December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1971 |
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Plants Are Toxic
The familiar saying about
"Don't eat the daisies" applies
even more so to Christmas
holiday plants, judging from a
warning issued by the Cooperative
Extension Service. Many plants
which add so much beauty to the
Christmas scene are poisonous if
eaten, and although they may not
look appetizing to an adult, they
may appear as candy to children.
The poinsettia, for example,
contains a juice which is so lethal
that one leaf eaten by a small
child can cause death. Holly
berries are poisonous, and berries
of the Christmas or Jerusalem
cherry are toxic when eaten. The
white berries of the mistletoe
likewise have proved fatal.
As a final word of caution, be
careful in picking foliage and
berries from woods or roadsides.
Both poison ivy and poison oak
present brilliantly colored leaves
in the fall. All parts of these
plants contain a toxic agent which
can cause severe inflammation of
the skin when contact is made,
the Extension Service noted.
MR. AND MRS. FLOYD M. CARR announce the
engagement of their daughter Deborah to Michael C. Larsen,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larsen of Grapeview. A summer
wedding is planned.
Today, Thursday, December 23
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Saturday, December 25
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 26
Shelton churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Monday, December 27
PUD commission meeting, 1
p.m., PUD conference room.
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups.
It's About Time Tops, 7 p.m.,
County Health Office.
Tuesday, December 28
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers Restaurant.
City commission meeting, 8
p.m., city hall.
Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree of Honor, 8 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Eagles, 8 p.m., airport hall.
Mason County Cre.tit Women,
7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant.
Eagles auxiliary, 7:30 p.m.,
airport hall.
Wednesday, December 29
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Referral Center.
Beta Zeta ESA party, 8 p.m.,
home of Mrs. Dick Holland.
Thursday, December 30
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
CAMP FIRE COOKS are, left to right in the front row, Traci
Hanson, Julie Hicks and Vicki White. In the back row are
Rorilee Bliner, left, and Becky Bliner.
Monday thru Thurs. 9:30 to 8:30 P.M. Fri. 'til 5:30 P.M.
~t Christmas project has developed, white and sprinkle with coarse
~ ed to the Camp Fire Girls As part of the Wood sugar. (Mashed sugar cubes work ~]i
l~luebirds of Shelton a lesson Gatherers Rank, on which the well for this.) Place on cookie A¢ ¢ i
~0mmunity awareness. They girls now work, studies of Norway sheet and bake in a moderate
earnedto sharebeyond are conducted, and each person oven, 350 degrees, but keep an eye
,o |
wn familycircles; they learns an interesting fact about on them as theycan brown
' 1 Double Breasted
' earned to recognize the the country. They share recipes quickly; take them out before too Red, Navy, White a
~lems of others, for Norwegian goodies which brown, barely tan.
,Eor two needy families, were served at a Christmas party Size M-L
IStmas dinner baskets were held for their mothers on LEFSE Metal Buttons Orig. $12 NOW
Pared.A tree was also December 1 6. Norwegian 5 lge. potatoes Ik
Vided, and gifts forthe ! : ': "' ," " g Vz cup sweet cream [I ......
Christmascarols were sun, to
~ren. ' g " ' , " Y". -t/2 cups, per cup mashed
au mcnt the theme Norwa Flour~
A second projectwas potatoes
~ehed after the girls had BERLINER KRANSER 3 tbsp. butter • • PEN¢ALI QUALIIY
tacted the Welfare office and 4 egg yolks 1 tsp. salt
~ed of two children who were I cup butter Boil and mash the potatoes - add I I I "
2hard boiled egg yolks cream, butter and salt; beat until Detomtor $heq ,*-.,
e provided as well as extra l cup sugar light, then cool. Add flour, roll
'd, clothing, gifts, books, 2 cups flour into ball and knead until smooth.
~es and candy. Leaders have 1 tsp. flavoring Cut into pieces about the size of Pastels, Pink & Aqua, Full
Wled. that the project will be Mix the 4 egg yolks and sugaran egg. Roll round, (Like pie /f~---"~ SizeOrig. $4.99 Now $3.97,
ertakenannually, together for 10 minutes. Mash crust) and very thin. Bake on AII fashionpant / Cases Now $2.47 Pr.
~he Ta Wa Ma Nu Ka Camp hard b°iled egg Y°lks" Melt butter large griddle t° light tan" tops, reg. $6 to $10.00. / ~ ~ ~
I Group led by Mrs. Carole and add to the flour and crumble. Moderate heat - do not scorch! Orig. $3.99 NOW NOW
%n with the assistance of Mix all ingredients together and Do not grease griddle. When Fashion solids, stripes Twin Sizes
' Dion Strozyk was the first knead by hand or pastry blender baked, place between waxed and prints, long and
~1) to be formed in Shelton in until thoroughly mixed; this is paper to prevent drying. Cut short sleeves. Most are
re than 40 years. Organized important, Chill dough. Break off lefse into halves or quarters to easy-care polyester, .v R
ryears ago, the enthusiasm of pieces of dough the size of serve. Serve with butter, cinnamon all are gift perfect. ~: MEN'S
w~ girls helped to recruit more walnuts and roll the shape into and sugar;orbutteronly;orbutter Sizes for misses and
In 1 00 members now small wreaths. Dip in beaten egg andjelly, women, but hurry. At these ,J I~ •
[iCipating in the Camp Fire r.'~'~'~-'~',~.~'~-D.~--~''~--'~'~'~''-..~''~.'"'~.'''-~'~'~.'~ prices, they won't last. BOXeU raim=
Iram. 1
I~ Mrs. Hanson's group are -- J?
:1 Hanson, Becky Bliner, I W E I Solid Color, $1
lee Bliner, Julie Hicks, Vicki
to, Mary Gordon, Connie ~ ~lr Penn Prest (R) .~.
'Sier, Susi Durand Vicky SizesM-L-XL. Orig.$7.95 NOW m
ieio, Terry Cuzick; Trisha i
'stud, Leanne Swayne Lorri
fin, Karen Miljour, Susan ! }[RBR00K II [
bSon and Sandi Brewer.
['he activities of the group 2 YR. GUAIL4NTEE
tide sewing. Their largest
• 'ct in this field is the recently
Pleted baby layette to bet "ve music, buffet dinner, t BI k
• C~ • /P •
' to a needYand ceramic skillsm°ther'haveCraft [been nampagne, l~ors a oeuvre I Automatic a~m ets
'tlture plans are for banquets;
Double Bed Single Control $13
the planning, shopping, I 0.95 Per Person i Dual Control $16
aration and serving of a
~lete dinner; the study of ~ ~ Pink, Green, Gold Twin Size
t~ culture; the holding of an
tII party; May baskets will be [ For Reservations: -----
'and delivered to nursing [ 898-2200 or 898-2500
~. Last summer the girls for
first time cooked over an ~ (Metzdorf Restaurants, Inc.) ~ MINIS
fire, and next summer Pr6 klwol
camping skills will be
Shelton Professional Center
426-1621 1661
N. 13th Street
Evergreen Square
Will Close at 5:30 p.m.
Friday, December 24th!
Flare Leg with belt loops,
Navy, Brown, Green,
Penn Prest (R), sizes 30 to 40.
Blue & Grn.
Reduced from Stock
Stripes & Solids,
Penn Prest (R) in Short
Sleeves. Sizes S-M-L-XL.
Gourmet Cheese
All Imports
Full Yd.
Org. $3.95
Suntan & Coffee Bean
Two Sizes,
Limited Quantity
Shop Mon. thru Thursday 9:30 to 8:30 P.M. Shop Friday 9:30 to 5:30 P.M.
Thursday, December 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7