December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1971 |
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Robert Tobey
Robert L. Tobey will be
installed as Master at the 1081h
annual installation of officers of
Mt. Monah Lodge No. 11, F and
AM. Dec. 27.
Yhe ceremomes will be held in
the Mast)nit Temple in Shelt(m
starting al 8 p.m.
Other otiiccrs to be installed
are ('harles Morrison, senior
warden~ Lo} A. Ilicks, junior
warden; W. B. William Brickert,
treasurer: W. B. Arnold Cheney,
secretary: Jack I'owell.senior
deacon; k~rell Sclieslad. junior
deacon : Le(mard ('~de. senior
steward: Loran Armagosl,junior
steward; l. er~> l)ishon,
chaplain: Bartlelt Parks. marshall.
and Marvin Biehl, I yler.
All Masons, their tamilies and
friends arc welcome to allend the
(Continued from Page 1 j
by cedar and hemlock.
The new growth, he
commented, starts out with
between 5,000 and 10,000
seedlings per acre which is
reduced to about 100 trees when
they are mature.
While claims have been made
that clear cutting damages the
soil, Dr. Stanley Gessel, professor
of soils, told the group, definite
proof is lacking in most instances.
There is a great deal of work
being done on soils at universities,
and, computors are helping in
compiling the information so
more can be learned.
It has been the policy in many
areas to convert the forest soils to
agricultural soils, but, condili~ms
in Western Washington have made
this difficult, Gessel said.
The soil is the product ,')f the
environment, he said, and soils are
constantly changing.
You have to know what you
are talking abotlt before you can
claim clear culling damages soils,
and, in his opinion this
inlormation is not complete.
Each case could be different
because ol the ditlerent type of
soil, Dr. Gessel said.
Dr. David Wooldridge,
professor ot hydrology,
commented that about 95 per
cent ot the run ofl water in this
area comes trom forest lands.
Cutting the timber increases
the amount of run off, he said, as
the trees use up water which,
when they are gone, goes into the
Sedimentation in streams
c~,rnes largely from road building
in connection with logging
since the old growth has just
about reached its maturity and
cannot take advantage of tile
benefits of thinning as the second
growth can.
In answer to a question on the
effects of fertilization of forest
lands on the acquatic
environment, they commented
that the fertilization which gets
into the water increases fish
production because the food
supply ]s increased.
Dr. Gerald SchreudeI,
discussing the economic effects of
logging and recreation on forest
land, commented that how you
look at clear cuthng depends on
what side you are on.
The various methods of forest
land use put either timber or
recreation first, he said. One of
the problems is to put a value on
the use of the land for recreation.
Restrictions or a ban on clear
cutting would cause an economic
shift from the forest factor to the
recreation lector, he stated.
Dr. ]homes Waggner, who
also discussed the economic
implications of the clear cutting
question, stated that it clear
cutting was banned, there would
be a reduction in money
lrom timber harvesting, but, at the
same time an increase in
businesses dealing with recreation.
The economic benefits from
the use of forestland would
switch from the timber industry
to tile recreation industry, and,
would probably benefit different
One factor to consider, he
said, would be whether or not the
amount of additional recreational
activity would make up for the
Louise Pulsifer
Louise Pulsifer Has
90th Birthday Recently
Louise Pulsifer, known t() her near the ocean.
friends and her family as She is a member of the
"Grandma", was honored on her Skokomish Indian Reservation
90th birthday at a party hostessed Assembly of God Church, which
by Mrs. George Fischer on she attends twice weekly.
December 15 in her Union home.
operations, he commented. Areasloss because of the reduction in
where the trees are removed have the timber industry. A specially decorated cake was
served and Grandma Pulsifer was
a ,,uiiicieFlt cover of other plants NEARLY ALL legislation presented with many gifts.
Licenses ,,, l, revent cxcessive amounts of involves a weighing of public Mrs. l'ulsifer, although
sedimenlali~,n, needs as against private desires: eye-sight is less keen than in her
T O Sedimentation is usually and likewise a weighing of relative youneer years, still makes baskets
o _n worse aitcr the first storm social values, from the sweet gr~lss that she
following the road work, and, Louis D. Brandeisgathers each summer from areas
CalIUs About ~--~
A Planned ~'~,,~" ~.~
Unit Development ~~
426-2646 ~fl
Sale Jan. 3
following the second storm in ~l~l~l~l~l~:l~l~:l~l~l~:l;~ll~:~t~:ll~:i~~~~~~
Vehicle and .,npe lice*, e ,n,,stcases I
will go ,)n stilt' 21 lhc Mason Portable debris, which reduces
('aunt\ Auditor", Ollice Jan. 3, lhe oxygen content in rivers and
('ountyAudih,l RulhBovsensaid slreanls call and should be ~ ~ ~
Ibis week. eliminated, Wooldridge said.
Velucle licenses will also be Studies have shown lllerc is ~
on sale at three agencies in the no increase in disolved nulrienls
,,. Will be closed for inventory |
Substation, Iloodsport Lumber operations, he slated.
('o. and Jim Snedthm Farmers In answer to a question from
Insurance oftice il1 Shelton. the audience, the three who acled , .-I remoA I; .-, 1: noon on
Mrs. Boy,en also sl;at~u:l as g pa.dl after making their I ,-,~ anu ,ram
v~hi¢le licenses can be ob,,taJ, i~d pre~entalions, steted that thinninggrowth,practicai ", ":!] [ :: 2 itl, th.u SUH" JA I ....... i|
by mailinglilt' pre-run anti a old growthtimber, as is done ill~ ~1
chec. t,, the ,,,u.ty .ud,tor's second ,s n,,, ' r
()flice. , ~ •
mid effect m January, all slide-in ~
campers at leas! five leel high and
title and licensr, Mrs. Boysen said.
('amper licenses will n,,t be I 1
fronl the auditor's office, she said. SO
Slit" asked calnper owners lo A TUE AY J~'i ¢
to license their campers:
bill of sale, invoice, dealer's report
of sale or other proof+ ¢ou, ~mot,,~ '~' '
Proof ,,l sales tax paid. CONEY ISLAND v,
Welghl slip for can, per or 15! ~
nlanuiacturer's st;dement of
weight. ('amper scale weight can 1 1
be figured by weighing the truck o~Fe~ ~. x~t)~vt~ u D~ ~
and camper an,, ,hen subtract,ng "'"O", See you Monday, January 3, 1972.
the truck scale weight shown on ~
the registratmn cemficate.
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 23, 1971
Southside Group To Sing
(;de. Daniel J. Evans has entitled"Christmas Under the
invited tire mixed choral group l)ome".
from Southside School to Teachers of the group are
participate in a party for state Annette McGee, Bernie Lang,
employees children Dec. 22. Don Korte, Ruth Miller and Lynn
The students will present a Wilson.
twenty minute program followed
by community singing in the ACCIDENT: an inevitable
rotunda of the State's Capitol. occurence due to the action of
Gay. Evans and Santa Claus immutable natural laws.
will be on hand for the party Ambrose Bierce
Mt. Moriah Lod
No. 11
F. & A. M.
Monday, December 27
(St. John's Night)
Stated Communication
Lodge Opens 8 p.m.
Alex E. Smith, W.M.
t Cheney, Secretary
An international product by Waltham of Chicago
PlII~ S~.llll
Evergreen Square • 426-34S6 • Shelton