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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO Hang up Be sure : The dear And so; THE MASON C0#JNTY JOURNAL HUNDRED THOUSAND DEER SLAUGHTERED IN SEVENTEEN STATES FIGURES INDICATE THAT OLD STATES STILL HAVE SUPPLY One hundred and thirty-threc thou- sand and ninety-eight deer were legally killed in the United States last year. Impossible as these figures may appear, they are correct, and fur- thermore, they represent only the total kill of 17 states in which the hunters are requested to make a re- port on the bag of (leer. The above figures do not take into account the great number of deer that are killed illegally. In New York, for instance, the commission has reports on a few more than five thousand taken while it is the comomn belief among those who hunted in the state that the total kill was nearer 20,000. New York has returned to the one buck law and it is not likely that there will be any more slaughters. We have been told that deer were scarcer but the figures mentioned above do not indicate that such is the case• The figures amaze us, and no doubt will amaze a great many others. In some states the season is quite long while in many others the season is brief. In Colorado the season is only four days, in New Jersey five, ad in several other states the hunt- Ing days for deer are less than ten. You can mag;ne wht the total kilt would be if the seaon wa exended in any of these states. One thousand were killed in Colorado in the four days. Twenty-five years ago a deer was curiosity in New Hampshh'e. The past season nearly 5,000 were killed. Deer are so thick in Vermont that ,the shooting of does is permitted once in every six years. Deer are protected in Illinois until 1925. By that time they will become so used to men that they will walk uand be shot as did the moose in Maine the past season affer a five-year closed season.--Peter'P  ..... " itor National Sports Syndi-cat'ef ' ,u- STATE NORMAL SCHOOL CORRESPONDENCE COURSE "This oereceived tI-S'-w' the Washington Normal School at Ellensburg, a copy of the[ r extension stocking so,ice bulletin. This "O00 tells Of , the extension service ffored by the .::' normal s'chool to ci ....... . _. here. ,o ..... to ,oah .... ,.. .,,, .... u= w ..... oppgn:tTe'_iv 'e ,tare. Ano the Santa, o. -.,..,.-^:g  are eorrespon[ence t-'"C2' rses which may be last year. as school credit or not .,.,.,+°,r''". ]tures and entertein- baby! n"g'.'c," at hlbs and public gatherl- liea"  Welfare exhibits, free pub- yOU gO, p, .,, and lib,ary service. Any /5 who desires a copy of the Just cram her stocking with goodies Zsion service bulletin or furthe I %rmation should address the Ex-' From the top clean down to the toe?' / 'tension S6cretary, State Normal School, Ellensburg, Washington. A. C. TOWNLEV OUT OF NOP:00ALCY NORTH DAKOTA POLITICS "Back"  populr  mormaley" has become the *BIG bOSS" FORCED TO SEEK su|: r phrase of today• Everybody ' .cribes to it because everybody in- "' MOIRE VERDANT FIELDS ., ,,., .  erprets it to suk himself. The man "'"" \\;\ . .  who agree with you on the desira- Farg Ninth Dagom, ec I " J bility of attaining a state of normal- A C ley's absence" 11-- . • : . .. +. • -. cy may not agree with you at all on co ansel fhe ronpar zrom the  the lo atlo • .,  ..... "  I 'c " n of that state. To you it in tins ,wrote n .,san eague may mean an opportunity to hire his very important the state's finan- being laid by his commented upon the state without (as accounted for today Senator Christ N.D. and partisan be a factor in in North Da- a member execu- and the aantle, st the des- . Non" labor for less money• To him it may merely mean a time when he will pay less for your products• Normalcy is not a sheltered harbor where we can float blissfully at an- chor, secure from the changing seas and winds of the world• lOne does not "go back" to normalcy. One goes forward. There is no going back. Civilization is ever advancing• The world is full of men and women who long for a return to some safe an- chorage where the found life sweet and untroubled, but time, like a river, swee us all rapids, flowing peacefully between green woodlands warm and beautiful in the sunshine. There is nothinff absolute about normalcy. It is distinctively a relative Condition, It may be one place to- day and another tomorrow. It is the average of all conditions, good, bad and indifferent, the real point in our existence which marks the sum of human progress. If we disturb the balance we must strike a new aver- age and it is this process that is tak- ing place today.Dearborn Indepen-i dent. kota. with tire ,was the mllll I I I Jl I • ! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1.920. in states. league I I I "or the ,ooa o£ your pocketbook YOU ought to know that theS. H. Churchill Co. llne of made-to-measure clothes i recognized the count over as the "Bi Value Line of Pmwrlca." There aro some fine sut, t and overcoat fabrics waltin fox' you here--the kind that.will please you and look well on you. ,And everyone a quality you can't duphcate anywhere else at the price, Style aria value--both. You et these here. GEO. E. FREDSON . . SHELTON, WASH, | • .,'o00l00eoil_ THIS lens shows some of the dirt that can be .L found in any crankcase after a few weeks of drivingroad dust, carbon and fine particles of metal. Such dirt circulates with the lubricating oil through the engine, together with gasoline that escapes past the pistons and dilutes the oil. Have the dirty, diluted off in your crankcase drained out-now-before unnecessm'ywearbegins. We can do that best for you with Modem Crankcase Cleaning Service--convenient, quick, economical. We use Calol Flushing Oil, the scien- tific, thorough flushing agent which does not con- taminate the fresh oil. We assure proper lubri- cation for your engine by refilling the cleaned crankcase with Zerolene of the correct grade. Make a regular habit of Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service. It gives better engine perform- ance and longer life to your car. WALLACE JOHNSON MOTOR COMPANY • "The •House of Prompt Service"' Shelton, Wash. SHELTON GARAGE Opposite Hotel Shelton, Shelton, Wash. OLYMPIC GARAGE D. C. Webster, Prop. Shelton, Wash. J. SALTER, Union City DICKINSON'S GARAGE, Hoodspot I I ) l , ,> / A( ( i