December 24, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1920 |
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== Local and Personal" [ " ==
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lll[ll|llllllillllLqlitllltiUllllllllllllllli|lillllllllllll/[l|lilllil IIIllUill2 illll|lllH[|llll Iit
Fred Wyatt of Poflatch was a toxn Wednesd.ty was the shortest day o
visitor Tuesday.
Roy Rudy of PoLlatch was a loca!
visitor on Wednesday.
W. H. Smitb Jr. 'came home Wed-
nesday from St. Martin's College for
the holiday season.
Miss Rosina Monte came home for
the holiday vacation from Bellinl:
ham Normal Thursday.
Jerome Read came down from Se-
attle Tuesday to spend a few days
with his parents here.
M. L. Holt an'ived yesterday from
British Columbia to spend the holi-
days here with his family.
Herbert Angle and Thomas O'Neill
will arrive home from Seattle this
morning for the Chl-istmas vacation.
: Mrs. Roy Greenwood, Mrs. F. Watd-
burger and Miss Meda Greenwood
were amongthe Oyster Bay visitors
,o Shelton Tuesday•
J. R. Lama of Castle Rock arrived
the year and it looked it.
Ed. Suiter was in town Nonday on
business from Detroi way.
Tonight a program and a social
dance will be given at the Oyster
Bay school.
"At the home of Mrs. Lottie Dick-
inson, December 10th, a 9-pound g'irl
was born to Mr. anti Mrs. Mike
Miller of Camp 4.
Harold K. Blake of Frisken's Y
is doing nicely at the Shelton Gen-
eral Hospital. He was operated upon
by Drs. Redpath and Roberts on the'
Mr. and Mrs. Harohl Stumer of
Alderbrook have taken into the home
and hearts a new baby girl of good
parentage, replacing a baby lost to
them last week.
Those neat little subscription cards,
advising of the gift of a year's sub-
scription to the lournal, are proving
very acceptable gifts to distant rel-
atives and firends.
r- Carl Fossum, a former merchant
and poultryman at Harstine, was in
Tuesday to spend the holidays with
his cousin, Ed. Bariekman and visif •
old friends in town.
]town this week, his lirst visit since.
leaving the county. He is now lo-:
cated at :Elbe, Wash.
fo A r p.iledrSver crew has been at work
the past week replacing rotted
• and :broken •piles in the booming
At noon on Wednesday, 'December
22n4, at the ilom¢ o.thc bride's lar-
ent., wa. consummated llv :e&,ifi'
of :Miss hlamie E. Swan. eldest daugh-
tvr oI Mr• and Mrs. i£ol)el't Swau,
and 5h'. X/al'l'en N. Earl, a, on of Air.
and Mrs. Heury l,'mH, ]Jo[h at'c
well-known young' local peoph..
I 'l'lae home w'c beautifull 3 (h,corat-
c:l with poinsettas on a back,'round
of reindeer moss with tlc marriage
alter Sheltered I)5' a large .lapane.e
IcmmpY. Mrs. John Begg' of Mt.
Vernon, Wash., a cousin of lhe bride,
sang "Oh Ih'omise Me," after which,
I to the accompaniment era ",vedding
nlarch played by Miss Marjori Swan,
the ,bridal couple with Robert Swan as best nmn, Miss Jeanette
Swan a.,/ maid. of honor and Miss
Clara Swan as bridesmaid took their
places befdre the alter where the
marriage beremony was perfo/•med by
Rew W. H. Thomas. ? The bride wore
a dress of white satin With a white
silk chiffon bridal veil.
Only near relatives and a few
close friends of the family witnessed
the ceremony. At 1.2:80-a lunch
was served in the dining room,
Misses Catherine and Beatrice Allen
assisting, After lunch the bridal
party took their de])arture for down
Sound where they will spend a few
days and will be at home to their
many friend,s ad well wishers after
Januar 'lStl "; Manv valuable and
useful:'g'iftff .re ,bestowed upon the
bridal ,pai/'.in token .of the esteem
and lb.v:e bf their fiends.
• , I c" .
M. E, CHUI'¢CH - "
Morning Sunday School :10 o'clock.
Preachinff :11 o'clock.
Eveping set"vices at 7:30.
Preaching at Skokomish first Sun-
day of each month at 3 p. m.
Prayer Ieeting 7:30 Thursdsy
The public' is cordially invited to
these meetings.
• . W.H. Thomas, Pastor,
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
Morning sewice at 11 a. m.
B• Y. P. U. at 6:80 p. m.
• Yodng" People's meeting at ••6:30
p.m. ,
Evening smMee at 7:30 p. m,
Prayer Meeting on Thursday night
at?:80. " ., :
Everybody cordially invited to at-
tend these smwices.
Addison Self, Pastor.
"'St. Edward's athlie Chureh"
On 2nd Sundays fl{t Mass is at
8 a. m. and second, Mass at Skoko-
mish at 10:45 a.m.,,
On fourth Sundays:ss at 9 a.m.
Father Benedict Sqlaweizer, O. S.B.
Mrs. Mary A.¢qoyer returned to
Vaneouver, B. ,'dia Webaesday after
spending several :mon,;',live wRh
her daughter, Mrs. H,E: LoOp.
Mrs. R. D. Kelly aiad ]Irs. James
McGuigan were visitors from Good-
ro's camp Wednesday, accompanying
Joe Goodro for a shopping trip•
Gus Lund, who has beela .w?rki;ng
at a camp near Bellingham 1"or the*
.past year, spent several ,cay..s this
week visiting v¢ith old frieids in
Mrs. H. Richardson is here for the
holidays rom Whites where she has
been living with her daughters, Mrs.
Dan Fredericks and Mrs. Linda
R. E• Shiek .left for
:Portland•, Oregon, after spending a
month here wih 'his brother and sis-
ter, Bert Sh'ick and Mrs. W. S.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O• Scott of New
Kamilche move/] yesterday back to
!heir old place near Puyallup where
,they Will raa]e their home in the
: Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frost of Puy-
:allnp :are ere to spend the holidays
ramona old friends. They are visiting
:Mi. and Mrs. Arthur Hurst at their
:home down the bay.
Mr. trod Irs. Ronald McDonald,
Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald and
'Argus McDonald of Kamilche were
among the out of town attendants at
he Swing-Earl wedding Wednesday.
Jos. Maxwell was in town from
upper Kamilche valley Wednesday
and reports that Mrs. Maxwell has
returned home from Elma hospital
but still rather weak.
An aching molar brought J. D.
Betz out from Dewatto Tuesday. Mr.
Betz Js one of the big poult men
of the Canal region, and he says he
finds the business as profitable as
Attorney Chas. R. Lewis ,left yes-
tin;day for Seattle, to spend '•the hol-
idays with Mrs: Lewis, who has been
ill at the home of her parents, Judge
and Mrs. Frater, in that city.
E. ;l. Murnen of Tacoma came
down'last night to spend Christmas
;with his wife and son who are visit-
ng. with Mrs. Murnen's parents, Mr.
d Mrs. G. C. Angle.
- Mrs. John" A. Begl came up from
qHt. Vernon this week to attend the
;.wedding of her cousin, Miss Mamie
wan. She returned home yesterday,
aecgmpanied by Mrtm'Beach, vlao
will visit at Bellinan1: '
, T• Lang and Heh 'Meyer have
'returned from camp to thiv farm ii
Shelton valley. They are busy clear-
ing land and making Amrovements
preparatory to the l"tg of the
prmg, crop.
Mrs. Virginia Faubert returned
Monday from.Calffoaia atcompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allam with
whom she has spent the past two
moths. Mr. Allan, who is with the
Pacific Coast Carnation Milk Com-
pany', has been transferred back .here
• R.F. Simpson is in Tacoma where
he was called Tuesday by word of
'the serious illness of Mrs. Simpn
who is at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, Gus Swanson. Wm. Simpson,
:who made the trip also down return-
,ed the following day.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sund and Mrs.
,True Balch were visitors from the
Canal Tuesday evening, and awaited
the 'cdming on the evening steamer of
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Sund and their
children from Seattle. Miss Dolly
'Sund, a Seattle nurse, will also spend
the Christmas ,holidays at Sund's
Mrs. S. G. Simpson and' Mrs. Gar-
rard came over from Seattle last
week and plan to spend Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reed and
sons" in the holiday reunion, Sol and
Frank Reed having returned Satur-
day from the Culver Military Acad-
emy, Culver, Indiana, for their vaca-
tion visit. '
Bpy that boy a Fal Tricycle for
Christmas. A aubstantial gift. See
them at Needham & Clothier's, Shel-
ton. ....... Adv.
grounds for the Simpson Loggnig
Joe Gill, engineman at Camp 2,
left,Saturday for Ketchika, Alaska,
where he will spend the holidays
with a coffple of down-East flSends.
He was an Alaska "soullough" 21
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lytle are here
from the Wynooche Timber company
camp, coming to attend the Swan-
Earl wedding and •to ,spend their
holiday vacation with Shelton rei-
atives and friends.
John Baker, the Allyn mail man
who is under charge for the killing
of Wayne Baldwin while on a nigltt
hunting trip, appeared in Shelto
yesterday for arraignment, bu tlg
matterwas postponed matil Decembe/"
State College students who m
home from :Pullman ,f the holiday
hat]ride Miss Janet Swan, Richmofid
Saeger of Sheldon,' Thomas McDoia'
ald <ff Kamilche and Win. 1". Putnam
A very pretty home wed4ing was
solemnized Saturda,v evening, De-
cember 18, at the home of Mr. anti
Mrs. A. W. Sapp of Bordeaux, when
their daughter became the bride of
Albert Arthur Oles of Shelton. The
home was beautifully decorated with
pink and white as the motif, and
amid the clusters of flowers as the
strains of Mendelossohn's wedding
march sounded, the bride entered,
gowned in a beautiful sapphire blue
chiffon velvet creation, carrying a
bouquet of pink and white roses,
upon the arm of her father, by whom
she was given in marlqage. The
bride's only attendant was Miss Helen
Berry, who wore an exquisite gown
of brown georgette crepe. Th groom
@as attended by Alfred Sapp, brother
o:f the bride. The beautiful ring cere-
mony was performed by Rev. T. H.
Simpson, with little Kathelne Mc-
.uillin as the ring bearer. Miss Nel-
he Lynch caught the .bride's bouquet.
hnmediately after supper thelride.
and,groom depraved amid a shower
of rice and good wishes' on their
wedding trip through the Sound cit-
ies:., They will make their home in:
On Monday evening, Mr• Moriah
Lodge turned out in full to ,welcome
five new candidates f0r the third
degree, anti Tuesday evening the
Eastern Stars held their special ses-
sion to admit four new members.
Wednesday evening the Past Mas-
ters' Club enjoyed their annu'ai gath-
ering at the hall, at which twenty
members were seated at the ban-
uet. The club includes Past Masters
rom both the Union City and Mt.
Moriah loldges.
The event of the year in'Masonry
is St. John's night, next Monday,
when all the members gather from
near and distant points• 'I ]s will
be celebrated wtih joint installation
by Masons and Eastern Stars, and
the usual big banquet.
e,ee e • • • te • ee e*ee e e
Gifts 'That Last
Jr., Lorenzo Putnam mad Ferdinand i ..... -"--"-'-7-
......... lell 51tvernlan, .Who comes Irom
-umam oI LaKe usln. .... '. . .
. : u-, ,amez, Atastta, wnere he was in busi-
.. _ .. 7.,'7" .......... I nbss nine years has purchased th,
/ri and /v],r dOnn aoor wer b "i' " - - ::" "' •- €
. . " - .... t . hess ot j T Walsn and took
anoppimr in-gown yeszeraay trom me chin " '" • '" ' ..... ...,
hegel "of the bay dlia•and ' Dave ge me tauormg shop __|;!:
Cross,nan, 00ho, have'" h,00n w,th their wec : . SUverman,00 ....... is, _•ra
• •" ....... * -,- . v_.1__ [ pracl;lCUl tailor o1 long experience,
sister, ivlrs, weCll a.ngJasson ac rvrK, ...p, a_ i_,._ _ .. . ,,
tmlam 'county, are expecuea ocK o el,'-q- ---' -=--" ' ' ' • '
........... " "'S [tllU l'epalllng, anti plomlses
spend whrismas a me rtenry wross- t ...... • • " • " "
- " o give the puonc satistaetory work
man nome. at fair pSces. He carries the Def-
,.,. --- ...... mer line of woolens in stock ea(ty
ar. and lvra, toy 'tmsue an Cnll- to malt-'-- "- - " • " - "
eap to or(let on snol'l;
, , [
i Jeweler
dren are here to spent] the holidays " -''.:'.:'*:..*:..:o.9*.':*o,..''..:*,.,:..,:.&,'* " " * * " * ° ° '
Judge Wilson was the presidinlrt]*i ........
udge last Saturday and dispbsed oft] 1 i' liDllfl IIllpll11lr .
the fo lowing busineses , ..... II '|:.!l, BI/ INrlllRr'.
Estate of Sabina X."i)el'ris. (leceas- H I ''#'J a-ta IiIMrltl/tltlM, ' ,'
ed.; order appointing Ora Wandell all- -- ' '
mlnlstla X ' " '
""" " ' :" " i' " " SEASON S GREEF1NGS
Jeannette O'Neill vs. E.I. Me:dliam ..TO OUR MANY FRIENDS
and Effie L. Meacham, note and:debt, 7, ............. " -"'- -
judgment b`v defllult. ' Show starts at 8 p. m. sharp.
Nellie E. cMurrfiy vs. W. B. I. ......... "; .............. 7-: ................ : ......... 2727
Murray; judrntent (lenying dccrd ( T Friday, December 2am
divorce, - ....... H
Leonore D, Bunnell VS. John M C RISTMAS EVE
Bunnell; divorce; order of default. ' Constance Talmadge
A First National Picture
The Peninsular RailWay ClUb have
changed their original, plans for eaf-"
eteria upper at the New Year's ball,
anti,will have the dining cars and
company chefs in town to furnish the
supper service in regular camp st,vle.
On this account a charge.of $3 will" be
made for dance and supper tickets,'
which will include the wa tax.
The Methodist L'ies Aid will
meet at the home of Mrs. W. G. Rex
On January 5th at 2 p. m. All are
William Fox presents
A splendid Western play
Sunday, December 26th
Metro Picture Corporation
A stupendous production, fea-
turing .the gledt Nazimova.
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saeger at
fhe farm. A new pnstoffice, Rignall,
has been established near their farm
at the mouth of Mud 'Bay to smwe
the thieving settlemen growing up
there and prospering n strawberry
The Thurston-Mason County Bar
Association was organized at Olym-
pia on Wednesday, Wit R. F. Slur-'
(levant as president, and A. W. Tyler
secretary, both of Olympia. The
Mason County attorne.w were all too
buy on that day and flailed to at-
tend, although all will :fake part in
later meetings.
M..Kennedy was over from Union
'esterday to meet Miss Lottie Ken-
nedy, coming from the T/niversity to
spend the •holidays at aome. Mike
Kennedy, Who attends a dental col-
lege in Portland, came home this
week, d: a' big tur k dinner is
/ taeompme stit of the
l,q.el#;";¢d,=,the Chs bazaar
gii by °th':Aldi;nni and Home Eco-
nomks ClUb or the 'benefit of the
ty Sbrvlce 'Men's Memorial Fund
shows returns of $238.47 now in the
hands of the treasurer. Payment
has not yeteen,,receved for all
articles which were pro'chased and
any it sueh,.ocbtm ,ave sked to
i, emit as early as convenient so that
a final statement of the receipts of
the bazaar an made. Anyone
having bills agh:it the bazaar are!
aked to present flaem : as aon 'as
possible to E. tL Fubert f pay-
ment. The crocheted camisole given
away at the bazaar was won 1Miss
Rae Beckero
A number of dance are scheduled
for .the holiday season. On Christ-
mas rght, December 25th, the Odd
Fellows will give a Christmas ball
for the benefit of their home endow-
ment fund. The Peninsular Railway
Club :will give their thirteenth annual
ball, which they are naming this
year the Hoodoo •Bail. Both• dances
will be given in the Earlwin halt aud
the Carmody orchestra of Tacoma
will furnish the music on both occa-
slons. A dance will be given a
Hoodsport on Wednesday, December
"The Doll Maker," a play, will be
presented by an all-star cast from
the Agate school at that place Sat-
urday, January4st, 1921 at 8:45 p.m.
Admissio 50 cents. ( Adv.-lt
Elect Irons, spei 'for ChriJt-
mas gifts, $.50 at W. W. Barrett s.
New Custom Tailor
Wh, . :'ked us about a typewriter
for Christmas2 We now have the
Woodstock on hand for immediate
delivery; the latest model with 1l-
inch arriage, Journal Stationery
You are invited to attend the ocial
Wednesday, Dec. 29th
Samuel CId'gresets, '
,• "J UBILO"
have purchased the business of Shorty the
Tailor, in the Workmen building and am in-
stalling a
I will carry a full line of Detmer woolens and
will make up all of my suits right here. I
invite your patronage and my work will speak
for itself. Select the cloth and have your suit
your taste.
Merchant Tailor
. ,t,
'We tiiank you for 00your-patron00e
during the past year and extend to
You our sincere the,,¢ora-
year w00ll be a prosperous one00
MeDONAED• ,:& , CO:
The steamer S. G. Simpson @ill be
laid off the run on Christmas Day
ad New Year's Day: Shlton Trans-
Co. i: :12-24-2t
From the Saturday (Evening --
dance at Hoodsport hall Wednesday_, Post story of the stme nasa Home Paper for One Year
December 29th. Music by Wyatt$ The rural romance 'of. a :',0- t.[grtation . .Ideal Gift Makes
orchestra, supper cafeteria amt good gobd guy" who mhde god3(A
rune o visitors. 11-24-1t littq ,lgthos; a,welt]a of smiles .] [ , NOTICE TO PATRONS There is no more ideal Christmas
d:l|cturd y?u'll want' to she. • gift to present a friend or relative.
" Get your order in early for a Fairy FORD EDUCATIONAL | | Notice is hereby given that the than a 'er's subscription to the
• |'l{vsilned sll shCps r/l91 t and
Tricycle for the little fellow. They " ; :-:WEEKLY" .... ]i|hi Jauary 1, i'921 dopt tlie rule home paper, The Mason County Jour-
are at Needham & Clothier's, Shelton.
................ hal. It itllbe a constant sohrce of
17"?-: 5- - ...... --:--il Thursday, December 30 rw* strl/tly cash and no work leaving: satiafaetion them for
Samuel Goldwyn presents t [shops unless paidfo "ans^- :•"'notlis to'oIlow. Appropriatethe' twelVegift
[ ] ' '!;'I lxBea'b's Pla''"THE CRDI$ON I/ ......... "'-'*'L'P"'caraswitn?'Ereeinganaann°un'Ce'supplied for
ALL HATS AT COST'" i I "':) GARDENIA ? ;]: ,'SCaOOL VACATION ON ,0 i.l" ; .... . ription early to
Another one,,o Re Bach's " "" " , :.... " ' I.av;m any dday m the return of the
| "We have reduced every hat |' , famous play§. "' I'[U'The Iol sch0o].g]ied•ias il.tI'hlrial* • --Advo r
| you'a splendid chance to | lion o ,'A'wo weels. ',Most of the.]" , , NOE-WAGNER'
| purchase a new hat for the |
| holidays. ! Friday, December 31st ', grades, spent tle lst ternoon with1, ..': . .' ': ......
special, pregrams by lihd pulils. Many ] Mis : Hlen N ;' of: Seatt'e and
NEW YEARS EVE , par.ents, attended and eajoed ,the ] Roscoe ".Wer :, -Olmnia, we
] , SHICK'S -' 'I' A Paramount Artcraft picture various enerrnments. .... : " lunited a.mai,.' X, 'b.r tr
[¢ :' " ........ [' CHARLES RAY in = = • " |Thomas at th;"h'ethist c"'lurc"l o'
Our stock of booka of all Idds i ITuesday, December 21st.
!, : LLilERY : ' CROOKED sTRAIGHT most eorallete. Fction, verse, gift/ .......
And GAIETY COMEDY .' books and-copyrights. Journal ta- Electric Irons, sgecial for Christ.
flowery Shop. nm gifts, $5.50 at W. W. Barrett%