December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1971 |
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'~--- ;pplying-- for marriage licenses ii~ ~ • -- | -. i
in the Mason County auditor's ~I~|||V~|5 ]~
office this week were: i ~ ~
Charles J. McCormick, 30, -----------------------------------------
Bremerton, and Charlene Mason General Hospital
MASON COUNTY residence, $15,000; Raymond CITY BUILDING PERMITS Rasmussen, 29, Port Orchard. A son to Mr. and Mrs. William
JUSTICE COURT Reames, residence, $21,000; Fred Building permits approved byR a.y m o n d D a 1 y, 5 2, Cuzick, P. O. Box 136, Lilliwaup,
~earing on the docket ill Starkey Sr., garage,$1,600; the city of Shelton during theGrapevlew,and Evelyn Bowers, December 19.
• past week wereto B. Gowan, 48, Allyn2 ....... A daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
Justice CourtRussell Viger, residence, $15,000. 9 tO 6 m
fence $80 uon ~parung, JJ, Montesano ............... OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK: 91o9-- Sunday o p.m.
he past week were: SHERIFF"S OFFICE , • , ....... Kanay ~. ~cnnen, 3z~ rranKnn
ann ratsy tJolaman, zv, ......
Washington StatePatrol Vehicles driven by Richard FIRE DEPARTMENT Montesano. bt.,t)ecemoerzo. ~ ~ SANTA SPECIALS
~/alter Busier R t 2 Box 413, Hanna and George W aite collided Dec. 1811:05 a.m., M t. View --, - ~ll- ~M~II~----~~~C
iair, ne~lize'nt drivmz $25 on Highway 3 seven miles north--" ' ', . Anarew Lee
bcnool, smoke damage .... TOV
Dec 18535 m fire in a was oorn to mr. ant] mrs. II
..... eaoaster Wagon
'fit; Lawrence Spaulding'°f Shelt°n' "Person, $15 fine; Loren the Safeway'' " :Parkin-- P" "'lot "-~'-------------------~ Allan Sw°pe °n December 8 in 1~ ~ ;~, 95. .... r E
~sport, no operator's license Donald Wlss reported two car ownea 0y C. L. Anderson, in , • .
checks taken from his mail box. lille II St. Peters Hospital, Olympia. He ~ o~:, s~%,s!8Rx~.
'g " II III!1111~C joins a three-year-old sister, Lisa ~ ,dk~g'~-'~l~|~ [ forks, spoons, plastic glasses, teapot and
bagland, Rt. 1, Box 128, Norman Dillonreporteda no, 19 in o ,~, T ..... mw~'q~ A real set with dishes, cups, saucers, knives,
• ~eary, no driver's license on boat missing, i~31!~i:ilioiecl~"~i~ S;a;e ;reaT~!£er[sdh£iltineaiird£hOa~il!ii4 iii~ °HGn!indr~f!7;itfiifd~tiilan~f ~ ~CKY'~BOY $18 [ : RSHcEe[ iYRL $398 SET ~I
~)n, failure to drive with due Vehicles drivenby George 7L?l 88
• ~ and caution, $30 forfeit; Braydon and Eva McCullough i ' GI
Tence Spaulding P O Box collided near Hoodsport. Divorces 2)Yfeet. FO II
,.I-Ioodsport, making left turn John Hubbard reported a
A divorce decree was ]~ SPEED KING [ OH BOY SkNTA. Y0--U~RE-THE BEST
Ise!ast traffic, no operator's Timberlakes area.d°nkey and pony loose in the approved for Thursday, Dee. 23 " ~ ~'~-'a_
on person, $30 fine, $10 Glade Stewart from Glenda Low ....... 2:00a.m. 1.0 ft. Roy E. Shoroe Roller $katol l, Snow Sleds
~nded; Gale Frary, 224 S John Wallersteadt reported -- --
i, Shelton, defective wipers, oysters taken, i~iiil ~i!~.rii~i~~ ii!a 2! 211411m' lli!iI ~~inceSeF~~r~A~ii~!i ~~ :tr:;ZeaSnO sAodlJeU~:blesb°°t [~~~ "Cheetam --.... F'lezlble
'lred trailer license, no Mrs. Tom Anderson reported ]~ /~~2 g " / .~ ;ll:~rr,,'',' ''Yankee
tit"lrati°n' no trailer lights, $50 vandalismtoamailbOX.Nancy Barnett reported a ee. From $377 ~~
, Gary Sage, St. Rt. 1, Box ' -- $ 44
B " " Bassett Hound came to her home Y:D. Fro
elfa]r, speeding, altered • . • •
~in~ on d i r' " $ Mike Schulke reported a cabin
.~t rye s hcense, 55 ef
; ttarve- Pert" 1514 Union broken into and a heater electric
~, y .... ' EvergreenConstruction, unpaid Low .......4:30 p.m. 3.9 ft.Mich., he had resided in Shelton
~lt on, driving while cord, hand saw, fishing gear aiadmrs. Ray reportea" - a taxes. Saturda'High ...... y, Decl0:12 p.m.. 25 8.4 ft.since 1929. i"_ 0 LIVE ~ ~ ~ . ~,~IR~ ~
licated, $t85 fine, five days potsand pans taken. He was a retired shingle sawer, CUT LOVELY
Jail, suspended license taugnes f and was a former member of the eR
'ended 30 d ay~; Byron cabin at Star Lake broken into. _-_-_-. - ..... .-..,,,..-. ...... HighL°W ....... 3:42 a.m10.24am 130ft" 4.2 t " iII~ k~, d/~-'~/~P--
.............. Mason County Sheriff's Posse ~m rlstmas
~pson, 1535 Laurel, Shelton, . Bob Burns reported a break-in i . ,, • _ " ...... . ;.'., " " ,,'; ~." and of the Silver Stars Riding
~:tive exhaust, $15 fine m which a stereo and speakers ,.m m I Low ......3:,0 p.m.z.,~ it..-._ oinsettias
• " . f LmO.
, " and a television taken, weorner "lgh ...... ll.54p.m. 8.8 t. Mr. Sharpe is survived by his I lrees Red White and Pink
b Sheriffs Office John Hubbard reported two Sunday, Dec. 26 wife, Mrs. Eunice Sharpe, ]~ Quality - l'k l~ XlT~G~ltll ' "
oyle Scott, She lion, drunk horses in h isyard at Timberlake. ~ Nursery Stock $ I OpOel ~.~ ~~~ FROM $i9 8Each
-----------------------------~------'--- Low .......4:42 a.m. 5.9 ft.Shelton; four sons, Elgin E. of
ablic, 10 days in jail. Jeffery Seig reported a black High Low Precip. High ......11:00 a.m 12.8 ft Lacey, Ray E Jr of Grandview,
MunicipalDepartment laborador dog missing. Dec. 16 42 32 .14 Low 0.9 ftland Phillip R. and Wallace E. of ~ ~ From r ~_ _. -~t~.~ I,,9 C"
ltay M. Parr, 624 Maple, J. F. Hillier reported Ft
Dec. 17 49 41 .88 Monde De "" Shelton; ten grandchildren; and
[ton obstructing traffic $15 Christmas trees cut and taken. DecDeC" 1819 4550303q .39 High y, c.z/136 a m 97 ft 14 great-grandchildren, recede | SAVE EVERY DAY AT HARVEY'S
~t; 'Larry Ewing 318 Eltinor StlELTON POLICE Dec" 20 45 33 03- Low" " ...... 5 :54 a .... m 7 4 ft Cremation will e p eld at 2a ]~ POLAROID KODAK
!lton, drunk 'in public, Georgia Mako reported ......... : .... memorial service to b h
~ Molesworth,)rderly conduct,8503550N, fine;van Christmas decorations taken.A coin purse was found at Dec. 21Showery periods4033are forecast'66 HighLow ...... ........... l 1:42 a.m.7, l 8 p m 12.6 ft.. 1.3 ft .OmFuneral. ThursdaYHome. Mrs.inMaBatst°nery Nmnls" "Square noolerl'L--A--" [,IM¢'TI II 1 TI/'I IIJII U¥11 ]]I , O aa"
!ton, Portland, drunk in ShopRite. for Thursday, Friday and Tuesday, Dec. 28 willofficiate.
Gift package with battery,
aaturaay ano snow may be 10 8 ft ~a dt~m~.lll~ LAND CAMERA _Why wa t for I [l~J~/lallll~ flash CUDeS flOOQ ana
foun at t.e mixed w,t. t.e ra,n .. ......... ,4am . O • O.,O O . *oO. oroce..oo?
Alder, Shelton, speeding, $35 Evergreen Square telephone temperatures will be in the upper Low ......;7:12 a.m. .8.4 ft. . .... .KA _: II1~~.~ I...nn~~ ]~
~it; Gregory Levenseller, Rt. booth was turned in tothe Police 30s and lower 40s with lo~,s inrfign ...... lz:.~o p.m.t2.4 It.recouecnons ol gentlemen wno i~~ "~NLY $---- 5E34 ~D|~ LY~I25E
,~ox 523, Shelton, speeding, Station. the urmer 20s and the 30s Low .......8:12 p.m. -2.3 ft.tell us what they please, and 9
.fine, $10 suspended; Dave J. A billfold belonging to Jane "~ " ........ amuse us, in their old age, with 9
11tell Jr., 1520 Ridgeroad, Morgan was found and turned in ............................................... ~. '~ ....... weanesaay, Dee. z~ the follies of their youth a. ON a.
~.~~i~:~!~i~..'. High 3"54 a m 119 ft eo rabbe
....... - - " 'f - G rge C
tot in possession of and Marcia Cook reported a ~i~ili~i~i~!~:i~;ii!ii!i;~i~i ::i~:~:i::~:!~{:~]::~::ii~@~:i:~i~i~!~i~ii!~!i~!~iiii~:s~! Low .......8:30a.m. 8.8t.
!timing liquor, $50 forfeit; window in a house broken, i~::iiiiii:::::::: i::i::i::ii::::ii::iiiii::!ii::! High ......l:l 8 p.m. 12.2 ft. [~ ]~ ~ -~
~1 Tennis, P. O. Box 191, Vehicles driven by Harry iiii!i~i~iiiiii~iiii~ ~!:~}:::~:i:~i~):~i!~:~i~i:~i~iiii~i~i Low .......9:00p.m. -3.1 ft. [ ...... ,, ~ ~ WE HAVE THE FILM FOR YOUR CAMERA
tL0n, minor in possession of Wolcott and Gary Huziegn iii ii~!iiiii~iiiii~iii~ii i ii}~i~iiii~iiiii:~ii Thursday, Dec. 30Low ....... a.m. II ° t ; kunit%; g21 ~ament ~~ , ! "~~ ~'~"~4~"~1" ~'~ ~,~"% ~X I
'aeants, $50 forfeit; Timothy collided at Jefferson and B Sts.
~ren, p O Box 74 Shclton, Vehicles driven by Joan iiii!iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii iiii!i!iiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil High ....... 4:48a.m. 12.7ft. I ........... It~.'¢e-~La~ ~.
)lying liquor to minors, $100 Hadden and Jack Powell collided 9:36 8.9ft. -~"
~it;AlbertStuder, Rt. 2, Box at Fourth and Railroad. ii~iiiiiiiii!iiiiii iiiiiii~iiiiiiiii:: High ....... 2:12p'm" 12"lft'I "~] '~-~~ W" k K"
===========================~:~:~:~:~?~:~:~.~:~,~*~:~:~:~ f ~,..v- .. v~,v
'light,SheltOn'$15 fine;RonaldGiles,failure to stop at Christmas treetaken.Ernie Grant reported a ,./.i,;;~cia6~ii:i;i.6),;~i¢i;;i;:;ili:i,.t, Low ........9:48p.m. -3.4 t.[HIMLIE-R"EA~L~T~Y, IN~-~"' = Ine Ma et$ It
bearborn, Shelton, failure toera Cool reported windows .......... ; . . ,,.,.~,~r,.*~ .... .; , ~ ~~ ]{~rj~i~ Different sizes. 10 bottle size contains:
t red hght, $1 5 torlelt,broken -In a house, f~~"~~~". ~ ~-.~.~i~]~ /'~ & sip,on, 2iaging tanks, water seat
J~-"~'~'.,.~'~II'I."~_~tLI~I~"~/,~J~'~\./'~ valve, wine yeast .cultuie, °tiedfruit, ~ =~.~=..,.,~
NTY Msldred Cole reported
BUILDING PERMITS ' ~ ~ saccharometer and Instruction book.
tii ....... Christmas tree lights taken. * | ~~ ~11~99
tamg permzts approved ny ....... e" vehcle ..- 4 "
M ..... ft. u. rtersn report a a 1
• ason t.oumy rmnners dented while in the Safeway .~~~111~ _ ~~"~ ~_~1~--1~tt1~~ ]~ --
- uurlng tile pus[ wee~ were ,. , .
• • parKing lOt .... ~}~ ~. --
tc Anderson cabin, $20,000; .... " .....
"H ' " ......... collidedvem°eSat Flrst°rlVenand oYMill.Kaymona t:. ..:~'~ [/~ 21~'~k '~'N~~ i
, Dover, carport $300; t. arl ..... . .....
Son, remodel and extend rnltllpS a_n.a unan. workman ~~:" ::i~.:'.~.":~':'g~''::~'
room $3,000" Mike McKee ~.. "~.:~';~:.:.'*'.::'::k.~," "~' '~::::':':"::::;':¢.~:;.:.~i:;:.~.::.::::::~! ~ I,'~ ]~ ...... : "~ •
i ....... Wild Bird e___...
....... -'""'" """"
~:'.$~::: ~ .: :~..:$:::' -~
..... :..~.:~., : ..:... .... ~
Feeder I
Rand puts you in the Fashion Picture
• -'-:~:~+.¢ ".:~4:~; ',::.::.:i~ ~'-
~~'~'~iff'~ii:!:~ ~:~
put your foot down for.. A" " I1
FOR M. '1
'~ ...... /.,r]k gl ASHTRAYS................................ "" ' | BbyP [ Ch
//~, ~ = ~.,.oo~ ............................. ,..,, , a arakeets ristmasStocking
GIFT CERTIFICATES ....................... aanuYnt
For Dogs and Cats w
.......................... ,,,,,,
LUGGAGE RACKS ......................... $17.95
POOL TABLES ........................... $189.95
,.~L.~,, .............................. ,,00 ~; ~"" I
!;~! i l STANDING ASH TRAYS .................... $14.95 ~ BLACK & DECKER . ,
~ii~:il :~, j BIIBoOoeVALETSTANDCHAIRR LAMPsHER: ...................... ...................... "~ ,.., ,| Fro,shrug $and.ernIFinishing San oo, Met=i W;,;,i . ;iaers
CARD TABLES. ....................... $12.95 •
DOOR MIRRORS ...................... $14.9 ~l~ ~ o n e ha n O
DISHWASHERS ...................... $199.95 I. %~i~A " $1~98 I~ CHRISTMAS $ ~88
FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS by Ruby's .... • ~
BlueGardenla $,.,U CHRISTMAS SPECIAL I1~11 ~~ SPECIAL ~1~
GIFT CERTIFICATES .................. ,m%%Ynt --
KITCHEN STEP STOOLS ............... $17.95 I ~t~
- ~r ~;:::jl~-
~~- 1 SOFA PILLOWS.oc~.S............................ ........................ ,.-."" Rnc= ]llW
t: I ............................ "" , "
,., _ ,VT.~Y, ........................... ,,,, , ~,.. o.o__o __...
WALLCLOCKS ....................... $,8.0O = .oo.ooOeO
OW UO0 FORTHE KID!;: =~ FROM ~__~~I~-;~___U Ea. I Z/~., FROM Ea.
Break away from the dull and ordinary in li
BICYCLES $29.98 with $199.95
"now-boots". It's the great look of today. U or more pur¢l'lase NOW $49 95 Ill LAST CHANCEl
! !
smart. Very manly. "Now Boots"
9et you there in style. Get the picture!
BOUDOIR LAMPS, an~rnals ............ $11.95
FLOOR PILLOWS 3o" x 3o", quilteO velvets • • $9.95
F99 POOL TABLES ............... $! 39.95
CHILDREN'S ROCKERS .............. $12.95
BED PILLOWS, 18x36 ............. $5.95
Shoe S re'"
Open Weekday Nights til 8:30
Until Christmas
I ....... Our Sho~'~- e-C-lub N'---------o--~-H~;-" l
• Over 3,400 MembersI
.... i-07Si4ih .... = OPEN DAILY
Shelton 8:30 - 8:30
With Purchase of one of our
~Oga~.. $19.95 ~sgal.. $25.95 20gal. show .. $33.95
These setups include: tank, complete reflector and back plate wired tor t0gnts,
ii pump, heater, filter with glasswool and charcoal and tubing. We will keeD
your fish assortment up to Dec. 30th.
| 9 A.M.-7 P.M. Mon. thru Sat.
Sunday 9 A.M.-6 P.M.
Thursday, December 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5