December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1971 |
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KEEPING THE BEST Christmas trees for breeding stock, Dr. Richard
Dingle, (left) research project leader, and Ralph Stewart, experimental aide,
tag 450 Scotch pines at the Washington State University Southwestern
Washington Research Unit in Vancouver for sale. The trees are marketed by
a Vancouver Boy Scout troop in a lot on Highway 99. Dr. Dingle attaches a
questionnaire to each tree so the buyer can give his opinion of the tree and
so "we can accumulate information which growers need."
lu ire rio
=- Facility Lease
MARY HILL equipped and shedding tears for Patti Gronseth and Pat Wells
LAKE LIMERICK - A someone to do a lot of assisted in preparing the
~-year lease rent-free except for maintenance work onit. The refreshments.
' or the minimum required to Board had indicatedto the Mr. and Mrs. Ed (Barbara)
tke it a legal transaction, plus Commissioners it would deed the Slagle drove to Seattle Saturday
option of renewal on the same Maintenance Building to them to meet their newlywed daughter,
~is for two additional five-year with a no-rent ' lease-back" clause Susan and her husband, Michael
~tiods was voted volunteerso the Club could use part of the P. Kaika who were married Dec.
Zrnen for continued use of Lake building for its equipment and 11 in Washington, D.C. where
iraerick Country Club's shop until other facilities could be both are students at Gallaudet
tintenance Building by theprovided. Present economic College. They expect to spend a
Board of Trustees at conditions, plus other club part of their three-week
¢'s regular monthly projects that have had to behoneymoon with the Slagles at
postponed, led to Saturday stheir Lake Limerick home.
The Board also voted to deed change in signals. The Lake Limerick Country
the Commissioners of Mason Access to the main drag from Club was the scene of two holiday
mty Fire Protection District 5 the Maintenance Building involves dinner parties Friday night. The
property nearby on two turns - first onto Shamrock staff and escorts of the Shelton
Andrews Drive for a futureDrive past golfers cars, then left Junior High School dined in the
Station. The Trustees by or right onto Saint Andrewsballroom upstairs and the Pioneer
0tion also asked ExecutiveDrive. The new lot to be deeded is School teaching staff, with their
etary Norm Schreck to advise at the northeast corner of the partners were in the meeting
Fire Commissioners by letter Golf Course ninth hole. room adjacent to the restaurant.
when funds are allocated theThe Lake Limerick CountryPrincipal-Superintendent Dick
preference is for purchaseClub Architectural Committee Mariotti and his wife, Shari, were
new )r newer Limerick met Sunday morning and approved hosts at their home on Bahnoral
4 fire truck before three sets of plans. One was for a Way to the 13 attending for a
a or
;i fi
s ion of a new Fire residence on the Division 2 golf pre-dinner social hour.
ic here is undertaken, course lot of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ed Slagle of Connemora Way
Limerick's Station 4was Ruth of Burien. Also approved took a day off from work Friday
tted officially Feb. 11, 1971, was a garage at the residence of to balance and calibrate the
r an annexation petition was Fred Starkey of Dartmoor Drive thermostats for the Lake
!Proved by District 5's and a shed at the residence of Limerick clubhouse natural gas
almissioners, certified by the Mr. and Mrs. Tony (Joanne) heating system. Thanks, Ed. It
anty Auditor and approved by Paradise of Ballantrae Drive. really felt nice and warm there
e M a s o n C o u n t y Mr. and Mrs. Floyd (Patsy) after you finished your volunteer
almissioners. Prior to that, Jones of North St. Andrews Drive job.
rnerick's then fledgling hosted a holiday party Friday Rudy and Larry Boettcherof
tlnteers had been given training night for members of Lake Ballantrae Drive attended a 25th
I mutual support by District Limerick's volunteer fire group, wedding anniversary party
s t a t i o n s a t A 11 y n, Some of the guests arrived in their Saturday night at the Cosmopolis
~n-Benson Lakes and Victor'turnout" gear, just in case there Lion s Club. Larry, who is an old
!er a "we'll help you, you help was a fire alarm during the friend of the couple, cooked the
letter agreement. Passage last evening. Present were Capt. Glenn ham for the occasion.
llth of a special one-year levy Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. AI (Patti) Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Doris)
raise $160,000 from 1973 Gronseth, Larry Boettscher, Mrs. Roswold of Balmoral Way were in
~t e s w i 11 e n a b I e t he Pat Wells and children, Lewis and Bellingham Friday to attend the
amissioners to strengthen and Sheila, district 5 fire chief and graduation of their son, Dennis,
ate all four present stations, Mrs. Dick (Barbara) Knight of from Western Washington State
creating three new fire Allyn, Mr. and Mrs. Tony College.
ns. One will be West Mason(JoAnne) Paradise, Mr. and Mrs.Capt. Glenn Robbins of
in the "old" part of the Roy (Peep) Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Tipperary Way will attend classes
ct; the others at Timberlakes Ralph (Velma) Bennett and Mrs. in advanced medical training for
Pioneer-Deer Creek in Run (Lois)Burke of Belfair, whose volunteer firemen in Bremerton
-a~exed areas that give the husband is captain of the Victor beginning in January. The classes
tee~ a total 100 square-mile Fire Station. The Burkes were old will be held two nights a week
to protect with fire andfriends of the Jones when they and in his absence, Lt. A1
aid services, were both Bellevue residents. Mrs. Gronseth of North St. Andrews
Limerick's Board had Burke came with the Knights Drive will be acting captain for
Station 4 its 1924 Seagrave since her husband was out of Lake Limerick's volunteer fire
truck, then only partlytown. unit.
Santa says
"The finest Christmas
gift you can give...
is a door mirror from
Shelton Glass Co."
DOOR MIRRORS ........ AS -OW AS $9.95
We Custom cut mirrors, to your specifications
2226 Olympic Hwy. N.
For Fast Service Phone 426-1152 Leroy Dale, Owner
Christmas tree research is time
consuming, and for Dr. Richard
W. Dingle it is life consuming.
''My Christmas tree
experiment will not be completed
in my lifetime," Dr. Dingle,
Washington State University
professor of forestry, says. "First
of all, Christmas trees cannot be
whipped up in a test tube in 10
It takes six to 12 years for a
tree to reach the size nrost
suitable for a Christmas tree.
Since the WSU College of
Agriculture ('hristmas tree
research began in 1955, the
Southwestern Washington
Research Unit in Vancouver has
had two crops of Scotch pine and
one crop of Noble fir.
"'We originally set out to find
species of trees which were best
suited for growing in southwest
Washington, and still acceptable
to the consumer," Dr. Dingle
says. "A lot of trees are grown for
"Do you have a soil monster
in your yard?"
That question is asked in the
centerfold of a new brochure
published jointly by the
Washington State Soil and Water
Conservation Committee and the
USDA Soil Conservation Service.
Christmas tree use with more and
more being produced in Christmas
tree plantations.'"
Right now in Washington
there are about 250 plantations or
about 9,000 plantation acres.
Kitsap, Lewis and Mason counties
produce more Christmas trees
than any other place in the
nation, Dr. Dingle says.
"In fact, the sale of
Washington Christmas trees
amounts to about S l0 million
annually and is increasing," he
adds. "About 75 per cent of our
trees are sold in California and in
other southwestern markets.
"But con)petition from other
regions is increasing, so Northwest
growers had better start
concentrating on producing high
quality trees - not just the
planting of more and more acres.
Shearing, weed control and
fertilization are used to provide
improved Christmas tree form.
shorter rotation periods, better
ignoring different soil
characteristics are houses sliding
down hillsides and enbankments
- a not too uncommon thing in
western Washington.
Less spectacular is the home
that has settled and cracked or
twisted, creating uneven floors,
color and consequently better
profit margins. But to increase the
quality, we need to develop a
superior seed source for Christmas
So in 1965, Dr. Dingle revised
his experiment, putting more
emphasis on producing better
Christmas tree growers grow
trees to sell and not for seed, Dr.
Dingle explains. They cut the best
trees out of their crops for
market, and then buy nrore seed
for planting, which is just the
opposite of good forest practice.
Most of the seed used for
Christmas trees is gathered in
forests in Europe or in the United
States, and this seed produced a
wide variability an trees.
At the Southwestern
Washington Research Unit. the
best trees are left growing. The
past couple of years m June and
December, Dr. Dingle graded the
stand of Scotch pine at the
problem-causing conditions:
Install adequate drain tile: put
down deep foundation footings;
leave as much grass, brush and
trees as possible, especially on
sloping ground: construct terraces
to slow runoff and install grass
waterways to provide a protected
research unit on color, growth
rate, foliage density, insect
i n fe s t a tion, disease formation,
crown diameter and shape.
Then early this month, those
trees with the highest grades were
saved to become parents and seed
producers. The other trees were
marketed in Vancouver. From
about 700 original Scotch pine
seedlings, Dr. Dingle has 25
remaining parent trees.
Scions (branches) will be
taken from each of the parent
trees and grafted onto another
root. Dr. Dingle hopes to grow 50
trees from each of the 25 parents.
When the progeny go to seed, he
will set up a selection program to
grow only good seedlings. These
will be his first seed orchards with
the first Scotch pine seeds being
produced in about 15 years.
"'The trees in the seed
orchards will be used for genetic
crossing, controlled breeding and
other experiments designed to
produce better seeds," Dr. Dingle
"'If we had seed orchards
producing seeds, we wouldn't
have to depend on some man in
Spain picking up wild seeds for
Spanish pine or fir. Growers
would know what the seed is
when they buy it. They always
would be able to get good stock."
Another aspect of Dr. Dingle's
Christmas tree seed research is his
"'introductions of introductions."
l'rom superior parents of Spanish
fir in the Sierra de los Nievas
Mountains in the Malaga province
(above Yunquera) in Spain.
Then this year, Spanish fir
seedlings were started in a
greenhouse at the WSU Steffen
Workcenter, Pullman, where all of
Dr. Dingle's Christmas tree
seedlings are started. Early this
month, the six-month-old
seedlings were taken to
Vancouver where it may be five
years before they are planted out,
and about 25 years before a
Spanish fir seed orchard exists.
Dr. Dingle, who has grown his
own Spanish fir, says the tree is
less susceptible to the balsem
woolly aphid which is a problem
of true firs in the Northwest.
"The Spanish fir has hard,
sharp needles making it a good
Christmas tree for bratty kids -
they'll soon learn not to touch
it," Dr. Dingle says laughingly.
"But the branches are quite stiff
and therefore can he decorated
with anything. And it has a
distinctive and beautiful form
which kind of resembles a
candlelabra "'
Beside, Ihe Spanish fir and
the Scotch pine, l)r. Dingle has a
collection ,,I Austrian pine
growing at the Vancouver
research unit and the Pullman
workcenter. He's looking forward
to an Austrian pine seed orchard
in about 20 years, or in lqt)O.
It is aimed particularly at the soil doors and windows that won'toutlet channel for water. Besides refining and picking out
and water problems of western open, and other damage. Almost any problem has a the outstanding, prime tree seed
Washington, according to Don Homes built on unsuitable soil solution. Some solutions could be of the common Christmas tree
H u r l b e r t, SCS Distric t or soil that has not been properly too expensive to warrant the varieties, he is checking out -r'-'xGIRL56OJ~I'/~w
Conservationist, at Shelton.handled for building can lead to proposed use, Hurlbert said. different species which might~RSI
Many city folks automatically water and sanitary problems, The first thing a home builder have desirable tree characteristics.
think of soil as something of Hurlbert said. These include soils - individual or commercial - "My philosophy on this
interest primarily for farmers, with high water table or tight, should do is find out what the Christmas tree seed thing is that
who cultivate it and grow crops in clay soils through which water limitations and hazards of the soil growers would be better off if
it. And, with the advice and can't permeate. In eithercase, the are. Many counties and some they used something that is
assistance of soil and water water stands on the surface when cities have soil maps and different from their competition,
conservation districts and SCS, the rains come. And if sewage interpretive material which which is wild trees," Dr. Dingle ~~
farmers have been learning to use disposal is handled with a septic indicate types of soil and says.
soil with a minimum of erosion tank, the effluent may surface limitations for use. More A variety that he thinks has
and other problems, also - or contaminate wells which e x t e n s i v e m a p pi n g a n d possibilities is the Spanish fir,
As the heading of the provide household water, interpretation may be needed, which is not used at all m the
Christmas tree trade in this
brochure says: "Soil - it's forOne way to avoid soil Perhaps a soil scientist or country. In 1969 whileon
city folks, too!" The most problems is to avoid problemengineer should be consulted. .,,aadlBoylgoaml~dotoo--
spectacular examples of urban soils. Another is to take proer Usually the information and help sabbatical, Dr.Dingle collected Iowhynot YOU!
builders and home owners s t e p s t o c o r r e c t t h e is available, Hurlbert said.three pounds of clean, pure seed -
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Thursday, December 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23