December 24, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1920 |
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t ,.
The Journal wishes its County Correspondents and
their readers A Merry Christmas.
[ i
.ir. and Mrs. Alexis Zandell and
clldren, Mrs. John Reed, the Misses
Grtrude and Ruby Reed, Miss May
R#ad and Messrs. Tom Read, Anson
Ceveland, Victor and Harry Raisoni
wnt to the Christmtm entertainment
at Victor last Saturday night.
r]Mr. and Mrs. John Reed entertain-
e at dinner last Friday in honor of
seventeenth birthday anniversary
ot their daughter Gertrude. Covers
were laid for fifteen. Other guests
clled in the evening and the time
was merrily while away in dancing,
music and games.
IGustav Tillquist spent the week-
end in Seattle.
Miss Grace Robbins has retmnaed
from a week's stay in Tacoma on
business and pleasure bent.
Mrs. W. Beard of Clifton was in
Allyn doing some Christmas shopping
on Tuesday.
Roy Hall of Pullman is spending
his vacation with his brother Claude
Capt. Baker of the Soya is the
happy father of a young son.
John Wilson, who has been visiting
friends and relatives on the island,
left for Olympia Friday last, return-
ing on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlson enter-
rained Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson at
dtlanr last Sulday. : .Mr..Johnson. is
a 'member-)f the co-operative com-
pany. that operates the "Fimr camp/'
The piledriver was in d ('l'(ive
the piling for the apprmhto tke
fel'ry on the Harstine"ft°%f:"fle
pass one day this w.¢?k. Work on
the road has been .suspenged until
after the holidays.
Martin Lorenzen and Win. Goetsch
made a trip to the Capital City on
Miss Mary Ferris, who has been
the guest of Mrs. R. Wilson for some
aSt, returned ot her home near Mat-
ck Sunday.
Paul Hunter and Harold Hunter
spent the week-end in Bremeron on
a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eaton are
spending the holidays in Seattle.
They accompanied their cousin Miss
Marie Gogerty, who returned to Se-
attle after a visit of several months
in their home.
Mrs. Jean Todd Fredson and Miss
Emily Legg spent the week-end in
Shelton at the home of Mrs. Jean-
nette Ottermatt.
Miss Clara Bell entertained in-
formally at her home Saturday eve-
Thomas Fleming Sr. and Richard
Fleming of Seattle spent several days
in the valley last week. They visited
Thomas Fleming Jr. and went duck
hunting. ,,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Leeland an(]
fatally returned to their home in Ta-
coma Tuesday. Mr. Leeland was em-
ployed in the hardwood mill. Four
of the children attended school and
their departure is deeply regretted.
Mr. and Mrs. Singleton and Frank
Veal of Aberdeen returned to their
home Monday after a .visit in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson•
W. O. Watson is home to spend
the holiday week with his family.
P. Jemison of Shelton visited ,his
parents Friday.
Miss Emma Richert is spending
her Christmas "¢acation at the faihily
Edwin Ahem brought his wife and
bby daughter home from the She]-
t., hospital Wednesday.
:lhe Christmas entertainment at the
school house Wednesday was greatly
enjoyed. ,: ;Tbe teachers are spending
the hohday at then' homes in Se-
ati 5
Monday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph .Weieh*re-. I ...... OAYTON
turned Sunday from Olympia where i
they were visiting friends and rel- '
atives. . lIr. and Mrf/i! Hall and chikh'en
Mrs. Berteson and sons,Wjl (t. are' spending aew d.ays with Mrs. J.
and Harry motored: to O_]'"y:.;'ttl Pellisclmok of,.Bevto ............
WednesdA"fO',:k'ee SaJl i .'Miss Dorothy Ogg spent Sunday at
Carrie Cowan accompanied them on L her home in I)ayton.
the trip. .... ,. , , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elson and the
,A: v.ay nLa_(.m_a usmess rip .tko Hollenbeck children spent Sunday
ympu lUS rlaay. ,, w I, A.vening witl Hensel's.
bey:SDidge2:r Omlypia,4;v, hb',al ' Dell Adams is" spending a few
g . o er, vn,s. me- (lays in Olympia.
Cay for some tune past, has retufC'l Mr and z ,,^. r, .....
;d i !h E ml e; i d e trr :o ° C :! r Shhder I ::h!0d°hS£PmeFn:!di:ay : :: ::n :
Helen were shoppers in Olympm on
Tuesday, going over on the Arrow. car and has ordered a new Ford.
About twenty passengers went over
to Olympia on the Tuesday boat to
try to persuade St, Nick to come
this way.
Mrs. Geddes and B. Howard, who
have charge of the Grange Christmas
tree mad entertainment, haveper-
fected the arrangements for the
lven{ng. The school was invited to
aid with the literary numbers and
are preparin a short program.
Arthur Wingert w the week-end
:guest of Mr. and Mrs, Bennett How-
:ard last week.
Hans Bergeson made a trip' tip?to
"Tacoma on the Simpson last week. He
reurned on Thursday.
The Bergeson boys donated half a'
day s work toward the impVemlent
of the Harstine boulevard between
JarrelFs Cove and Ballow last Sat-
urday. Any car equipped with a
1Mient log-jumping attachment can
ow be reasonably sure-of making
Mr. Kingery has sold his-Hudson
E. L. Burmell, Mrs. J. Pellischeck,
Mrs. Charles Chappell and Mrs. R. W.
Luther made a business trip to town
Monday. - '
Mark Hollenbeck of Sehaffer's
camp called on Gust Hensel Sunday.
The Dayton Community Club will
hold its regular meeting on Friday
evening, December 31, instead of Sat-
%a o e that it may be a New
. mting. There will be a
short In:ogi'am, efreshments and
daincing and games until one o'clock.
Everybody. ery cordially invited.
As an afterthought: Perhaps we:ll
hear the wedding bells ring again
soon. May, be, it: will be a double
v.dngsaGve aw a beautiful dia-
/noid rilig' ot lttng ago.
the trip easily. Mrs. Bertha Hansen, our post-
J= Wingert made.a, trip to Tacoma mistress, went to Tacoma last Friday
the latter part of the week. We
...... ri on a Christmas shopping tour, and
presume ne wen up o ouy tm s:- t "1
..... i "en .... ook l and. ad to stay m Tacoma
mas presents zor ne cneg s : , " ......
. ..... ._ .... ,_ ,_']:, _.. over iunoty, DU reurnea nome
• . • • uonoay evening.
entertaining old friends, Mr. and ............
=- .. ^m ..... , tap, win. lrlnK was cane(1 1:o
1" l-|ll at the Providence hospital.
l PICKERING:,' :'"r:":,:it]'.'I" 'S)iHanea' and son Adolph and
l |/Capt, Brink made a flying trip to
@+ ...,:. -. . @(Nyria Satu£day on the launch
We wish you a me' ChristmaslDagar. _r. Ha[sen wen to get a
and a happy New Yea#: ,: .... , i iutpi)ly .:.of,'cemn for the wall of
Paul DeChamutain went to Shelten his new well,
Monday fo' spring'for 'his car.-E.W.
Ernest Anderson went to Olympia
Tuesday on business.--L. Z.
Mrs. S. Whittaker and Mrs. W.
Whittaker went to Olympia Monday
on business (to see the old man with
long, white wliskers).-K. W.
Mr. and Mfs.,. H.¢:Goodro elt
to Tacoma Monday.L. W.
Henry Smith ' spent a pleasant eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Wh]ttal& : Monday.--H: M.
Albert tB¢g.on and family spent a
pleasanf aftnoon with Mr. and Mrs.
A. P. Zumwalt Sunday.--H. M.
A. P. Zumwalt went to see Mr.
Duff on business Monday.--M. W.
Mrs. J. McGuigan spent Monday
afternoon with Mrs. A. P. Zumwalt'.
--H. M.
chThe, Gak s'chool has had its
ristmat tre up' and blazing with
decoraons:ince Monday in order
that itmil be enjoyed more. To-
day (the 24th) the children will en-
tertain their parents and little broth-
ers and sisters with a short program.
It is hoped that many will turn out.
i Kenneth, Whittaker, Harry Zum-
walt, Harold 1VfcGuiga, George An-
derson, CharMs Droscher, Ione Whit-
taker, Maxine Whittaker and Leona
ZumwaltJ wi!e md absent duet, d;axy
during th 1fast month.
The county, piledriver drove pries,
for the landis of the Harstine fetid'
last Tuesday. --The School.
1610--Indians sold Manhattan Is-
land for a kegof whiskey. .
1920--Citizens want to trade back.
Detroit News.
Wm. Blomgren butchered a nice
fat porker the other day and C. W.
Baird butchered a beef, so now Sta-
dium can have sirloin and porter-
house steak as well as ou',.bigLcity
A hard times dance was given at
the Stadium school house by Victor
N. Fossum. A large crowd tripped
the light, fantasic until the wee sma'
hours on Sunday mmming. Every-
body enjoyed themselves and hope
Victor will give another in the near
August Andei, son is visiting his
sister, Mrs. K. Sund, over the holi-
Erick 0degard-- returned to his farm
last Monday after spending a week
in Seattle and Tacoma.
Charles Somers of Seatlte has had
a crew of men doing some surveying
here last week.
Mrs, C. W. Baird of the Dewdrop
Inn was a caller at Mrs. M. E.
Brink's one day last week.
Our popular judge is rather busy
these days, as he a ftcase on his
hands. ,, ' ', . ,.;,
We hope every'0dy will have a
' " "EI'LN FOLK;
, ,. .,r t . ,',q*, . , .
arrmge, neenses were ]ssue(t m
,Olympia this week to two well-known
couples of Kamilche people, U. Ca,
Young and Phoebe Nelson; David
Charles Brown and Effle Bloomfiehi.
Further details are a little slow in
reaching the Journal.
LAST 000|ffDi-AN
7L'.TZ77,'.7 -:-T. 7":7"/',"% 7.-.'.757,V .'7 v
.......... ": TiT'MKN COUNTY JOURNAL" ............... " .........
l lli i i i
Mr. Bates surprised us all last
week when he brought home a new
Ford. He will'use this in connec-
iton with his chicken ranch here.
His family made a trip to Olympia
Wednesday to do their Christmas
shopping ....
All the ]ogginp: campshave ,hut
down for the holidays now. They
wi![ open about the fifth of January.
1he grange and school will give
their combined, community,Christmas
entertainment' at the grange lmll
Thursday ev, eing. A good m'owt is
expected to attend. :All"ire' invited.
it is' reported th, a 'Mrs. C. A.
Wooda]l who underwent an operaion
at the .hospital last week is' doing
nicely: Dr. Lmnson o:f eattle per-
tormed the opeatibn. .....
'Mrs: "Smith-has' beefi in Ed"tlos-
ital for the last 'two.,veek We
m to have her wiih aS':again in
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Munro and Mr.
and Mrs. Hitch¢0ek spent,Sufl0ay
evemng at the home of Mrl and Mrs.
Lantz Wiss. Lantz Wiss was over
On Harstine Sunday afternooia,
, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton and Mrs.
George Wiss have worked :faithfully
on the Christmas entertainment and
have the thanks of the comnmnity
and school children.
Mr. TaI0r, who was hurt at the
Oakland Bay camp about six weeks
ago, is now able to be around on
crutches. It 'will ble 'necessary for
him to remain at the hospital a few
weeks 'longer.
Herman Heinie, an ec'centric genius
and doll-maker of Happy Hollow, has
peeeted a wonderful mechanical
doll, which he cMls Bts m/sterpieee.
t is made in the image of his niece,
Iona, and!is a most lifelike creation.
He has become ,cracked",on th-sub-
ject of endowing it with life and
tMs is rapidly,undermining his rea-
sbn. He is beloved by, his son,
Tommy, and his niece,'Iflit ig de-
'cidedly hen-pecked by his second wife
Who has no sympathy, with ,his life
work. The situations which follow
are---but why spoil a good Story?
ou will want to see it presented by
e Agate high school' at the grange
hall Saturday evening, January 1st.
' Mrs. Johnson ¢ill spend her Christ-
mas vacation in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock will spend
Christmas day on Harstine.
Mr. Whaley and Edward made a
tlip to Tenino Tuesday.
has. Boolho was in th
Shelton hospital vth an injured back
from November 24th until December
5th,.is here to visit, his mother. Dr.
Karshner took an x-r.y of tlie injury
which disclosed a(iroken', bone ancI
he will have tO spend,Christmas here.
, E. J: Davis' of ,Umneri' buyer for
the P, '&, S. Canr/ing Co. ancl MInT
A. Bldomeld ell Pu) aIIup were visit-
ing Chas. Bloomfield and family at
the' R'qllvay last wek: /
Mrs. Hattie Meece o£: Glenn, Mis-
souri, says: "I was. laot,m:aldng enough
butter from my 0w's milk produc-
tion for a f,mi}y of two. After using
Dr. LeGear' Sotck;,powders a shm
time, She gave a hal gtallon more
milk a day, and a pound o2 butter a
Dr. LeGear's Stock Powders a short
to milk cows just ,what iS needed to
keep the digestive "organs in :proper
condition, so that tli.:gt the most
possible good from ttiitr feed. Give
equally wonderful,,reslt,,when used
for horses, hogs, Md b(bP, because
they are a tonic, ap0ttiZA,,and worm
ex)eller. , ,, ,,,,,,: ,
It,,:atters not ba'?,g!Iment you
may' have among y0tir stdk or poul-
try, llt will pay you towet,,the ureter
,lG(af Remedy ffbmXour aea|er.
Tli,:.e the Do''Oi'.,,laSbal pre-
scriptions, compounded Ouring his 28
ye'ars of Veteriaarv Practice and Ex-
pert Poultry Bredifig. They must
satisfy ,y)u, orv'oiar dealer, vjll re-
' Exchange period for old text boo1(s
closes soon. All books must be in
this" office by ,December, 26€h- ,as o
reach Portland before December 31st.
Only books which have been changed
are accepted. Please inclose lists for
checking. Grant C. Angle & Son.
Sheriff Ports now thinks he has
broken up the ,'ang of .oun In-
dians which caused considerable an-
noyance and loss o residents along
the Canal this fall. Three of the
lads have been taken up and commit-
ted to the state reformatory at Mon-
roe, and Alex Hobucket, who is con-
sidered the ring-leader of the party,
is in custody to have his hearing
before the superior com December
Hobucket was located as a deck-
hand on the steamer Utopia, plying
on the lower Sound,-and Joe Deer
was deputized to get him. Joe made
the round trip last Sunday, bringing
back his prisoner.
The gang is credited with having
stolen and sold six head of cattle, as
well as holding up the men at J.ohn,
son's camp, and .doing'.more or less
petty stealing in ,homes along the
Game Warden Tucker came across
Victor Flodine and May Stark ch, iving
along the road near Goodro',s .camp
Tuesday night and throwing their
flashlight into the woods along the
road after the manner of "deer
shiners." The pmies claimed they
were trying to keep the, crooked road,
but Justice Johnson decided that as
a loaded shotgun was in the car they
were entitled to a fine of $15 each,
although they had no game.
County Auditor Ione Doyle has not
received blanks from the state to be
used by veterans (,f the war with he
central allied power. t'or the equaliz-
ed compensation as ratiiied by the
electors of the state at the last gen-
eral Mcvtion.
The state auditor will furnish upon
application therefor, the necessary
form of certificate to persons e,.title,l
thereto, and may establish offices at
different point, in the state
the forms will be kept. According
to the auditor the state auditor may
authorize she or the county clerk, or
both, to act in receiving applications
but such authorization has not been
made nor has any forms been fur-
nished to these officers.
The state auditor will undoubtedly
arrange these matters as soon as
possible and information will be given
through the local press where forms
may be secured, but all pzocedure
will, await the decision of the su-
preme court on the test of the com-
pepsation law.
Sheriff Ports has been keeping a
weather eye out for Fred Shelton
who has been wanted by Mason
County for the pas three years on a
charge of deserting his wife and
son. Noting recently that an Oregon
game warden has arrested one of the
same name for illegal fishing the
matter was traced up and the party
proved to be the one desired here.
Deputy Frank Scott was sent to
Gold Beach. Oregon, yesterday and
will bring Shelton here for trial, if
the Oregon ,governor honors the ex-
tradition papers.
Portland, Oregon.. Dec. 20.--By o
vote of 15 to 9, the board of directors
Of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and
Lumbernmn for Oregon, at a meeting
here today, voted a cut in the mini-
mum wage of workmen of the legion
of 80 cents a day. The new minimum :
wage will be $3.60:
,(Revised December 24, 1920) :
Bugtorfat ....... ,: ......... .... .': $ ;60
Oats, per ton ..... '.... .... ..; 6g 00 i
Potatoes, per ton . ..... :.... 30 00
gs's' . ;... :. :... ..: ;:. : ..... o i
I ' • Retail'Prices
Sugar, new, lber per'mS .......... 11
Wheat, 125 pound .. ' . 4.75
Corn ............... ::.:::::" .
Ground barley .... : ......... : 3.15
Oil meal)..'; :,',. '.',' ',' ' ':, 5:60
Chop . ...................... . 2:65
:%[H1 n,80 pounds ........... 1.90
Alfalfa hay ................. 35.00
E M. timothy hay.. .... , .... 45.00
Butter, two pounds ........... 1.20
Best lard, ten pounds ........ 3.25t
Bacon, per pouid, . ............ 46
Ham, per,pound ............... 40 I
F1.0ur, per sack ..... .......... 2.90
Oats ................... ..... 3.00
Scratch feed .... .............
Alfalfa meal .............. .... ,:0 |
'- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, ].920 .
Will your family be among the happy
ones who will enjoy a new Brunswick
Phonograph this Christmas Morning ?
Any Phonograph in our stock together
with five double faced Brunswick rec-
ords (10) selections,, a handsome velvet
leather-backed record brush, a heavily
nickeled-steel needle cutter, one box
50 fiber needles, 400 carefully selected
steel needles--all for the regular price
of the machine alone.
Prices. range from '$115.00 to $260.00.
, ,Terms if desired. " ....
We"ira(ire y6i to investigate this big
offer. Pick Yours Out Today.
, Ask to hear the Brunswick'Records. ....
Brighten,up ,your home during-the
" hbliday( with th new" record Selec- '"
tions. Our stock is complete with' a
choice to-suit every taste.
- Take advantage, of.. our 'offer. - .
. This Special: Offer is good,o,! up, ......
' ' ry lsl: ' .... : ......
to Janus , 't92!:
Journal Stationery Shop
Our Christmas Gift to You
A Special Holiday Reduction
On a New Stock o{
Ladies Silk Hosiery
Selling Regularly at $9.00 Per Pair .
Now Placed on Sale at $6.00 Per Pair
We wish to take this opportunity to thank our
many friends and patrons for their splendid
appreciation of our constant effort to supply
their needs with the very best of merchandise
. at all times and to extend to them the Season's
Greetings with every wish for a Happy' ,and. ,
" , Prosperous New Year.
';,, ..... :' , Sheltoiii Washington