December 24, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1964 |
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PAGE, .6 . ,... SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publisheii in '¢Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, December 24,
Age 10
Greeting by DUANE WOLFE
Mr. View School
Jim Pauley, Bob Wolden, Buford Rose,
Bus Einarson, Red Joslin, Shirley Holman, Wright, Jerry Medley, Floyd Boswell,
Walt Rae, Don Johnson, Larry Chamberlin,
Terry Joslin and Bob Seibert.
Now Lieutenant (jg)
Jim Sutherland Simpson insu-
lating board staff member, re-
ceived word last week of the pro-
motion of his son. Fred, to the
rank of Navy lieutenant (jg). He
has been an ensign stationed at
New London, Conn., assigned to
nuclear submarine duties since his
graduation from the Naval Acad-
emy at Annapolis with the Class
of 1963.
Seamon Apprentice Stephen R.
Kelley, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Avery C. Kelley, Shelton, is serv-
ing aboard the destroyer escort
USS Hooper, operating in the Far
East with the Seventh Fleet. The
Hooper recently completed a pa-
trol in the Taiwan Straits between
the island of Formosa and the
mainland of Communist China.
Skip A. Hash, FTMI. USN. i.~
home on leave visiting his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hash,
Potlatch, over the holidays. He is
being transferred from the USS
Mcdonough to the Guided Missile
School at Mare Island, Calif.,
where he has been assigned as an
instructor for a three-year tour
of duty. He will report to his new
_post in January.. ~ -
an eye into place on the ten-foot-tall snowman he
and his brother Gary and Gary's wife Carolyn
Powell pats
(from Portland) fashioned in front of the David
Powell home at 205 East Birch street Saturday
Age 10
Greeting by MARY t~URNETT
Mt View School
rL T
Age 11
Evergreen School
GRAPEVIEW -- el' man win- Jeanne and Kay. Their delay in "Joy to the World; the Lord is
ter did his level best to "flock" returning occurred when bad wea-Come; let earth receive her King;
our Christmas trees last Friday,ther "grounded" her and her Let every heart prepare him
in preparation for the fast ap- truck, so they remained snowed-in room, and Heaven and Nature
preaching holidays, by sending us until the rains came. sing, and Heaven and nature sing,
abnormally low temperatures, fol-
lowed by several inches of snow. Pare Clayton was welcomed and heaven, and heaven and na-
ture sing".
However, the inevitable thaw quic- home in the wee small hours Sat- There was joy in the world the
kly changed the scene and by urday by her parents, Mr. and first time thai the Lord Jesus
Sunday our winter wolzderland Mrs. Walt Clayton, Jr., when she Christ came as a tiny Babe in
had converted to good old western arrived from Pullman, where shea manger', and bol~ of the elf-
Washington slush. Driving condi- is a Freshman at Washington gin Ma, y.
tions were extremely hazardous State University. Pain's delay was
all through the weekend and many caused by heavy snows in the The second lime He comes will
of our Grapeview people wisely mountains and the treacherous be as King of Kings and Lord of
stayed close to home. ~, road conditions all the way. Lords. We do not know the day
or the horn" He will come, but
However, a Christmas program LAURIE SOMERS surprised his know that He is coming, so let
offered by the children of St. Da- parents, Mr. and Mrs. How~rd
Seiners. by flying in a day ahead
of schedule from New London.
Conn. He was .greeted upon ar-
rival by his sister'. Liz, who was
also home for the Christmas vac6.'2'
tion. She is a Freshman at the
every heart prepare him room
that the day ]nay be made more
"First Thessalonians 4.16. For
the Lord himself shall descend
~rom Heaven with a shout, with
the voice of the archangel, and
with the' trump of God; and the
dead in Christ shall rise first".
"First Thessialonians 4.17. Then
we which are alive and remain
shall be caught up together with
then] in the clouds, and so shall
we ever be with the Lord."
"First Thessalonians 4.17. Then
Wherefore comfort one another
with these words.'
These are wonderful words, and
a comfort to look forward to.
Evclene Farrell
vid's Episcopal Church Sunday ev-
ening, caused your correspond-
ents to brave the elements as far
as Shelton to enjoy the efforts of
their youngsters, Georgia Clay-
ton and Kristi Somers. The Art
Nicklaus family was also present
with their youngun's Art, Kim
and Chris participating.
The heavy snowfall and the
temperature of the firchall, failed
to cool spirits of our Grapeview
Vohmteer Firemen Friday evening
at their annual Christmas party,
and, although attendance was
down slightly from previous years
no one seemed to mind too much.
The party followed a regular bus-
iness meeting in which officers for
the new year were elected. Re-
sults were as follows: president,
Joe Engen; vice president, Russ
Wells; secretary, Art Zehe and
treasurer, Phil Hardie. The pro-
posed new fire hall was discussed,
along with a well-drilling project.
And now, the feminine version
of the annual Fireman's holiday
get-together; The Ladies Auxil-
iary held its first Christmas party
last Wednesday evening at the
home of President Shirley Pogreba
We were dismayed to learn that
Erland Odegard of Stadium
Beach has been confined to the
Shelton General Hospital si~lcc De-
cember 7. having suffered a fall
the day before which resulted in
his having cracked two vertebrae.
Odegard, who was 86 ycars old
Nov. 17, is coming along nicely
and expects to be released as soon
as he can be fitted with a proper
Mrs. Charles Seiners paid a visit
to Grapeview last Thursday in the
company of granddaughter, Mrs.
Gordy Richards (Carol), and Se-
attle friend. With the gathering
of Christmas greens the primary
purpose of the trip, Mrs. Somers
was happy to be able to attend
the annual Christmas luncheon gi-
ven by the St. Charles Winery
employees. She returned to her Se-
attle home that same afternoon.
with auxiliary officers, Doris We are happy to report that
Stock, Leona Seiners and Leoma Walter Clayton, St'., is recuperat-
Kager, assisting the hostess. Fif- ing at home as of last Wednesday,
teen members enjoyed the fun-
filled evening with games, gift ex-
change and delicious refreshments
keeping them well occupied.
Prize-winners for the clever
games were Linda Hardie, Carole
Battles and Phyllis Lutz while a
very appropriately-garbed "fire-
man-type Santa" was most ably
enacted by Salli Clayton.
Happy to be home once again
and fi'ee to relax for awhile away
from their college classes were
several Grapeview young people.
Among th4m were Lynne Stevens,
a sophomore at the University
of Washington, who arrived at her
parents' home Sunday with her
mother. Mrs. John Stevens who
had driven over to Seattle Tues-
day to pick her up and take holly
and Christmas trees to daughters
after surgery at Seattle's St.
Frances Cabrini Hospital. Our
best wishes for a speedy return
to regular activities.
Sarah Eckcrt Orthopedic Auxil-
iary Christmas party was post-
poned because of the weather's in-
4-H Barnacles remind members
that Christmas will be a little late
this year, as far as their get-
together is concerned at any rate
The date is Dec 29 from 1-5 p.m.
at the guest house of. leader, Mrs,
Art Nicklaus.
Merry Christmas, everyone!