December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Peate o,n
That o e day of the year has arrived when we put aside
our napalm, poison gas, rockets, bombs, hand grenades, land
mines, rifles, torpedoes, mortars and other manly toys and
pray for peace.
Praying for peace while you are investing half the federal
budget for the implements of war is comparable to praying
for clean lungs while you are smoking four packs of cigarettes
a day. , •
But it s a nice gesture, and a one-day moratorium on a
death and destruction is better than none at all.
The problem, of course, is that none of us really believes
that the time will come 'when the peoples of the earth shall
beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into
pruning hooks, when nation shall not lift up sword against
nation, neither shall they learn war any more, but they shall
sit every man under his, vine and under his fig tree and none
shall make them afraid.
Those are fine words, but we take our direction ,on war
and peace from George Washington, who opined: To be
prepared for is one of the most effectual means of
preserving peace.
To be prepared for war means you must make people
afraid, which leaves George at some disparity with Jesus.
We have resolved this difference of opinion between two
of our favorites by following George s advice for 364 days a
year and giving Jesus a spectacular birthday party on the
365th, complete with toy guns and tanks and airplanes and
size two military uniforms.
Another unrealistic dreamer, Petrarch, had some words to
say about peace: Five great enemies to peace inhabit with
us: viz., avarice, ambition, envy, anger and pride. If those
enemies were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy
perpetual peace.
Words, words, words. That Italian dingaling has listed the
five attributes without which a man cannot become a leader
of a great nation.
Without pride, President Nixon would never have been
able to tell us that the reason weare still killing Asians is
because "we will not be humiliated. '
There s only one sensible way to sit under your vine - i__
that s with a sub-machine gun in your lap and a bag of
grenades at your feet. And if you want to watch your color
television set under your fig tree, be sure there is a .38 in the
drawer of the coffee table.
Peace. . byBDoj::uHx hool
Here's the real
[ The Journal's und v n" reporter the? Chinese .......... J'
/nai iandfireworks thanhaS: smug iedthePentagon out a document Papers. that will create more " ....
We sometimes wondered if we were throwing money
down a rathole by paying this fellow ten dollars a week and Lodema Johnson Zelda Fee Hess Frank Anderson Anita Duggar
all the rice he could eat, but the scoop he has provided makes Mary Kent Adella Dwyer Gary Nelson Frances Radtke
the expense worthwhile. AI Ford Vivian Linn Paul Mortensan Dolores Drake
Journal readers will be the first to see, printed below, the Jim Shrum Barbara Nelson Carmen Yarns Sana Brewer
complete Chinese strategy for President Nixon s forthcoming Don Adolfson Lou Donnell Dora Hearing Mary Hill
trip to Peking, plus an assessment of Henry Kissinger by a Ron Kunkle Fern Gay Mrs. Ray Kratcha Brian Clevenger
Chinese starlet, Chow-Ann-Lay. Dick Moore Julie Gay Vivien Olson Steve Erickson
We are sending the papers to the State Department Jan Danford Gay Johnson Tom LePique Jim Kneeland
simultaneously with their publication. We 11 take our chances Lee Doyle Nancy Dayton Margaret LePique Jerry Johnsen
in court if we have violated national security. Glenn Kinkade Henry Gay
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Even a hasty perusal of this master plan reveals that the
Chinese will be tough to deal with. You will notice the shape
of the table to be used, an important matter in diplomatic
Probing between the lines, however, there is evidence of
some soft spots on the underbelly of the dragon. The signs
are not all ominous.
Official action by the Junior
Chamber of Commerce in
sponsoring its own measure is
certain to give new impetus to the
income tax movement in this
state. Though strictly a
nonpartisan organization, the
Jaycees have had prior - and
successful - experience in the
field of politics.
Few remember, and many are
unaware, that the Jaycoes are
primarily responsible for daylight
saving time. After fast time had
been defeated six years earlier,
the Jaycees undertook an
initiative campaign in 1960 to
establish the daylight saving time
which has prevailed in this state
ever since.
The Jaycees' income tax
proposal differs in many respects
from the direction the Governor's
Citizens Committee for a New
Tax Policy appears to be taking.
For one thing, the Jaycees'
proposal is designed to result in a
net revenue gain to the state of
$286 million. The Citizens'
Committee is leaning toward a
plan which wouldn't increase the
total amount of tax dollars that is
raised now.
Multiplicity No Problem
Too many bills on the same
subject have been enough to kill
some types of legislation, but this
doesn't seem to hold true on
taxes. There were more than a
dozen different tax reform
programs in the 1969 Legislature
when the Governor's tax reform
program was passed as H JR 42.
Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 23, 1971
In that case, many plans were
offered in the search for one
which would have the best
chance. When the Governor's plan
emerged, proponents of all other
proposals rallied behind HJR 42.
At the moment, the Citizens'
Committee's plan would appear
to have the edge, if for no other
reason than the fact it will have
the Governor's support. The
75-member committee is
composed of representatives from
all factions and all walks of life,
and its proposal is more likely to
represent a concensus.
Holiday Handicap
Some of the public meetings
conducted by the Citizens'
Committee have been poorly
attended, but this doesn't
necessarily prove lack of interest.
It is extremely difficult to get
people out to public meetings
during the holiday season. They
are too busy, and too occupi,.d
with other things.
The big problem will be
getting the 1972 Legislature to
place a tax issue on a ballot. As
pointed out previously, it is
virtually impossible to get
legislators to vote any new taxes
in an election year. But if the
measure fails in 1972, it will be
back in 1973. Also pointed out
previously: it took two sessions of
more than 100 days each to put
HJR 42 on the ballot.
Sugar In The Tank
Sugar in the gas tank couldn't
have caused more consternation
than a mysterious effort to
sweeten the state's tax on gasoline
by another half cent. The bill was
included in a packet sent out to
members by the Democratic
caucus in the House.
Nobody seems to know "who
dunnit." At first it was thought to
be an executive request measure,
but the Governor was as surprised
as anybody else. Now everybody
denies having had anything to do
with it.
But the fact that the measure
has made its appearance is pretty
solid proof people haven't heard
the last of it. There is
considerable support in some
quarters for another gasoline tax
boost to continue the urban
arterial program. It probably
won't pass in the coming session,
but its presence could serve as a
harassment to supporters of Gov.
Dan Evans' proposal to extend
the sales tax to gasoline sales.
Credit Has Edge
Of three proposed
constitutional amendments
Governor Evans plans to submit
to the 1972 Legislature, one
authorizing the state to loan its
credit to private corporations and
groups appears to have the best
It received the necessary
two-thirds majority in the Senate
after three tries last session, and
came within four votes of having
enough in the House. It since has
been modified to facilitate
The problems faced by an
income tax have been well
documented. The other proposal
would establish annual sessions of
the Legislature.
An annual session amendment
has been in every regular session
of the Legislature for the past 40
years, but the Governor's
proposal passed the House by an
overwhelming majority last time;
81 to 18. It's problem has been in
the Senate, where it went into the
Committee on Constitutions and
never came out.
The committee chairman,
Sen. John T. McCutcheon, a
long-time foe of annual sessions,
has died since the 1971 session.
Bruce Wilsort is vice chairman, but
his advance to the chairmanship
isn't automatic. Committee
chairmanships are determined by
seniority, and Wilson is still in his
first term.
A change in chairmanships
might improve the chances of
annual sessions, but other
senators, including R. R. Grieve,
the majority leader, are equally
opposed. As this committee also
handles redistricting legislation,
the new committee chairman is
pretty certain to be somebody
satisfactory to Grieve, who is the
Democrats' chief architect in this
New Measures Coming
While many of the Governor's
executive request measures are
"warmed over" from the last
session, there also will be some
new bills.
One, called an "environmental
rights act," would authorize
private citizens or local
government units to go to court
to halt actions they considered
threatening to the environment.
Editor, The Journal: be, if a careful cost
Rumor has it that the kept of all convicts fi
sociologists and psychologists in they enter prison till they
the "Department of Social Health released, food, clothing, rn0
and Services" which used to be care etc. when released
called the barbaric and degrading should pay the state bad
name of "Department of much permonth, eitherinC=
Institutions, ' for lack of work, like cleaning up litters
constructive results of their time, highways, building parks,
is now suggesting that convicts in Think it over taxpayers, its
our prisons should be paid while we got a break.
they are confined against the Oh, yes, I am curious a
cruel society. This dear why our news media faile~
tax-payers, means while in school mention the facts about
or any other type of labor while furlough farce at WCC like
in prison, the convict the other day we~
This means I as a taxpayer furlough and forgot to ¢
could get robbed of say $500.00 back. Perhaps the space is t
worth of tools and cash. Then the held for more sensational re~
poor guy that robbed me gets sent like the cruel treatment
to prison. And then I shouid dig handed out by the big bad
up more to pay him while he's guards.
there? Like hell I should. From what I hear the g~
To me a more realistic are so narrow minded theYl
method of holding down the mad get upset about all the dope t]
rush to get sent to prison, would getting in.
The Flapdo~ dmer: EarlG=
When is o ondmork
not o Iondt ork?
Prophetic lyrics in a pop song last year warned the
"They're gonna pave Paradise and put in a parking lot."
Although banks represent Paradise only to bankerS,,
song s doomsday doggerel still applies to a downtown d,(
now playing in Portland at the corner of SW 5th AvenUe
Stark Street.
That commercial cubbyhole has been occupied in
style since 191 6 by Doric columns of the First National p
of Oregon.
It s a beautiful building; considered "an exemplary
of Greek neo-classical style ' by architects alarmed at a
toward knocking down such monuments in the n
progress. , du
This old bank doesn t resemble anything built here
the past 10, 20 or even 30 years - it s got class, where
could you find Doric columns, a temple facade and Col0
Yule marble, all in one building and all of it paid for?
Nowadays if they use marble at all, thin venee
draped from steel superstructures. Pretty, in a cold cit
way, but decoration, not support. More like plastic
marble. But that's economics - plastic lookalikes hoJ
keyto tomorrow. '.
The Portland Historical Landmarks Commission tO
March, 1970 to add the old bank building to its
historical landmarks. That would have spared it from rat
wrecking ball.
But the building emerged a landmark only in the l
whimsical and unofficial sense, because bank
already up to their pockets in a new 40-story bank bml
were trying to sell the old place when the Land
Commission appeared on the scene.
The bankers convinced city councilmen a land
designation would impede attempts to unload the
building. ,, ,,
Of course, For Sale status is as relevant to hisl
1 mfl a a r m home to t eratlOl
sg "'c" nee ,as s" g s he Pepsi Gen " ,
the bankers logic nevertheless scored a bullseye witl
fathers, who in effect ruled that since the stately sift
was For Sale, it was neither historical nor a landmark.
Enter wrecking ball. Enter 20-car parking lot.
historical landmark, class, Paradise.
Banking and building leave little time for the inapt
the non-remunerative or the sentimental. Instead, inn
dream of demolition and exult in talk of "future
pedestrian malls and other downtown improvements."
By "improvements' they mean replacing
with blacktop parking lots, complete with yellow
striping and toll booths.
By "pedestrian malls" they mean areas for walking"
lure shoppers, consumers and other money
downtown, and never mind what it looks like when
By "future skyways" bankers could mean
They could mean skyscrapers reaching clear
paying and receiving Paradise all their own; or they
mean a sublime someday when today's 40-story
becomes the World's Tallest Parking Garage.
Whatever they mean, most "future skyways"
ignore the past. But when you see dignity
elegance overlooked, you wonder whethe
forward-thinking developers have their heads in the
of today.
Founded 1886 by Grant C. gle
Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Phone
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington,
weekly, except two issues during week of
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Shelton,
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Associati°rt t
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year in Mason Cou~ty~;~
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EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Hen~
PLANT SUPERINTENDENT ........................ J
NEWS EDITOR ..................................
OFFICE MANAGER ......................... Lode~i
OFFICE ASSISTANT .............................
ADVERTISING MANAGER ...................... Don