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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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VOLUME XXXV. SHELTON, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1920 NO. 2 J . 'f ! ..... '-:BOY 'DROWNS ON "FINAL ARGUHENTS  ''' " '  " " ''" ! !JOURNEY HOM00 V ''''t'i, CUSHMAN : r . SrEND CHmSTMAS AWAIT DECISION RECEIVE WORD YESTERDAY OF DEATH OF OTTO JACOBSON THURSTON COUNTY RANCHERS OF SKOKOMISH AT JOIN MASON TO OPPOSE TA- HOQUIAM F. C. Willey yesterday afternoon was called up by Undertaker Pinnick of Hoquiam and advised of the drowning of three men in the, river near that place, and that one of the men was Otto Jacobsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobsen of Uppez Sko- komish. Mr. Jacobsen, who .,is qm ployed at the Shelton hoe Fa'ctory, was informed of the'death, and stated that Otto, and also JUlius from Auburn and Elmer from Fern- dale were xpected in Shelton today and all were to go to thier home for the holidays. f, Details of the accident were"fio " "gven, but it is thought that,.Otto was enr¢te,to IItliar  from Pol, son's camps whef' he was employed, with a party of camp men in an-cute and the car ran into the, river. It Was likely closed in mid' the men helpless to. extricate themselves.from "'he wreckage in the river. :, :Otto Jaleo/son:was 22 ybarbf ae - ,Ind besides" his.'parents lSaves seven '" lrothers and two sisters. The re- mains will be brought to Shelton i lter for intermer/t. ,, ..... WELL KNOWN,,LOGG00 DIES FRIDAY AN OLD--AIMENT PRESUMABLY AIDED BY BAD LIQUOR Milton Ben Matthews, a logger em-' ployed in the Simpson camps and a well known character about .town, died Saturday morning after' a 'short illness, from old stomach troubles, presumably aggravated by doses of :the home-made liquor being peddled "around town. Matthews was taken ito custody by Marshal Read Fri, dar,':'and"',as "he "appeared o be sick .Deputy Scott remained with him most of the time and gave him MAKE FINAL SURVEY NAVY YARD HIGHWAY WILL REDUCE GRADES FINkLVIINK IN" NAVY YARD - HIGHWAY BEING SUR- .... VEYED The final surveys for the long- hoped-for state highway from Olym- pia tip to'the navy ward tties and to Port. Gamble are .no( € being made under he direction of Charles I. signer, an employe of the state engi, neer's .Ce. ,:, : : , ; . . The road .as .,at .preselat built is .nearly -to' the. head of' the bay, :ir inelair •Inlet, and this ha been iiUt in pretty fair condition, gravelled, • gr[ded,.:and.well-ditched. It is now p..rpltQl, $ dwm the grade f0m te-Hd" ] -the bay 'to ", CharlestOn, con[ng,.o..arj. 't at the end of the city dock. ..From a point near the stone quarry, '.ust. est of Navy Yard City, the ,frq.yill be 50 feet wide, and p.aved wh 'con'crete. A new road will be constructed by the county from resent state highway arounl aed of the bay, cutting out the new county road to-Port Orchard, and the connection with the ferry service a Harper, , . When the' new tate ad county highways are completed and open for travel, Cambrain street, Charleston, will receive" tll of tle trtffic from the south and from th' west, and also from the Port Orchmxt pen'insula. The Navy Yard highway, makes a connection with the road which ex- tends up the west side of Hoods Canal, at Union, and" thi road, known as the Olympic highway, opens up the Olympic peninsula to Por An, gales. .. il COUNTY BEEKEEPERS ORGANIZE TO STUDY APICULTURE METHODS PLAN TO HOLD SCHOOL IN NEAR FUTURE FOR BTTER" MENT OF BE] IAISING Twenty-fiVe" beekeepers of Mason County met at the office of the county agent Saturd,ay r DecemiTer'lSth' and organized the'Maso Cdunty Bee- keeper Aspocfation,.', : , ' After a brief discussion a consti- tution was iop te, ,al ocers fr ,e'ar, v.ere .ele.c,ted as / T. : IiegeL 'Charles, H,, 'and DaYtdti;' . Wivell, I bee school the near future: FeblfixF , 'at 'in the aoea of" tl' brgmizatib were fif' #ante a .yeai; ancL this covet;' all expenses, including the SchooL" ll'beekeepers-of the county are cordially invited to join the asso- ciation tmd,'help work for a better and more profitable apiculture for llason County, 'The next' meeting will be held at the cout house J anumT 8 at 1 p. m. Any one inetrested in, bees will be interested in this meeting and will find it worth their while to attend. SHERIFF'S PARTY RAIDS RESTAURANT COMA IN LAKE CUSHMAN POWER SITE CONDEM- NATION Argumev.ts in the case wierein Tacoma seeks to condemn a large area about Lake Cushman for pur- poses of a power site and farmers whose lands would be affected are resisting the attempt, were concluded in Judge John Wilson's 'court in Olympia last Saturday. A decision iexpected by the first bf the .year. Thq hearing was preliminary in its nature, to clear the way, provided the decision favos  Tacomii to actual condemnation. he Cushman lake power project is vast in scope. Tacoma plans in mak- ing the power site, to raise the lake about 130 feet for a lower head, T " wll practically cut o]T theSkbk0mh nvr, and will check the irrigation which farmers in the Skok0mish vai- 1  'ain from it,"tt' IS-degreed, lding t] , property gat damage. " , ,. :1 orneys Troy, Yantis, ,Owingjs and 1. ,ger of Tacoma, "represeffflg the i  sts of the farmers, con fl I ": .......... tl,. l i the use Ior wnlcl Tacoma eel tl., , ver is not a publ|e/ileessRy i T € t already has ower su i nt :" , Claim Moe'I|l also Contended ment project, according to of engineers, will " an lure of about people of Tacoma by only authovhzed the expenditure of $3D0,000 for the pure]las dfthe site albne. It was e0ntended that before fuher steps can be legallly taken on the project a vote authorizing the appropriation of the entire amount must be obtained. Attorneys for Tacoma in reply con- tended that under their city's charter such a Vote is not necessary. They hold that after the first app)val of the funds for the site the city gov- SECURES SAMPLES OF SUSPIC- IOUS LIQUOR FROM USED JARS . Pierce and Mason County quarters. Ben's Restaurant was again raided Other interests beside Tacoma, it is claimed, have a stron claim to the Tuesday morning by Sheriff Potts and. deputies Scott, Burnett :and Cushman, site and these ;interests "are Boguo, and a:search made for liquor. I favored by. Mason, County people .as .',roat While no liquor in quantity was ney.,lrome power.• hi'gha: found a number of fruxt, jars were lor tn.e use, o vlason tounty corn- state wil:be able; examined and a small quantity of nunmes, whereas me, .city ,of To-, . conne'oad a liquor seeured fromthe draining of Icbe would use the entire power it-,.. "fhll :ssten. ' the lot, although they had apparently I sel,  .... "!'; • '..' : , , ,, L., -  .... '.The Ibcatin o highWays:pl;oceeds been washed out; Deputy Scott .was i,ina, , arzumes e pegirt on , on:/t much, 'higKr plane no. that/ sent to Seattle with the, smnples for Tnursnay. ifforning be0re Judge ffdhh' :only',-a few ea':ago, iad building anal,,sm," -an.-, t,' s" .-reported, that e I M. ,Wibson. . TacOma. was. :epleeseld. o"b.eing d thoame:lbie a residue showed an alcohol cotent of [by Cty Attorney J. Charles Denms, ' . n  nt Deputy Percy P Brush and Commis rao:.r3hstructiotHihways  abo_t 6 _e . . .... [ .... . • "ate qn the saVe*gzdes, . wil No complaint has been filed against oner Ira S. Daw sson and, Llawellyn ... same:refetnce..611nce and ,h ',,-ie*,r n,,,.,.h .... a h • rvans mtpmnenoel o. m "J. 'C0 -- v-v ................ C el, as . ..-' '... ,.'. , "': .' D', i..r. . bility fo 'ave[.araffvays. yet, but the authorities are inclined round, pal Jgn, 'aeparmenv.: .zzo.. saving on we'[rstd,ear to.qnake a test of the case, as an aid ne.s, P. ,2I, T.r>y, ,Frank .Owmg "and.. all kinds Of ng'2 in checking the quantity of "bootleg" George, Yn: are. akig.,car2e o;f.., ce andS, fine liquor that ,seems to be floating me mter, es oI a'number o lason' .h,, .n. ;ouny. armers, .vno" are remm high ay ........... 1 ....... . .... . . . g COM1L'ITTEE:. • . affects the great tourist tray.el and . , ,. the' condemnahon on the grounds Christmas trees will be the main that a possible break in the proposed features in mm:y homes this year, power slte dam wouldcausefloodlam .... and extra care is needed to prevent aget of Untold ex,tent, to .many farms fire and accident, that might mar aid thotmands of acres. • eminent had power under, charter to, needed attention. . -. proceed with such development e.x- The Navy Yard..hghway, which penditure aS it may deem fit fore Deceased was about 54 .years ell ., ,, .... ' . ae and one of the old-timL-: ..... l was esmodshed by the legislature public purpose, '. . , . ohis region He was an',cle.n-lqm e time ago,.will;robably be cared': :The matter has aroused keeq in- .  o ke and well hk . for by the present session, though, of •  . ed by hs ass6 . ...... .ez°s:"m he eamps, but his failing| e°urse, a defimte approprmtmn m not teresth in vm'ious Grays' Harbor, ¢ "made ,hin qn eas,/ vi'ctim f-r ,.certaip. The policy, however, is b "bootlegger.  Not'hin was t-,:,| care fbr the present established roads here of is family. H was a'mem"-'| and complete work ibn all the trunk : bet of£the Moose lodge of Tacoma | highways ])efore y Sheps be taken , a;h [dLe was, presented b| t° locate ne' 3 ads.' "With all the " Bro: "torn: 'at the';funeral se,.,,^iestablished ys cared for the which was held from,'the chanel".W"el - | st te wil,::b, ; to stblish othei  • nesday. Rev. Addison Sel cnductedlCOmeJ'*ii' tnd,:eomglte a gre " " " ...... r  I. i' ] "'..he Ibcati highWayS !pl;oceeds _L_J-'= . " 7 " ,:: ]on:a'.. much '•. r plane no. that/ iNdJt"[| Ti[ [M .... ".. :,:udolY..-a few 'ago, iad building 1[[0[0'{ PU4  ' .i rt 1:, c3hstr  Hi]ways are lq: JVUlllf!k}l Ui IU '|:ate qn th, e*gzdes,  with th,': PIAI l O am1[1l Osmae:refet ,iktance and feasi  ,lir41hHD,,. D/t I 1 I.r.[O ] bfl' ty, 1'Or,  :a;rairways. Th ,.L, __ , . [ sm'lng on w td ear on cars and , all kinds Of f"$raffic, the saving ..... of d stance ne are all consder- ABERDEIN HI .DISPUTED CLAIM i 1 OVULED BY led The problem whicb now -- .the bringing of capital into the state TL_ __: ....... , ........... s now equal to the railway problem anu in consequ s reateq wln cho,ol football team for the South- the same ianeenor West Washington football chamnion- ° ?  .--Chmlest0n"  • merican ° • shiuwhich wqre disputed by ber- ' ' '. :' tlee-,.were allowed b'. the 'eligibility  ' . :. committee after a meeting at Cen- "';'" tralia Saturday. Aberdeen's cMim was based on the ground that Che- halls used ineligible players in its game with Olympia. But the 'corn- --- mittee found that Olvmpia had 'alsb' used ineligible playe's,, who should; have been barred, according to strict conference rules. With barred play- ers on both sides the game was not counted in figuring final team standings and thus Aberdeen's claim was nosed out. If the game had been counted Aberdeen would have been entitled to a tie. the festal occasmn. 'The suit invblves action in' both .: Thurston and Mason County courts. If Tacoma wins the suit it Wil]'mean, according to Mr. Davisson. plenty of power for every person in Tacoma, to cook, light trod heat. Condemnation of property will b begun immediate-.. lv should 'Tacoma win. he declared, it being necessary to obtain right of way for concrete canals and trans- formation lines through hundreds of pieces of property. While in the giving, spirit it might bewell to inTiYde your mite' o the suf- fering children of the Far East or the suffering at home who are aided by the little Red Cross seals. f - : -, _,__ .,_-J -"'