December 24, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1964 |
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December 24, 1964
SHELTON---MA 0N COI TY JOURNAL --Published in ' Chr sfma.n/ wn, U.,q.A.',, helton, Washington 1,
in, u, i 'Mm,,~.-,.~.i
Margie Pa.lsen
Now With
So. 4th 426-4783
Hobby aed Toy :hop
220 Cota
Age 11
from Farnum & Lillie Loitz
Greeting by JENNY HOLM
Mr. View School
Age 11
Greeting by JERRY MANN
Bordeaux School
Capital Savings & Loan, Loan Counselor
&nOW, Cold
Brings Out
Skaters, 5/ec/ders
There was a lighter side to the
snow and cold weather the past
Area "youngsters" of 'all ages
got a rare opportunity to engage
in such winter sports as sliding
and ice skating.
Saturday and Sunday, sleds,
along with anything else which
could be improvised to slide down
a hill were brought into use as
the youngsters romped in the ac-
cumulation of snow.
Friday night about 100 young-
sters gathered at Turtle Lake
just off Highway I01 past the
airport for an ice skating party
organized by Shelton Junior High
School students and teachers.
THE GROUP had been given
permmsion from Mrs. John Mac-
Rae, owner of'the lake, to use it
for the skating party. The lake
was frozen-with a four-inch coat
of ice.
The group gathered at about
7 p.m. and many stayed until 10
While there was a shortage of
skates, the youngsters traded off
so that everyone who wanted to
had a chance to try ice skating.
One of the teachers who chaD-
eroned the group said that the
youngsters were well behaved and
conducted themselves very well.
Ohristian Healing
Sdentist Subject
Christian healing will be the
theme of a Bible Lesson to be
presented in all Christian Science
churches this Sunday. The subject
is "Christian Science."
Included in the Scriptural read-
rags are the words of Jesus: "But
the Comforter, which is the Holy
Ghost, whom the Father will send
in my name, he shalI teach you
all things, and bring all things to
your rememberanee, whatsoever I
have said unto you" (John 14:26).
Related readings from "Science
and Health with Key to the Scrip-
tures" by Mary Baker Eddy will
include these lines (p. 271) :
"Christ's Christianity is the chain
of scientific being reappearing in
all ages. maintaining its obvious
correspondence with the Scrip.
tures and uniting all periods in
the design of God."
Bapfisl Ohurch 6ets
Nine New Members
Nine new members received
membership cards last Sunday
morning in the worship service
and were honored at a reception
Sunday evening at the First Bap-
tist chm'ch,
They were Mr. and Mrs. William
Potter. Mr. and Mrs. William Sta-
pleton, Mrs. Sharon McGee, Mrs.
June Wright, Carrie, Doug, and
Amanda Wright.
Aliens Must Reporl
Addresses In January
John P. Boyd, District Direct-
or, of the Immigration and Natur-
ialization Service stated that Jan-
uary is the month all aliens, with
few exceptions, are reqlfired by
law to report their addresses to
the Attorney General.
Persons in diplomatic status,
foreign representatives of certain
international organizations and
those admitted temporarily as ag-
~Jc~tltural ~laborers are excused
from this requirement.
• Forms with which to make this
report can be obtained from any
Post Office or Immigration and
:Naturalization Service Office.
They should be completed and re-
turned to one of these offices dur-
ing January.
Boyd added that any alien who
wilfully violates the Address Re-
port Program may be subject to
serious penalties.
Age 12
Greeting by RICK ANGLE
Evergreen School
MARJ WATERS, Society Editor
:.j :,:!, ::
MR. AND MRS. WALTER Sorenson of Shelton announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Debra Sue, to James Thomas Trail,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Trail. All are of Shelton. Miss Soren-
son is a Shelton High school senior. Her fiance is serving in the
U. S. Marine Corps and is stationed at Parris Island, South Caro-
lina. No date has been set for the wedding.
THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss J,o Anne Brown to John H. Castle,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castle, has been announced by her
parents, Mr .and Mrs. James R. Neff. Both families are. Shelton
residents. The is stationed at China Lake, Calif.
Naval Base and will be released in October of 1965. N,o date has
been set for the wedding.
'60, VOLVO 2 Door .................................. =895
'59 CHEVROLET Wagon ....................... =995
58 PLYMOUTH Club Sed .....................
Rebuilt Engine - Rebuilt Trans. ~'~"
'57 FORD WAGON ................................ =495
'57 -CHEVROLET 6 Cl. Sed .................... =545
'57 CHEVROLET 4/Door .................... s495
'51 CHEVROLET PICKUP .................... s345
Phone 426-8183
Front & Railroad
Thursday, Dec. 24
Christmas Eve-- hang that stock-
ing with care!
Friday, Dec. 25
Have a nice Christmas!
Saturday, Dec. 26
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
Mt. Moriah Masonic Lodge an-
nual installation of officers ana
St. John's Night program, 8 p.m.,
Masonic Temple.
Sunday, Dec. 27
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice
Monday, Dec. 28
PUD'No. 3 commission meet-
inK, 1 p.m., PUD commissiop
County commission meeting, 10
a.m.. courthouse.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.
PUD building.
High school wrestling, Shelton
vs. Montesano, B squads 6:30 p.m.
varsities 7:30 p.m., Shelton gym.
Tuesday, Dec. 29
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon.
Memorial hall.
City commission meeting, 8 p.m,
city hall.
College basketball, St. Martins
vs. Pacific University, 8 p.m.,
Shelton gym.
Wednesday, Dec. 30
Rotary Club luncheon, naomi,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Drivers license evaminer, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
Thursday, Dec. 31
New Year'.~ sensible.
Local Man Oashes
In On Old
Stale Warrant
John Landi, of Shelton, is going
to be able to spend an extra $39
this year for Christmas.
Employees of the Simps0ft Tim-
her company, where Landi works
as an assistant Safety Engineer,
found an ttncashed state warrant
in that ammmt last week, Issued
to Landi 22 years ago. The money
was for time-loss compensation
as a result of an injury Landi
mmtained while working in the
Landi recalled receiving the war-
rant, but at the time was busily
preparing for entry into the armed
services, and forgot about it.
This week the State Depart-
ment of Labor and Industries is
re-issuing a check to Landi--in
time for Christmas, of course.
SheHon No Longer
Has Bus Service
Shelton no longer has any bus
The firm which had the fran-
chise to operate the bus line from
Bremerton to Olympia, stopping
in Shelton, discontinued service
Dec. 12.
The closing was caused by a
lack of passengers on the bus run.
Two Simpson Men
Aliend Seminar
Two Simpson Timber Company
employees from Shelton attended
a maintenance management sem-
inar in Los Angeles last week.
Bob Meyer=, maintenance sup-
erintendent at the Shelton Veneer
Plant and Charles Swenson, resi-
dent engineer, Washington, spent
Monday through Friday of last
week attending the sessions held
in the Ambassador Hotel in Los
Their attendance at the seminar
wa~ part of Simpson's intensified
effort to train its people better.
Rogers School
Les Shelver, President • Shelton
: i
Greeting by DAVID CASEY
Bordeaux School
7th and Park Streets
Age 11
Bordeaux School
At This Holiday Season We At NeWs Pharmacy Express
Our Deep Appreciation To Our Customers For Their
5th & Franklin
Phone 426-3344
Friendship And Patronage During The Past Year.
I ~!!: