December 24, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1964 |
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December 24, 1964
i Sees
6 % On Reducin= Balances I' ~lhtek~:in;~::l'~:ng' iaiythv:glnmt'hie~]~t-
g s . . . .
' "~ 1 ed lip overmghL into 13 inches on
No Commission Charges
SHELTON 1 wonderland picture, while out on
~[ the Canal the floating snow on
& Loan Association I]
Pr~°thnwaatlerkteT°k shapes like
TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING |1 From enjoyment of the beauty
..... | of our unusual snow sc~ne,
, ___ ____ ---- ------- .----- it: o[,a tiCa o
, ,p 9,
i!m,c tllilll o
• Dect 26
We Will Take Inventory January I0. So Must
Values At Prices That Will Sell Every
Department Will Have Items At
Everything Will Priced
stocked In Gerlain Items And
SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
. ,...
=! 1 ..... o
help to a reportcr hTing to turn Sunday, due to the snow. If she ageou,~ Jane got through with a
news in early! When it will come goes to Oregon to be with her I load to carry out the tradition
on and when the lights might son, Jack, and his family, she'll|of thc U.S. lnail. The postmasL-
possibly leave us are matters for "leave~ the driving" to you know let's husband, Lew Evans, is doing
speculation. If most of our. utili- who. / his part by.shovcllin > g paths• for
ties depend upon electricity, we Cards to Indian Beach folks lthe patrons and for the mail vc-
also must make plans for accom- from George and "Toby" Reid re- I hicle to park. And this, after wor-
odaLion to an outage. We cook veal that they are in 'a beautiful iking at the pl.~ood plant in
meat and other food, so that all resort unit at Desert Hot Springs, I ShelLon the night before, and at'-
it will need will be warming on lolling in 80 degree• weather., with/ riving home l'tter, than usual, be-
the oil kitchen heater. We look warmer days promised. With hot/cause of helping stalled fellow
for candies and holders and flash- mineral water and a swimming lworkers up the road. His was one
lights--lay a fire in the fireplace, pool, golf every day, they are|of two cars with chains.
And we're thankful to the hard- really "living it tip", but they are/ Mr and Mrs Start White had
worldng telephone and PUD crews missing a gorgeous winter scene / planned on a "trtp to California
who brave the storms and cold to at the Canal, /to visit relatives, including Mrs
put us back into our routines, Mrs. Frank Robinson and Fran-/White's mothcr 'sister and brotl~"
Haven't you noticed that, due to era and Jack Catto had plans for]er This trio 'has been ~ivcn tip
efficient procedures',, such utility spending Christmas in Tacoma, aL/pa'rtly due to the coid "s0eil an~
outages do not last very long. the homes of Mrs. Robinson's son, [ i)artls, due to the iilness that has
UNCERTAINTY of weather de- John, and with Mrs. Catto's son- [ kept Alma White imme from her
velopments brings uncertainty to in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs,| realtv office for several days
some of the Yuletide plans forMack Knutsen. All was depend-| ,,,.:. ........ (w "n "l~, "'-'"
trips and parties, too. Among the ing upon road conditions for get-/dlXWa?eav ~w~:s °~eSnoTtedl b~; eM~:
cancellations of party plans, was ting there by Christmas Eve. /~,~ M~,~ ....~rd~, a~d she
the cancellation of the Christmas Plans for the Lilliwaup Com-/ ..... ~. ........ ~.? ~ ?~z ." - .
party planned jointly by the Hood muntty Club New Year's Eve par-t w~aas napPy, om~a~a ~n°pP]Dgr:r~p
Canal Woman's Club and the ty are still going forward, antic-/h~v "~ "iies~on'~han~l "As ~hi~
Hood Canal Garden Club for Sat-ipating that weather conditions/ . e s pp . ._..
- even' "- e 1" - , ...... h "~ column progresses, so odes the
urday lng, De . ~. may na~e ameliorated Dy ~ at | ~,~, .f =,,,,,. ,.,, ,,~,,,a ~,,, ,~, ~,
"I've seen snow m many places, time :If travel cond~tmns are not[ ._~'~".~"; ....... Y" ~ ." .
but never such a magnificent sight good, they will be cancelled, states ]tn~l ~:~es a:~ ~teco,~i~ger~{ger
as it is here!" declared Mrs. How- the president, Mrs. Evelyn Nich-/~" ~ r
ard Chapman, a new resident ofolson, Hoodsport. [ warmer. .
Lilliwaup at Canal View Terrace. When the Don Joersz family,/ Three sets of yom~g coupes
She admitted that she kept wak- now in Riverdale N D read this/give a you~mm atmosphere ~o xn-
"~ '-" *~'e ni~'h~ and ~-etttn~- u ...... ' ". ". ..... /dian Beach Seen Saturday on the
• ,,~ ,- ~,,s ~ ~ e~ v ~ssne o~ the oournaJ, ~ney ,win/ ..... "le din dew to the
to look out the window again and think our temneratures nut their/nm road a g n .
a~'ainat the white cladever - - ~ .... "-.- ~-" ~ beach at the north end were Jim
s " " iormer nome area in um "~anana ..........
greens. Belt" They are now exueriencin~and Tim U'£~en, and l~on J~awson,
exectin " ~ "- ° with their wives, having a gay
Th Chapmans were p g sub-zero temperatures and North ....... , .......
Wednesday of this week old Dakota blizzards ume sarong oo~n nm on mess.
friends from Minnesota to spend _ ..... " ....... , joyful eye-full to the retired set.
~,itue Amy uandlotu born ~ox
• ~ ~^~M ...... ~*~ ~hem The,, are ...... " Madge Robinson, who had been
11, has dined me zaml y c c e
M. ....~ ~.o r~oUoo ~.~m~..f J spending several days in Bellevue
": ..... ~" ............. ~ .......i, ncluding five sisters, at the Lil-
Little l~alls, Minn., and their son ............... . .~.^ R_~..~" ,..,nd~o at the home of he~ daughter,. Mrs.
llwl~tu llUlll~ u,i. tJl~ o,~11. ,,.~o, 1 • onle
- " • v - Bob Burman,
COUldn't return 11
Delford Kramer, who m m service ....
tU family She arnved home af
,,~,~ ,~ T~.~ ~avv and will be ' " Saturday night to attend a party,
com~in~,'~from "NerO' York Also I~ler spending more than threeas planned. Her husband, Allie,
~,' : weeks in the Shelton Hospital in- h's • and
helping them celebrate Chrmtma~ .... ~o,,, ,~ ~aa ,~ ~ h~ ~--~ht w~s tnmble toget ~ ca z out
• ~.. and ~rs George Ha~en and ~"~ ........................ ~, -ge~ ~o ~remerton to meet ner ana
~on's Timn~-"and T~d of~'Seattle of 3~A pounds• so she stayed in Bellevue to await
were to a~rive Wednesday Also Bulletin: When this column was word of better travel conditions:
in- *,~-~.~"'~ -~,,=v,,,~,,r'~ ...... s v"lans' is a started this morning, the snow -----------
nhone call to Brainerd, Minn, to measured 13 i~ches, but it is re-
"" • - ~:" .......... Mer--" Christported now at 12'30 to be 19 inch- 1
WISJ~ -l[]~r lllO~ll~[" ~ ly * - . • • •
mas Both parents are in rest es at the L, lhwaup Post office. ~l~rfl~
homes there. SINCE WEDNESDAY of last m ==v~
P.S. A Special one day sale in
ladies ready-to-wear with values
hever before seen in Shelton.
Sell As We Are Over-
They Must Sell Before
CHRISTMAS WITH her son's week, two deliveries of mail have
family in Salem, Ore., is being come to Lilliwaup daily, with
anticipated by Mrs. Zoe Sceva, Jane Hendricks tatting part of
who had to cancel her pre-Christ- the load for her husband, Rex. To-
mas visit with Tacoma relativesday was no exception, and cour-
By Mrs. Ray Kratcha time for t.]m January meeting
SOUTHSIDE -- Tile Southside which will be Jan. 11.
School Board regular monthly Brownie Troop 109 met last
Tuesday and made Christmas gifts
meeting was held at the school for their fathers and mothers.
Dec. 14 at 7:30 p.m. They met The investure, new girls for one
with architect Robert H. Wohlebyear receiving pins were Carolyn
and his associate from Olympia ~)yson, Carol Herrick, Debbie
to begin preliminary planning in Swayne, Patty Stites, Kathy Mer-
connection with the construction cer, Virginia Dundas and Cindy
of a multi-purpose building at Hutchins. Second year Brownie's
Has 16
By Mabel Kidd
DAYTON --- From the looks of
the weather outside my windows
this snowy, blustery Monday mor-
ning, wishers for a "White Christ-
mas will certainly have thcir wish-
cs answered. Ai~ least 16 inches
have fallen around the Dayton
area and it is still snowing heav-
ily. At least the children are real-
ly having a good time. If you
adults get cabin fever, just take
a walk up the road after dark
with snow laden trees on either
side and absorb the beauty of the
scenery around you. ou 11 come
back to your home feeling cahn
I~AT., DEC. 26 Listen to KMAS Southside. , receiving one year star were Ann and contented.
~aturdav for ~acticulars After discussing the need~ of Quimby, Cheryl Sheppard, Kim Doris Hickson was hapl)y to ar-
' - .... ' --' - " ~. Q~,,t ,1~, I~all~.,~,~.l the school and the "~l~.e m~d'~'ype Wheeler, ; Kathy Baileyi'" Ki'iSfi rive home on Saturday evening
,)=u ~ ~v~==aue~u of construction with the archi-Hoff and Sharon Johnson. This from Lacldand Air Force base in
._ trots, they will then prepare a. was the last meeting for the 1964 Texas. She will have 10 days at
I•1 Illll• II memnmm I ~ Im ~ sketch and estimated costs in year and will have the following home. She finds the weather quite
.................i meeting at the first of i.he year. different lmre.
Kathy Mercer brought treats. Gary Combs is also home on
M~. AND MRS. JACK Shero leave from the USS Mahan on
l ~1~ i i ~ (~L. '. andsonsBreck, Brad, Scottand whichheisstationed. Hismom,
• Britt of Agate were g~ests in the Mrs. Cliff Combs and brother,
home of the Vic Auseth's and faro- Keith and grandparents, Mr. and
i.', ,~iI. , ~L-.--1.-..~ "~ k ~ :. .." '. ily Friday evening in celebration Mrs. Scab Combs picked him up
of the e'ighth birthday of Britt at Sea-Tae Thursday.
~. ' ~' - - - : , ,--,-,,~,-Shero and the 10th birthday of TIlE EDWARI)Pearson family
Burr Auseth. ' joined etcher members Sunday at
Southside Homemakers met De- the Gay Nineties Restaurant in
cember 15 at Mrs. Luther Rod- Tacom~ for their annual Christ-
gers. there was a brief business mas family geL.together. There
i ~ , . meeting. Mrs. Vernon Chambers were about 30 present.
. . won the surprize gift of the Peter Buechel is home from the
i m ~ ~ ~ ma • . : . : month. Christmas gifts were ex-University for the holidays.
i ' "." . ~ .' / ~ '~ , : . , ,.' . . : . changed. The member,; decorated The Merlin Rickards family at-
i. :: i : , .. were taken to Rogers School on sary open house for Mr. and Mrs.
"v~ednesday, Dec. 16. Thb next David Sawyer held Saturday af-
: ~ meeting of the Homemakers will ternoon in "the home of their son
be held at the home of Mrs. Tony Gene Sawyer and family.
~ ~ ~ . . . • ;'. Kriefels Janualw 19. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willis and
• M ~/ * " :: i Stopping at the Ray Kratcha's family visited Saturday in Olym-
Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Wal-pig with Mr. m~d Mrs. Roy F.
L ~ ~ " V ~ :' ter Kratcha and stopping at theWillis. They tried to go on to Ta-
: ~ ~ | ':: ~ L::~i:::L:~:. Ray Kratchas Sunday were Mr. coma but ~;¢erc hit by another car
' Ill ~ " " ':'"~ : ::" Your correspondent, Mrs. Ray they were uninjured.
, : i ~ t ~ --.- , . . .:" ' . ~ and Mrs. Cliff Sutherland, on the NisqualIy hill. Luckily,
• : "': :.~. . I .:., ~ ~" ~i:~: i:;'~ :~':: Kratcha, wishc's you all a Merry Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pharris via-
: ..... ~ II~ ~ li~ il~.. i~.. ., "... Christmas. ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
.... " ' : ' ' "' ~/~,' i.." y'. " ........ L.B. Pharris.
! " ' ' .'/ /' ':'~ ":ii:.: i It is impossibleto work from A Merry Christmas to all my
,two standpoints. .readers, ___
~ : ..... ~ I : ........ "g y I I ' : Bordeaux School' I: ''~I: ....... :' :: :':Ld' :i '~ " G ~~ ~ "
i;i .... " t ,
Grcetm b TOM MANN A e 11
From D: ~ ;I~I ING '
"hi" IdO'! I) "b " 0 ty : *
l lC...leI $ 'I I,, I I 0fl 0un i
and All These RIGHFIELD 11 rl OPERATORS:
Lilliwaup Motel Wailer Rae .....
• ~
Emd Rauscher Agate Store ..... . ......... .., ........ .....
" gg~ ~" I Age 10 Mr. View School
• ....
John s Rmhheld Wilcox RIchheld Serwce FARMER'S INS. GR '
1ST AND RAILROAD ~ TAYLOR_ TOWNE I ~ Jim & Marilyn Sneddon
' 1
On All Purchases ]
Charms-lighters-watches I
Rings-pens-All Jewelry !
• 1
Free Monogrammg !
On All Jewel Boxes - Luggage - Wallets
Travel Clocks ,
Use Your Gredil |
No Money l own
6 glowing diamonds to light
ner ,ove
' Feature Ring Co., world's largest manufacturer of dTemond rln~'mountMes."~
Choice of 14K white or yellow gold. RIn~s and dian~onds Imlarged to show de,h,
$49 o
$10.00 Monthly $5.00 Monthly
:, c ......... t
_ i':i
. 399s
¢ .... ;
Fashion's new. L~ FIRST tADY "E" ~*~--,~',!7~1"
1/jewels, ' S arklig faceted " A trio of clear,
i It L
95 P t I g 1 fiery dlamon s
$3 crys a 17 jewe s.
II I~ "~ Ii/l~ ,~:*~" '%~?!"!~i,:'°'
' lili 17 jewels,
Samsonite Luggage - hiitialed Free!!
Dis. Set Pearl Earrings w/Matching Pendant
Ronson butane lighters - Engraved Free!!
Masonic Rings - big selection - beautiful
Timex Watches - Many Many Models
Beautiful New Jewel Boxes - Monogramed
Free!! -- Large selection Baby Jewelry - Very
Finest! Black Hills Gold Ladies Jeu"elry -
Nicely Boxed Tie Tacs - Cuff Links - I ey
Chains - Money Clips - Clock Radios -
Transistor R',ulios - Phonographs.