December 24, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1920 |
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I]DAY, DECEMBER 24, 1920
Ill I . , . -'li"l " II I I Ill
Beyond the ocean many a ks||&,
And many a year agot
There lived a wonderful queer old
In a wonderful b6ise of snow!
And every little boy and girl,
As Christmas times arrive,
No doubt will he very glad to heas
, Thn old man is still alive.
In his house upon the op of • hill,
Oh, blessed day which gives the eternal
To 8elf and sense and all the brute
Oh, come to us amid tills war of life;
To hall and hovel come: to all who toil
In senate, shop or study, and to those
Who, sumlered by tbe wastes of half a
Ill warned and sorely tempted, ever face
Nature's brute powers and men un-
manned to brutes--
Come to them, blest and blessing, Christ-
rams Day.
Tell them once more the tale of Bethle-
The kneeling shepherds and the Babe
And keep them men Indeed, fair Christ-
mas Day. .-Charles Kingsley.
No, 580,
In the Superior Court of the State 0£
WaShington for Mason Counly. In
In the Matter of the Estate of SABINA
A. FERR1S, Deceased,
era Wendell, the Uderaigned, has been
appointed nd has qualified as adminis-
trix of the estate of Sabine A. Ferris,
deceed, All persons having claims
eg.inst said deceased or said estate
P. required to $erve the same (sup-
ported by claimants affidavit as requir-
ed in S#c, 108, Probate Code) on the
said administratrix or her attorney or
record at the address below stated, and
file the same with the clerk of the
court, together with proof of such ser-
vice, within six months after the date
of the first publication of this notice,
or same will be barred,
Date of first publication December 24,
.... ' Adlhtnistratrix of said Estate.
And almost out of sight, Shelton, Vashiagtoa.
He keeps a great many elves at work,
All working with all their might
1" make a million of pretty things
C:akes, sugar-plums and tys,
To fill the stocking hung up, you
B the little 's and boys.
Sunshine Bqlletin.
No, 487.
/ .
In the Superior Court el' the State f
Washington for Mason County. In
In the Matter of the Guardianship of
the Estate of EFFIE ,b?,. ROBINSON,
an Insane Person.
pursuance of an order of the above
entitled court, made ou the llth day ,of
I)eember. 1920. the'undersigned £r*
dian of said estate, will in obed4.e
to said order on Tr after WIwes,
the th day of January, 192, at the
law office of Chaa. R. Lewe, n tort,
Washington, the place whe Ittids or
offers for said property o be oid will
be received, expose $or aie tt private
sale all the Interest of e aid Effie
B. Robinson, an insane pecson, In and
to the following described e poert.y
The North Hal of the Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter ,(N
)f SW of NW) of Sect/on Thirteen
(13), in Township Twenty (20) North,
Range Three (3) West, W. M., |a
aoa oau., htag¢a.
Said property shail be sold far te
best offer for sh or for cash md
credit according to law, subject to the
eonfirmation of the said superior t.
Guardian of said Estate.
. Rooms .7 and 8, I.mmtermen' Build-
ing, Shelton, Washington.
Attorney for said Guardian. 12-17-31-3t
Umbrella Roping
Be prepared for the rains.
Hunt up your broken umbrellas
and phone 543. I ill call for
them, repair and return thegn
and you will be money :ahead.
Beryl Johnson
Attorney for said Estate,
Rooms 7 and , Lumhermen's ldg.
Shelton, Vashingtou. 12-24-]-14-It
I No. 578.
/In the Superior Court of the State of
! v'ashlngtou for .dason Courtly. In
]n the Matter of the Estate of CHUrlS
HASIMP:R, Deased.
A. N. Ward, the undersigned, has een
appointed and has quail]led as adm'in-
istrator of the estate of Chris Hammer
decvased. All persons havisg claims
against said deceased or said estate nre
required 1o serve the name (SUPTorted
by claimmts affidavit as required in Sec.
108, PbateCode on thesaid admlnlstra-
tor or hls attore-" $ record t the :ad-
tress below stat(-d, and file the same
with the lerk o the court together
w4R) prooT of service, within six
mnths after th date of tl. first pub-
Hearten f bs tlce, or stne will be
Date of flr.'publication December 24,
. WAD,
&'amintstrator of said Estate
lhelton` 7shing ton.
Attorney for said Etate,
Room 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Bldg.
t a, "Washington. 12-24-1-1-
I||- - I I I I I I
Come back to Bethlehem,
The year is on the wane!
A truce to strife that wearies llfe
A truce to grie[ and pain.
Oh, heart, return to Bethlehem
And hear its song agalnl
If siren voices luring thee
Have turned thy thoughts aslde,
If thou hast quaffed the bitter draft
Of envy or of pride,
If thou in agony of shame
Hast thy dear Lord denied,
Come ack today to Bethleheml
Though thou hast wndered far,
No rest ,hall fill thy yearning breast
Until thou see the Star.
Oh, heart, return to Bethlehem,
Where yet the angels arel
i Fairy and Blue-Bird Tricycles are
:gifts for sturdy boys and girls. They
are built to stand rough treatment.
See them at Needham & Clothier's,
Shelton. --Adv.
Catarrhal Dedness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness,
&rid that le by a constitutional remedy.
through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is
caused by an inflamed condition of ths
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you havo a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness Is the
result. Unless the Inflammation can bs re-
duced and this tubs rsst0red to its nor-
real condition, hearing may be destroyed
forever. Many cases of Dearness are
caused by Catarrh, which IS an lnflamsd
condition of the MUCOUS Surfaces.
ease of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured bY HALL'S. CATARRl
All Dgg!bts '/1¢. Circulars frse.
F , eney & CO,, Toledo, Ohio,
Notice is hereby given that on TU@ | ]otics is hl'eby given that on Tues-
day, the 4th day of January, 192l be-[da., th th day of January 1921 be
t ' #, ' ' '
foWeen the hours of ten Q¢lock in the ]tWeen the oUrs of ten o'clock i|t the
enoon ann 4 O'CLOCK In tns afternoon. I forenoon and four o'clock in th Cf'Ler-
commencing at ten o'clock in the for-|roon commencing at ten o'clo in the
noon of said day, in front of the main | forenoon of said day, in frot of the
?tranCn d°r Cty theSheontY Coutlain e}trance door to the (ountyCourt
of Mason` State of Washington .h.]ltUs In the City of Shelton, County
by the County Auditor of B'a-id cun: '0f MaSon, State of Whington, (ther
or by a member of the Board of State by the County Auditor of said county,
Land Commissioners of the Stat of or by a memher of the Board of State
Washington, the following deathbed Land Commisslors of %he State of
state lands, together with t mn., Washington, the timber on the follow-
monte situated thereon, will,1 be sold at
)ubllc auction to the t.,i'h,es t bidder public auction to the tdghest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
Application "No. Vv99.
All tide ]ands of the second class as
defined by section I of 'hal)ter 36 of
the Session Laws of 911, owned by
hc SIIL. O{'. Washing€on, sit.turfs in
front of, adj,%cent to or abutting upon
the l'olloxing described uplands:
in front of lot 1, section 34, town-
ship 22 north, ra.nge 3 west. W. M.,
"with l'rontage of 2].93 lineal chains,
more or less, appraised at $10.00 per
lineal chaln, or $219.30; also
In :ront of lot 3, section 34, town-
ship 22 norttl, range 3 west, W. M.,
witt a frontaFe of 20.59 lineal chains,
more or los appraised at $10.00 per
lineal chain, or $205.90; also
In front of lot 4, section 34, town-
ship 22 north, range 3 west, W. .,
with a frontage of 29.35 lineal clains,
more or less, appraised at $10.00 per
lineal clmin, or $203.50.
All as measured along the meander
line according to a certHhed copy of
the government field notes f the sur-
vey 4hereof on file in the oflice of the
Commissioner of Public Lands at
Olympia, Washington.
Application :No. V802.
All tide lands of the second class, as
de;fined by section 1 o chapter 36 of
th,e Session Laws of ;1911, owned by
the State of Vashl.g¢on situate in
front of, adjacent to or abutting upon
lot 1, section 35, township 22 north,
range 9 west, W. M with a frontage
of 26.06 lineal chais, more or less,
lng descTibcl state land will bs sold at
therefor, to-wit:
• .Dplication No. 10976.
Tilnb'o'r on NE of section 16, town-
ship 23 north, range 1 west, W. I.,
containing 16{) acres, more or less, ac-
cording to the government survey
t}mreof, appraised at $6,8,i9.00.
Timi)er on SW: of section 16, town-
ship 23 north, range 1 west %V. :M., eon-
il.inlllg ]60 acres, ]nero or less, aecord-
ing to the government survey thereof,
appraised at $4,689.00.
Timber on SE£ of section 16. town-
ship 23 north, range 1 est V. ,1.,
containing 160 acres, more or less,
according to tho government survey
theroof, appraised at $4,140.00.
Said timber on said land will be sold
for not less titan the appraised value,
as appraised by the Board of State
Land Commissioners in the manner
provided by law, a statement of which
is now on file in the office of the
Auditor of said county.
Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid
on the day of sale,
The timber on the above described
lands is offered for sale in pursuance
of an order of the Board of State Land
Commissioners, and an order of sale
duly issued and certified by the Com-
missioner of Public Lands of the State
of Washington, aow on file in the office
of the County Auditor of said county.
Comm/sstoner of Public Lands.
1126 -12-31-6t
thereof on tile in the office of the Com-
missioner of Public Laxtds at Olympia,
Washington, appraised at $10.00 per the f-rnon and fou -°ocb |n the
o "1673 ...........
N . . lineal cialn or $260.60.
swOw t ATXO* a;;,u, ^ n.oo afternoom, commencing at ten o clock
h Sta, of "- in the Serenoon of said day in .re t
In the Superior (Curt of t e . All tlde"nds of the second class, as 'of tit- mat - -ntran -- aor *- +he
Wshlngton in and for the County defined by section 1 of chapter 36 of Ir,^.... ,r^... .... _ ^ ^*'.. "_
T Mason, I the Session Law of 1911, owned by Jm.,+._ n^, .. • ^€ "€. ^- o÷.. ^
Eg)NA A. JON-S, Plaintiff, J the State of Washington, situate in J r..h,--.*^. ^,..^. ... ,u ..... *.
VS, front of, adjacent to or abutting ul o
NJAMIN B. YATES and , llot 2, section 24, township 22 north, J
BEAT'RICE • auditor of said county or by a member
"YATES, Imband and W fe, range 3 West, W. M,, with a frontage[.l. € .h .*o e xr.o|..
K FOSSUM and MARTIN LOREN- of 23 27 lineal chains more or less r:-'---.. - . " .'-Y. ." :'-."".''.",
• " " 1 ' a ac' J the IOll@w4ug aosor|eea stats lanes
ZEN, Defdants. measured along tl e me nder line " *^-eh --i*'- *^ ' .......... *- -i'"'
o=' '' Yates and :Reatr/ee ..... , na *.o .e .o o.r.. *h-re ated thereon, will be s ld at pub c
au tion to the highest bidder therefor
Yates, h:s wife, defendants: of on file in the office of the ommis .... "
You are hereby summoned to appear sloner of Pblic Lands at Olymnia, to-wt: .............
1 lzoalnot o. zllaO
withln sixty days after the da%e of the Washington nppraisei at $6,00 pea" ][n -- ...... "
• eat chain, or $139.62. nt I or Seetlon'at, townShiP 22
plltcation ZVo. 7828.
All tide lands of the second class, as
defined by section 1 of c,haptr 36 of
the Session Laws of 1911, owned by
the State of Washington situate in
front of, adjacent to or abutting upon
the following described uplands:
In front of lot 1, section 10, town-
ship 19 north, range 3 west W. M.,,
witl a frontage of 26.20 lineal chains,
more or less, appraised at $6.90 per
lineal chain, or $157.20.
Subject, however, to such right,
title or interest as may have been
acquired by H. G. Nelson and H. L.
Roundtree by the purchase of a part
of said lands as tide lands suitable
for the cultivation of oysters hrough
deed issued by the State of Wash-
first publication of this summons, to-
wit: Wft]hln sixty days after "the 24th
day of December, 1920, and defend the
above entitled action in the above en-
titled eurt, and answer the omplaint
of the plaintiff, and serve . copy of
your answer upon the undersigned at-
torney for plaintiff, at his ottee below
stated; and in case of your failure so
to dg, Judgment will be rentlered
against you according to the demand
of the complaint, which has been filed
wlth the clerk of said court.
Thls action is brought to foreclose
a certain real estate mortgage given
by the defendants Benjamin B, Yates
and Beatrice Yates, his wife, to the
plaintiff and to cut off thelr equity of
redemption in said real estate.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Office and postoffice address: Shelton,
Washington. 12-24=2-4-7t
• JM mnr'' PAGE 8EY]Gq
I ' II1[11111 k I
To Our Many Friends and Patrons with
every good wish for a Merry Christmas and
a New Year of Health and Prosperity.
W. H.
Santa Claus
FOR PA--A box of fine
cigars, a pipe, and other
smokers' delights.
One of those handsome
boxes of chococlate creams
and fancy candies.
F01 WILLIE--A flashlight,
a knife and lots of other
things. See them at
W. H.
All the Daffy Papers
Auto Stages
Daily Schedule
effective on and after Sept. 15.
Leave Shelton-- Leave Olympia
7:00 a.m. 9:00 a. m.
11:00 a.m. 1:00 p. m.
3:00 p.m. 5:30 p. m.
Shelton to Old Kamilche.$ .50
Shelton to Snider's Prairie .... 75
Shelton to Mud Bay ...... 1.00
Shelton to Olympia ...... 1.5
Leavin Shelton from Ho,.el
Shelton. Phone 42L
Olympia to Snider's Prairie...50
Olympia to Old Kamilche...75
Olympia to Cushman s .... 1.00
Olympia to Shelton ....... 1.25
Leaving Olympia
from Braeger's Place. Phone 27
Owners and Operators
measured along the meander line, ac-
cord]nil to a certified copy of the gee- NOWZC]I O IAY 03[' MTa v-AS
errtnent field notes of the, survey Notice is erehy given, that n Tues- ]
day, the ttx ay of Janaary. 1921, be-[ II j
tween the' hours of -ten 6',c|ock in I I
the forenoon and four o'clock in the[[ r, ,
afternooa, commencing at ten o'clock|| " • .
In the lerenoon of said day, in front| TREAT THE KIDDIES ! i J
of the main entrance door to the{n i I
County ,Court House tn the city ofll ":th "r deliiou ice cream # I , ,
Shelton, .County of Mason, State of][ . .... o j, j ] *
Waslhagton, either by he county I I ..... ., , | f I , t
auditor of said county or by a member/| as a special avor ns / . n | .
of th Board of State Ild Commls-|| , , t 11 r
stoners of the State of Washington,|| Christmas. Ihey certainty .' / F ,
the follow4ng described stats lands, it r t
together with the improvemente situ-|! '' -,,r cream no matter I ,
ated thereon, will be sold at public/| " ' I i e ;"
auction to the highest bidder therefor,/I . ,. 1_ o+1. Tt, # ' , t
to-wit: J now corn me we.. .... s , •
. 3klplioatioa o. 1ZZZ0. |1 -- a (l rich cream- " " ,' "
Lnt '1 of Seetlon " ,, toWnShlp 22|| rare llavor n ," y
north, range 3 west W. M., excepting|| " . , "
arid reserving therefrom a tract of]| substance appeal co young I I ,
land for a park site, of approximateYll " m p n n ,
3 :acres, located in the morthwest eorner/I 01 Oral'" use' ............ year ruun u n I
o sail lot 1, and bordering on Hoods[| ' ,. _ ] •
Canal, appraised at $462.50. || , | i I |
ubJect to an easennt for right of||
way for state road, sLx£y feet in width,|| a vv VS gWNIII IF N]r
over and across said land as surveyed|| U||| %||lt]' llk-I IIMIIMi 1 nnueu,,
and platted by the State Highway Com-|I [-/4111Mll] tl OUL- | Ulllll LI|U
missiouer, according o ,the plat there-| .JV..,.-v =!
ingt0n, May 12, 191,0, under applica-
tion No. 7587; also,
In frost of that part of lot 2, section
10,townsldp 19 north, range 3 west, W.
M,, me&.ured along the meander lle
as follows:
Beginning at the point of iuterso-
ties of the east line of said lot 2 wih
said meander line and running thence
N. 37 ° 06' W. 29.96 feet, more or less,
to an angle point in said meander line:
thence N. 59 ° 27' W. 166 feet, N. 86 ° 03'
W. 347 foot; N. 68 ° 26' W. 120 feet
and S. 60 ° 18 t W. 78.42 feet to -the
terminal point of this doscription, witl
a frontage of 11.23 lineal chains, more
or less, appraised at $6.00 per lineal
chain, or $67.38.
........... No. 1874.
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington in and for the County
of Mason.
WARDS, Husband and Wife, De-
Shelton, Wash.
h said V. E. Edwards and Emma Ed-
wards, husband and wife, defendants:
You are hereby summoned to appear
within sixty days after *the date of the
first publication of this summon& tow]t:
within sixty days after the 24th day
of December, 1920, and defend the above
entitled action in the above entiiled Subject, however, to such right, title
court and answer the comnlaint of the °r interest as may have been acquired
LAND ,__,, upon the undersigned attorney , ,,it, hl, for the culti.vation of oysters
I for plaintiff, at his office below stated; | 'lru-!, a correction deed issued bY
and in case of your failure so to do, | h tt of Washington March 15,
[Judgment will be rendered against you | 'a--ndor amended application No.
l acording to the demand of the corn- ' -
For sale in this County to Actual |plaint, which has been filed with the Al' .n lheasured along the meander
I clerk of said court, " ....
Settlers on easy term Priee
$5.00 per acre and up. Write fOP J The object of this actton Is to re- line as shown upon the plat of Skook-
[cover Judgment against the defendants um lnet Tide Lands filed in the office
of the Comndssioner of Public Lands
map giving all information. Ion two certain promlssory notes m at olympia, Washington, December 7.
[favor of the plaintiff. 1919.
Weyerhaeuser Timber C0 ' ALO00 o. BA,LE,
| Attorney for Plaintiff. Said lands Will be sold for not less
• |Office and Dostoffice address: Shelton than the appraised value above stated
Tacoma Washlnon I Washington. 12-2-2-4-7t and upon the terms and condittons fol-
- lowing:
Terms and Condition| of Eale.--Not
less than one-tenth of the purchase
price must be paid at the time of sale
to the officer making the sais. The
QUALITY FIEATS )urchaser, if he bs not the ownsr °f
provements, must forthwith pay
, officer making the sale the full
mount of the appraised value of the
SERVICE and QUA Y ave been the two big factors re- improvements, as above stated. One-
tenth of the purchase price must be
sponsible for the rapid growth of our business. Our steaks paid annually thereafter with interest
and roasts are daily becoming more popular. We make a on all deferred payments at the rate
specialty of mail and camp orders, and fill all promptly. OfwithSiXaccvuedPer centUminterestPer annUm,on any togetherbalance
Market prices for stock and poultry. Large assortment of at the same rate: ovided That any
purchaser may make full payment of
smoked meats; Sauerkraut and pickles, principal, interest and statutory fees at
any time and obtain deed or state
rl ss Na k t patent. The purchaser of laud contain"
Pe mg timber or other valuable materials
e e r e ,. prohibited by law from cutting or
remov|ng any such timber or materials
without first obtaining consent of the
BOSCH & CHESLOCK Commissioner of Public Lands or the
board, until the full amount of the
This Market will be closed both Christmas and New Year's days purchase price has been paid and deed
issued. .
All sales of state lands are mane
subject to the reservations of oils,
gaseS, coal, ores, minerals and fossils
Paine s Restaurant
of every name, kind and description,
and to the 4ddltional terms and con-
ditions prescribed in the act of the leg-
islature approved Mach 20, 1907, being
section $ of chapter 256 of the Laws
of 1907.
Said land will be sold subject to
the terms, conditions and reservations
of chapter 109 of the Session Laws" of
1911, relating to easements for rights-
of*way and the carrying of timber,
stone, mineral and other products over
the same.
f ,filed ill the office of the Commission-
or of Public Lands by said State High-
way Commissioner, hieh said case-
ment for said right of way is forever
reserved to the sttte.
Said lands will be sold for not less
than the appraised value above stated
and upon the terms and conditions fol-
Terms and Cont/ons of Bae.--Not
less than one-tenth of the purchase
price must be paid at the time of sale
to the officer matting the sale. The
purchaser, if he be not the owner of
the improvements, must forthwith pay
to the officer making ths sale the full
amount of the appraised value of the
improvements, as above stated. One-
tenth of the purchase price must be
paid annually thereafter Itn interest
on all deferred payments at the rate
of six per centum per annum, together
with accrued interest on any balance
at the same rate: Providod, That any
purchaser may make full payment of
principal, interest and statutory fees at
any time and obtain deed or state
patent. The purchaser of land contain-
Ing timber or other valuable materials
is prohibited by law from cutting or
removing any such timber or materials
without first obtv:lntng consent of the
Commissioner ef Pbllc Lands or the
board, until the :full amount of the
purchase price has been paid and deed
All sales of state lands are made
subject to the reservations of oils,
gases, coal, ores. minerals and fossils
of every name, kind and description,
and to the additional terms and con-
after the date of the first publication
of this notice, to-wit, within six
months after tKe 25th day of November
1920, and file the same with the'clerk
The above described lands are offered of this court together with proof of
for sale in pursuance of an order of such servtcs, or they shall be forever
the Board of State Land Commiselon- barred.
era, and an order of sale duly issued L Dated at Shelton, ash., this $Sth
and certified b the Commiseloner. of I day of November, 1910.
Public Lands of the St&to of Wuhing-| OSCAR AII
ton now on file in the office of the|Administrator of te tate of John
county auditor of said county. _ J Brandstrom, Deeaed.
Commissioner Of Publia Inds.| Attorney for Admmlstr&tor,
I1-|6-15-91-6t I Shelton, Washington. 11-6-1-17-4t
Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varntdhes and Brushes,
Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing
guaranteed as to work and material for one year.
General Repair Work
ditlons prescribed in the act of the leg-
islature approved March 20.1907. betng C F WILSON
section 8 of chapter 256 of the Laws
of 1907. • •
Said ]and' will be sold subject to
the terms, conditions aud, reservations
of chapter 109 of tie Session Laws of FONI | Shod at ]fl m
1911, relating to easements for rights,
of-way and the carrying of timber,
stone, mtneral and other producI over
the some.
The above described lands ore offer- III III L
ed for sale in pursuance of an order H-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
of the Board of State Land Commis-
issued and certified by the Commis-
sioner of Public Lands of the State of
Washington now on file n the office
of the county auditor of said county.
Commissioner of Publio Lands.
11-26-12-31-6t Am closing out my stock of Loggers Shoes, Work Shoes and
No. 577. " " Dress Shoes at Wholesale prices or less. It will pay you to
OTXCm TO C"mDZTOS TO Z. investigate.
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Mason County. (In
In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN
Notice ts hereby given, that Letters of
Administration on the estate of John
Brandstrom, deceased, were granted tO |||||i||i|i|i|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||i||||||||l||||||i|||||||||||i|||[[||||||||||ii|||i||||||i||[;
the undersigned, on the 20th day of
November, 1920, by the said superior
All persons having claims against
said estate, are reuuired to serve them /m¢.,,--,,.- ........ *':
with the necessary vouchers upon me
at the law office of Alden C. Bayley,
Shelton, Washington, that being the
place for the transactton of ths bus" HARRY FORD
lneSs of said estate, within six months
Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lmber, Shingles, Mouldins,
Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don overlootc
the fact. We ean save you money. Let us flSm with you.
A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlk. Yards
at Shelto