December 23, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 23, 1971 |
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looOooOo o
i i Drawn by Mary Solberg
At the request of the editor, today's editorial was written
by the Reverend Wendell L. Harder of Belfair Community A request was made at last during November. He said it was D.A. Construction' of Union By JULI PRESTON -" CR 5-6288
Baptist Church. week's meeting of the Northstill too early to determine if the was awarded the contract for a
Mason School Board by Mrs. program was self-supporting. He new sidewalk at the high school ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~
We have suddenly become an ecology conscious Robert Van Horn for said that 1149 free lunches were by the Board. They were low Lloyd and Margaret Suhr Nancy and her family• Theywere conversation among the diners!
generation. We have looked around us and, suddenly becameinter-scholasticC o n s i d e r aathleticst i o n program° f a n served.was receivingHe noteda largethat theamountdistriCtof firmsbidderSsubmittedat $2,265.bids. Three other returned to a cold and snowythere for Thanksgiving and Mr. and Mrs. Suhr were very
aware of the ways in which "Civilization' is destroying our for girls. Track and gymnastics surplus food now, which had been The possibility of having to Belfair on December 3 after a Margaret said 'this is the first reluctant to leave such heavenly
environment. Many have become convinced that unless were the two sports suggested as a slow in coming when school first increase the amount budgeted for month long trip to Cocoa Beach time I've ever put the turkey in weather, but on the morning that
strong action is taken our world will soon become unfit for beginning since Bremerton opened in the fall. travel expenses in future budgets Florida and Tucson, Arizona.the oven for Thanksgiving dinner they were to leave they woke up
habitation. ,, schools now have such a program He also announced the because of the new policy of Leaving Sea-Tac on a United 747 and then gone down to an to rain and snow which is what
Unfortunately, however, no strong "ecology movement and travel distance to compete settlement of the Sam Thelerhaving professional days as paid was a thrill in itself because outdoor pool to, swim for a they returned home to! When the
neither of them had flown in a jet couple of hours!' Again thevplane took off in the late
against those schools would not estate which was reported two teaching days, requiring teachers before, took many sight-seeing toursafternoon the Rancon Mountains
has yet begun to save some of the other values of American be great. The district's two weeks ago in the Herald. He said to attend a workshop instead of While in Florida they were the visiting the Collossal Cave the were covered with snow which
life that are being destroyed. The heritage of our nation was principals were asked by the that the school district would taking the day off or working at guests of their son Glenn who is Tombstone and Old Tucson made tara beautiful sight. They MARTIN'S MINIT MART
firmly rooted in religious concerns by those coming to this Board to look into the receive about 80 per cent of the school was discussed by the
country in order to establish a nation where they could freely possibilities of starting such a income from the estate from now Board. It was voted to pay $7.76 employed as an inspector for where they watched a movie had a most enjoyable trip and are - We will resume winter hours Jan. ! 1 TAHUYA
Westinghouse on the new Mark 27 being made called "JoeKidd'" looking forward to another trip to
express their religious beliefs. But bit by bit we are allowing program and to report back at the on. He asked that residents of the transportation costs for one /ues.-- ~at. 9-6" Sun. 9-4" Closed Monday
next meeting, area who are interested in teacher who had attended a torpedo which they are building starring Clint Eastwood and John Florida because they still have
and perfecting for the Navy.Saxon Paul Newman was also many places to visit, but the green
this freedom to express our religious life in public to be A t t h e m e e t i n g working on a committee to meeting in Seattle recommended The Suhrs went on severalthere but they didn't get to see of Washington looked mighty
destroyed. Superintendent Norm Sanders determine the use of the land and by his principal and $20 towards
sight-seeing tours taking in the him good to the travelers and they are
Christmas is a holiday that has no meaning if we remove reported that daily support of the money call him or members ofexpenses for another who had new Disney World, the Cypress One evening Lloyd and glad to be home.
its religious value, hot lunch program was still the Board because money will be attended a conference at Ocean
My Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Christmas thus: gradually increasing with an available by early next year and Shores in her specific field. Gardens and a two-hour bus tour Margaret took their daughter and Dr. and Mrs. K. C. Randall
"December 25 celebrated as a church festival in averageof 275 participating plans should be made soon. It was noted that the school of Cape Kennedy. This was the son-in-law to dinner at a beautiful returned last week from Portland
district would like to encourage most interesting and will make little restaurant called Suarage where they attended a two-day
commemoration of the birth of Christ and observed as a legal teachers to take advantage of the next moon shot on March 17 Corners situated in the desert near sem in a r with the Oregon
holiday." meetings held on their subjects to more exciting. They were shown the Suarage National Monument Chiropracters Association. The
Christmas is a religious festival which is recognized as a upgrade the education of the the pad which will be used in the where millions of the huge cactus seminar covered Chiropractic
district but that some teachers, if launch and the huge building in grow. Two walls of the dining procedure of Technique and Greeting Drawn by R i I~ ~
legal holiday. But the erosion of values that has taken place the meetings were long distances which the rocket is being readied, room were glass from floor to Pat lent Management. Four Merrilyn Anderson f~l~hLll~
ill our nation now mandates that in many areas of public life away, might not be able to attend They also saw the command pilot, ceiling and looked out on a nationally known speakers were
Christmas must be observed without any reference to its unless helped financially by the Commander Young all suited up lighted fountain and garden,on the program who spoke to the
religious meaning. Many school programs, displays in Board. just as he will be when he steps on During most of the meal theyforth-eight chiropractors
government buildings, etc. must now depict Christmas It was pointed out that most the moon. He was going through were entertained by a herd of ten attending the seminar.
/ ~'~k~ teachers in the district attended a his practice maneuvers. Javelinas (wild pigs). They come We have new neighbors on our
completely devoid of any mention of the birth of Christ or t ~ program at Twanoh State Park
any part of the Christmas Story. ,, In Melbourne the Suhr family up out of the desert every South Shore. Warm and hearty
~/ ~~ during the Professional day wentt~hearagr~u~pca~edeveningandeatthef~dthechefwelc~mesg~t~R~nand~aniecoyotes
We need an 'Ecology Movement concerned with the scheduled in October and that ' Johnson and Johnson of which throws out for them. They are Mathews and their six year old
preservation of our ba, sic Americanvalues! perhaps it was for economic Charlie Drake, son of Larry and very vicious and fight amongdaughter Judi who is in the first
To preserve the 'rights ' of a few who want to live lives reasons; maybe they would have Gladine Drake, and Debbie themselves over the food although grade at the Belfair Elementary.
attended meetings in their specific Everist, daughter of Bill Everist, there was plenty for all. Just as They are from Chimicum.
devoid of any religious concepts we are allowing the right to fields of education if they had are members. They reported that quickly as they came up the hill We also welcome John and
any expressionofreligioninAmericanlifetobecomeillegal ' •~"'i/ | known there was a chance of the groupisabigsuccessinthe they weregone. The waitress told Lesley Chastain who are from
• .) ~ area and that the Belfair kids are the Suhrs that would Tucson, Arizona. John is
if it takes place in public life. being reimbursed for part of the doing a great job. come up too and eat but theyemployed at the Beach Imports in
But what about the rights of Americans who are ., expenses. After sixteen days of warm won t come, unless the javelinas Bremerton. Both of these families
concerned about the religious heritage of our nation? There Another Professional day is
coming up in the spring and it is
are still Americans who realize there is no Christmas without and sunny weather Mr and Mrs. are gone It s not often that one are living in the apartments at the
the Bethlehem scene of Christ, born in a manger, but ~ ~ ~ ~ • Greeting possible more requests for money Suhr took off for Tucson. pays out" good money for a meal Norm Sanders home.
will be received by the board. One In Tucson they spent two and is entertained by wild pigs, The many friends of Puppy
recognized as "King of Kings. I ~ Drawn by teacher asked that the Board set happy weeks with their daughter but it made for such lively Holm will be glad to hear that he
Destruction of our physical environment will make life .j . ] Suzy reach, up a policy regarding travel ~ has recovered so well from his
recent heart attack that he will be
unbearable. But no matter how beautiful our physical ~"~C---~''~~ 5th Grade expenses for such meetings but ~L able to come home in time for
the Board seemed to prefer to
environment may be, life will become more unliveable if we take the requests one at a time. h~ L I Christmas. Butch will pick him up
allow our moral and religious values to be destroyed. --v lOb[t*~ at thenursinghomeinBremerton ~~~1!~ '~~ ii'!'i~'ili:'!I:
The entire Herald staff wishes its readers the merriest of They hoped requests would come ~
in before Professional day so that I~, ~ CI)~ I on Dec. 24 and bring him out to ! l~i.-
Christmases and a wish for a very happy New Year. the less-than $200 left in this "*~It~ ~ their South Shore home on Dec.
LouDonnell RonaHarper Rob May year's budget could be divided "~ T~Jiq C"t 24. The Holms wish to thank i :
gi e evenlngf° , il t~_ ,¢~ everyone for the many good [~~]i"I!I. ~,;~' i ii!~. (i;]':'!!~
Re st r now r adult /ouiseLenniaCateSEwart leoBarbara Knightlivingston JeannineKathieMeKaigPeterson distanceam°ngth°sewantingt°g°s°meaway. ""~ ~'/~ (~f ,#! wishessent theirway. . . .
v -- /1"] _ . Happy Holidays to all!
Eleanora Fedenk Margaret LivingstonJulie Preston
education courses " v : •
Personsinterestedinchoir, driver training, fiberglass C~;%,,~#t1¢1 t ff t " Drawn bv Phil,ip Wyman
attending adult education courses crafts, photography, sewing, , me . Sdls ,,, Grade --
to be offered by Olympic College Spanish and woodworking.
at North Mason High School ~ ""**"~~
14-year old driver runs
off North Shore Road
a '50 Chev. pickup received an
estimated $400 worth of damage
when it failed to negotiate a curve
on North Shore about V4 mile
west of the Tahuya River Bridge
last Thursday around 11 a.m.
According to Trooper E. C. Van
Dusen of WSP who investigated
the accident, the car was driven
by 14-year-old Martin T. Schauer
of North Shore. He escaped with
minor lacerations of the face and
a nosebleed.
during evening hours will find a
large ad in this and next week's
issue of the Herald listing the
classes planned for winter quarter•
Fees for courses giving college
credits will be charged at the rate
of 57 per credit. Fees for others
are included in the ad.
If requests for some subject
not included in present plans
come in from ten or more people,
an effort will be made to offer
that course too.
Courses scheduled, providing
enough persons sign up for them,
include adult recreation, general
art, typing, bookkeeping, stock
market investing, community
• A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the
voice of Belfair, AIlyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake,
South Shore and North Shore.
Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone CR 5-6680
LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor
BARBARA NELSON .......... Advertising Representative
Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc•, Post Office Box 430,
Shelton, Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412.
.BEAUTIFUL CANDLES were made by students in the sixth grade at North
Mason Upper Elementary last week, with those finished earliest going into a
display case to add to the Christmas decorations of the school. Cheri
Anderson, David Lomax and Laura Blaich hold some of the unfinished
candles still in their milk carton molds beside the finished product.
Greeting Drawn by Kathy Reid
5th Grade
Drawn by Steve Lomax
5th Grade
Subscription: $5.00 per year in Mason County; $6.00 per
year elsewhere.
Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 23, 1971
Funeral services for Emery L.
Sills, 67, of Tahuya were held in
Bremerton Monday afternoon• He
died Dec. 15 at Swedish ttospital
in Seattle.
Mr. Sills was born Feb. 24,
I 904, at Palouse (Whitman
County) to Mr. and Mrs. George
Sills• He moved with his parents
to Fort Benton, Mont,, where he
was reared and educated. At the
age of 18, he moved with his
parents to the Spokane area.
On Aug. 5, I925, he married
the former Lottie Adams in Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho• The couple
resided in Spokane before moving
to the Puget Sound area in 1966.
They had resided in Tahuya since
1969, Mr. Sills was an auto
mechanic and machinist until his
retirement in 1969.
Survivors include his wife, of
the family home; two sons,
Robert L. of Tahuya, and Richard
1. of Pierce County; a brother,
Howard M., of Spokane (Spokane
County); two sisters, Mrs. Mildred
Robinson and Mrs. Mike (Maxine)
Mikkelson, both of Lynwood
(Snohomish County); and eight
The Rev. Donald Payne of the
First Christian Church officiated
at the services with burial in
Bremerton following.
ARGUMENTS: a discussion
which has two sides and no end.
Leonard Neubauer
Greeting Drawn by Paul Andrews
December 23, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11