and ac- aoove-entmea act*on m tne ~up riot house in Sltelten, Washington, on the LAURA WAGENER ]crued interest, the Board of Dircrtors aid and ans er the corn court afores W . " 27ti~ day of December, 196{i, at the Clerk of said Court shall determine by lot which bid will ¢:~ff~ ~ By Teekla VemniUionDeputy be accepted The School DIstr,(.t ,'e- ePl~)i~tof~o~¢ ag~trifuf~o~n~h °u~o~It I)l'~e~;!~{,atm~flCahp~le'~l),e ~:xl~ Myron H. Freyd 'serves the right to reject any or all CHRISTMAS signed attorneys for the_plato} . , be heard for or against the granting Attorney for Executor bids submitted and h) waive any in- at their office below states anu in of said Petiti()n " ~8 Bay Street formality in tile bidding, and if nil SHOPPING e~ase of your failure so to do. jud~eut I)ATED this '7th' day of December, Port Orchard Wash 98366 bids be rejected, the bonds may be will be rendered against,you accoramg 1965 .... 12/9-16-23 3t readvertiscd fro' sale in the manner emands of the corn )laint n IS ON AT to the d. . i~ ..... ' Board of Caunty Commissioners .............. provided by law. The bonds will be this action which has been ~uea wltn ot Mason County Washington NOTI('F oil" ~ONI) ~AL],~ delivered to the s ]( :essful I) dder at , , ............ ~ ( ' the clerk of said court. , . , • By R[JTH E, B(JYSEN ' SOUT~SIDi~ SCHOOL DISTRICT NO the of flee of the Treasur ~r ot Mason 42 MASON COUNTY" wASHTNG" County at Shclton, Wasilinglon. or this action m to quint The object of . ' .... County Auditor andClerk of theT~)N GENERAL ~)BII~I, ION at such otiler place as said Treasurer title in plail~tiffs to real esxate in Board 15/8-16-23 3t Mason County, Washington, described " " BONDS, 1966 $47.-~0000 " and the purchaser shall mutually SEALED Pi~oPOSALS will be re- agree upon. 707 S. lst 426-3433 Drawn by Bryan Burgess as: NOTICE OF SALE OF FOREST ceived by the Treasurer of Mason The bonds will be furmisiled by the The southeast qnarter of the soutit- PRODUCTS VALUED AT NOT MORE County, Washington, and the Direc- School District and will be sold with west quarter of tile southwest quar- THAN Sz,,00{L00 . tors of Southside School District No. the legal opinion of t{obcrls, Siwfel= )er ~E¼ SW% SWk,) of section STATE ely WASHINGTON, DEPART- 42, Mas~)n County. Wa#hington, at the nmn, Lawrence, Gay & Moch, nmnici- thirt~ofo{lr, township _ twenty-three MENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, office o the Treasurer of Mason Coun- pal bond counsel ~ (If Seattle, Wasmng- range three West w. m• BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of ty in the Court Houee of Msson toll, approving tile legality of the Public Lands. , County, Washington, at Sheiton, same, which opinion will be printed against the claim of the defendants and Notice is nereby given that on M~)n-' Washington, until 2:[}0 o'clock p,m., on each bond, aU at the expcnse of any one of them. day the 3rd day of Jimuary, /966. (P.S.T.), on Wednesday, December 29, the Distri('t. A no-litigation certifl- Clmnnencing at ten o'clock in the fore- 1965, at which tinte all bids received e~tte will be included in the closing NIEMEIER & HAMILTON Attorneys for Plaintiffs ~'oulsbo, Washington 12/16-23-30 1/6-13-20 6t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPEBT¥ AT PRIVATE SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of FRANS PHILIP JOHNSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, will on. or after the 17th day of January 1966, offer for sale and sell the following described real property situated ill Mason Coun- ty. Washington, to-wit: The North 20 ft. of Lots 28, 29 and 80 inclusive of Block 105 of Hood's Canal Land and Improvenlent Co,'s Plan of Union City, also right-of- way aver the North 30 feet of the South 80 feet of said Block 105, ex- cept Lot 16 of said Block 105. All bids must be in writing, may be d61fvered to the undersigned Admin- istrator personally, may be delivered (o the office of his attorney, B, Frank- lin Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton, Washingtou, and may bc filed in the effiee of the C|erk of file above en- tilled Court, The undersigned reserves the ,'ight to reject any and all bids. Said prop- erty will be sold for cash, or cash and credit and shall be subject to ti~e rati- fication, confirmation and approval of the above entitled Court• noon, at the Shelton Dist,qct Head- quarte~s of the Det)artment of Natur- al l~esources, tlle'1011owlng described forest products will be sold at publlc auction to the highest bidder. Approximately 9,000 board feet of Douglas Fir marked with •blue pahlt within a marked sale area bc, undary. Located in Gov. Lots 2. 3. ,t Sec. 18, TWp. 20 N.. Rgc. 5 (W), \V.M. will be publicly opened read and papers. c,msidered for the purchase of $47,- DATED al Shelton, Wasilington, this 000,00 par vstne of "General ObHga- fl0th day of November, 1965. tion ~onds, 1966," of South~'~lde School JOItN B. COLE, Treasurer District No. 43. Mason County, Wash- of Mason County, Washington tngton. By /s/ MARY I DOBSON• Deputy 12/2-9-1(;-23 4t 1The.~: bonds will be dated January 1, • : will be in' 4envmtnatiqns ot ,¢1,0O0.0o each: will be nunlllered from 1 to 47. lnchlstve will bc pay(lille, bnth pcinclnal and interest, in lawful Mason County. Washington. money of the United States of Amer- CASH SAL-~A lea at the office of tile Treasurer of Forest prodncts will be sold on aM~aon Cnunty. Shelten. Washington ; ca'~q~ basis• will bear interest at a maxlmunl effec- Minimum acceptable bid will be $117.00. On or before Jan, 3. 1966.'at 10:00 a•nl., elich bidder nlusl nlake a mln- ilnunl de])aslt of $11.70 ill tile tornl of cash. nloney order, or certified chcck. Said deposit shall consUtute an opening bid at thc appraised price Upon completion of this sale. the tlve ral,e of not It') exceed 6~/,, per an- num, . payable ~Iniannuaily (ill the first days of Janu~u'y and July of each year ; an(t will ionl ure ill DC- cordnnce witll the following schedule. to-wI t : hi,lid Nuln oers (Inchtsive) Amounts 1 to 2 $2 OO0,00 3 to 4 2.@/}0.00 5 to 6 2,000•00 7 to 8 2 000,00 2.iX)0.00 2000.00 2.OOO.(]O 2,000.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 2 no0.00 2 00o, o0 2.000.00 3 n00.o0 3.OOO,OO ,q,0OO.00 3.OO0.OO 3.OOO,O0 3 O00.OO respective deposits st*all be returned to ti~e uusuecessful bidders. On the d:ly of sah!. the |)(lrC]lasel' must pay "NO. 3681 i: NOTICE TO ('RE1)ITORS IN TIIE SUPERIOI( COURT OF TIlE the balance between the bid del)osit 9 to ]0 and tile full bid price t)lu~ a $6.00 11 tel2 bill of sale fee Th|s bahmce may :[9 to l-I be paid by personal dl,,,ck All checks. 15 to 16 nloney orders, eIc, are t0 be laade ]7 ta 18 payable to the Conuni,~sioner of" Pubhc 19 to 20 Lands. P~ it) 22 BOND: Upon award of sale. the 23 to ~4 I)urcllaser nlu!!t also furnisha cash 25 te 20 bond of $50.00. in the form ofcash 27 t,) 29 5th Grnde STATE ely WASItIN GTON ].,'OR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of EARL D ~ ~i