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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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._o.___ • . Mason Lake I Fre damn e sh ht in Jr. Htgh News • -" I- b et%ent Be B~ KATHIE McKAIG 'tJk%~01A I B~r~ ~~' ::' ~,:,: i, e " i bs of rant and __ - -_ - = = = = = = = = ___ u g --fi , ,, , , ...m..--.,., ..,. mer,eo y.neoft e oc upie asem nt ap ,,men I [ I ! I Ill II !II [ complicated matters shortly after the building. I ! ! I l! i11 1 II ! II midnight last Friday night when The emergency phone at the The North Mason Junior High Bishop - guard. Battles showed ....... "7"..,r-- ,,,--.,-..,-.... """ I | I I Ill Ill II ! Ill calls to eport a fire in the firehall was working again by 6 wrestling team wrestled Shelton his effectiveness on the board and I~y JIT../AI~IIN I1~1~_ 1"!7./~_1~1~1 ~ ~F~O-OOI :) . Dh:dmb:d fla. The. m~ch ,was the best defens!ve game was ~--~-..-"-~-.~F~,~ ~ [ ~[ ] ] ~ I[] l] ~I II ~!:i~ III basement of Belfair Cafe failed to am. when a call came in for the ~ ....... ~ i | i - ~ [ Ii ~i II II I get through. The chief was finally Aid Car to take Glenn Criss of s a or the l.~tn, our ooys played by Veitch. High point man ! I I I ~ |i |i ~1 II i~li III notified of the fire bye messenger South Shore to Harrison Hospital were suited and ready to go. After was Bishop with 18 points. The Due to the snow week before hard-working crew spent much ocean voyages he took last ~ii i I I I II IlI~ i~llll sent to his home by the local suffering from a possible stroke. waiting awhile a phone call was foul shot percentage was 50%. last, I didn't get my column down time taping and covering the summer. .... ~ I I I I I II I| [~ !~1 II I Sheriff's department who had Chief DeMiero said his private pmced to Shelton who said they Our next game with Shelton is to Lou so Ill catch up on a little beams: Dick Schnettler, Willard I would like to take this t ~i - ~i I I I ~'~~ I I II I~ ~ ~! II I been told of the emergency by home phone gave a busy signal had forgotten about the match. Feb. 23yd. They'd better watchnews this week. Lloyd, Rudy Zingler, Denzil opportunity to wish everyone a i ..... I I I : I I I II I~ ~ ~1 II I two men who had just passed by although no one was on the When the match was finally held putt The 9th of December the Wiltse, Fred Stevenson and Mary very Merry Christmas and the best ! :: ~ I I I I., ~ / I I II I~ ~ I~i II I the faCe and noticed smoke, phone. He said both his phone the score for the Varsity ended up The NMJH seventh grade monthly pinochle club met at Smith Thanks, fellows, of New Years wishes tO all our 42-33 their favor. The Reserve basketball team was a different Doris Horde's and spent a fun Our son Mark is coming home friends and neighbors and the ~l II I I / II II IlJ |[ [i~li III Three trucks and fifteen men and the emergency phone at the | : I I II |III responded but only two trucks firehall have been having trouble ~am lo~ by a slim margin 27-24. story since they beat Shelton with afternoon. Andrea Horde from his Coast Guard school in Rt readers of the Herald. Good [ I II IlI~ IIl~llll were needed to fight the fire the past few months and efforts ~oacn .~sarey says "The Northa score of 35-15. High point man substituted for me, (thanks, December 19th and will be home health and, God bless in 1972. .: ! I _ ..... ' I I II |~ ~~ II I which is believed to have started by the telephone company have mason boys wrestled very well. for that game was John BurrellAndy!) Gladys Lloyd won 1st throu,.h the 2nd of January He Editor s note: your readers anelton peat us on physical with l i " ", ° " " • /~ I ~ ~---~ II I1~~ II~llll when a water line under the not solved the problem. He ....... 1 po nts. prize and Dolores Cox the boob~, will return to school and then the are going to m~ss you, Jeannme. If ~ ~$, ~ I ~ t~ ,.[] I •1 III building broke and shot water planned to call the company again maturity, moreman on wrest.hug A reminder to students: Who's that sporty new 17th of Febru-ary he will report to you weren't going in for surgery i! :/1 ~ ~ ~ ' ~-~" ~~ onto two crossing wires causing a early Monday morning to demand : i! : ~~ . . . sty!e, lney nan some, great hght During wrestling and basketball Mustarm belong to I see around his new duty station at Coosin early January I'd try to twist L I , II I~]Jl . ~ short. Smoke filled the building that repmrmen work on the lines ano miaole .weigla. ts. The boys games absolutely no one excepttown?Could it be Lou Donnell? B ay,Oregon: He will be a your arm to stay on but I know ~:: ~ " ; ~~:::i: ~ ::~i:~i ~6:::' i ~i" but fire and water damage was until the trouble is located mat wonmelrmatcneswereaonn eme " 1' ' | I II Ii ll slight. The fire was held to the ........ m b rs of the teams are to be m Sure enough, pretty classy.. Quartermaster aboard a new you 11 have to take ~t easy for .............................. ~)" ~auerge, urea ffeacn., Jon.n either of the locker rooms in the The Women's Fire Auxiliary'ssea-going tug. Really good duty, I awhile. I hope someone will ~ i ~1 ' ~oyer, ~asey_t=augnze, um gym. Persons apprehended in Christmas party was the next on guess. At least he is thrilled with volunteer to take your place in I ! / | I I l! i[II Greeting Drawn by Tina Jensen _ __ a~x~-_ Jl f_ -- Mcr~at~o, buy Fatnck, Darwin these rooms will be suspended. If the list of events for December. A it. He didn't care for the long reporting news of the lakes, i ! / I I ..... ~"lll I ..... r V~dd:"'""~' ~~,~ rmyd, Rodney Stevens, James students are going to be allowed potluck with all the women's __ Van H°rn' Steve Speer and ?im t° attend Jr" High °r Sr" Highspecialties graced a lovelytable, ] I ~ ....... ~ I ~i~ ~ ~ A ~"~ " t~ne. [he season so iar is ,-,. school games they must remain in presents presented by Santa Claus J,,,, h,, I i . I ~., r!~ ~nerew.asa match against Stevens the gymnasium .and also stay out himself (thanks to Mr. Berliner) I ~ I I • I ~cnoo~ m fort Angeles. uetaus on of the Foyer area. were given to all the children .... ~. . BREAK-INS REPORTED (thanks totheAuxdmrywomen.)exchanged their I ;:hT::d:tar: .... ! __--L.___, I ....... ......... ........................ that match will be in next week's ,. ' ~, .~ ~.~ : .~! ..... ..... : .......... .... il i eaitz.on. Then the adults i ~ ~"-'7-'~ - 1 _-~, - I ............ , ~f~ .............. i~ :.! :!: ........ ..... mar~ Duncan, a stuaent at .... ., . gifts A Christmas dance I X I .... recentlvN°rth Mason,in a WhOhuntinoWas accidentinjured bag,tW°a heater,C°tIeea coatP°tS' a sJeeplngand a record s-onsoredv .... b,,, the ..... Auxiliar,, I, I " 1| 11--~P'-k:l"--'-~ll~,,. rk t-,--i'~l I! I .,a~"/'~C/'.~/.~,,,~__ w II l ~,,~,::~i~::::" ~ :~!~i:: i ~:!~!~:.i~ . ~ ........::: ~:~, ~ ~;'~ ~i~ ...... ::~!*'z~: :~: ............. ~$~"~'ii!::~'~[::::~ ~:~,; :*~ .......... ~. ~:~i:~ .... ~ ~::i:~ iiiii~,r~ i:~i:'~:: ~:" .... :~.~:;~::iii"~ ............... ~ :~ ~ sa s e" " o , player were reported taken from a lOllOWe(I ann re.portealy mey ~ " ~i~ 1/ y h ~s feeling great now. Hes house " "-e vi., ........ no. danced until the hghts went out I I I ~~ ! 1 - ~ I .... ~ ! ..... nappy aoout being able to start ................ "" ~'~" in the wee hours The xmas tree I I ! i. ! I i; "dSX. I ............... .:::~ .... ....... , basketball turnouts Jan 3rd His 18. The local Sheriff's office also ....." . . I I I ! I I ..... ..... ...... ..... ............ : .... : dlbet...... ........ was aucuonea, o~z ann was won oy I I II I ...... : :: * ii ii'i .... first ~ame w'Jan 6 h received two reports last Week o~ ,h,~ ~,.~,,t,~ • " possible break ins where nothing .............. . ~#L~J~g~: .~!*~::: !!?~ !:~!~i~' .... .... :~ :::~ :: :: ~i~!:::: ......................... The Junior High 8th grade - Pete and l were sorry to haw I I! | I " I ,:,, ,, ............. ,: .............................. was missing ..... A window was , " " - ~ • " !.;~ ~ ~ ~:~::~ basketball team played Shelton e • miss "d it, it s always a highlight of ' ~ ........................................................................ ........... ~ ................................. ............ : Dec 15 The Shelton Blazers had brokenina Victor residence and a .......... I I I I ---," li • - . ...... me tmnstmas season, we went oy ! I ! ~ ..X'~ t t .,' ~'.:~I CHRISTMAS COOKIES THAT looked more like Christmas tree decorations I l " I / a hard time defeating. . the. NM ~oor zouna, open at a caom at bus from Shelton to the il LJ '........ ]t ; - [i were made by Stun Kriegel s sixth graders last week under the able direction Bulldogs but finally d~d with a t.omns La~e Washington Athletic Club in of the teacher's mother, Mrs. Martha Kriegel of Glen Cove. Here two of the . / score of 49-29. The starting Seattle to attend a dinner given i ..... ~, ... ~ v ~l ~,..~r..,la~ a(q students, Jayne Whitman and Garland Hunter, display some of the colorful I t.. lineup was Time Reid - guard. ~rtsrs: never puritans, and by Lumbermen's for the Shelion I/~ ,,~ rl ~ ~ Ron Battles- center, Chris seldom even respectable.Henry Louis Mencken and Lynwood employees, a BAR ," -- -was set up on the bus and the [ II ceramic'l°°king c°°kies as Mrs" KrJegel h°lds tw° °f the many hand'carved I ~' ~ ~ ~~/~ ~2 Ve~tch - forward, and Craig molds made by her grandfather which were used to make the cookies. __ [ P'I " "1 party continued from here to I n. I#' ----J &&--___ Im____J__ll I , I~I~ll.ltl~ ,~Ll~l~tlllll7 ____ I ,.J l_ / there, it was great fun... _1.. -- - i IAHU YA I KOIKI:Klt / 7_"1 ]'his is one of my last blxtr'~ graaers aecorate ] /F ~"X / columns for the Herald. I hope ~ ------- --- ------ ---- - / .~/ ~l one of you will take a turn and I ~"i~M~ I heirloom Christmas cookies.... i ~" '~ I ~ | offer to write ,the Mason Lake i GreetinaDrawn bv ~ I / ~ ~ ~ | l Meanderings. Its fun and can,be i _.. -. _ . " ~ I Sixth graders at the Northbefore rolling. A secret recipe for / ~ ~ ~d~f~,=l~ ] done by anyone who lives on our I K~cnara llerchot ..~,_ "~..~ ] Mason Upper Elementary Schoola frosting glaze gives the cookies a ,~&, / ~I two lakes. Please call me or Lou [ 5th Grade ~t'..~-~ ~ I in Stan Kriegel's class were ceramic appearance and when all ea~~ I I I / Donnell, she needs someone by[ ~ .....~ I involved in an unusual Christmas the little candy decorations were ~ll,~ll, / ! ~ I I the 1st of January. The only I f _~ I activity last week when Mr. added they were too pretty to / I 14 ! /-t / problem is that no one calls in the I f'-.. • " I Kriegel's mother came to school eat. ~P"~_IIt i I _K'-,,._ _ \ I news any more and there is only I . " ,--~. I and helped them decorate Few people know the secret ItAlY| i ~ ~~_~"~_~ ~ I one way roger it and that'sfrom I /~J _ ~k I heirloom painted cookies to take by which the cookies are glazed , Dr~d~.~ll~ ~ • • the readers Everyone could help ] ,~ -~ .. .~ ~. [ / G~eetms Drawn by ~Ss~'~J~ ) / on'thatendofit. Please? I /I:IF It ,l~'| ~, i home to hang on their Christmas to turn them into Christmas tree ,I ~l~ll~).~l~~ I | arthaBlakefield ~ ~.~~ / The next MBC party is onI !/.... , i>, I trees, ornaments which can be retained LI~ ~'~ ~~ The cookies, prepared ahead from year to year without ~]1]~ ~k~'N~z~,~k~'q~... ~ / 5th Grade ~ --; ~J ] ---- 1 New Year's Eve. Ice, mix, noise I /; " "" " "" : " ~ i of time by Mrs. Kriegel, were in deteriorating. At one time Mrs. ~'~ | II[~l[k~','~ll~,~'%l[ll. many shapes, most made from • / ~ ~,~,~,.,,a,- | makers and a midnight supper are [ ~'-~ 2, ~ I Kriegel who learned the secret ~." ~l[~ :~_ / ~ ,r . I on the agenda. $10 a couple. Plan I / ,~lk /" • • I wooden hand-made molds carvedfrom her grandfather made and ~'~ ~W'~-~-~'9'~l~l~ 't~¢'t,,~ oy her grandfather They were ' 1 )4 " I on that one. Call Millie Wiltse, I / i~ I " • "t I • sold the cookies at Frederick & _ .~,~ I~_~. "~II~W~"q~'~'~ / RB ,a- 1 Dolores Cox or Pat Lewis for i J¢ " ~ I made from a German spice recipe Nelsons in Seattle - ~ . ~I~.~l~..~k~'~' ~'~k / " v- / reservations, so they will know i .......... - I which calls for mixing three days " lk"~ ~1, ", _~'%N~Nt~ BOB 'S BELFAIR ARCO _ how many to plan on. I I ~~ I L The ceiling in the MBC was J ............. '--' ............................. -- ..... sprayed with that pretty white ~ - | FREE: Ten lb. TURKEY " I / sparkling stuff that Jack Harris I u i I ll I | " "" • t -- ..--.. • I I does so well. Everyone would like I I =- With Purchase of i ,~~l~l~"~~~'l~ I ] f'X 1:2 / / I to thank Jack for his valuable I _ .. __ . .. . [ | Two Studded Recap SNOW TIRES .:= x -" I " it I i 1 i - / / I time and expert work that went I IB~II~-Iiotrd~uti~n~ I " A,_ m ........... == /~lllPl=l'-T~kf - --~1 -- Greeting Drawn by I • It/ ~k J ~ ~ ] into the job. (Jack painted the .= ~ Any .z iIIW TII~I[~ ~ IIJl kl ~ Scott Campbell, [ .. v- ° / outside of the building too, "= ~:I::11: 2 For ~28 Plus taxes and E /illl~-~L 1 5thGrade [ | remember?) The ceiling is lm""~""~'"~"~'--"m"'D'"~''~""~"m""~''~"--'D''~I = ' : " "'°°'°'' ' /l/lm 1 / Kx / b~autiful... Jack Leonard ~ ~ , ~,~ I / furnished the scaffolding and this ~ ,_ a~7~ _ ~ ~ A = -" ~ i .... ' i :- ~' t w ~e.a~ d. ~ ; j~~ CHEVRON SERVICE ~~ / ,.,,.,r.,,on... AT ' close January 8 I! I [ BELFAIR ,,, CR 5-2591 ...... J To All Our North Mason Friends & Customers "- ! I _ _ . _ I We Wish A Merry Christmas and PamKnight ~ [ With a school levy issue , II:i RRNNI( II , ,get Sound Nahonal Ba / 5th Grade / planned for a February 8 election V -IlllllVvll ., , A Warm New Year with / ........................ / date, reglstratmn books will close ~ . ~rnr~,~.m~:~ ~- vl:. ut- t.t" MBER 24I ervtc 1 January '8 P~rs°ns n°t registered re ster Lwe - musm, buffet dmner . t Ill Belfair Branch I - / Candle Light Caro S "e 11 p.m. / who desire to do so may gi~ " " , I ~1 mc. . _ at the Sheriff's office in Belfair l Champaqne, hors d oeuvre . I n¢ICAID rnu m.u,vv i Tuesdays through Saturdays, 9:30 | " t Holiday Banking Hours :HIIEkl) At co Heat, ng Otl I uu~m, url,tmn~,,vamma,,munUmIru I| t° 5:30 °r Wednesday and It ao~ Por t' I k I v ,,,,,., m. .............. / Saturday evenings till midnight. I Friday, Dec. 24 10 to 3 Persons 1 8 or over who have C unt 60 days and vo~ Person BAPTIST ,.,, URCH ,.o0 ,. the o y I Thursday, Dec. 30 |0 to 6 I __ . .'-- '" I " ! L Fruday, Dec 31 10 to 3 F P.O. Iox 407, Ielfoir Woshlngton / qualified to register. College • . 1 / students home for Christmas~ For Reservations: O BEit | Inc, I Wendell L. Herder. Poster ;:cat,on who. have not yet . . , . ,,,ore, ,,o00 t,0 .0 : - ~ ~ .o0a, ~en,o,er. Yoo ,~o,o,n,on 1 wered to 18 (Metzdorf Restaurants, Inc ) AI Eddy I k.a~rllv,__ / requirement w. o | " | n I 1725 Pennsylvania Chauncev Vauahn C(~9 ")rolA 1 estviewS-2162 ....... 62i might want to take this L J Bremerton - - t.,.,~-~,,-r~ I CI~-- ="IN~ J opportunity to sign up. L ~-~ ~ ~- ~ ~--- ~',~- ~ ~ = ~ ---- ~ .~-.,m,..o,,O Page 10 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 23, 1971 December 23, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3