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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1971
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by BARBARA KNIGHT CR5-6305 As ! promised here is question No. 2 - What do you believe each teacher should accomplish'? Is it possible for teachers to "just teach?" Can they present certain material, explain process, give tests and grade that child on work completed, no matter what his potential? Some people do not adhere to the idea that part of a teacher's job is to delve into a child's homelife to try and help parents solve the problem. Others feel teachers should not only be counselors but an extension of the parent's hand in deciding what is best for the individual child. Another line of reasoning believes a qualified teacher, though realizing the child's problem and the possibility of this problem preventing him learning to his fullest capacity, still should not enter that child's personal life or try to help him or his parents make moral decisions. Teachers usually become aware of the early signs of failure and probable drop out. Teachers in first through third grades feel him slipping and by the fourth, when abstract concepts of arithmetic and reading are presented he fails even further. By the eighth, he may be as many as three grades behind, his mind is now closed and his behavior, rebellious. Who's to blame - or better still - what can be done to prevent this? Educators discuss the possibilities of starting prevention before the child is exposed to school pressures. On this basis, such programs as "Head Start" began, and yet, we as parents often resent that these same "aides" are pushing our children into situations which are taking so much of our tax dollars. The teaching profession has changed to include what we as parents seemed to ask for years previous; individual training based on what each child's potential might be. Educators found a way to accomplish this, but as with everything, betterment costs money. It would be nice to dismiss these "up grading" decisions on the basis of not wanting "fringes," of only wanting the basics taught; but again, its a personal decision on what we expect from our teachers. The very best new and better methods, or settling for just enough to "get them by"? Only problem here is, every year these decisions effect at least two classes of children. The ones starting school and the ones leaving. Teachers being human, with human fallacies, can only give what each is capable of giving. Administrators can only advise the school board of the Districts' needs. The school board must make its decision from the pressure applied by the community. So, as a community, what type of education do we wish our teachers to teach? I hope you people don't think I'm doing all this by myself; I have another woman working with me on this, but she doesn't want me to put her name in. The Ladies Auxiliary finished painting the meeting room of the Allyn Fire hall and it really looks nice and clean. The Auxiliary meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Newcomers are always welcome. Mac and Alta MacKay, formerly of Victor, now live in Chico, California and send everyone their holiday greeting. Well, that's it for this week folks, except Merry Christmas from me to you. Everyone tells me this is the season to be jolly, but with a bunch of sick kids around it's kind of hard to be just that. Almost everyone I've talked to recently is complaining that they have at least one child home from school sick. If this column seems kind of short this week, it's because I have a sick baby and wasn't able to contact as many people as I should. i really goofed in last week's column. This notice was supposed to come out in the previous paper but 1 didn't get it in. Anyway, the Allyn Baptist Mission held their Christmas program on December 19th in the basement of the Allyn School at 7:30 p.m. Sorry about that, people, you can get mad at me,but please give me your news STOVE AND DIESEL SALF-Jt AUTOMATIC DELIVERY BUDGET TERMS XI1LJUmlC P.O. Box 566, BELFAIR. WA. g8526 TEL. CR 5-6688 BOB MAESN ER TOM HAN LEY Greeting Drawn by.Duane McKnight 5th Grade CADY REALTY AND and I'll try to do better next time. The Allyn-Victor Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring a New Year's Eve dance at the Victor Hall from I0:00 p.m. till 2 a.m. with live music. Dinner will be served at midnight. They told me that they promise the people that the hall will be above freezing, in fact it will be warm. For reservations call Jackie Engman CR5-2259 or Lois Burke CR5-6602. The Robert Maesners went to Hawaii last week. In fact they left on the plane which brought the Robert Newmans home. Lois said they had a ball. It's really beautiful over there. She commented that the thing which impressed her the most was the different shades of blue in the water. Emil and Mildred Gaetana are feeding some little ones this winter. They have a mother and baby racoon who come begging from them almost every day. Last winter the mother would eat peanut butter sandwiches but she's more picky this year. They tried fruit, bread, cake, cookies, etc. Debbie Knowles celebrated her 7th birthday December 13, with a party and dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ruff, Alyson and Brian were her guests. Happy belated birthday, Debbie. The Allyn Birthday Club met at Vera lzett's home Dec. 15 for their annual pot luck Christmas party. Vera had her house all decorated for the season. The ladies welcomed Sigrid Allen as a new member. They exchanged gifts and drew names for the Birthday gifts for next year. Thelma Wyllys, formerly of Victor, is leaving on a tour of Japan, Hong Kong and the PhiUipines. She will be gone about 6 weeks. I hope i can get her to tell us some of her adventures. Mr. and Mrs. Crow have returned to Victor after a stay in California. Friends of Esther and Ronald Shepherd will be happy to learn they are enjoying the winter in their mobile home at Fallbrook, California. The Shepherd's lived in Allyn many years and built the Sherwood beach Motel. If you or someone you know has not registered to vote, you better do it now. The books will close again the 8th of January. Mrs. Laura Knoell has been recovering from a series of heart attacks and can now have visitors. She is staying at their home in Tacoma. MAILBOX DAMAGE Anyone who might have seen or heard vandals attacking mailboxes and paper boxes at various locations along Highway 3 and the Allyn-Victor highway, both south and north of Allyn, the night of December 15 are asked to contact the Belfair Sheriff's office. Residents at both ends of town complained of vandalism to their boxes. GLASSES LOST A pair of child's glasses, blue in color, were reported lost in the Belfair area sometime around Thanksgiving according to a complaint received by the local Sheriff's office last week. Page 12 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 23, 1971 Next to PUD Building At Belfair 4 x 4 Parts and Accessories 9 to 9 Weekdays and Saturdays 9 to 2 CR5-3133 CR5-2174 Sunday Emergencies Greeting Drawn by Ernest Beeson 5th Grade BELFAIR TV Greeting Drawn by Mark Nelson 5th Grade " BELFAIR SERVICES Frank DeMiero Drawn by Dana Petrick~t 5th BELFAIR DRUG ? l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~l~i~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~llll~~~l~~~~~~~l~~ll~l~l~l~~l~~~~~ll~ By LOU DONNELL ~~~l~~ll~~~~l~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~ll~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~l~l~l~~~~~~~~~~~l~l~~~l~~lll~l~~lll~~~~~~~l~l~~~~~ll~~~~~~~l~~l~ With any luck at all I should have my Christmas cards ready for mailing early next week and my shopping completed by the tenth. We plan to spend Christmas Eve at home with the immediate family, then drive to Seattle on Christmas Day for a big family gathering at my sister Nan's home. We drew names among the adults at Thanksgiving time, including our two Ethiopian friends who will join us for the day, so that everyone will have one present to open. So many readers have joined the Herald since the following column was published my first Christmas as editor that I hope the "oldtimers" won't mind my running it again. In the time saved 1 may be able to get a few more cards addressed. May I wish each and every one of you a very, very happy Christmas. Reprinted from Huckleberry Herald December 17, 1969. Adding or subtracting names from my Christmas card list always reminds me of the last Christmas before 1 was married when adding a name at the last minute caused me no end of trouble. I had planned to spend a month with friends in Mexico: Christmas in Mexico City and Acapulco for New Years. Just before 1 left, Bert, my sister's fiancee, casually remarked that he had certainly found a nice card to send to me, whereupon I realized that 1 didn't have his name on my list. So I looked up his address and added it at the last minute. After all, if he was nice enough to send me a card I should reciprocate. One of the first things I did upon arrival was hunt out some cute Mexican Christmas cards and got them in the mail, including one for Bert. A few days before Christmas, included in my mail, was a card that simply said "Seasons Greetings" on the outside. On the inside, under a very brief message, a printed line reading "Ben Bridge Jewelers" had been scratched out and "Bert" was written under it. A used Christmas card! This was the nice card 1 had been waiting for! 1 couldn't let him get away with that. I finally thought of a good way to get even. One of my dates had talked me into biting into a green chili one night and it had taken about an hour for my head to rejoin my body. I would smuggle two of these HOT peppers in my coin purse when I returned home and somehow get Bert to bite into them without knowing about them. So one night shortly after I'd returned home, when Bert was at our house, I casually asked him if he'd like a sandwich. Usually he didn't wait to be asked, he just helped himself, so I knew he'd say "yes" which he did. I came out of the kitchen with a delicious looking cheese sandwich, in which I had hidden one full pepper in each half. He took a bite and then another and 1 waited. He took another and another and finally both halves were gone; he smacked his lips and said "That was certainly a delicious sandwich." How was I to know that the hotter the food, the better he liked it? I didn't give up, I had to think of some other way to get even. I worked only two doors from Ben Bridge Jewelers. I knew Bert had bought my sister's rings there because he had gone to high school with Ben's son Herb, who worked there. So on my lunch hour I went over and asked for Herb. 1 told him of Bert's trick and outlined a plan of revenge I had worked out and he agreed to co-operate by giving me a blank bill and envelope with their name on it. It took them back to the office and typed a statement: One used Christmas card .25 Unauthorized use of same 300.00 Total 300.25 and mailed it to Bert. He was going to college on a very limited budget at the time; hewas having a rough time just making the ring payments so 1 hoped that an additional payment would scare him. It worked. For a few panicky moments after opening the bill he thought "What have 1 done?" Then he said it occured to him to wonder how the jeweler would know what he had done with their Christmas card and he figured out who had really sent the bill. But 1 had him scared for a few minutes there. GIFT IDEA Copies of "Passing Fancies", containing the prose and poetry of Jan Danford of the Shelton Journal staff, are available at the Herald office in Belfair. Selling for $1.95 a copy, the little books make ideal Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers. ALUMNI BASKETBALL An Alumni basketball game has been scheduled at North Mason High School for 8 p.m. Monday, December 27. Any Varsity alumnus interested in playing may contact Perry Hedstrom, TR6-5238 after 7 p.m. Section of the Shelton- Mason County Journal Thursday, December 23, 1971 SANTA CLAUS visited the potluck dinner and Christmas party at the Allyn firehall last Sunday to hand out presents to firemen from Allyn and Victor and their families. Gr. Port residents object to budget item About thirty people turned up at last Friday afternoon's meeting of the Grapeview Port Commission but the one person, for whom the meeting had been scheduled in the afternoon instead of evening because he had said that was the only time he could make it, did not show up. That was the attorney for the Commission, County Prosecutor Byron McClanahan. Answers to several questions asked the board having to do with legal issues could not be given by Board members. Approval of the 1972 budget, purpose of the meeting, was withheld by Commissioners until after they meet with County Auditor Ruth Boysen. Objections were raised by members of the audience to a $15,000 item in the planned budget earmarked for new construction. The Board is not asking for any millage for the Port District next year. GLASSES FOUND A pair of bifocal glasses in a case, found along the Old Belfair Highway, has been turned into the local Sheriff's office. North Meson School levy to appear on Residents of North Mason School district will be asked to vote on a school levy on Feb. 8, a date recommended by the Citizen's Committee to co-incide with school elections in neighboring districts, but the amount of the levy will not be determined until the January 10 meeting of the school board. A preliminary Mini-Budget estimate presented to the Board by Superintendent of Schools Norm Sanders, if approved as the final budget, would call for $154,240 above estimated income in the 1972-73 school year. His proposal included no funds for additional personnel or services over this year's budget, nor any money for a cash reserve which he would like to see included. Requests from the North Mason Education Assoc., the two principals and the superintendent were received by the Board for consideration to be included in next year's budget. Dick Burrell, speaking for the NMEA, reaffirmed that group's demand that an additional elementary school principal be hired, and suggested that it be done whether the levy passes or February 8 not. He also called for adding a district resource supervisor, providing all teachers at all grade levels with a planning period during the school day, a district athletic director, and an effort to establish an elementary school fine arts program. Elementary school principal Ken Anderson asked for added library staff and one more teacher at his level, music and arts and expanded extra-curricular activities at the Elementary level, more aides in all school buildings, and more resources for individual instruction. He also called for an end to elimination of kindergarten when a levy fails. High school principal Ralph Lackey asked for two more teachers, a full-time librarian, an additional special education teacher, purchase of an offset press and added media for individual instruction. Sanders told the board an additional custodian and another secretary are needed, and said the district transportation picture suggests the need for an extra $31,000 in the 1972-73 school year.