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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE4 SI-rELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December >. :. ......... ...... • :, • Age 11. Greeting by Donna Kimmerly Bordeaux School Laurence Bedell, owner ( ::! // [ !i:i~¸ : ~ .. : • . Age 10 ~a Greeting by PAT FLUCKINGER i- Mt. View School I )T SERVICE Plans Being Made For The Junior Prom; Seniors Decide On Alderbrook For Ball By Debhie Rose BELFAIR, .... The main event at. school coming up is the Junior Prom. The dance will start at ~!~ p.m. and last till 11 p.m. Musi,e will be provided by the XYest High Band. Ticket prices are $2.50 a couple. The theme for the danc~ is Roma da Notte or Rome by night. The dance will be held il:~ the cafeteria and is semi forma;I The main committee is the decor- alien whict] consists of Andy Veitch, Judy Turner, Dee Griffith, Nancy Drcher and Mildred Kisler. The committee expects shout 39 COllples. The senior class had a special meeting to decide where to haw~. the Senior Ball. All the places suggc.sted such as The Hearth stone, Tim Colonial House, Th, Country Golf Club, and Alder. brook were eliminated for various reasons. Finally Alderbrook wa:~ the only available place to havt~ the senior ball• The .band will be the Shadows from Portland, Ore. More information will be given later on. This is the last reminder to buy tim 1964-65 Siskan Annual during noon period in the office. Sales and reservations wilt remain open until Dee. 23. The snow school report for North Mason was--listen, to sta- tions K JR, KBP~O, or KING• If road conditions are uncertain school will start one hour late and this announcement will be made on these radio stations• These reports will start at 6:30 a.m. After the December 18 game with Chimacum, the G.A.A. Sock Hop was held. The theme for the dance was "Candy Cane Lane" and was held in the cafeteria. The dance lasted from 9:30 to 11:31] p.m. There are several more sock hops after home games. ALSO HELD LAST Tuesday was the Annual Christmas Con- cert. The N[usic Department draw- ing was held during the intermis- sion. The winner will he annuonc- ed in the next paper. The Christ- mas Concert was a success as the entertainment was put on by the Senior High Bands and Junto. r High Bands• Also included was the Senior High Choir, Junior High Choir, and the Special En- semble. A special, thanks is ex- tended to everyone who helped make this event a success. Severa:l seniors have been tak- 'i; ; i i/' ! i:i/i)~I( (i;/~ ~; i~ :/'~ ing college entrance tests. One of these tests is the NMSQT test:, which is held at Olympic CollegE;. The students taking this test were requested to pick up their stud- eat information sheets• Another test is the WPCT test. All students taking this test were to repmt to Olympic College at 7:30 a.m. Dec. 18. Students were to bring $5.00 to register i~,..the administration office at OlyTnpic. The lTniversity of Washington School of Engineering will present an Engincering Visitation and Open House for High School stu- dents interested in Engineering Jan. 30, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.. There will be a meeting in the General Engineering Department to explain the freshman years, Accordions Drums Cornets Trumpels Trombones Gift Certificates Harmonicas Record Racks. Record Carrying Cases Lowrey Organs Lowrey Piano Admiral Stereo & Hi Fi Guitars Record Players Tape Recorders Radios Admiral Television Records Sheet Music 426-4302 205 Cots St. .Q visits to aeronautics, electrical and all other departments will he in- eluded. Interested students are to mgn up with the advisor, :Mr. Hawkin& Also to add to the Christmas .4pirit at North Mason, Christmas trees were put up in the individ- ual c!assrooms last week. Some of the individual students got ttlem. Some home rooms have t)een quite busy decorating them. A large tree was put in the cafe. teria. I PERMANENT G.I. INSURANCE AVAILABLE UNDER NE%V LAW A new plan of permanent GI insurance---called "modified life" is being made available to all holders of National Service Life Insurance through the new law which re-opens NSLI for disabled veterans of World War II and the Korean Conflict. However, the one-year limits- lion does not apply to the issU- ance of these "modified life" pol-' icies. They will continue to be: issued after May 1, 1966, accord-' ing to John B. Kirsch, Manager af the Seattle Veterans Administra- tion Regional office. The VA plans to notify all term policyholders at the time of renewal of the opportunity to ob- tain "modified life" policies. .... AN TYPE of National Service Life Insurance, including policies already issued may be exchanged for or converted to this new plan ,which will be issued at lower premioum rates than the present permanent plans, Kitsch said. The "modified life" plan provid- es a level premium through the life of the insured. However, the face value will be reduced auto- matically 50 percent when the insured veteran reaches the age of 65. At that time, the policyholder will have the option of restoring the full amount of coverage by purchasing ordinary life insurance without a medical examination. TIHS "MODIFIED plan" is of- fered as an inducement to NSLI term policyholders to convert to a lifetime-level premium plan be- fore the premiums on renewable term insurance become prohibi- tive as the policyholders grow old- er. There are still some three mil- lion NSLI term policyholders who have not converted to a perman- ent plan. The opportunity to secure these "mOdified life ' policies becomew effective May 1, 1965. Kirsch said Washington State veterans may obtain information ion the new law re-opening Nation- i al Service Life Insurance at the VA Regional Office, Sixtll and Lenora Building, Seattle. Among Your INSURANCE FIRN[ PROMOTES FORMER SItELTON YOUTH Z. F. "Fritz" Priszner has been appointed agency manager in charge, of Metropolitan Life In- surance Company's local office at 232 South Mission Street in Wen- atchee. He succeeds Richard L. Cermet, who has transferred to the company's district office in Salem, Ore. Priszner had been serving as a Metropolitan insur- ance consultant in the Wenatchee area. In his new capacity, Priszner will have immediate supervision over the unit of Metropolitan rep- resentatives in the area served by the Wenatchee office. Priszner is currently attending a comprehensive management training course at Metropolitan's he~d office in San Francisco to further equip him for the respon- sibilities of his new assignment, A graduate of Irene S. Reed high school in Shelton, Priszner and his wife, the former Janet Hunter, now make their home in Wenatchee. i :/41 :i(iiii: ii!7:i:i!:i(• ............... Age 11 Greeting by TINA COLE 1Ht. View School JIM SHRUM, Plant Foreman Live Entertainment I'errific Music by The Banjo King Trio Bonnie plays many instruments md all requests, accompanied by MARTHA & G~NE FLEMING Members Only Blue Ox Theatre Sat. - Sun. - Men. Mat. 1 p.m. Sun. .4 SURPRISE IN SUSPENSE! Te&nicolor® Too Late To Classify ! .................. ' ................. ' ......................................................... • m,mmmm ~, .~mm. h,n, $10. Phone 426-g808. S 12/24 tIILLCREST :_i Markets twO;-blocks. %_ tlu.,~e large I)edr(mms, ]luge living- I'(UIIII. fil'el)lace, dining I'(H)Ill, bl'e,'lk- fas[ I'OOl II, fll l•nllco, p~tl'l ba~oItlont. $10,500. FHA $500 down, including cloningcosts. Lal~,issoniere Agency, • 126-4666 .r 426-8544. 12/2,l FOR SALE -- 1940 Ford 2-door. Call • 126-8731 after 6:30 p.m. W 12/24-31 FOR SALE OR TRADE--Two-year-old Iarg,,l' |l(~nle l'oF slllltllel' ]l(KlSt). Clll] 426-1408 nfler 5 pall. ........................ L 12/2,t tf]] , r Legal Publications (~OUN'rY ]tOAD I'ROJE(~T NO. 467 J~ In the matter ef C.R.P. No. 467 to f~ be collstl'ucted on Mas()n County Road No. 385A known locally as lhc Boiling Road, and more specifically located in Sc('lion 3, Township 19 N, Range IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE F, OARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS that it is fheir intention to rel)lace I=~'ldge 385-0.22 with (2) 60" ahllllilluln pipe culverts and restore grade and gravel surface. (Bridge collapsed about noon Dec- ember 1,1, 1964, under truck No. 28) nnd that said work is to be l)erformed I)3' day labor in accordance with the Washington State Standard Specifica- tions for Road and Bridge Construe- tlon as adopted by Mason Couniy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described County Road Pro- ieet is necessary and proper, and the • : " yEA Greeting by STEVE EBINGER Age 11 Bordeaux estinmted costs of said project are herewith set out in detail ms follows: @( Engineering $ 50.00 Road Ctnmtruction ' '2800.00 TOTAL $2850.00 The County Road Project herein descriiJ~d is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDER- ED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon aa hy law pro- vlded. ADOPTED this 21st day of Decem- ber, 196,1. Board of County Commissioner,, of Mason County, Washington JOHN BARIEKMAN, Chairman Jim Grimes • Gus MeN, MARTIN AUSETH HARRY ELMLUND Attest : C. NOLAN MASON Clerk of the Board 12/°.,4 It Amended Franchise' Application ~o. 333 NOTICE OF IIEARING In the Matter of, Application of Mason County PUD No. 1 for a fraa- chise to constxuct, operate and main- rain power transmission line upon a portion of Primary State Highway No. A Universal 9, SR ~01, in Mason County, Washing- .................................. ~ ton. WHEREAS, the Ma~oa County PUD No. 1, a municipal corporation, has Wed. - Thurs. Open 6:45 - Start 7 p.m. THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE BIG MIDNIGHT SH-6-~/V-- Thursday Direct-Drive lAIN.SAt/ REVOLUTIONARY Weighs Only 12 Ibs. • 12 lbs. less bar a.d chef., as iltll~ as 14 Ibs. with bar and chain • Cuts 12" trees In lO coco)Ida, fells trees up to 3 feet I. dlametar.Has Homelite'a top professional features. • The chain saw everyone can use IIAVE A FREE DEgQliSTRAIION IODAY! on Hillcrest filed with the Washington State Itighway Commission, under the pro- visions of Chapter 47.44 RCW and amendments thereto, an application for a franchise to construct, operate and nmintain aerial power transmis- sion line upon a portion of Primary State Highway No. 9, SR 101, in Ma- son County, Washington, for a period of twenty-five (25) years, at the fol- lowing locations : Amend Franchise No. 333 to provide for the relocation of part of the existing power transmission line be- ginning at a point in the Mason County PUD No. 1 line on the west side of Primary State Highway No. 9 (SR 101) at approximate High- way Engineer's Station 297+40, said FOOD . point being in the NE'~I of the FAVORS SE~A of Section 14, Township 22 North Range 4 West, W.M., tllenee FUN southeasterly across Primary State Highway No. 9 (SR 101) to a point DANCING in the Pacific Northwest Bell Tele- plmne Company's telephone line on All The PER COUPLE the east ~tde of Prinmry State High- \ way No. 9 (SR 101) at approximate Trimmings if Includes everything Highway Engineer's Station 300+00; thence southerly along the east side of Primary State Highway No, 9 For Members and accompanied guests only (SR 101) in joint use with .the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Conu)any to approxhnate tI,ighway BENNIE THE BANJO KING Engineer's Station 347-t-50~, and thence southwesterly across and his entertainers to a point in the existing power transmission line /m tho west side of Primary State Highway No. 9 i (SR 101) at approxinmte High.way Engineer's Station 349+60, sa d point being in the NW~,~ of the SEI.I of Section 23, Township 22 for re n No,'th, Range 4 West, W.M.. all " , " m 426-~949 in Mason County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICIB IS HEREBY GIVEN : That a hearing will be held on said application by the Washington State Highway Commission af its office in th .~ Highways-Licenses BUilding, Olympia, Washington, on the 18th day of January. 1965, at 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as hearing may be had. DATED 'at Olympia, Washington, this 4th day of November, 1964. /s/ C. G. PRAHL Director of Highways. 12/24-31 1/7 3t I • • .?, .t Grade 6 • Greeting by SHAWN LEAHY M1. View School, \ ,Grade 6 'Greeting By RANDY CHURCHILL Mr. View Cole Road MASON COUNTY TITLE CO.