December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1971 |
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Inn ! Loggers Association
i "" - Meets At Hoodsport
1 Live entertainment will be DESTINATION[S]
provided at the Inn Quest this Hood Canal Division of Department, was the guest
Thursday, December 23 when Washington Contract Loggers speaker. Floyd suggested that a
[1 S. & L. ASSN three sponsored jointly by thethe Youth Center will be open Association hold meeting at the safety meeting be held in
£ C[ S NEW BRANCH Washington State Real from6p.m, tol2p.m. Floyd HoveyhomeinHoodsport conjunction with each WCLA
I-I. T. Wolfe, president of Estate Commission and the Cleanup will be held the _ ~,,, Thursday. meeting. Thus logging safety
IPital Savings and Loan Washington Real Estate following Saturday at noon. On ! ~~ Floyd Pettit, representing the would be a part of each meeting
10ciation, announced recently Education Foundation. December 27 through the 30th State Industrial Insurance and would lead toward the
~t a new branch office at It was conducted at the the Inn Quest will be open from 6 association's goal of "safer
~am was authorized by stateOlympic ttotel in Seattle and was p.m.-10 p.m. logging" for all hands.
.~in~.~s anti I,~. ~,,v .... ....... i~'~ attended by about 700 persons .Y°uth who would like to _g° This suggestion was put into
liam - from all over the state Christmas caroling may do so oy
. E. Young thxs week. . . . . the form of a motion and passed.
Lifelong Grays Harbor The course included all phases meetmg at the Inn Quest this ;. _at_st_ Faith Lutheran Floyd Pettitt then answered
Ident Gary Gores will manage of real estate, including financing, Thursday at 7 p.m.
:sets Services federal safety regulations and how
!ltoquiam office, which will be legal aspects, appraisals, )
|er the direct supervisi°n °f marketing techniques' selling' ~ ! i ~ ,4, ......... they will affect the logging
Pital's Grays Harbor Division leasing and managing commercial ...... t.nnstmas wm ne ooservea at industr the lo n o erators and
~ated by vice president Charles property and construction. CAC ~chedldles Faith Lutheran Church with two thewoYkin log~rg p
special services. The first is at 11 , g gg " .
'Caldwell. DL'S CORNER Me-tin-- IJ ................. FLoyd Hovey, state president
p.lll. ~nnstmas ~ve, a ' tarol anu ~ ,, ..... , ..
L. During this festive time of _~ y~ ~r~ • ,, ;.. t,... at wLt.a suggested a meetmg
Candlelight worsh,v. ,,. ~..
~ ~ i ~i Kenneth Robmson willlnwte .......... ,
~L JOHNSON year, with the crowds jostling and T h e M a s o n- T h u r s t o n .... attended by members of WCLA
ENDS SEMINAR carolers caroling, we should all Community Action Council lnc , . ............ tide rarest >ervlce and the nmoer
cmmren present to jam mm an me .....
iCarl G. Johnson of Himlie take a moment to say.., regularly scheduled meetings are cha,cel" and partxc,v,,,~" "°*'~ ,." t,,~*"" sate ...... purcnasers, tne purpose Ol
~ty Inc., attended a one-week Merry Christmas and may you held in Mason and Thurston ........ c~:, _, this meetmg woum oe to attain
sermon theme, lne kJlltOl
estate seminar early in and yours enjoythe freest oneCounties at 7:30 p.m. on the Christmas". better, understanding and
~naber. ever. second Wednesday of each and A festive worship will be held commumcatmn.
l'he course was the second of - DL every month. Information relative at I0 a.m. Christmas Day for Wilbur (Bill), Bolender heads
to place, agenda items and those who prefer an earlier hour. up the new safet~ committee. The
minutes of meetings may be Dec. 26, the sermon will make first goal of this group will be to
• " e-- obtained from the Administrative use of film with the theme "Come organize and get attendance at
Imn cnn I-II l,dnv Office of the Mason-Thurston Along With Me To Bethlehem", several first aid courses to be held
• .-..Im,,wv.... ~v.., " "v""~/ Community Action Council, Inc., an excursion through history to in ttoodsport and Quilcene.
I|_ ~ - • • 202 Capitol Theatre Building, see how great artists have Next meeting will be held in
i|~sure ~a~es ~ere Olympia, Washington 98501 (Tel depicted on canvas the story of Hoodsport Thursday, January 20.
206/943-8660). Christ.
ltoliday closures at Simpson air induction fans on the high
~ber Company plants in pressure boiler installed to further ]
!t0n and McCleary will begin improve its air quality control ~., .... Graduates I ~a,, o, oo.,
~e end of swing shift Dec. 23. program. At McCleary Plywood nriage winners - Marine Pvt. Alvin D. Nielsen, i OAK PARK
~t will resume at the McCleary the shutdown will include transfer __ ~
It and Plywood plants on the of four veneer pluggers to a belt Are Reported HOME son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. I A Planned L[~k~.2¢~'t¢~J-~
Umt Development
Nielsen Shelton, graduated from [ " Ik~~
• eYard shift Sunday midnight, line to improve operations. ~ basic training at the Marine Corps [ 426-2646 "I~l
1'2. tleavy snowfalls already have North-South winners for the
~heSheltonRemanufacturing suspended most logging Shelton Bridge Club's Monday Complled by the sh~.ngton State Patrol Dept oi rtlghwaysandTrafflcSafetyComm Recruit Depot at San Diego. IHIMI-IEREALTY, INC.'~
t, and the Power plant will operations at Simpson's Camps nightmeeting were Jane Bennett
up with the graveyard shift Govey and Grisdale. The camps and Rex Umphenour, and Mr. and
~idnight, Jan. 2. The two and railroad will be down with Mrs. Warren Russell. f]) CREDIT UNIIcERALI~
tPson sawmills and the some falling and bucking activities East-West winners were /
kiting Board Plant in Shelton to be done if weather permits. Gordon Bennett and Louise
resume work lan 3 on the The Simpson truck dump in Umphenour, and Lynn Rust and
~hift " " Shelton will be down from the Shirley Byrne.
teguiar maintenance activities evening of Dec. 23 until Monday The club meets in the PUD
be carried out at each plant morning. Jan. 3. building at 7:1 5 p.m. eachU fllMd i "~t ~ lk~ "~ "~ ~u'~ "~ C"
lg the shutdown period TheThe Shelton office will be Monday and all bridge players are r
~r plant in Shelton will'have closed Fridays, Dec. 24 and 31. welcome.
T • • • • •
oo Late to Classify Legal PublKahons Legal PublKahons
...... ------------------ '' " ° ' "" •
rnished Close to downtown EMERGENCY BUDGET EXTENSIONS
I:~r mo'nth Phone426-4286 WHEREAS, unforseen emergencies have arsen n the folowing I Volume2,~ Shel n,lashlngton DECEMBER 1971
----_SSS~~:6"4220 W1"2/23 available;Current ExpenSeand Fund Budgets , for which insufficient funds are •
tI~E BEDROOM house n WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board of County
I. Lame front room and Commissioners it is in the best interest of Mason County that provisions
Ig ro(~m 2 baths $100 be made for such expenditures as follows: The Officials and Staff want to thank you for making this a most
plus $25 damaae (~enos t CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ~ successful year. We also want ¢o wish each and every one of you a
very Merry Christmas and the best 9f all,possible New Years.
~inor repairs and cleaninq Garbage -- Maintenance & Operation ....... :. :":... i:: :. $2,600.00 ~, ,}~.. ¢ ~ ,
• ~ 884-2685 Lakebay 12/22 Sheriff -- Maintenance & Operation .................... 6,500.00
.............. • • ---/---- Miscellaneous: ~ ' ~,.'
) HOTP~ NT rofrinorafnr Insurance -- Ma ntenance / Operat on. • ............... 200 00
len r~v ~l'i:tin'~ "'= ....... County Parks -- Maintenance & Operation 13"67
t __n_ _ _n. Phone ..... - ...............
509 S12/93 Memorial Budding - Maintenance & Operahon ............ 76.35
- .... '-" Registrations -- Maintenance & Operation .................. 74.00
!~ ONE chicken basket to TOTAL .................................... $11,464.02
e rw n Rt 2 Box 715 at NOTICE IS THEREFORE GIVEN: That the Board of County
"s &' "' " Commissioners wil hod a public Hearing at 11"00 a m Monday
A_W Dr,ve-lnon Mt ..... " .... I i~~ tthe2p~We~PrPefi~V:ea~c~ilillSAi:u°slft°:Prav~.~~!i:th
12123 December 27, 1971, m their office m the County Courthouse, to
~--Z__LL_~ consider granting said emergencies.
iN CARPETS the ~ave and DATED this 21st day of December, 1971.
~ f " .
......... Board o County Comm~ssmners
way w~tn t~lue Lustre
^,- ..;~ .~. ....... ~-," of Mason County Washington
I~ I(l::~C[/II~ )llOllll~UUl~/ ~[)J. ..... r- n ~ ..
tOCoae, t qtnr~ 12/9~l ~y ~utn r_. ~oysen |
................ Clerk of the Board • ~ for peace and understanding among all men, as did
CHEV426.1341.Vz ton pickUPMcM 12/23-1/6 i 12/23"it (ii :::Aif Gi~iml~!;)!g:h:'~! f:!ii: t;am2th:h ~;hif;: st ~~ i
~nicallv excellent $500.00. aa~
• • , , .
ONE gallon of root beer to • I ' - - , i p ,~~
Knapp, Mason Lake Dr ve, ;~ tPPm *t~en hY°p°fsf:Sdm°Y nS;; ~; I
flew from Minors A&W • a
n on Mr. View. 12/23 I "ll~~,/',')' l r n ;h 1Ldar721 ~ afd rawh
'lSnTOChRaAnCcYs:toTh:tft~rltf: ~. Wehavea complete seleetion of .I ~' ;i:~Tii~p!;i2tr~elbi!glrdaTi~!:?rthe.past, ;hd 1
;gone. .~ (:old CMm,a,nes - Party Wines g i,, .,~ wo,,.,
John Ciardi j _ -- v _ "! ~ ~eLA:°untry °f °urs and certainly Shelt°n' Wa"
I1~~~ ~ Party ke" B°xed Candy" P°tted Fl°wers ~ l, ~' Christmasand Wrapt ]~]~ ~ " s Because °f y~ur faith in-us' y°ur ~'redit Uni°n msm ;17f~ a~nc;i'ins't~tut ;2n~.UA p2o;t;~ ~n;~ol;ed;gw~it h ~ ha~ ~ hfld a~'n'°'~hfr great year "~¢°ve[ amfl-l~n?°~a~ In
• " ' '" -_~,o,_ ~ I
] Japanese Mandarin Oranges I the workings of th oCredit Union operation are
,~mm!;'']~ 4/ ~im .. , man ,s so important to us this time of year. 'rit ]~
~~ il/~ ~zff$(~A ~ i ~ [ ]~ 1/ m71 ;;kr ~°dr :Ya °J ;h ~hY~eea~ e W2 ~hhf2phs ?~dr tar gSr te'a t e r ]~
i N . Hopefully we can project this. Yulet,de SPwe
100 year in 1972, without jeopardizing the people who
I II made it all possible -- you, the member. (800) i For helping Mason County Federal Credit Union grow by over
I ZJ. t U os,tl I, Your Board of Directors, Credit Committee, IR one million doilars in 1971.
Supervisory Committee and Credit Union Staff,
.... It . • I i ~ JeOvienryijo;h2n2it~h ~at Che;irStbmarSic~:y br~t~ yo~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS EDUCATION COMMITTEE
~~"1~11~_~ ~ ~2L~a~t e lC~2 rl~te/d i~C~h Lr~r ~ Rodger A. Tuson, President Willy Ewart, Chairman
/ I, happiness Ronald Casebier, Vice.President Ronald Casebier
' """'"""'"$~::' 49¢~t115 JI'TOY ° l ~" RON~LDF. SANFORD, j
]~ Floyd Powell, Secretary Jim Connolly
Vince Himlie, Director Ronald Elledge
~Alal ~ All of us at m
Bill Smith, Director
lAIN . ~ iJ tmil~:l~t}~t:lmtll~ilmimi~eill~iJl&ji:l~illilltill~ij~tlli~~~l ~ Peter Overton, Director CREDIT COMMITTEE
s3e5 ] s ~u it~ s~ I r I D,ekAn~le, D,reetor
ONLY . I " " Dick Angle, Chairman
Bob Temple, Member
. Wish you all avery 11/ Sa nta Claus ~ SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE Jim Donahoe, Member
.ITE CHAIN SAW. Enli- ~ ~ Ruth Boysen, Chairman Mary Anstey, Member
for reliability and pet- ~ Wayne Glandon . Bob Bamford, Member
ce. ]~ ~ / uCmla;~r ~:th~12~ t~;s;:;l~ f5° )l d°he; Ray Schwietering
Specially custom molded u
H0melit, Chain Saw. S22;: th; cD=pJ::°:nt2i;h:2a;; She$ STAFF
t. Works like teal one but acc u Ronald F. Sanford, Manager
.,,o*,-.o,o~ I i'jo;~i:?i;!°wU~!:9~'e~oerS:us:,~aveo~7~T~Cyinthe:re, p~ac~zo::: ! Bernard "Gus" Hoag, Asst. M,r.
lels and 150 Aut0mati¢l r s Bernadine Duffey, Office Mar.
Jane Mackey
I EGER i cehrtifTe r fL°coPUge Sound Log Scaling Bureau, and Alan C. Renn of I DixieR°Se Laugensmith
rOR SHOPOlympic426-4602 Hwy. S. i The money s here, you just have to know and find yoflr number. ~ Lord HattieLeErma Dorothy Bunnell Maynard Pierce Kingery
Thursday, December 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9