December 24, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1920 |
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W00ether or this right !
ambitions for No,h Dakota was to now
imitate the Russian soviet and make
money worthless, has not been pro-
0 o claimed, but tile failure of more than No man ever smoked a
twenty banks in that state certainly
leads one to recognize the unsound- "" better cigarette than Camel] '
Whenever dreamers, reformers and You'll find Camels unequalled by
opportunistis try to become practical
business men, those Whose money or any cigarette in the world at any
property is to be experimented with price because Camels combine
-- can well begin to tremble with appre-
hension, because history always every [eature that can make a
HEN Christmas comes ! never writes down the sad story of faihre.
mind the cold. Fluent reformers have been e,'y cigarette supreme/
i like to get up prompt an' go to busy lately painting rainbows and
school, endeavoring to lead the majority of Camels expert blend of choice
people to believe that various social-
An' c[omy mm, istic schemes if tried out by them- Turkish and choice Domestic
An s clean the alks 'thout sitin' to be selves will inevitably solve all in-
tolcl dustrial and social ills. tobaccos puts Camels in a class by
Though I like slecldin' better, a rule, Everything that has been advocated themselves. Their smoothness
along this line from the time Of
Or builn' fern--but aotha' ain't so Ma,x to today's era of Lenine, and will appeal to you, and permit
mcl, in a smaller kingdom, Townley, has t
When Chrktma$ been most thoroughly disproved on you to smoke liberally without fir-
practical application, ing your taste l
Farmers of North Dakota gave
VC'n Ctmas comes rd just u s themselves to Townley's socialistic
give half schemes and now they are beginning Camels leave no unpleasant ciga-
to cry out for help. Townley's kin-
M9 cooky to the baby, an' take cam dora is wobbling on its shaky, im- retty aftertaste nor unpleasant
About the crumbs, practical props, cigaxetty odor l
It's fun to ma] the httl, ellc laugh, Other states which have succeeded
An' [ don't mind his tlgin' everp in defeating fanatical plans and so- You'll prefer Camels blend t-0either
here. cialistic schemes which radicals have
' endeavored to put over by putting , kind of tobacco Smoked straight l
He can't help bein' littlel I'm not ma their candidates in public offices, can
CJu'itmu ¢onua ongratulate themselves that they C.m.t. a aold..r.h.m m /
are not in the same financial fix in p.a.a.oro.#.,,.,2o©.u;o, t..p..
age. (200 caQIre//es) m • lihasme-pap*r.oovered
which North Dakota now finds itself. .o.. We strongly reoommend this rton
When Cristnu conu I don't forget to North Dakota was willing to try the hems or eric...PAr or whea o. tnl.
. give the experiment, and paid out its
shs a il, a' t m: eats good dollars to find out that Townley R.J. Reynolds Tobacco
has handed them the usual gold Winston-SMem, N.
a lot brick.
Till m9 heacl hums. The rest of us can profit by North
An' mother says,"That ]x's too good to Dakota's experiment without having
]ive]" to pay if the price if we will.
But rm not 'nid o yin', cau. I'm Reformers and fanatics ere never
so busy but they can put nothing a
not over on the majority of people if they
o different from always--only glad, will only keep their eyes open and
When Christmas comes[ profit by what history has written D
on radical experimentation.Wash-
ington State Weekly.
Why suffer from a bad back, from
" sharp, shooting twinges, headaches,
dizziness and distresaing urinary
, ills ? People around here recommend
Dean's Kidney Pills. Could you ask [J
for stronger proof of merit?
Mrs. G. A. Plymptom, 1005 S.
Prospect Ave., Ta.€oma, Wash., says:
"A few years ago I was in the hos-
.-- pital for an operation and after I got
¥, out my kidneys began to bother me
.... " a great deal. I shall never forget the
miserabh backaches. My back was
€,**- - -_ - " -- -::: - -u$.N@eX,4 so lame and it hurt me so terribly, I
I could hardly go. That constant pain-
Co--unty (.,'de-orrespon--nce I" ing and aching in the back seemed
to take all my strength and ambitbn.
' L My kidneys were weak and that fie-
.......... quently caused swellings of my hands
:.N.:.N,..@.N....N.h%ug.N@.N. and feet, I was awfully bad off when
a friend told me about Doan's Kidney
Pills. Dean's helped me from the
@ e start and I steadily imprbved. I
l KAMILCHE ] VICTOR l kept on using them and in a short
I time they had completely and perm-
, anently cured me/'
:Merry Christmasl K. Dahl left for Tacoma Friday Price 60e, at all dealers. Don't * he
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carr spent Sat- morning and retulaed Saturday eve- simply ask for a kidney remedyget
urday and Sunday in Aberdeen. ning. This was a combined business Dean's Kidney Pillsthe same that
Mrs. Waldburger and sons spent and pleasure trip. Mrs. Plympton had. Foster-Milburn
Saturday in Olympia. :Mrs. E. B. Skene returned from Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Guy Weaver spent several days Seattle on Saturday afternoon. WISHING THAT
last week in Tacoma. Clayton Vaughn has been employed
Several from this vicinity attended on the Allyn side by J. A. Peebles
the past week. He went to Tacoma Je/00 Yours may be the
the dance at Snider's prairie Satur- on Thursday, returning Friday afte -
day night.
C. C. Waldrip of Olympia spent noon.
Wednesday and Thursday of last Miss Ira Nelson has been quite sick merriest Christmas
week at Roy Greenwood's. the last few days and was unable to
Mrs. Greenwood and daughters attend the Christmas program at ('
were McCleary callers Monday. the school house on" Saturday evening.. o of all and that the
Mr. Young has been sawing wood Miss Ruth Woodbury, teacher at l[:a.rr I--II GUN O:R ......
for R. Langford the past week. the Victor school, left for her home i'I"EC rENC In,ST
Roy Greenwood and family spent in Puyalhp on Sunday, to be gone |00Lt. N e w W e a r m a y
Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. for a two weeks' vacation, t ANO'r_ DA.
and Mrs. Roy Carr. .Miss Luilla Johnson of Seattle "' ppi
Mrs. Sam Ball of Aberdeen is arrived on Saturday for a few -- , '" bring every ha
weeks visit at the Skene ranch.
spending the holidays with her par- Ttie Victor school gave their Christ-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Carr. ' ity
oas program at the school house on ness and greater prosper to the
Our teacher and pupils are prepar- aturday evening last. The school
inga program which will be given rouse was tastefulty decorated and
Friday evening, December24th. After withthe well filled Christmas tree " people of Mason County
he program a dance will be held in looked very festive. The selections °
the ehool house. Ladies lease bring by the children were well rendered "
'lunch.| , ,by their efficient teacher, Miss WOod- Johnson lotor Company
bury. Later in the evening cake and
coffee was served and the good-sized W00ace
SHELTON VALLEY 1 crowd present indulged in their fay- I gt
[_ orite sport, dancing, until a late hour. " THE HOUSE OF PROMPT SERVICE"
• Mr. and Mrs. Ketz entertained at .
W. B. Robinson of Chimacum vis- dinner on Sunday. Their guests were
ited last week at the home of his Messrs. K. Dahl, C. Anderson, J. Shelton, Washin on
niece, Mrs. Win. Huntley. Skene, C. Vaughn and Abe Anderson,
Alpheus Kneeland entered the Shel- and Mesdames Dahl, Anderson, Skene
ton hosloital last week for an opera- and Misses Johnson and Anderson.
ion. Mrs. Kneeland spent the week- The dining and living room decora- __
end in town to be with him. tions were red and green and a holi-
]{rs. Frank Bennett and Miss Alma day cheerfulness pervaded. .'
Bennett were guests at the Winsor Mr. and Mrs. Win. Niesen and
home Sunday. children of Easton are expected to LOG=OFF LAND
The Isabella Valley school, with arrive at the Henderson home on
the common consent of teacher, par- Tuesday to remain till Christmas.
ents and pupils will not have any :Mr. and Mrs. Emil Larsen and
Christmas vacation, as they have chihlren were at the school house Logged-off land for sale to actual
some lost time to make up. Saturday evening to see Santa Claus. settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up
Dan Bennett is home to stay until Creek school, has invited all th'e character of sol. Liberal terms of
after the holidays. Miss Nuby, -teacher of Rocky according to location, topography and
The Shelton Valley grange mere- Victorites to attend her Christmas payment and interest on deferred
bers, their families and friends will entertainment on Tuesday evening, payments at the rate of six percent
have a community Christmas dinner Mr. and Mrs. Zandell and Mr. Jack- per annum. Liberty bonds taken in
at the hall on Christmas day. son were over from Allyn on Satur- payment at par.
E. B. RobinSon of Shelton visited day e'ening to enjoy the program
at the Huntley home Sunday. and dance at the school house. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY