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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Dec. 23, 1971 85th Year - Number 50 Published in $helton, Wa. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Wa. 98584, under act of Mar. 8, 1879. Published weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving, at 227 W. Cota. $5 per year in Mason County, $6 elsewhere. 4 Sections - 3z~ Pages Ten Cents Per Copy earcu ISCUSS erence ]'he effects on esthetics are host noticeable and provable cutting while there are naany unanswered questions effects on soil, water run tlld subsequent tree growth, a P of University of ton faculty members told ~e who attended a Clear ting Conference at the Thursday. ambiguity of national legislation and the U.S. Service came in for some comments from Barney who was the speaker at 10on luncheon session of the q'he criteria used by the est Service in making its l'he State Highway Tuesday afternoon an advance loan to County of $48,000 in Secondary road funds for the county to carry t~o projects under the FAS .rn next year. two projects are the of the Stretch Bridge and continuation of the North Shore Road. Engineer J. C. Bridger ted the request for the advance after it was earlier by the county lission. advance funds will be in to the county's regular for next year. funds will be deducted PAS funds for the following timber cutting decisions do not lead to efficiency" Dowdle said. National forest legislation and the Forest Service decision policy are ambiguous, he commented, and this amibiguity leads to a lot of misinformation and verbal pollution. National forests have been around a long time, he said, and until recent years were there, but, few people paid any attention to them. As the number of people increased and they had more money and more leisure time, they discovered the National Forests as recreation areas and this led to the present conflicts. The conflicts will continue, Dowdle predicted, as pressures from more people with more leisure time continue. Clear cutting was not invented recently, James Bethel told the conference in his opening remarks. It was used by the early day loggers more extensively than it is now with the harvest of second growth timber. It is not a question of whether to cut timber or not, since the commitment to the use of the land for timber growth has already been made. Clear cutting, he stated, is one forest management practice among many. Many people, he commented, dislike the results of the appearance of timber harvest, but, some natural occurances such as blow downs and burns produce ugly appearances also. The greatest environmental impact from forestry has been the reduction in forest fires. An area of old growth timber, Bethel commented, is generally over-mature with-a lot of dead timber which is left after the logging has been completed. Under the clear cutting practices, fire is used to get rid of slash and to prepare the ground for reseeding. Dr. David Scott, professor of silva culture, discussed plant growth in forest areas. He described clear cutting as replacing one generation of trees with another in an environment in which there is no living influence from the previous generation. He stated in Western Washington, the alder and Douglas fir are the first species to come in when a new generation of trees starts and they are followed (Please turn to Page 2) The Mason County Commission, by a 2-1 vote Tuesday afternoon voted to name Mrs. Mildred Conklin as County Clerk to succeed Mrs. Lodga Fields, who resigned the position. Mrs. Conklin was No. 3 on the list of candidates recommended by the Mason County Republican Central Committee for the position. She, like Mrs. Fields, is a Republican. The Mason County Commission set 2 p.m. Jan. 10 for a hearing on a proposed county zoning ordinance. The County Planning Commission, after public meetings and a public hearing earlier, voted to recommend t:~ the county commission that the zoning ordinance be adopted. The zoning map, which will determine what zone each piece of property will be in, is being developed by the planning commission. The proposed zoning ordinance outlines the various zones which will be allowed in the county and what will be allowed in each. The zoning ordinance follows the completion of a comprehensive plan prepared by the county earlier by Consulting Service Corp. The commission discussed a successor to County Clerk Lodsa Fields, at its Monday meeting, but, postponed a final decision until 3 p.m. Tuesday. Commission Chairman William O. Hunter stated all three of the candidated recommended by the Mason County Republican Central Committee appeared to be qualified and that he would be willing to accept the central committee's first choice, Mrs. Lou Donnell, editor of the Huckleberry lterald. Commissioners John Bariekman and Martin Auseth made no comment and the commission went into executive session when they returned to the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~ t The donations to the 40 and 8-Journal Christmas fund rolled in dining the past week, shooting the annual effort to within $130 of its $1,000 goal as of press time Wednesday. The total was $870.95. The project raises money to provide Christmas baskets for less fortunate families in Mason County each year. The 40 and 8 is in charge of obtaining the material for the baskets, assembling them and seeing to their delivery. The Journal handles the fund raising efforts. Contributions can be brought to the Journal office at Third and Cota or mailed to the Journal, P. O. Box 430, Shelton. }leading the list of contributions during the past week was the $100 contributed by 40 and 8 Voiture 135. Other contributions during the past week included Fraternal Order of Eagles, $30; Mr. and Mrs. Alva Bennett, $5; Bedell Drilling Co., $20; anonymous, $5; anonymous, $5; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grant, $5; Dr. A. C. Linkletter, $10; Frank's Electric, $5; Mr. and Mrs. Lakeburg, $5; Lawton Apartments, $10; Randall Updyke, $5; anonymous, $2; anonymous, $2; anonymous, $10; Gott Oil Co. Inc., $25; Jim and Agnes Moore, $5; Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Guild, $2 and food; Mr. and Mrs. AI Courter, $10; Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Norvold, $5; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wivell, $10; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rutledge, $5; Mr. and Mrs. Webster tt. Flint, $5; Prepp's Rexall Store, $10; anonymous, $5; Mr. and Mrs. Amos Babcock, $5; Mrs. Eber Angle, $5; In memory of Mamie Earl, $5; anonymous, $10; anonymous, $20; anonymous, $1 ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pozorski, $5; Mr. and Mrs. John Luhm, $5; Lake Enterprises Co., $10; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kosmonek, $5; Catherine Cropper, $5; Clinton Willour Insurance, $25; Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Young, $10; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams, $5 and Mrs. M. E. Hillier, $5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ commission room, they voted to postpone the decision. Mrs. Donnell was the first choice candidate on the central committee list. In second place on the list was Mrs. Carolyn Kerr, an employee in the office at Mason General Hospital and the third place candidate was Mrs. Mildred Conklin, secretary to Prosecuting Attorney Byron McClanahan. Mrs. Fields submitted a letter of resignation as county clerk last month in which she stated wanted to leave Dec. 15. Mrs. Fields is remaining on the job until her successor is appointed and qualified. The commission received the central committee recommendation three weeks ago, and, after interviewing the three top candidates for the office, had set Monday as the date they would make the selection. The Mason County United Good Neighbors fund drive this year has a total of $7,746.98 in cash and pledges so far, it was reported at a meeting of the UGN board Friday noon. There are still several large groups to be heard from, it was reported. General Hospital this week it will be to increase the basic rate $6 per day. The new for semi-private rooms $58. The new rate will be 1. rate adjustments are the to be made in more than a and are needed to cover costs in four principal a new two year contract the registered nurses tiated by the Washington e Nurses Association, necessary under the licensed practical nurses' contract, an increase in employee health insurance, and a sizeable increase in workmen's industrial insurance now mandatory with the State of Washington under a new law, Hospital Administrator Laurel Nelson said. Around the country nearly all hospitals have had to raise daily room rates from $5 to $10 per day. Even with this new rate adjustment Mason General Hospital continues to have lower overall rates than most hospitals in the area, Nelson commented. This is a graphic Christmas story.., and thereby hangs a tail.