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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By DELORES DRAKE HOODSPORT - A warm welcome home to the Hood Canal country goes out this week to Eugene Avey who arrived home late Wednesday night after fulfilling his teaching contract as a vocational coordinator at the Truk High School in the East Caroline Islands. Six-hundred and fifty students attend the Truk High School with the student's ages ranging from 13 to 34 years. In fact the highest ranking student on the honor roll was a 24 year old man with seven children. Americanization must also be catching on in the Truk High School. It seems the students went on strike for several days, protesting the school lunches and discipline problems. When Avey returned to Truk for the new school year, his close friend, Gene Rodgers had quite a surprise for him. While Rodgers was vacationing in Hang Kong this past summer, he picked up a copy of the Hang Kong daily English newspaper. There in the rns rom Island and Mr. Avey's dark suntan can well attest to that. However along with summer also comes the drought and water has to be rationed. Being short on water is only one of the problems facing the Micronesians. There is also a food shortage. Typhoon Amy which struck the Islands last spring damaged crops and caused food spoilage. Then the dock strikes came, stranding 30,000 people who were depending on the outside market. So now if one is fortunate enough to even find a cigarette to sustain his habit, he had better plan on paying a dollar a pack. On Avey's flight home, the aircraft made a stop-over at Majuro in the Marshall Islands. The town people all came out and struck up the band as the passengers disembarked from the aircraft. Now, thought Avey, this is really a royal greeting for a small town man. Come to find out though, the U.S. Ambassador for the U.S. Trust Territory was also aboard the same aircraft. There "may have not been a IsJan eac in could get over the mountains. The remainder of the trip went well and Gene will be home for a while now as he will be teaching in Bremerton during the winter quarter. Then it will be back to Ellensburg, with graduation in the spring. The Tiny Tim Orthopedic Guild would like to extend its thanks to the community for the support given them at the Bazaar and Holiday Bake Sale. The afghan given as a door prize at the bazaar was won by Start Johnston. The Saturday bake sale gave customers a chance to get all their holiday cookies, candies and fruit breads without standing over a hot stove or cleaning up a messy kitchen. The gift wrapped bake sale items also made very attractive Christmas gifts. Mrs. Lewis Atkins was showered with baby gifts at a party given at Mrs. Frank Gray's home, with Mrs. Andrew Scott assisting. Sixteen guests and baby Scotty were present at the program presented by the Hood Canal Community Church. Little children participated with recitations while the older children joined into songs. Richard Bates directed the Junior Choir which was accompanied by Becky Bates at the piano. The sixteen member young peoples choir was directed by Richard Endicott and accompanied by Mrs. Endicott at the piano and Lands Gustafson on the guitar. Week-end guests at Mr. anc Mrs Frank Grays home were Barbara's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hays and Barbara's sister Mrs. Judy Christensen and two children. A Christmas Party for the Hoodsport Ranger District was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. John Perkins at their home Friday evening. Lots of food and dancing made for an enjoyable evening. Mrs. James Reeder accompanied the group as they sang Christmas carols, then she set the piano a shower. A life history resume of jumpin' with her original tunes Connie Atkins was read then the dedicated to individuals present. g SI nme Bob Velkov. Election of officers will be held Dec. 28 at the fire hall. Hoodsport Girl Scout Troop 511 and Brownies from Troop 5 will go caroling along the businesses in Hoodsport and up Finch Creek road Wednesday evening. Mrs. Bev Inman will treat the girls to hot chocolate after they complete their rounds. The Hood Canal Jr. High School Christmas Dance was held Friday evening in the School of Bill Archer. Also performing was the newly organized guitar group. The twenty-nine member choir was accompanied by Rhonda Endicott, Jayni Hunter and Becky Bates at the piano. Many of the students performed in each group as they are permitted to participate in each at school. The fourth, fifth and sixth graders stood atop a large tree shaped platform. Dressed in gymnasium. More than 90 greenery and lit up with red students were present to dance to lights, they sang three Christmas the music of the Pitch Blende Band. David Farcy from Camp Robbinswold is a member of this five piece band. The dance was sponsored by the student body and girls league. The girls provided tree and snowman decorated cakes along with cookies and punch. Santa Claus was also present to have his picture taken with the beautiful girls in their long dresses and good looking young men who had also discarded their sweat shirts and leans for this soecial occasion. carols for the audience. Adopt Girl Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ruhl are the new parents of an adopted baby daughter who joined their household on December 17. Carol Elizabeth was born December 4, and weighed six pounds and nine ounces. She was 19 inches in length. On December 20, she weighed in at seven pounds and two ounces. CHRISTMAS rom JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX • - Records * Record Players ,r Sheet Music & Books • Tape Players 4,-Record Racks • Tapes .Tape Carrying Case! • Instruments and Accessortes ..ZtY In .Pianos *Organs*Chord org" -a Lho.est; * Harmonicas *.Guitars Everything In Music LeekTo , band to greet Eugene when he test was on to see how much one Also getting into the festive "There's a Songin the Air"was Hang Kong newspaper was the arrived at Sea-Tac, but you can could remember. Mrs. Nat Stairs mood, the Hood Canal Lions Club the theme of the Hood Canal . ~ Hoodsport News from Shelton, bet your snow boots that Orabelle and Mrs. Rudy Schwab came treated their wives to a Christmas School's Christmas program held - ~ Wash. reporting on Mr. and Mrs. was there to greet her husbandthrough, winning prizes for having dinner and party. Carnation Thursday evening. Beautiful I ca, us At~out~/~ Avey's first stay at Truk. and drive him home. Tim joinedthe best memories. After little corsages were presented to each young girls dressed in full length [ OAK PARK ~ ' Perhaps there s a Chinese Dad at home for a steak dinnerScotty was all decked out as the lady present by Lion's president gowns were accompanied by [ A Planned [.~lO'~t..J~ d Unit Development Proverb this correspondent has and a chance to get Dad caught best dressed boy in town, the Alan Biggs. Grigor Tritchkov attractive young men. This was [ ~_~ J Open Nights tll " never heard of, but 1 I1 stick to up on all the activities he has been beautifully decorated cake with entertained with accordian music the first public appearance of the [ 426-2646 ~[I / ,'~n,- .... ' ' 0:30 p.m. the old saying now, "Tell a keeping busy with in the sixthcradle atop was cut and served, and accompanied the group as 29 piece band under the direction /HIMLIE REALTY, INC.'~- ~ ~ Uum,~=l/~ Woman and You've Told the grade. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Laney they sang Christmas carols. World". The following morning, Start celebrated an early ChristmasA homey touch was added to I met~lm&tMJ~lleilt |I=ISIW tI~ImS~~IIleSI=~ m~lwtl= iI=tEII ~JRfI= ilmS~3~=.EIt] Now if we can figure out how Johns, ton volunteered to drive the dinner with Diane s family at her the Christmas dinner meeting of ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ to send some of our rain and Aveys car over to Ellensburg to brother's home in Buckley. the Hood Canal Federated snow to the East Caroline Islands pick up Gene Avey. How thankful Twenty-three relatives were Woman s Club. The hall was gaily in exchange for some sunshine,Orabelle was that she got to stay present for the gathering, decorated with a Christmas tree, .. we'll both have it made. Now is home for Stan was faced with a The Good News Club held its swags and table center pieces. :i the dry summer season at Truk flat studded snow tire before he final session for the year at Mrs. Homemade Christmas candies, ! ~_../~ !.~.~ ~ g / T 0F ~a#~ I TH oF~~isng Frank Gray's home last Thursday. cookies and fruit breads provided J The young people gathered those extra nonmentionable ey N d F It iii i i:iiiI I lBr: I! ift~:i~i Attorn © ne or around Lands Hovey as she told calories that always start the "~., E SCENT the Christmas Story with picture holiday season out right. It .,- D g C illustrations. Christmas cookiesSeven boys from the :: CHRISTMAS Inmate In = ~ ase and popcornballs made by Mrs. Exceptional Foresters, : Raymond K. Wilson, an attorney, enjoyed by all present, entertained with a medley of ............. ...... We have a tr , " .,,2 inmate of the Washington Jones was sent to Western Taking a four day vacation songs. The boys then opened emendoos selection of ° " Corrections Center, appeared in State Hospital for treatment after away from the snowy canal last Christmas presents given them by It Gift sets for m lady by many famous ' ~:i~"l~ Mason County Superior Court pleading guilty to the chargeweek, Mr. and Mrs. Randall the club members and enjoyed]1 !1 Friday on a charge ofpossession earlier. Updyke boarded a charter flight treats while the women sang the nationally advertised brands .... .,,,, of a narcotic drug. Bail was reduced from $2,000 at Sea Tac with other Evinrude Twelve Days of Christmas inni ff ~!:~q i~ Gerald Whitcomb, Shelton to $500 for Carl Churchill, Northwest Region dealers andtune no one had ever heard. The ! *Max Factor *Faberge attorney, was appointed to Shelton, charged with grand headed south after the birds. Lil boys suggested the women come ~ :~:~i~ represent him in the case in which larceny, and Uppy set down some 900 visit themforsomesinginglessons It .... *Tigress *Aphrodes t]i he is charged with having a small The motion for release on miles south of the border at the and that offer just may be taken ~lj il~ quantity of marijuana concealed personal recognizance or resort village of Mazatlan.up. ! ~:~P !g~ on his person when he returned to reduction of bail for Churchill The weather was a beautiful Bob Dunham is rapidly *Flambeau *KiKu the Corrections Center from a was made by Whitcomb, his court 80 degrees. The second night out recovering from injuries suffered ~furloul~. -o, " appobltedattol'ney. '":'" .... i they enjoyed d',~:~an fiesta l~,lt-Tdesda~,, evening when his I :!/ :*Woodhu'e ' *$trawhat .... Wilson is serving a nent~l~ aY ~"""~ ~tlrbSeet~ttfil~' Attdr~ ~ron;~ arourRt" the pati6"~t~ol~ Oh yes! pick-up hff"~ "slick spot on the ~.he Corrections Center for armed McClanahan told the court he There was the fishing trip too, Hoodsport side 'of Warfields and i ~robbery. He is from Seattle.would oppose release on personal although we haven't heard of landed in a 10 foot ditch. Bob ] Also appearing in court recognizance since he had beenUppy bragging about any big suffered broken ribs, apunctured i // Friday was Robert Selby, 22, told Churchiil had stated that if catches he made. How could helung that collapsed and extensive We Foalure Shelton, charged with sale or he wasreleasedheintendedtogothough? Lil caught an nose injuries. Bob is up and MAX FAaOR delivery of a controlled substance. Robert Gates, Olympia attorney was appointed to represent him and his bail was set at $1,000. Selby was arrested at the Jefferson County Court House in Port Townsend earlier last week after being arrested on a Mason County warrant. He is charged with selling a controlled substance to a State Narcotics agent last summer. A warrant for his arrest was issued at the time a number of other persons in Mason County were arrested on drug charges following a lengthy investigation by local law enforcement officers and members of the state drug unit. Named to represent Jerry Jones, who earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of indecent exposure was Gerald Whitcomb, Shelton y To Holido For Some City, county, state and federal government offices in Mason County will be closed Friday in observance of the Christmas holiday, which falls on Saturday. Most businesses will be closed Saturday in observance of the holiday. The Post Office will have regular mail service Friday, and, wall be closed Saturday with no rural or city delivery or Post Office box service. Mail will arrive at the Post Office and will be sent out. Schools in the county are closed this week for the holiday vacation with classes scheduled to resume Jan. 3. The State Driver's" License Office here, which is normally open on Saturday, will be closed this Saturday and. the following Saturday for Christmas and New Years. The Seattle First National Bank said it will close at 3 p.m. this Friday. The following Friday, the regular 6 p.m. closing hour will be observed. CIII Ui About • OAK PARK A Planned Unit Oevetopn1~mt 426-2646 HIMLIE REALTY, to California. One of seven motions for dismissal of appeals from Justice Court convictions made by assistant prosecutor Gerry Alexander was granted. The dismissal of the appeal of Jack Hogenson was granted. Alexander withdrew the motions for dismissal in five cases since John Ragan, attorney for the five defendants, had asked they be set for trial. The five cases were all set for the week of Feb. 14 during the coming jury session. A sixth case, that of Peter Stroem Jr., was continued for two one-hundred pound sail fish which she brought back pictures of, so what else could count? The Evinrude Award's Banquet was the grand finale, honoring all the North West Region dealers for meeting more than their quota in sales this year. Although Uppy and Lil couldn't bring back any sunshine, the venders outside the hotel did talk them in to bargaining for a few souvenirs to bring back with them. Sunday evening in Hoodsport was highlighted with a Christmas around now at Mason General Hospital greeting his visitors and hoping to be home for Christmas. The Hoodsport Fire Department held its nomination of officers at the regular meeting last Tuesday evening. Nominated for Fire Chief were Win Dahlquist and Mick Simmons, Assistant Chief nominees were Harold Drake and John Dam. Nominated to another term as Secretary was Erik Tokar and Gordon Dickenson was nominated to serve again as Treasurer. Directors nominated were Dick Allen and I 5th & Franklin Open 9:30 to 7:30 weekdays weeks at Alexander's request to give him time to find the defendant and serve him with notice of the proposed dismissal Alexander told the court he had notified the Olympia law firm which had prepared the appeal for Stroem, and, had been told they were no longer representing him. ~\\~//// \ \ Formerly Beckwith's Jewelry Easy Credit Terms Free Parking & Gift Wrap Sth & Franklin 426-3263 JAMES ARCHER ROBERT BAMFORD RUSSELL BASKIN JIM BATSTONE CARL BERNERT FLOYD BORST ROBERT BOWMER RAY BRACY DOROTHEA BRICKERT LARRY BURFIEND JIM CADY BOB COOTS CHARLES DALE CORA DEFFINBAUGH ARLENE DOAK JOE DUFFEY PHIL DURAND MIKE FERRIER DICK FtTCHITT WILBUR FLINT LLOYD GOOD OTTO HANSON BOB HASELWOOD R. D. HOLLAND HARLIN JERRELS BARBARA LA BISSONIERE MILDRED LAMARSH GLEN MILLER YOSHIYA MURATA ROBERT NEATHERLIN ROSS OLSEN H. W. PETERSEN JEANNE PETERSON JOHN RICE THOMAS ROBINSON EARL ROCHE GERAL RODGERS DON RUTHERFORD G. D. SAMPLES DON J. SMITH STAN SMITH BETTY STEVENS RALPH STORMENT MARTHA TAYLOR DICK THOMPSON JAY UMPHENOUR REX UMPHENOUR STEVE VALLEY GEORGE WAITE WALTER WARING JOHN C. WARREN RUBY WEST LEONARD WHITMAN JOE WILKERSON WILLIAM WING ELOISE WOKOJANCE from all your friends at MASON COUNTY P.U.D. No. 3 l~lwln Taylor, President Harold W. Parker~. Vice President Jack Cole. Secretary Jerry Samples, Manager Page 8- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 23, 1971