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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1964
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| lrsdav. December 24. 19d4 L 0N--IVIA 0N COUN .Y JOURNAL-- Published in "Chxistmastown, U.S.A.', Shelton, Washington pna . ii ) ege Cagers Coming To Shelton Gym Tuesday .... FROST FRACTURES ' , ' TIMBER PINS 618 $ MARTIN'S H )STS PACIFIC gl IVERSITY HERE a FRATERNAL LEAGUE En.?r onstrueuon ...... '. • ' g .... " " • ,~ , 'ie ' " ' ,' St M'u'i ns transfers one Tim Ran ers coached by ex.. award by the 1964 Chmftan has- l:mgms As1: . . ................... ~1 c~ c ' ' ',~ .... • • • g ' ' " ' " ' " k : Kiwanis ~mo .................. ;~l z'J :~ ...... Jelry Vermillion, will play host .. Icrl'y Vermfllmn ~s no,,v fl~s ~o'o'se ~nt'le~:s ................... 28 ~2 ' to Pacific University, a ruemDer [ulr(1 season as ~L. J.¥1~l't.lll~ EUaCll. * .................... ,~; ii. Call For of the Northwest Conference. While he has no Shelton grads on Rotary Club .................... 27 33 |ZZ PHILLIPS Gan]e tinle is 8:00 p.m. his playing roster this year he The contest is sponsored locally does have some athletes familial by the Shelton Junior Chamber of to Shelton Sports fans in the Stro- Phone 426-6902 now representing In Mason County AND USED CARS Commerce. jan brothers, Vince and Steve "who played against Highclimber teams Under Vermillion's guidance, St. Martins is experiencing a highly successful season so far with an 8-3 ~ecord at this point. Vermil- lion is being assisted by his young- er brother, Greg, who played si- der Jerry as a senior at Shelton high school. Greg is fresh out of Seattle Univcrsily, where he was a varsity le~te~man for three sea- chridmas and New Years 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 p,m. II MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE - " from "B0", Theresa and Family - at - Across from the Golf Club I /'"% Greeting by SUSAN HAMILTON ]~rade 5 Evergreen School I SHE AG ,~ . ELTON :,TI numerous times while at Fife when Shelton was a member of the Seamount League. , T-BIRD CAGE TIFF DELAYED BY SNOW Snow cancelled temporarily the non-conference basketball game the Highcltmbers were scheduled to play at Tumwater last Satur- ~ day night. As of presstime this• week the game had not been re-dated but is is expected to be scheduled sometime during Christmas vaca- tion as that would be about the only Lime either team could wedge it into their schedule the rest of the season. At the present time, the High- climbers (who played Tumwater last night--Tuesday in Shelton gym) have no more games on tap until their Olympic League in- aug~lral with .North Kitsap here in Shelton gym on January 8. $ * $ t (The following lineups were not available to include with the Blazer basketball story on" page 10. Please turn to page 10 for details). 8th GRADE GAME Miller ,0,4 Shelton 30 Weber 2 f Flower 8 Lamer 7 f Adams 7 Hopkins 6 c Tuson 9 Johnson 11 g Schmidt 4 Sundquist 7 g Burfiend Subs: Miller--Reeves 1, Della. Shelton -- Jackson 2, Donaldson, Hoard, Olsen, Stewart. Score by Quarters Miller 9 14 4 7--34 Shelton .10 2 12 3 30 7ih GRADE GAME Miller 30 Shelton 25 Hansen 9 f Sparks 10 Sturgill f Roush 2 Mattson c Bransford 6 Godfrey 15 g Baker 2 Loncar 4 g But~ett 1 Subs: Miller--Wines 3, Lamb, Hicks. McGuire. Keller. Shelton-- Evander 2, Johnson 2, Spilseth, S. Larson. J. Larson, Busack, Magnusson. Score l)y Quarters Miller 6 4 11 9--30 Shelton 5 8 7 6---25 MEN'S INDUSTRIAL (fired 1st half) W L 20th Cent. Thriftway .... 39~,-', 24~ Clary Trucking ............ 39~ 24~ Lumbermen's Merc .....38 26 BoWs Tavern .................. 33 31 Pantortum Cleaners ..... 32 32 Morgan Transfer .......... 29 35 Canteen ............................ 23 41 Corrections Center .......... 22 42 High game--Cal Moran 230. High series Cal Moran 586. Pantorium 4 (Mark lV~edson 577). Morgan 0 (Rick Deyette 464); Clary 3 [Cal Moran 586), 20th Century 1 (Gary Clark 543}; L.M. 2 Bob Miller 546). Bob's 2 (Jess Phillips 535) ; Canteen 2 (Walt Bain 475), WCC 2 (Curt Wolfe 547 ). MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Fuller Construction Too .... 40 20 State Farm Insurance ...... 36 24 Stewart's FoodItnev ............ 34 26 Prepp's Rexall Store .......... 30 30 Kimbel & Whitey's .......... 29 31 Olympic Plywood .............. 27 33 Ralph's Serve-U ................ 23 37 iM~fller's ................................ 21 39 High game--Bob Bamford 234 High series--Jel'ry Christy 557 StaLe Farm 4 (Jerry Christy 557), Miller's 0 (Flor Minoza 473) ; Fuller 3 (L. L. MeInelly 545), Prepp's 1 (Bud Donaldson 547); Stewart 4 (Bob Lichter 550), Ply- wed 1 (Bob Bamford 516); K&W 3 (Bill Staudt 515), Ralph's 1 (Don Josephson 518}. ADDITIONAL SPORTS ON PAGES 10 AND 17 • •+, i +?{• " ......... ] Age 12 Greeting by THERESA SMITH ML, View School SHELTON BRANCH--Sth & Franklin BROTHERS BY THE PAIR--St. Martins College basketball has a considerable fraternal flavor this year with its'coaching staff consisting of the Vermillion brothers, head coach Jerry (right) and assistant Greg (standing), and Strojan brothers, Vince (left) and Steve, two of the squads top performers. The Verm. illions both were once Highclimbers, Jerry as coach, Greg as player, while the Strojans come out of Fife high school. Shelton sports fans will see all four next Tuesday night in Shelton gym when St. Martins hosts Pacific University of Forest Grove, O'reg~n. ANNUAL MEETING JAN. 18: WI'LLOUR PROPOSED PREXY The annual meeting of the Shel- ton-Bayshore Golf Club has been calendared for Jan. 18 at the Bay- shore Clubhouse with election of 1965 officers and reports of 1.964 conunittee heads sharing the ag- enda. Opening the evenmg will be a social hour at 6:00 o'clock fol- lowed by a potluck dinner at 7 p.m. The business session then concludes a full evening as chair- men of greens, house, finance. membership committees, heads of the men's and women's divisions pro-manager Ray Walker, and the Board of Directors make their annual reports. A nominating committee com- posed of Glen Ferguson. Frank Travis Jr.. Frank Heuston. Olivet" Ashford. Ruth Price land Mac Munro have proposed a 1965 slate of officers consisting of Clint Will- Bull Moose ........................ 2(i 34 Shelton Hardware .......... 24 ~,fi 35~ High games-.-- Jack Frost and Bert Hoard, each 216. High series--Jack Frost 618. The name was cold but the hand was hot. Jack Frost scorched the Timber Bowl maples for a 618 series in the Fraternal league on games of 188. 216 and 214 as he led pace-setting Fuller Construc- tion to a shutout s~ccess over the Eagles (L. C. Leman 540~. Other decisions were all by 3-1 margins---Kiwanis (Jim Sneddon 51.0) over Lions (Bert Hoard 5251, Bull Moose (Otto Hanson 547 over Rotary (A~,n Fox 473), and Moose Antlers (Earl Owen 520) over Shelton Hardware (Larry Lyle 564). lour, president; Purl Jemison, vice president; Jim McComb. treasur- er; Gary Nicloy and Gert Bat- stone for two-year positions on the board of directors. NICLOY ELECTED 19th HOLE CLUB PRESII)ENT In a short business session fol- lowing their" monthly meeting last week, 19th Hole Club members elevated Gary Nieloy from the secretary-treasurer post l.o presi- dent. Nicloy succeeds Andy Tusort, and himself is being succeeded by Harry Cole as secretary-treasurer. Frosty Koch was named vice-pres- ident, succeeding Guy Beckwith. The elections were all nnanimous and became effective immediately. In his swan song President Tu- son gave special note of the out- standing job done by Fred Stuller as tournament chairman and by Purl Jemison as chairman of the Wednesday men's league competi- tion. Comments from the membership asked for by T~mon indicated gen- +i'?"~ ':;: .......... + .... Age 11~ STEELIIEAI) FISHING SLOW BUT PRODUCTIVE Only a few braved the wild ele- ments this past week to go steel- head fishing but for some of those who did the results were worth- while. Frank Wokojance, for example, tapped the Chehalis for the Week's prize, at 17 lbs. 3 oz. on Friday, and Wes Griffey got a dandy pa~ out of the Holt at 14 lbs. and 10 lbs. on Sunday. Another who dou- bled up was Dick Bostrom, with a pair of twins at 7~ lbs. each from the Skokomish on Saturday. The Skok also yielded to Don Howard at 8+~ lbs. Gene Geist at 7V2 lbs..and Bernie tang at 9 lbm on Sunday and Monday. $ * q: ITURRI[CANE RIDGE VWINTER AREA OPENS SATURDAY The Hurricane Ridge wmter use area in Olympic National Park is scheduled to open for the will- ter season on Dec. 26. Acting Sup- erintendent Oscar A. Sedergren announced today. The area will be open daily from Dec. 26 through Jm~. 3. After the first of the year plans are to have the area open and all .'facilities oper- ating on 2-day weekends and on Washingtou's Birthday. Mr. Sed- ergren adds. however, there may be times when weather conditions will make it impractical to main- Lain mt open road to the area. Facilities available for ~ite win- ter visitor .at Hurrican Ridge in- diode lunch counter, sou'¢enirs. ski equipment rental attd sale:+, GARY NICLOY ski lockers, rest rooms, washing 19th IIole (;cycler room, and ski tows. Instructions ............... in skiing will be available for the eral approwtl of the honor system season beginning Saturday, Jan. for establishing handicaps car- 9. ried out this past year. ...... Tire chain rental and sales will • .. • be available at "Eighth attd Race Alligators are not necessarily Streets on the approach road. Mr. injm'ious to fishing. Some now hold that they're beneficial to fishing by dcstroymg rough fish. Sedergren added that none is be- ing provided within the Park this year. Winter visitors are welc0med The chief cause of tangles with spinning tackle is loose line on the spool. Be svre to reel it in Age 10 Greeting by TRACY ARMSTRONG ML. View School 633 So. 1st St. L under sufficient tension. Mr. Moriah Lodge F. & A.S. / ? SAT., DEC. 2mh St. John's Night - Installations / Lodge Opens 8 p.m. Laurence H. Fisher, W.M. ArnoldL. Cheney, Secretary/ • - y , ;: :+? : Greeting by JACKI MAYS Mt. View School MIKE ISBELL, Printer's Devil and encouraged to visit the Pion- c(~, Memorial Mllseltln on t~12 southern edge; of Port Angeles to increase their understanding and enjoyment of the winter scenes in the Park. Latest weather attd road condi- tion information is available at the Museum, the entrance station four miles above Port Angeles, and by telephoning Park Head- quarters. PREPI{AS KItTY'ORE S Shelton 51, Cheltalis 48 +. North Mason 65, Chunacmn 46 North Mason 49, Charles Wright 48 Central Kitsap 78, Sequim 51 Lincoln o8, L. Bremerton 56 Olympia 68, Wilson 57 Pt. Angeles 72, Sequim 42 Centralia 64, Tumwater 51 W. Bremerton 69, Stadium 65 Ho'quimn 81, Elms 62 Raymond 64. Aberdeen 52 Central Lea~gue St. Martins 61 White Pass 54 Elms 67, Winlock 45 aymond 56, Rochester 29 White Pass.5~, Yelm 50 Montesano 62, Tumwater 48 St. Martins 65, Eatonville 39 Seamount Lea~m Curtis 72. Fife 51 Bethel 56~ DuPont 49 Sumner 54, White River 47 Age 10 Age 10 Greeting by STEVE MERCIER ML. View School JERRY 'STILLER, Printer COUNTY JOURNAL Greeting by BENNY WILLIAMS Evergreen School "Where The Charm of Newness Is Restored" - ¢ ? $ ti l: i': i