December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1971 |
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THOMAS H. AARON can be prevented by proper car that I have found that helps where you are required to stop, before jacking up the car. Be . s ," . .. , .. " " . " , !i,I" " ., .' .' . , " , ." . '. ' . .' z,"
All drivers should thoroughly maintenance. Others are avoided defensively, is to glance at thepump the brakes rapidly but careful of the jack, make certain
Understand traffic, laws that are only by how you handle your car front tire of the car you are gently. This is necessary on snow. it is straight.
raade by nature. One of these and how knowledgeable you are passing. If you see the tire veer If the area is on a straight-away If tile accelerator sticks and
laws is friction. The entire control about conditions that are towards your lane, tap your horn! and you proceed, even uphill, you arc not in traffic, turn off the
of a moving automobile depends potential accident causes. The driver in the other vehicle keep your foot off the brake, ignition (if it is safe) leave in gear
011 the grip of the tire surface If your right wheels go off may not have realized you were Hold the accelerator steady to and brake to a stop. In traffic,
~ith the road surface. When a onto the shoulder, don't try to passing him. This is a must avoid loss of traction and avoidwhere power to maneuver may be
driver neglects these factors, jump back up on the pavement, sometimes on the freeway, any sudden steering movements, necessary, leave the engine
lither in high speed or wear of Ease up on the gas pedal, keep off Before starting down a steep Tires allowed to iotate in arunning, depress the clutch (oi
fires, his chances of an accident the brakes, get a firm grip on the incline, shift the transmission to a straight line provide the best put in neutral) and stop when
ire greater. , steering wheel, and straddle the lower gear and let the engine help traction. If a skid .develops, steer safe. Turn the key off and look
The basic principle involveainroadway. When you have slowed with the braking. Again, when in the direction of the skid. Keep for the source of trouble. On
tvoiding all types of traffic down, ease the tires back on the brakes must be applied, use a soft in mind that when you correct older cars check for a foreien
tccidents is DON'T PANIC! An road. steady pressure. If signs of fading the skid you will usually object or dirt under the
example of a panic-caused Don't turn back too sharply;occur, pull completely off onto experience a lesser skid in theaccelerator hinge. Most ne\~ cars
accident occured near Shelton not the wheels could grab on the edge the shoulder at the first chanceopposite direction. You should be have elevated gas pedals which
10ng ago. A driver entered a curve of the pavement and send you and let the brakes cool down. prepared to correct it also. makes thie problem unlikely.
too fast, lost traction on gravel at into the other lane of traffic or Don't be in a hurry to get on your When a tire blows out don't Accelerator springs seldom break.
the road edge causing the car to even throw the car sideways andway.., cooling may take as long apply the brakes. Get a firm grip but if it happens, they can be
!0 out of control and roll over on cause it to skid or roll over on its as 15-20 minutes. When the brakeon the steering wheel, keep tires stretched and used until you ~et
ls side. Fortunately the driver side. drums (there is one in the back of straight ahead, ease up on the gas t o t h e n e arest source of
~as uninjured. He admitted that When you meet a driver who each wheel) feel cool to the touch pedal gently. When you have replacement. T--~\~-/.~."
the main cause of the accident won't dim his bright lights, don't try the brakes at a slow speed. If slowed down, signal your
was panic. This could have been retaliate by giving him your everything is okay it is safe to intentions to pull off the road and -It" a car pulls out of an
!V0ided if the driver had brights. You can only compound resume travel, stop. If the car is equipped with intersection in front of you, apply
!~ticipated, the situation and the danger, if you are both Surprisingly, the last step to warning signalsorlights, putthem the brakeshardwhileholdinethe ~~ IofuY./ouFna aF~;nvJh ~ ~
curve too fast. The road was brights on and off quickly as a then only if it is at the lowest car and off the road. Block the wm must swerve to miss the car. in djvousha,, _ohnlS"/ '
,eil known. Many times thisreminder, if he still stays with his possible speed. The parking brake tire directly diagonally from the ease up on tlae brakes and swerve~~ vYe it., y y s atever you please__ ~
kesents a real problem, the driver brights, pull to the right a little on most late mddel cars works on one you are going to change. If to the right. DON'T blow your ha
~0ws the road so well, he forgets and look away from his lights, a rachel arrangement that makes the flat tire is in the rear. be sure horn[ The driver may not have
~e potential dangers present. Train your eyes on the shoulder modulated application difficult to take the spare out of the trunk seen you. and his first impulse '~"~J., " "
lf people understood the basic and ditch as aguide. Neverlook and risky. You must hold the ;, ws, n"s re- ;tin! i
~tinciples of friction, centrifugal into his lights in an attempt to be release lever out while applying
~aetion kinetic energy inertia, guided by them. This could result intermittent pressure to the pedal ,,~-----------~------..--------------------------- 1 I
t • ' ' .
,[aVlty, and force of impact, in a few secondsof temporarywith your foot. failure to hold the ]ications ,
Ilany accidents and fatalities blindness, release button or lever in the toga[ Publications Legal
0Uld be prevented. When there's a truck crossing released position while applying "----- ------
In the following are listed sign ahead, naturally any good the brake will result in a locked NOTICEOF APPLICATION development is proposed to be to our many wonderful friends. !
FOR SHORELINE within 200' of Hoodsport and/or
llrnmon driving situations and driver will slow down and be alertrear wheels and a possible skid. MANAGEMENT SuBsTANTIAL its associated wetlands. ,r~
iCtors if incorporated in driving, for signs of trucks or other A practice sometimes DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Any person desiring to ~ MCCORI]elIs
~0uld' greatly reduce many activity. However, the trucks recommended is to turn off the Notice is hereby given thatexpress his views or to be notified
themselves don't constitute the ignition switch and let the inertia Walt H. Carpenter has filed an of the action taken on this
ditionSdents, that spawn potential only danger. Many times there are of the "dead engine" help slow application for a substantial application should, notify Mason
One factor is driving at night, rocks, loose gravel, sand, or other the car. With a/n automatic there development permit for the County Board of Commissioners
construction or development of in writing of his interest within
first step should be to reduce debris on the highway. If there isn't too mucl~drag from a dead an apartment residence located at thirty days of the last date of
has been recent rain, there may be
wet mud tracked onto the
highway that can create a skid
hazard. If the mud has dried and
large chunks are present, they can
cause a loss of control.
If an oncoming car veers into
your lane, blow your horn -- the
driver may be asleep. Step on the
brakes hard, but intermittently,
so you will retain steering ability.
Don't try to pass him on the left:
he may get back in his lane which
would put in a "hard-to-explain"
position in case of an accident. If
necessary, leave the road on your
right. Get both right tires off at
the same time, keep a firm grip on
the steering wheel, and don't
brake hard unless absolutely
necessary. After you have slowed
down to a stop don't pull back on
the road until you can safely do
Many people do not realize
they are over-driving their
hts. It would be impossible
them to stop in the distance
headlight beams in case of
~ emergency.
Another factor involved is
the lights on the car
Very often this is
You may not only save
from being inw~lved in an
but may protect the
rom hitting you.
One of the most vital factors
the prevention of accidents is
~t to drive while fatigued.
causes a great many
The only real remedy
ue is rest.
in case of breakdown, of flat
remember you are placing
life in great danger unless
can get the car completely
engine and with the engine
running, there is always the
possibility of avoiding a collision
by a power play. With a dead
engine, you are a sitting duck.
Another item to remember is that
new automobiles have the ignition
on the steering column, if the key
is turned off, you're steering and
• gearshift lever are locked. So, as
soon as you can get the car
completely off the main portion
of the traveled road, then you can
get help.
When you park on a hill, the
front tires can be put to good use
as a safety help. When parking
on a downgrade, turn front wheels
into the curb. If the car is to be
parked heading up hill, turn
wheels away from curb. If parking
on an up or down grade without a
curb, turn wheels toward the road
the maiIk .portion 9f the so. edge.
ed road. Many people:risk If you detect brake failure If ;you are driving ,a...ear
lives on thd ~t that a a tire (pedal feels mushy), .it is caused unfamiliar to you, you must be
~s0 valuable! Many times a driver by excessive heat in the fluid, comfortable and familiar with the
had a blowout on a bridge or
in the road. Rather than
to a safe place to make the
he remained in a dangerous
and caused a fatal accident.
to avoid a fatality, consider
Value of your life rather than
Value of the tire.
Be careful of pedestrians.
any times they are dressed in
clothing at night which is
Watch for these people
during the Christmas
when they may be
Y-walking, loaded with
ekages. Avoid hitting
by anticipating dangen
Another major factor in
iding accidents is the
from alcohol. A very
point to remember is
It takes only .03% of alcohol
in the frontal lobe
the brain to start impairing
ar judgement. If more people
realize this, I believe they
leave the alcohol out of
driving. This factor alone
greatly reduce accidents.
.e saddest part of the
king-driving accidents is the"
of innocent parties.
At any time you could
the common driving
described thus. Many
linings and drums. This occurs as
a result of prolonged or severe
braking. Intermittent braking is
often recommended, the thought
being that the off "braking" cycle
gives a chance for cooling. It takes
about 2V2 minutes to cool brakes
from 800 deg. to 700 deg. - too
long to be without brakes. You
burn brakes less with softer
steady braking, than with hard
intermittent snubbing.
if your brakes fail completely,
pump the brake pedal, fast. There
may be enough fluid left for one
more stop, if you can build up the
pressure. If your car is equipped
with an automatic transmission,
shift into low range. If a manual
shift, shift down to lower gears.
Some automatics can be put into
reverse while moving forward, but
don't try until the speed is below
10 mph and then ONLY if all else
fails. Above all, avoid the "park"
position while in motion, it will
demolish the transmission.
When you are about to pass a
car and it pulls into your lane to
make a left turn, step on the
brakes hard until you must swerve
to pass. Then ease up on the
brakes but continue to apply
intermittently as you swerve to
pass (locked wheels make it
impossible to steer). One thing
car to be a good driver. Before
taking off, get acquainted with
the switches and gauges on the
instrument panel. Also adjust the
seat, seat belt and rear view
mirrors to fit you for safety.
Before driving at night, check
the location of the dimmer
switch. If the car is equipped with
an automatic transmission, check
the shift quadrant to be sure you
know the different gear positions
(they are standard on new cars,
but vary considerably on older
models). If the car has a standard
transmission make several trial
starts and stops to get the feel of
the gear locations. Start out
slowly and try the brakes a few
times to find where they take
hold, and to see if they are
standard or power brakes. As part
of the slow-speed maneuver, try "
the steering, also. There is quite a
difference in the effort required
to handle a car with power
steering versus one without it.
Check the turn indicators to be
sure they are working so you can
safely signal your intentions to
others, if the weather is cold and
you have trouble starting the car,
look around.., it may have a
hand choke.
If you come upon a slippery
surface and slickspot is in an area
In stock ready for home
delivery in time for
Christmas delivery
Check the
For sale prices on
Floor merchandise.
VERGREEN Sears ha, s a credit plan to suit your needs
SQUARE Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back
East side highway i01, between
Walt's Marine Supply & Hood
Canal within Section 12 of
Township 22 N., Range 4
W.W.M., in Hoodsport, Mason
County, Washington. Said
publication of this notice.
Publication dates of this notice
are December 23, 1971 and
December 30, 1971.
:f gift for th
A collection of the
humorous writings of Jan
Danford which you have
enjoyed weekly in the
Shelton-Mason County
Journal. You can now
throw away those scraps
of verse you cut out of
the Journal - they're all
here in 80 pages of
delightful reading.
Pick up a copy at the
Journal office, Third &
Cota, Shelton, for just
Thursday, December 23, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25