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Suzi Gruver
Hi h School Spotlight
Suzi Gruver is Safeway's only
bag girl.
"I've been working in the
store for a year," says Suzi, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
She has been for three years a
member of the Girls' Athletic
Association; she was a senate
member in her sophomore year,
and she is a three-year member of
Z Club. For the past two years
she has been a member of Scarlet
S, the tennis team and Honor
Society. She has been active for
three years in CYO.
tter hobbies include stamp
collecting, and she bowls every
Saturday on the Hembroff team.
lter pet is a Lab-Dalmatian dog
named 'Scaarf'. She studies senior
English, biology, civics and
"1 hate 'era all!" she states.
Miss Gruver, born in Shelton
on Feb. 12, 1954, has three older
sisters, all college students. Suzi
plans to attend Central
Washington State College, and her
probable major is Education. She
intends to teach.
Pencils Available
Fall quarter
candidates for
Through the combined efforts degrees from Central Washington
of the Union Ladies Civic Club, i~,~state~!~Oo¢lege ini'~El~:~nsburg
*the Inkprovement Club, the include Shelton men Robert E.
insurance agents of Shelton and Mikkelsen, Arts and Sciences, and
the Sheriff's Department of Gary L. Lord, Master of
Mason County, etching pencils are Education. Michael Moore of
available at no cost in the Union is a candidate for a
Flagwood Gift Shop and at Dick bachelor of arts degree in Arts
Buechel's Garage. and Sciences.
MR. AND MRS. JAMES F. HILLIER announce the
engagement of their daughter Janice Marie to Gregory F.
Cromwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cromwell of Boise,
Idaho. The bride-to-be is a sophomore at Washington State
University and is majoring in elementary education. The
groom elect is attending the University of Washington as a
senior, majoring in political science. A June wedding is
n w"'~ go.,, ilta,~a
IIIH0|'S .........
Club To Meet
Welcome Chapter OES Social
Club will meet in the Masonic
Temple on January 2 for a noon
potluck luncheon.
Complete Tuxedo
Rental Service
Men's Women's
409 Railroad
ifts Given
To Children
.... In Hospital
On Christmas morning
Many a girlie
And little boy
Will grow quite surly.
It's hard for little
Girls and boys
To watch Dad wearing
Out their toys.
When my eldest son was a
two-year-old and the youngest
not yet one, my husband
announced his intention of
buying an electric train for the
boys' Christmas gift.
"They're far too young for a
train!" I protested.
"Oh, they're not either!"
came the rather irate reply. "I
never had a train when I was a
kid, and by golly, my boys are
going to have one!"
"I'm all for it," I assented,
"but let's wait a few years. After
all, they're just babies - I'm sure
they'd have more fun with
Teddy-bears and pull-toys."
The father of my children
favored me with one of his most
withering stares.
"I SAID," he pronounced
firmly, "that 1 was getting the
babies - er, that is, the boys - a
train set!"
When Father took a Firm
Stand, argument was useless; I
lapsed into a falsely-acquiescent
silence, secretly determining that
1, personally, would provide
proper toys.
It was approximately a week
prior to Christmas when my
husband arrived home from his
daily toil in a highly exuberant
"Get the kids to bed early,"
he ordered, "I've got IT out in the
He gulped and bolted in six
minutes flat the meal upon which
I had lovingly labored for two
hours; he exhorted the children,
between mouthfuls, to eat
"Take it easy!" I cautioned,
"They'll choke!"
"Well, give them their dessert
in bed, then," he demanded.
"Hurry it up!"
Dessert happened to be
chocolate pudding, and I wasn't
whole-heartedly in favor of the
idea, but I saw that stony stare
developing and I offered no
Banished to their bedroom a
full hour early, the children
protested vehemently while their
daddy enthusiastically carried
into the house carton after carton
after carton.
Grinning from ear to ear, he
set up somewhat less than a
quarter of a mile of track in a
shining circle around the base of
our wide-spreading Christmas
Carefully assembled were
water-tower, loading ramps,
tunnels and bridges. Cars were
placed upon the tracks, ahead of
them a huge and heavy engine.
Accomplished on whispering
tiptoe were these delightful deeds,
and the boys had at long last
fallen into a fitful sleep.
"Now," laughed my husband
gleefully, "we'll try her out!" I liked that "we".
A switch was flicked and the
unnatural quiet was shattered by
an horrendous roaring, grinding
and clattering piercingly
punctuated with ear-splitting
whistle blasts.
It was as though Great
Northern itself had been detoured
through our living room. Howls of
utter terror poured forth from the
"I guess the kids woke up,"
whispered my husband as with
another flick of the switch he
brought blessed silence.
"I guess they did," I
confirmed, rushing to soothe
Their daddy joined me,
fearful that I might disclose his
"What noise?" he asked them
with a beautiful expression of
concerned innocence, "You just
had a nightmare."
"Both of us at once, Daddy?"
questioned the precocious
"Both of you at once," stated
papa, the stony stare gaining on
the look of innocent concern.
Horrid indeed were the nights
Christmas toys
before Christmas. No visions of
sugar plumbs danced in the
drowsy heads of my little ones,
beset as they were with fretful
dreamings of thunderous wheels
and wild whistlings.
Each evening the boys were
hustled promptly to bed, and the
train was dragged forth from the
depths of dark closets. Father
happily played engineer until the
wee small hours, when the
equipment was once again
replaced inbulging boxes for
temporary banishment.
Come Christmas morning, the
train and countless accessories
surrounded the tree in full glory.
My husband was a great one to
stage-manage holiday events, and
this was no exception.
I, following The Plan, kept
the children expectantly in their
beds until All was Ready. At
father's spoken word, I released
my eager captives who burst into
the living room at the very instant
that the train sprang into roaring
Nightmare suddenly became
reality for the kiddies. The
two-year-old, screaming lustily,
ran for the safety of his bed. The
smaller fellow wasn't walking well
as yet, but with the speed of light
he scuttled on hands and knees.
He was disappearing beneath a
crib when his daddy caught him
by a leg and gently extracted him.
He clutched the bellowing baby
compassionately in his arms while
he spoke tenderly to the older
I shut off the train.
"Don't worry," I said to my
husband, magnanimously. "They
will still have a wonderful
Christmas. I knew this would
happen, and I bought them some
suitable toys."
The kids calmed, my husband
withdrew to a secluded corner to
sulk with much muttering about
the lack of appreciation in
modern children. I, smugly,
removed from spacious boxes
my own selections, which I
proudly positioned beneath the
To tell the truth, I had gone
shopping for Teddy-bears and
pull-toys, but somewhere along
the way I was beguiled by the
most fabulous stuffed animals
you ever saw. Almost life-size
they were, and in colors fantastic.
I had settled for a lion as big
as a small St. Bernard and a
hippopatamus about the same
height but twice as wide. The lion
Tasty Treats From Local Waters
You'll Like Our Seafood Menu
Come Out And Try, ..
Gourmet Treat
Steamed Clams
With drawn butter...
If You Appreciate Choice Steaks
Prepared to Perfection You'll
Love Ours...
EY- ............... $2.50
Women in Olympia and
Shelton will make Christmas
happy for children at Mary Bridge
Children's Hospital in Tacoma.
These women, members of the
Olympia Area Council of the
Tacoma Orthopedic Association,
pt~rchased Christmas presents for
children who will be in the
hospital over the holiday.
Included in these gifts are
such items as musical stuffed
toys, a farm tractor and a school
bus. For teenagers, the women
provided bath lotion, powder,
records, jewelry, brain teaser
puzzles and a jigsaw puzzle.
The gifts were brought to
Mary Bridge Hospital by Mrs.
John Gray of the Shel Toa
Orthopedic Guild. The gifts were
distributed to the children by
Santa Claus during his annual visit
to the hospital on Tuesday.
More than 280 women in
Olympia, Shelton, Chehalis and
communities on the Olympia
Peninsula belong to 21 guilds
within the Olympia Area Council.
They contribute many hours
during the year in order to
provide funds in addition to the
Christmas gifts. Funds are used
for the operation and
maintenance of Mary Bridge
Children's Hospital in Tacoma.
Mary Bridge Hospital provides
care for children from infancy
through age 19.
Music Club
Meeting Held
An Edward MacDowell
New Luncheon Specials Daily
OPEN 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. Except Monday
Phone I Mile S. of
077-9733 Hoodsport
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 23, 1971
was hot pink with chartreuse
mane in shaggy profusion and a
tasselled tail to match. The hippo
was purple, my favorite shade.
Both were battery-powered, and
with pride I pressed the levers
which caused the toothy jaws to
open and close and the fiery eyes
to flash intermittently.
Daddy brought the children in
for a second go at Christmas.
Their combined shrieks rent the
Yuletide air, and the younger
again went scuttling.
The elder, however, was made
of sterner stuff; he seized the
broom and put both beasts out 0~
"It's all right, Pudgy," he
assured his little brother, "I got
'em both!"
My husband and I looked
sadly at one another.
"We blew it," he said to me,
"We sure did," I sighed. "We
ruined their Christmas. And now
it's too late. We can never make it
"Look!" he interrupted, "Just
look !"
The kids had found the
countless empty cartons. They
were stacking them, crawling in
and out of them, nesting one
within another.
"Gee," said the two-year-old,
"Santa Claus left us some great
stuff! But your toys are terrible!"
Sorry the lot of the
Mother and dad,
Providing advantages
They never had
To children who spurn them
While wildly demanding
Things far beyond
Today's understanding.
program and Christmas melodies
were the highlights of the
December meeting of the
Pizzicato Music Club held in the
home of Lori Huber.
The meeting was called to
order by the president, Alexis
Kuhr and was opened by the
olavin~ of the Junior collect of
the National Federation of
Music Clubs, by Lori Huber. The
hymn of the month, "Silent
Night", was played by Diane
Members of the club heard a
report on the life of Edward
MacDowell given by Carol
Thompson. A well-known
composition of MacDowell, "To
the Moon", was played by April
Karen Kramer, pianist, played
"My Sweet Lord". "Mary's Little
Boy Child" was Ellen Duemling's
number on the clarinet. A flute,
clarinet and piano trio was the
selection by Betty Andrews, Lori
Huber and April Kuhr.
Cheryl Bedell, Diane Crow,
and Connie Tuson played
Christmas music on the piano and
were followed by a flute-piano
duet "A Cry in the Night" played
by the Kuhr girls. Finally,
Christmas carols were sung by all
members and leaders.
A Christmas party, a trip to
the Exceptional Foresters, a
potluck dinner, and ushering for
the Community Concert were
Hostesses for the evening were
Lori Huber and Betty Andrews.
by Lori Huber, reporter
NATURE IS everything man
is born to, and art is the
difference he makes in it.
John Erskine
Cozy Warw
Values to $6.00
round-dancing. Ed
Bennie Berndson and
Grunert called the squares.
The two clubs will
fairgrounds hall at 9 p.m. c
Year's Eve for a
potluck supper and an
Epsilon Omicron
Holds A Family
Epsilon Omicron
Beta Sigma Phi held a
Christmas party at 2 p.m.
in the home of Susan
Santa Claus greeted the
and distributed gifts.
Eleven couples
Christmas cocktail party
the evening of December
Nancy Dunnington's home.
Ritual of Jewels and
dinner were held in Royal
Olympia, on December 6.
rituals were Nancy Owen,
Adams, Bonnie Rogers,
Wolden, Cheryl
Vicky Clark, Janet DrebiS,
Barbara Gorman.
for YoU
Q. I would like to
perfume for my wife.
go about choosing the
one for her?
A. There are several
for a man to choose a
for his wife.
* The safest way
out her favorite
Some women like a
scent and wear it at
making it their
* Buy one of the
frangrances that are al'
good taste.., one
neither too dry nor too:
always just right.
* Buy a fragrance
her personality...
of life.
A sophisticated
one who enjoys el;
dress-up occasions
prefers the heavier,
sensuous scents.
A woman of the oq
type will probably like
heavy fragrance.
* Buy a
pleases you. If you like
wife will have good
wear it.
* Buy her a
"wardrobe." Most
come in small sizes
too hard on the pocket!
you buy her favorl
another scent, your
enjoy the luxury of
her perfume, for a c
mood or a change of
Emergency Ph. 426"2
Fifth & Franklin
Open Daily 9:30 to
Saturdays -- 9:30
and Pink,
Are toys for small children on
your Christmas shopping list?
The Bureau of Product Safety
of the Food and Drug
Administration has some hints to
offer. Make sure the toy:
-is too large to be swallowed;
- does not have detachable
parts that can lodge in the
windpipe, ears or nostrils;
-is not apt to break easily
into small pieces or leave jagged
-does not have sharp edges or
-has not been put together
with easily exposed straight pins,
sharp wires, nails;
-is not made of glass or
brittle plastic;
-is not poisonous or toxic;
-does not have exposed
flames or build up heat to
dangerous levels;
-does not have flimsy
electrical wiring;
-does not have parts which
can pinch fingers or catch hair.
And for children under 2.
avoid long cords and thin plastic
bag materials.
Give Safe Toys
The Salty Sashayers
Square-Dance Club members were
guests at the Christmas party
hosted by the Christmas Town
Rounders last Thursday evening
in the fairgrounds hall.
A potluck buffet supper was
served at 6:30 p.m. after which
gifts and cards were exchanged
before a festive Christmas tree.
Members and guests participated
in both square-dancing and
round-dancing throughout the
Les and Jessie Elliott led the
Round Dancers Host Party
For Salty Sashayers Club
ARCHIE AND LEONA VAUGHN are president-couPle
the Christmas Town Rounders.