December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1971 |
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Gets Minigrant,
By CARMEN YATES weather and survival.
PIONEER - Principal Dick By virtue of the size of the
Legol Publications
Plats, pagu 17; TOGETHER with
that part of vacated street lying
Legal Publications
Northeast quarter (NE]/a) of the
Northeast quarter (NE1/4), said
Legal Publications
o5t West, W.M., excepting from all
the foregoing, road
.......... =--:- i
Legal Pubhcations !.L
No. 4248
people from the Forest Service,items for needy families and they between said portion of Blocks 4 Section, Township and Range, rights-of-way. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF.
Game Department, Simpson etc, gave apples and oranges to theand 5 and together with that part being the Section corner common Now, therefore, public notice THE STATE OF WASH NGT0/~
Mariotti, last week received word group, the boys will be able towho have offered help with thisExceptional Foresters, and even of vacated easterly 10 feet of to Sections 16, 17, 20 and 21;is hereby given that on the 7thFOR MASON COUNTY. j
that the Federal Grant he had interrelate and respond to eachproject. Also community sent gifts. Then they tackled still street adjoining said property on thence Southwesterly, along the day of January, 1972, at 10:00 In the Matter of the Estate
the west; EXCEPTING that part, East section line of said Section o'clock a.m. of said day, at East LLOYD A. MORAN Decea~
applied for to the tune of $17,000 other and the teacher on a moremembers have volunteered a third project that really had if any, lying below the line of20, 600 feet to the true point of Door Courthouse, Shelton MasonThe undersigned is thl
was not forthcoming. About 80 personal basis. It is felt thatteacher-aide help. them excited, they gathered ordinary high tide of Case Inlet; beginning; thence continuing County, Washington, I will sell appointed and qualified perS.O~il
schools across the country had also working together in a small group Som e of the following oodles of soft cuddly toys for the TOGETHER with that part of Southwesterly, along the East the above described property at representative of said esta
applied for the federal funds; out situation it will provide the supplies will probably be retarded children at the Rainier tidelands, suitable for the section line, 60.52 feet; thence public auction to the highest Persons having claims against~
cultivation of oysters, as due West 270 feet, more or less, bidder for cash, or so much deceased are required toservem~,
of that 80 only five were awarded, necessary opportunity for incorporated in the project: school at Buckley. They took described in deed to Fred Stockto the Easterly boundary of the thereof as may be necessary tosame in duplicate, duly verifie0,
Mariottiremarked 'we received top counseling, peer group rapport,100 foot tape special care to choose toys these and wife dated January 31, 1947, Cloquallum Creek County Road; raise sufficient to satisfy said last on the undersigned or tile
attorney of record at the addr0ss
priority, whatever that means." responsibility for working laboratory thermometer youngsters wouldn't be able toand recorded in Volume 106 of thence Northeasterly, along the above named amount, together stated below and file the sa~e,
However, Mariotti reported at together and building of soil ph kits hurt themselves on accidentally. Deeds, page 605, lying northerly Easterly boundary of the with increased cost and increased
of the extended southerly line of Cloquallum Creek County Road, interest, with the Clerk of this CoU
the regular School Board Meeting self-concepts through successful water test kit All the youngsters really gavesaid Lot 1 in Block 5 and to a point which bears due West Dated at Shelton Washington, together with proof of ~Cn
last week that he had also applied experiences in the study of ourincrement Borer a fine performance last week at southerly of the extended from the true point of beginning; this 30th day of November, 1971. service within four months afW.
for a Minigrant. This is also environment. 6' cloth sewing tapes the Christmas program. The northerly line of Lot 8 in saidthence due East 270 feet, more or John D. Robinson December 23, 1971 or the same
Block 5. less, to the true point of Sheriff of Mason will be forever barrecl.
Federal money, but it is sent to The Harstine Island school water thermometer lovely trees and decorations in the The Executor reserves the beginning, comprising a strip of County, Washington Orville T. Moran
hand lens gym really made the whole right to reject any and all bids. . land 60 feet wide and 270 feet By Ann Rose, Deputy Route 2, Box 95
the State governments in a lump site is a two acre natural haven of shovels DATED this 16 day or long, more or less, heretoforeClinton F. Raymond, Jr.
sum and then distributed by the program sparkle. Shelton, Washington 98584
hatchet December, 1971. conveyed to Port Blakely Mill 1000 Norton Bldg. Robert L. Snyder
State. He did receive word that
Pioneer had been awarded $500.
Mariotti outlined the goals he
hopes to achieve with the
minigrant. It involves ten boys
that are constantly referred to the
principals office as behavior
problems and the Harstine
property. It is hoped that after
said boys spend one-half day per
six ecological systems. They
include a creek, salt water beach,
the confluence of both fresh and
salt water, a marsh, open fields
and the forest. At the present
time the school site is not being
used. This site will be used
one-half day or more per week as
a learning center for boys with
behavior problems. Besides the six
hip boots
Besides the above many books
will supplement the project and
other supplies. Some of the
subjects of the books will include
animals, ecology, birds, water,
flowers, forest, biology, marsh,
Legal Publications
NO. 77553
Quinby R. Bingham
Attorney for Executor
Law Offices of
Hodge, Mann, Copeland & King
1501 Washington Building
Tacoma, Washington 98402
FUlton 3-3571
Company, a corporation, by deed
recorded in Volume 142 of
Deeds, page 558, under Auditor's
File No. 144136.
The Southeast quarter (SEV4)
of the Northeast quarter (NEIA).
The Norheast quarter (NE1/4)
of the Southeast quarter (SEV4),
excepting therefrom the following
described portion thereof, towit:
Beginning at an iron pipe at
Seattle, Washington
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Phone Ma 4-0900
Attorney for Estate
1251/2 N 5th
Shelton, Washington 98584 ..
ecological systems already rivers and streams, oceans, PIERCE. SHERIFF'S SALE the Southeast corner of the
week at the Harstine lsland school mentioned there is a school seashore, ponds, trees and IN THE MATTER OF THE EXECUTION Southeast quarter (SEV4~, of the
CAUSE NO. 59520 Southeast quarter (SE/4), said Your Guide to
site for the remainder of the building located on the site that meadow life. ESTATE OF ELLA S. EDMAN, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Section, Township and Range,
school year, he will graduallywould be useful as a flow-through Mrs. Palmer's fifth grade class DECEASED. Export Services-- in M.nso, County
begin to see a trend where these labratory. The building is in good really has gotten into the true NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON being the Section corner common
that LLOYD G. BAKER, IN AND FOR GRAYS HARBOR to Sections 20, 21, 28 and 29;
same boys will not be office conditionwith heat, lights andspirit of Christmas. Their Executor of the above entitled COUNTY.
enthusiasm to help others less estate will sell at a private sale of NORTHERN COMMERCIAL thence Northwesterly, along the
visitors so frequently, and by the water. East section line of said Section Auto Glass- ~ 1 .DrugS
end of the year. hopefully, not at fortunate has really brought much real estate for cash and to theC O M P A N Y, a D e I a w a r e 20, 1484.5 feet to the true point
all. Each week a mini lesson joy. They joined the rest of the highest and best bidder or uponCorporation, d/b/a N. C. of beginning; thence continuing [ I I --Helena Rubinstein
such terms and conditions as the MACHINERY CO. Plaintiff vs. E. Northwesterly, along the East I Expert Installation | I -- Cosmetics
Mariotti gave the followingwould be taught using one of the Pioneer students in bringing food Court may approve, three parcels J. HERMANN CO., INC., a section line, 131 feet; thence/ I I --Prescriptions -:-S
reasons for wanting to tackle this six e co-systems. However, an of real estate belonging to theWashington corporation and E.J.North 30 deg. West 280 feet, / JIM PAULEY. INC. I I --Hypo-A, lergic Cosmeu~
proiect. It is hoped that through overall objective would be to -------------------- above entitled estate of ELLA S. HERMANN and JANE DOE more or less, to the Easterly
the use of the natural develop an understanding and EDMAN and the bid for said HERMANN, his wife, Defendant. boundary of the Cloquallum JMt. View I I NEIL'SPHARMACY ..
environmental setting these ten awareness of the interrelatedness Legal Publications beforePrOpertYtheShal115bedaySUbmittedof January,°n or of ExecutionUnder and bYi;,suedVirtUeoutOf ofa writthe Southerly,Creek CountYalong Road;the Easterlythence ~1 Kneeland Center eh. 426-8231 Jl ~Ph" 426-33Z'
boys will be motivated to become of the six Peg-systems. 1972 and shall be in writing and Superior Court of the State ofboundary of the Cloquallum
better citizens and better students All lessons would be flexible NOTICE TO CREDITORS shall be left with LLOYD G. Washington, holding terms at Creek County Road, to a point Auto Repairing t Floor Covering
BAKER or his attorney, QUINBY Montesano, in and for Grays which bears North 30 deg. Westl- -- Major Overhauls I I --L no eum --Carpeting
by taking part in ourdoor studies so that a student could pursue any NO. 4246 R. B I N G H A M a t 1 5 0 1 Harbor County, in said State, and from the true point of beginning;
at the Harstine Island school site. course of study that interestedIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Washington Building 98402 or dated on the 27th day of thence South 30 Deg. East 280 I -Brakes & Ignition I I --Tile --Formica
The studies will consist of highly him. He would be encouraged to THE STATE OF WASHINGTON may be filed with the Clerk of the October, 1970, on a judgment feet, more or less, to the true ] -- Welding & Tune-ups
motivational units centered relate his experiences in the IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY, above entitled Superior Court of rendered in said Court on the point of beginning, comprising a I [
around forestry= water (salt and project to his regular classroom IN PROBATE. Pierce County, Pierce County 17th day of November, 1971, instrip of land 60 feet wide and 280 I I I REX FLOOR COVERING,
In the matter of the Estate of Courthouse, Tacoma Washington. favor of the above named feet, more or less, long,
fresh),soil, animals, plants, work. There have been some MARY ELIZABETH SCOFIELD Said property being located in Plaintiff, and against the above heretofore conveyed to Port 1219So. lst 426.1212 I /Mt. View Ph. 426-22g'
a/k/a Beth Scofield, Deceased. Mason County and described as named Defendants, for the sum of Blakely M ill Company, a
Notice is hereby given thatfollows: Fifty-Five Thousand, Four corporation, by deed recorded in
I I.
Hidden Haven
the undersigned has been
appointed and has qualified as
Administratrix of the Estate of
Mary Elizabeth Scofield a/k/a
Beth Scofietd, deceased; that all
persons having claims against said
deceased are hereby required to
serve the same, duly verified, on
the undersigned administratrix or
Item 3 -- The East 75 feet of Lots
3 and 4, Block 72, together with
the vacated Westerly 10 feet of
Sherwood Avenue, adjacent to
said Lots 3 and 4, Block 72, on
the East according to the official
plat recorded in Volume 1 of
Plats, Mason County Auditor's
Hundred Thirty-Two and Volume 142 of Deeds, page 558,
50/100ths ($55,432.50) Dollars, under Auditor's File No. 144136.
together with an attorney's fee of The Southeast quarter (SEV4)
$2,688.90 Dollars and costs ofof the Southeast Quarter (SEV4),
suit taxed at $23.40 Dollars, with excepting therefrom the following
interest at the rate of 1 per cent described portion thereof, towit:
per month on $17,926.71 and 8 Beginning at the Southeast
per cent per annum on corner of said Section 20,
$37,505.97 from date thereof, or Township 19 North, Range 5
$3,770,73, and amounting in all West, W.M.; run thence North,
Men's Hair Styling
* Razor Styling
* Shampooing
* Regular Hair Cuts
* Scissor Contouring
For Appointment Call 426-2072
• Repairing Modern and
• Precision Scope & Sight
• Shotgun Choke AlterationS,
all gauges
• Shooting Supplies.
By FRANCES RADTKE Traffic has been heavy for the her attorney of record at the Office, Shelton, Washington. 1618 Olympic Hwy. S. Route 2, Box 795 Phone
address below stated and file the Item 4 -- Lots 3 to 7 inclusive and to the sum of $61,915.61 Dollars, along the Section line between
last couple of weeks Many people
HIDDEN HAVEN - "Hidden • same with the clerk of said court, the southerly 20 feet of Lot 8 in plus costs of sale.. .... Sections 20 and 21, a distance of
Haven is ttidden Heaven", snidedrive their cars slowly through the together with proof of such Block4and Lots3to 7inclusive Wnlcn sam wrl~ov t-xecution200 feet; thence in a Beauty Insurance
dell htful streets to soak up the service within four months after and the southerly 20 feet of Lot 8 was to. me .as Sheriff of Mason Southwesterly direction to an I -- Complete Hair Care I Tiredof Shopping?
small boy the other night as he g .... f
I Let us do it foryou!
holiday atmosnhere each evenin~ the date of the first pubhcatlon o in Block 5 of Allyn as recorded in ~.o u.n ~.y,, o intersection with the section line I -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches I Auto-Home.Boat-Life-Healtll
Volume 1 of Plats paoe 17- olrectea and aellverea, and Dybetween Sections 20 and 29, said I -- Merle Norman Cosmetics I Business-Preferred Risk?
decorationSt°°d viewingaround theChristmaScourt. Juesaay~ ~ " /z~ residents" gathered % thiSbarred.notice or the same will be TOGETHER with that Kart of which I am commanded to sell at Township and Range, at a point. I we ocate the lowest cost-
-- Pennyrich
l Insurance is our only busineSS.
v r " ~- - Public Auction, according to law
For the sixth year in a rowin the beautifully decorated Date of first publication,acated st eft lying between said . . which is 60 feet West of the point
r n f I k n the following described property,
haveMr and Mrs. firstJenningSplaceMiklethUnin the communitYch s p tluckhall dinnerf°r an hostedearly December 9,. 1971 " togetherP° tic OwithB OCthatS part4 a old vacatedS' and to-wl~:" "" EXHIBIT A - the°f beginning;section line,thence60 feetEast'toal°ngthe I ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON I INSURANCE AGENCY _
r~ tmas o Hazel .... Link .... Flucklnger I ..~.,k-%----- ,~a-3~-
won .............. ~ommlsrratrlx OT easterly 10 feet of street adjoining Real Property Located in Mason point of beginning, heretofore 6th & Laurel 426-4582 ,,o,~.=,,u. -..---
business-commercial division ofny Mr. and mrs. MiKtetnun wno said Estate said property on the west; County, Washington 9:30 a.m. conveyed to Simpson Timber
the Shelton Chamber of furnished baked ham for Trena BelsitoWorthington EXCEPTING that part, if any, The Northeast quarter (NEI/4~ Company, a corporation, by deed ,
~ommerce ChrLstmas decoration everyone. Carols were sung withAttorneys for Estate, lying belowthe .line. of ordinary of the Northeast quarter (NEl/4)t recorded on Reel 4, Frame 275, Building Janitor
• "lane m,,~ -'rovinen b,, Mrs Office and Postoffice Address: nigh tide or t.ase Inlet. excepting thereTrom the fOllowing under Auditor's File No. 195225. J ~New Homes! ] * Carpet Cleaning
~ntest. ~. .... v. " " . ~ .-" 205 Thurston Savings & Loan Bldg. Item 5 -- Lots 1 and 2 in Block 4 described portion thereof, towit: All of said land being situate
Frances Radtke and a gait n
[ During the past several weeks " Olympia, Washingto 98501 and Lots 1 and 2 in Block 5 of Beginning at an iron pipe at in Section twenty (20), Township I ~_,~11 Remodeling! I * Building Cleaning
and Maintenance
Mr. and Mrs. Miklethun, assisted exchange took place. 12/9-16-23-3tAllyn as recorded in Volume 1 of the Northeast cornerof the nineteen (19) North, Range five[ OLYMPIC VIEW I * Residential - Commerlcal
by Mr and Mrs. Harley Pollock J Shelton Janitorial Service
have been creating beautiful I CONSTRUCTION CO. I Adolph Rapa©z
s c e n e r y. Poinsettia Drive, I Paul Brown Wes Dosser I Route 3, Box 725 sheltOn
Mistletoe Land and Holly Hill, 426-4312 426-8427 426-a936
each a country block long are ~ ~~/~te i I ~'~ '~/~~~/~1 ~ ~ I~a/~11 F/ ~ ~'~fl~j I, 1714 Stevens 426-2810 Builder ~ ~ Remodeling
~'~ ~ : ~' J~) " " l ,~m~J~ Home Building Masonry
lined with lighted Christmas trees ' h ~ I , .~ ~ ~, = *~'~'~""
on each side. Bright colored lights , I
twinkle from each individual
I ~ Plan Service I -- All Brick and
house. "lhere are nativity scenes ~:~'~' ' ~ ~J~P'> I G.H. PARKER-BUILDER I -- Block Work
made of hand painted figurines. . ~-~-"' / ~~ l Licensed* Bonded* Insured
The tall living tree near the ~---"~ Igl~l~'~lh-::"~' l MASON'S MASONRY
clubhouse bears bright colored _~_._~ -~~"-- " ~ ~ I Phone426-2278 ~,
lights from to pto bottom. ~- ~-:~..d
A large nativity scene faces II Cable .ainting
visitors at the entrance of the ~/ ~ )
court. Nearby is the lighted I~ ~liR/ ~I ,L, x.Ax.~.~(. 1426 16,91 ,_ __....-'°'-s"'
replica of the bare branched pear ! ~B~r/~¢~ I For Service Call Painting -- Taping -- Texturln '
Wall Papering -- WoodWOrK,~l
tree which was occupied by the Pre-finished--Llcemsed&Som'-
Free Est mates y
famous partridge on the twelfth ml I HEINITZ PAINTING coMPAN.~
day of Christmas. A sleigh with
Santa driving his reindeer ~'nucKHemltz ~'=~'
stretches across the rear of the_ [ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHU 1 I First Church of C " " " I
hrlst Scientist Carpentry Remodeling
c°urt M°st beautiful °f all is the I Arcadiaand LakeB°ulevardminiature church built by Mrs. EDCHAMBERLAIN, Minister/ ii 302 AldarSt.,Shelton, Wash. I I Carpentry--ConcreteWork Carpentry--Remodeling
Bible School 9 45 a m I Acoustical Spray -- Dry Wall Kitchen Cabinets
Miklethun, framed with strings of | ... _. - .... -,. ",,,, -_" Famdy Service ..... 7:30 p.m. 1' Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11:00 a.m.
blue lights. Through the front I worsmp ......... ~ l:uu ~.m. / J Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. I "No job too small" Roofing-- Painting
windows can be seen the organ, | Weclnesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m./ Free Estimates
pulpit and benches populated L Ch I~