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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: :i¸, December 24, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christrn town, U.S.A.", Shelton, WashinFton PAGE 3 The Bourd of Directors of Thurs- ton County Federal Savings & Loan As ociation have declared a regular quarterly dividend at 4 ½ % per annum, payable December 31, 1964. In accordance with customary practices, this dividend will be credit- ed to members' accounts. SAVma= a LOAN AUOC,AT'OM O LYM P I AI LACEYI 8HELTON Hem| OfflGe J Dran~h / Ilranolt John C. Wrage Succumbs At 52 John Clmrles Wrage, 52, died at his home, 609 So. 12th street, last Friday. A resident of Mason coun- ty the past 18 years ,he wa.~ a member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 11, F & AM, Laurel Court Order of Amaranth No. 26, the Civil Air Patrol and was on the city plan- ning commission. He was born March 22, 1912 in Arlington, Wash. Funeral Service For Allen Cawker The Alien Cawker funeral ser- vice wan held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Skokomish Indian Assemb- ly of God church under the di- rection of Rev. McKinney. Burial was in Skokomish cemetery. Mr Cawker, a veteran ()f World War II, died in his l-tome last Fri- day. He was born June 24, 1906 in Phoenix, Arizona. He is survived by one sister, The funeral service was held at Mrs. Minnie Sherwood, Shelton; a 1 p.m. Monday in the Batstone half-brother, Herbert Cawker, Funeral Home with the Masonic Calif., and several nieces and nep- Lodge officiating followed by ere- hews. mation in Tacoma. - .................................. Survivors include Ms widow, Carl Olson, 77 Margurete E. Wrage, Shelton; one son, John R. Wrage, U. S. Navy; R~t7 two daughters, Miss Carolyn Taken _,~ Death Wrage, Napa, Calif., and Mrs. Lin- Funeral sea"vices for Carl Albin da Carpenter, Marysville, Ohio; his Olson, Route 3 Box 238, were mother, Mrs. Sena Wrage, Arling- held at 1 p.m. last Friday in the ton; three sisters, Mrs. Almeda Batstone Funeral Home with bur- Ragan, Seattle, Mrs. Rose Mary ial in Shelton Memorial Park. Rev. Mathews, Buhl, Idaho, and Mrs. Eugene Knautz officiated. Mr. Louise Boras, Oregon, Ohio. Olson died in a local hospital December 16. -- ,- -. aWe~nesna'~ Rites He was born in Sweden Marclx 19, 1887 and had lived in Mason Fo Ma y Jadin Oounty the past 40 years. He was r r a member of the First Baptist A 28-year resident of Mason church and Fishmen's Club. county, Mary R. Jadin, 408 So. 7th Survivors include his wife, Olive street, died Sunday in a local hos- B. Olson, Shelton; one son, Melvin pital at 83. Mrs. Jadin was bornL., Issaquah; three grandchildren Sept. 24, 1881 in I~2oyd, Iowa. and two brothers in Sweden. She was a member of the VFW Ri es Tuesday F---t------=---= Auxiliary, Degree of Honor, Royal or Neighbors and Golden Age Club. The fluxeral service was held at M:aria L. Sowers 2 p.m. Wednesday with Rev. Her- ace Mounts officiating. Burial was in Shelton Memorial Park. Surviving are her husband, George R. Jadin, Shelton; a son, Willard W. Hart, Seattle; a daugh- ter, Eva Mitlyng, Seattle; two step-sons, Herbert Jadin of Taco- ma and Kenneth Jadin of Coos Bay, Oregon; two step-daughters, Mrs. Vivian Lawson, Colorado Springs, Colo., and Mrs. Merle VanderWal, Shclton; 33 grand- children, 71 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren. The funeral service fox" Maria L. Sowers, 420 Arcadia street, was held at 1 p.m. Tuesday with bur- ial in Shelton Memorial Park. Mrs. Sowers died last Saturday in a lo- cal Nursing home. She was born April 30, 1885 in Red Wing, Minn. Survivors include four sons, Frederick of Everett, Clarence ot Vancouver, Harold of Bremerton and Glenn of Shclton; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Bernice Schrciber, Shel- ton, and Mrs. Pearl Sabins, San Diego, Calif.; one sister, Mrs. An- na ~llis, Portland, Ore.; two bro- thers, William Von Bargen and Fred Von Bargen, both of Olym- pia;; 15 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. BEGIHS 9;30 SA' Docember 26 We Will Take Inventory January Offer Values At Prices That Will Department Will Items At 25%0FF Everything Will Be Priced Sell stocked In Oerlain Items And Inventory, I0, So Must Sell As Are Must Sell Before A Special one day sale in ready-to-wear with values before seen in Shelt,on. ~T., DEC. 26 Listen to KMA$ for particulars. 3rd & Railroad Walter Chappell Called By Death Death took Walter 1. Chappell, 69, in a local hospital last Friday. He made his home at Route 1, Box 370. Mr. Chappell was born in Campbcllton, Prince Edward Island, B. C. on March 10, 1895. He had made his home in Mason county the past 17 years. He served in the U. S. Army during World War I and was a member of the First Methodist church, Southside and Pamona granges and was president of the G':)lden Age Club. The funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Monday in Lbe Bat.- ~tone Funeral Home with burial m Shelton Veterans cemetery. Rev. Horace Mounts officiated. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ella T. Chappell, Shelton; three daughters, Mrs. Nathaniel (Blan- che) Hohnan, Bangor, Maine, Mrs. Thomas (Doris) Robinson, Port- land, Ore., and Mrs. Wilbur l Wal- tena) Williamson, Jacksonville Fla.; two sons, Earl T. and Davis R. Chappell, Shelton; 17 grand- children; two sisters, Mrs. Elli- ott (Mae) Lloyd, Okeechobee, Fla. and Mrs. Ethel Pray, Cambridge, Mass.; one brother, Edward A. Chappell, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, B. C.; two haft sisters, Mrs. Ruth Ashley and Mrs. Edna Dunbar, both of Ahna Prince Edward Island, B. C.; aria a half brother, Hoston Hierlihy, Charlottetown, Prince Edwara Island, B. C. Rites Saturday For Bernice Ahl The funeral service for Bernice Ahl, 273 Island Lake Drive, will be hctd at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Batstone Funeral Home with Rev. Eugene Knautz officiating. Cre- mation will follow. Mrs. Ahl passed away at 71 years in a local hospital Tuesday. She was born Jan. 16, 1893 in Ka~t- sas. She is survived by her husband Frank Ahl. Shelton, and one daughter, Miss Alica Ahl, at the family home. I 1 eeM Greeting by DON NETH Age 11 Mr. View School (All Nationally Known Brands) • Peacock • Fiancees • Paradise Kitten • Socialites • Joyce • Town & Country • Red Cross 0' Ci RallnO • Americana • Red Cross Cobbles (All Nationally Known Brands) • Town & Country O Skooters • Penaljo • Show Offs • Shindigs • Hush Puppies r ,' b~ '/ All Sales Final No Exchange No Refunds %; .\ m find will be HU reduced from which to Iili Regular $10.99 To $17.99 TO Regular $7.99 To $10.99 / TO SPECIAL GROUP ONE LARGE GROUP NAME high, reed., low heels ALL DISPLAYED ON TABLES (reg. $10.99 - $14.99) DEPARTMENT Operated & managed by CHRIsTENSEN'S FOR SHOES, of Bremerton i i:i i /