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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 23, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 23, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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It Ill II I , Ill, It, It IIIIIIIII I I I It I Illl II I Ill Ill ............... i II I ~ 7 i ,III,,Hmr I Ill IIIIll It I I ,It ~ ~'~ ~ ~-'~: - ..... "): : ." i~IODII-- =ervlce " '- '1.. Son AllowanceTjohn O.isll"Section H. years James of oldDesign and family is in at l lvatJoN Schoo, a0,000~Army Ga,. tank.helps make Schoo, happyDistrictt ChristMas No. 403,..~,.~ reserve f eIll/tonone t,ary ms wile am] mree cnlmren I ", ":J :"J " ,~'1"I :'' /"/ '/:" Along Tile The local Salvation Army need, we too can serve as a lifeline / .-]" ~( L J.Z' committee wishes aliA Merry by looking beyond our circle of I " t,..7..1[.. ',11"0,1 "~'a~" --'-"~V '~ CR 5-2774 Christmas and A Happy New friends andlovedones...toshare . .--- . :-'--~:-- Year. our good fortune with many I ~~,j/v~, For many of us Christmas is a more. Such unselfish sharing will / 01d Belfair Highway happy season. Our hearts are make Christmas a more ]" . i!i£~!la~! '.. \, filled with fellowship, good cheer meaningful season for all, in the and joyful expectation. It is also loving spirit of the Master. / the time when our esteem and You can send your check to eckman/ ..~ - affection for those near to us find the local Salvation Army area ( expression inwordsanddeedsof representative, Erma Roessel, P. [ NEWMAN'S love and generosity. The season O. Box 125, Belfair, Wa. 98528. / is, for most of us, the best of tlme;ut in our contentment, we SARGENT PROMOTED -" [ CHEVRON SERVICli sometimes forget that many of James L. Sargent, son of Mr. our neighbors - the elderly, the and Mrs. L. T. Sargent, Twanoh lonely, the ill, and those beset by Falls, had been named Manager of financial problems or sudden Weyerhaeuser Company's ...--~ aS~:Gb!a~:a~ i~! / ~~~~h~~~i! disaster- are living in the worst distribution center in Louisville, ~(~, ~'~/ C H /~Z~ Dr eB er of times. Forthem, The Salvation Kentucky. Sargent joined Army is a lifeline.., making Weyerhaeuser in 1967 and has Christmas a happier occasion,most recently been a sales //I/I As the dedicated members of representative in Fort Wayne, __/~~. ~/ .,--~ t,,,"4I~ -]~-' _ I fireplace, a trimmed tree, andtiny ~ ~ ~k~ "14~J~ The Salvation Army bring the Indiana. The change is effective [ ( !'-"-"1 1 i l I / h°liday figurines arranged ar°und true joy of Christmas io those inimmediately. ~~_ ,.1 .... \ / ~ "i-. •f I I ' / the living room for a greeting card [ ~ ~ r: L- I II ~ ~ / atmosphere. The buffet luncheon Drawn by Diane Bowmer | / [ I J I I I,J had extra goodies and the recipe ~.7".t~ J 5th Grade ' ~ i ir | | / for those wishing to taste-test Legal PublKatmns te lal Publications i I ,/" 4_ I ~ ~ ~ I ! | before a cooking spreae. Gifts were J ..... . ~ i_ J | I_ i I. ] exchanged by drawing numbers. " .... .,';' ....-.~ [[-I " l I l L / Those enjoying the party were CALL FOR BIDS Garage 2,000 Gal. tank. 1972 PREMIUM GASOLINE I .-" / // | Mesdames Hazel Cook, Dot Mare,DIESEL BURNER OIL (Approx. 1,500 gallons per year) lee Lopriore - Builder / sh;:$kn' Bla~ykTSlhbPrt,EIBa::[ea 300AUTOMOTIVE-- REGULARDIESELGAsOLINE-- PS_ tank.St°rage: Bus Garage 500 Gal. Davies, Betty J. Dimmen, Mary PREMIUM GASOLINE: All bids must be submitted to District No. 403 Mason County District Office no later than Washburn, Judy Leaf and Katie The North Mason School the Clerk, North Mason School ,! Corn-he Washington calls'for bids on the January 10,.1972, 8:00 p.m. at followinq: which time ~ios will be openeD. ' ~'~~'~~ iii{ i co~!!r~ : hS~:uwn.sela~lTlSir ~I DIE.SEL BURNER FUEL for The North Mason School ' ~, moving into the. newly - Belfair, Allyn and North MasonDistrict will receive these .... e Upper Elementary schools products on automatic delivery. • •. t (Approx. 20,000 to 30,000 Gasoline should be delivered gallons per year)Storage: Belfair weekly or oftener if necessary. Oil $CHONER MEATS | - " " I from Bremerton proper, the 2500 Gal. tank, Allyn 700 Gal.distributors will be responsible for k . / I family experienced the same tank, Upper Elem. 10,000 Gal checking tanks periodically. The PRE-SCHOOLERS WERE singing "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" tank. NEW BID PRICES AND ~"~I~S -- \ , :~ I weather that seems to descend on P.S. 300 HEAVY DUTY DELIVERIES are effective during a Christmas party held last week at their meeting room in Belfair ~ ~7. i newcomers with a rush. BURNER FUEL for North Mason February 1st, 1972 to January Community gaptist Church when this photo was taken. ~E~r~,,,~,~ ~" ~ "' I gallons per year) Storage: High The Directors, North Mason I X I When asked if he had any AUTOMOTIVE DIESEL the right to refuse or reject any or [ ~J ~ " /" • • I hobbies, the quick reply was that FUEL for Buses (Approx. 6000 all bids. )ll~~~~,,f~-~m~-,~f~r,~nr~v~-~w~ k L"/ J tmX~* I the past three years of clearing gallons per year) Storage: Bus Norman E. Sanders, Sec/Clerk "~ ~ J 4BI~''' |l the property for the Garage l,00O Gal. tank.REGULAR GASOLINE DistrictNo. 403N°rthMas°nSch°°l TakuI a Talk Greeting Drawn by Teresa Hartman "~'rj:~ i ~ "~, !~]\| 11 home-to-be-built has been a big (Approx. 18,000 to 25,000 Belfair, Washington 98528 5th Grade " I ! \ i\11~ }~ ~ one. There will be time now togallonsper year) Storage: Bus 12/23-30-2t ~i .~~ ;-/~I J use the power saw in making - reeLing Drawn by Penn B erl small furniture items Mrs. James Y Y Y . - , 5th Gra or Jane, said she works - yes, as a ..... - .... - -- _ [ housewife, but has hobbms of ~k " I~gll1[IlrDAl£--'e- - • I sewing knitting, and ceramics. "~w b" /~ ~ i~,T~-~- ....... ,,,~#',,~~ -- t~ ~-- ~'~'~ -. ,t is with great sadness that his presence will be sorely missed are going to be Tahuya residents i| • 1~------ - the sixth grade at North Mason. 11 ~1~111~1~1~1~~111~111~1~111~1~IIIt1~1~111~1~i11~ The fishing this last year wash t Greeting D n y .., my column should note anotherby all who knew him. To his wife for a couple of months. Don Burke 5th Grade~ ..~ death in our small community,Babe and family, our deepest v i comnle f've vears ""- ~1~,~ J'~ ~ the greatest, but an early start GaL,ust ~ ted ~ -~i1~fll,~.~..~#¢~,#~./.Z~.~4~t~z~. , next season from the front yard ~)snow. '~ ~ 2'',~ ~.e" ....... .~ i''ji'~ ~- ~_ / that of Emory Sills, who passed sympathy.// .................. Fred and Aletha Wyllie's sonl ................. with the Air Cc~rn~ (the I,mpe~t he,PhyllisFixemer,e~ "o"e ..... acting-~"in /,/" E "" ~ " 1"7" qw1"" vv~,.~vww,-~,- ~ should work wonders, away December 15th. .. ........... doubt being th n spent ~1 ]11 May our welcome to the James .... A friend to all, o , "' ' Vietnam), and are really enjoying "' ' ill ..a _,411 ~ • ~- ~ family be very warm to offset the ~ life here in the Coolies! ~7~ ~ ~ ~e.~ ~ one presented earlier by the cold ~ t ";/ '" ~ ~n~lr|A| | A~I' ~Ill~IIIIITE II~EA~ ]~ Now for the special wish to .~ ." , X,:~ FUNERA[ CHAPEt I Postmaster here in Tahuya since NORTH SHOR \ I~] ----"..l~I~ I~l'I./ IIlllIqW/h IIWI~.~__ -_~,. ]~ each of you for a MerrYChristmas and the very best in =~'~-"~~i~"~ ~ ~r i .-!/ ~ , [ the retirement of Frances Huson < "" .... " qJ~VlI~II'~. I~AMllI~'q 111/ I last summer, has been officially NURSERY & GIFTS \ I Stereo components ] the newyearof 1972. Your many ...... ..;~ ~ / .4 , ; THIS "-'-'TCOMMUNITY7 ..... SINCEt .... 1909 I] m adecongratulations!POst master. Jl 1 1 " ~ calls of news and happy tidbits ~'~x. / I " tJ ~ ii. ! / . Gr eL'rig Drawn by Bruce Johnson ~.,~ILI~II com,,ere w,t, F~/aM]~ have been appreciated, and have ~.~, ~ j.. .~' ~ ~---" " ~CallUs Collect From Anywhere I its lastThemeetinSt" Nicholas ..... Guild held ~ON~B'.~ ,'~'~R-~ was a 5thGrade ~~ ~-"~-~[~'~l~ ~-n~n°n° -i ~ .~m~.ake~.s 1~ made this past year go whizzing g at rat ano Larry ~*ano. (n-cracK ~1 " " t 1 5303 Kitsap Way - ES 7-3836 I Watson's on ......... ~~~11~ player extra if deslree., , by with each Issue of the L~t~erM L~r~rM. Lewis. Jr. I meboutnanore lne .~J~RY $11& Huckleberry Herald. - -'~~$IeA95 Letter M~r~-ester M. Lewis, Jr. I • - . " ~. ~ I~W'I' lV S Lou Donnell, there !s .... ------------- ..... ----- .... --------- ........ - ................ --- ....... ---= Callison Estate, and it g/l~J" ~[ ]~ a special warm wish and than~ ........... fun-filled, holiday-spirited day. ~ you for the many kind, " """ OTHE S BUILDER-BRUCE WHITMAN The business meeting which MARIOUSG E HOUe'ta~^r~eo ........... "~ thoughtful assists with this followed luncheon found the " " °~a~v~'~tl'tr'O /'W'l"kllJtl~lt'g~ [ column. Today, especially, when NEW CONSTRUCTION--REMODELING--ROOFING hopes for a new church becoming FOR THE SMALLER GI FT IDEA. Lou uprooted my meandering day I with a call that the deadline hadI"~' p p C DECKS-- CONCRETE WORK thanm°re arealisticthird lefteverYtodaY'be withpaid leSSon ~~ ~ been moved from tomorrow to FORMICA--CERAMIC TILE their property here in Tahuya. , For the whole family's ~ today. Greetings, Lou ]~ ~ dream gift give a portable~ Editor's note: If you hadn't Free Estimates" Call CR 5 2/ do L, OlleCt...... Election of Guild officers for ~l~'~=a~~ "~[~i~ or built-in dishwasher. I been gadding around all day ~--~'~ Greeting Drawn by Tommy Pruitt ..- .. . - the New Year was held with Ann ~111i ¢llU'''Ill''.llUp ." [u~ted:;'Ys Z~ic:°°;ltdhha:l~ah:ed i:correspondents,deadline along withinsteadmY otherof a O~1~3~,~~~;~.a ..~ ~ 5th Grade "----- ..... .............. WINTER-:'-;:- ............ ,OAt-:;--'- ::- ........ K ingMartha Whitman as Treasurer andLennialwantbeing Cares, Chairman.tore-electedpersonally SecretarY,thank the l ~l~ _.~.~ ~ couple of hours. I loved that little ~~~,-- I. I ................ members for the honor bestowed ~' ~1 '!~t~ ~ ~ (puff puff) written at the top of upon me, and to assure them of ] fll&lr lli~ l&II~ r&l~l~llkll~ my complete dedication to the , ,~1~\,~i~,---- x...~ -~e~ ~J~,'~'/'~l] ~ your column. | ti IUFI¢-Ur /&lll r.rlIi$liNr- duties the office holds. I ALLYN HOUSE ~TII:AMI:I To Mr. Gay and his staff at I GOD k ]~ ~N~lk~llhl the Shelton-Mason County d stoc of washers, dryer, refrigerators, ranges. ~ NURSING HOME . Journal, the Herald's Editor, Lou .. / / Labor Plus Parts our All for immediate delivery by Dec. 25 ~ and Cleaner Donnel] and many, many -e . _ . " readers. A VERY MERRY g t'nce $18.95 CHRISTMAS...~I~ ~ Has opening for ~"~'~ " :' -' ~ Closed Christmas 1 Woman and 2 Men //" t 6"? Day I~ A I = ~=;" B "ELFAIR -- TWO bedroom BIG NEW YEAR S EVE PARTY ~.@ ~1~ Registered Nurse on Duty Free favors and noise makers 71~ Allyn, Wn I'Vv'- apartment Utilities furnished CR5-2171 "426-3795 .--" CONSTRUCTION ,100 per month. BI LL G RIFFITH REAL ESTATE, CR5-2020 P.O. Box 675 "Not The Fanciest - CR~-2991 CR5-2433. Just the Friendliest "' Page 8 - Huckleberry Herald Section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 23, 1971 December 23, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5