December 24, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1964 |
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sday, December 24, 1964
0 . " : 0 J "',', • • + , -
tha is certainly a blessing.
, several inches on the ground
~ore coming down, Washing-
looks like a giant Christmas
We can't guarantee the ac-
,Y of our news, since the co -
in being written on Satur-
raorning, with no idea of what
come later in the way of
Kiwanis basketball program
Slowed to a walk this moxm-
to hazardous driving con-
and that may be more
:Mason played Chimacum
night and won another
on their home court. The
game for tonight will
probably be cancelled, accor-
to Bob Larson; High school
OF TItIS morning, the in-
of Miss Dee Griffith as
queen of the Internation-
of Job's Daughters, Be?
3, will be held at 7:30 in the
Masonic 'I!emple. Oth~r
to be installed are: Jo
]chillinger, senior princess;
junior princess; Lin-
guide; Barbara Sehil-
marshal; Karin Rasmussen
Donna Dishon, recorder;
• =buval, Treasurer; Carol Bar-
musician; Myra Schrpeder,
first messenger; Christi Dahl, se-
cond messenger; Chert Bishop,
third messenger, Karen Beeber,
f(mrth messenger; Karen Squire,
fifth messenger; Nora Schroeder,
senior custodian; Charlotte Smith.
junior custodian; Connie Wolfc~
inner guard; Penny Bishop, out-
er guard; Crystal Lamb, prompt-
er; Kathy Beeber, assistant mus-
ician; Nancy Reynolds, assistant
chaplain; Vicki Barber, assistant
treasm'er; Alice Rasmussen, assis-
tant first messenger; Marcella
"Westberg, assistant second mes-
senger and Vicky Howard, assist-
ant third" messenger. Installing
will be Laura Foster, retiring
queen, and other outgoing officers.
Soloist Kay Wardrip will play
"The Lord's Prayer", "Consola-
tion", "Lost Chord" gnd "Candle
in the Wind".
Programs will be in charge of
Judy Griffith and Vicki Kupstas.
Dave Ryssell and Hal Fernandes
will usher and Cindy Trammell
will he in charge of the guest
book. Peggy Baker will be at the
gift table. Kathy Reidle will serve
cake with Cheryl Williams pour-
ing. Miss Griffith is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. 'William O. Grif-
fith of Belfair and is a junior at
North Mason High school.
NI~ Board of Directors was held
Dec. 14 at the elementary build-
ing. New board member, Ken Lea-
SHELTON--MA 0N C0t TY JOURNAE-- Published in ¢tChrlstmastown, U.g.A.", 8hclton, Washingtol PACE ;ll
• A |rams IIII | , specifications and call for bids on I share of Federal Forest Fund me. ~ ,,~ ~ ' won all their home games so far.
I [ll=.¢tll¢ll iNIl( H I?9¢flNIII doubles-court tennis courts, lnie was $2000 as aUocated by:, ,, , ,v We would nl%c to y'ge m?re fans
I01~I|U[~e,~VlIB~ |laUe-UllUVM~l ........... ~,, ,~ ~(l~ ~".. ' '~ ~',~ s L L es LO come ou~ ana watca tnese
,~mnonzea bupL ~,:,,,e,'s ~,, [ " I the t;oumy uonm]issioners. I)e- ~ ~ 11 ( 1 ~v,~ames
the,'man, replae ng Ko. who ma, ap,,1, to sl+ ,a - vertise v'd g =i re arding p,,,p,,sed boiler ....
resigned recently, was welcomed ing fimds Th(se hi, ~] line, motor oil, .iese .:' .' " insurance was tabled to give di- ..............
and seated. Discussion of futuremust be kept in rain a -I~md P' S: 300 .{ue,% wm~.m~,s ~,~l,.ectors fm'ther time to review [$~t~g*.~K~JK~4~/~~:~'~~~
btllldl . at Nolih ~/[,1,I~011 i d des \~tltt t bI ice opeued 'It [Jle Jail. 11 OOltl'(llfba n3/f|al M,'~ P~ia~ r~wa n ,, I~ ~
• 'rig plans • t~ el. ec~• , . - , ,. .... , ............................... ~ ........ e'i:~ ~,
was led by Mr. Vcrne L(qdle, Bull- ink program to pursue. A decis- [ meeting. La)i mm|srer, ~narms [ view of the recent %¥SSDA meet- ] ~ ~ lIll~e Visll To Tll-I'k Ever-'one
ding Consultant ill thc office of io~ must be made as to tile Chalet [ Wells, was granteu a..request to [ ing in Seattle, also reviewing tile ~ J~1 ]|| |l~, "" +~ ~ "Y
the State Su t of Public In,tu, c buihtin, btc rose of tile fire haz- rent the CllMet gym lor non-ae-] Assistant's edu(at~on proposals to ~ ~ ~l~r A ]~;ll~ V~r
p . ' ', .... " g ~;t ""' " " .... " " • mac in s ..... -- ............ '--
tion. Verne Leidle explained tlle ard. Leidle explained that noth-]nonunatmnat ~engmus t g.. I~be presented to the upcoming ]~ ~ ~'
state's requirements and financ-ing need be done about the build-[ Richard Rasmussen was appoin-/state legislative session. A let-[~. ~ And To All
ing policies. Need and financialing as hmg as classes were not[ ted by the chairman, Doug ttoppe, ]tar from Robert Rest football ]~ ~
quahf,cation' a~'e' the' t~o' things held, there'. A ,special board meet- [ to be'board policy chairman.. Supt. ] coach at Bainbridge High . School THE BEST OF HOLIDAY CHEER.~
the state considers when iL comes ing was set for Jan. 4 to discuss [ Sanders was authorized to sell ] was read. Ite complimented the l~ _... __ ~e
to aiding school districts in new the lmilding program In other [ usPd kitchen equipment no longer ] si.udents fans and cheerleaders on 1~ ,~ii~R.~ . _ _
construction. If these require- hoard action Supt. Norman San-lneeded by the district. Supt. San-' their enthusiamn and good sports-l~ v-, nv in avergreen ~quare \
merits are met, then a districtders was authorized to draw up ders reported that North Mason',. manship dtsplayea at the Bain- ~]~]~t=~h1~]~t~l~t=]l~lWh1~]l~l~~~
Tradewell Stores will be
closed 6 p.m.
Christmas Eve.
Let us all be inspired, gain strength, acquire charity of
mind and great joy from the faith of the first Christmas
living on in the hearts of us all.
--Y, our Friendly Tradewell stores
;.-Washers " etc.
Any Make - Any Model
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Warren Refrigeration
& Cota 426.2445
Service Station
For Good Service
See Us!
All Work Full}, Guaranteed
C & L Time Service Station
401 So. 1st St. Charline & Lloyd
Glass Coverin
] . Linoleum
Expert Installation | . Tile
JIM ,PAULEY, INC. | . Carpeting
i | , Formica
Railroad Ph. 426-8231 | REX FLOOR COVERING
~JMt. View Ph. 426-2292 ,
ery It|eating
eah Baked Bread - cakes - ] , Safety check
OUghnuts - Rolls - Buns - ] , Clean-up
Custom Baked Cakes I . Minor & major repairs
Iv. Hwy. No. (Mt. View) ~ Sales & Service
426-3179 i 514 Ellinor 426-4673
uty Landscaping i
Complete •Hair Care ] . Lawns, rockeries, trees
1V~erle Norman Cosmetics [ shrubs
(free demonstrations) | , Top soil, tilling, leveling
, Free estimates
Elaine's Beauty Salon | SUNSET LANDSCAPING
~, Laurel 426-4582 I Herbert Baze 426-4718
Beauty Care
By Appointment
New Ownership
~rlstmastown Beauty Salon
So. 4th 426-4783
Rental Service
Almost Anything Anywhere
Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps
Folding Banquet Tables
& Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc.
2216 E. 4th Olympia 357-7731
Sand, Gravel ..........
Experienced Operator
. Top Soil
Al Greenwalt , Peat Soil
901 E. Cascade . Custom Tractor Work
Pl~one 426-6550 Johns Creek Sand & Gravel
.----.- .-------- 426-3552 Norm Anderson
raet r - Sewing" Machine
Office Now'Open [ . Sales, Service Rentals
823 Franklin Street | . New and Used
Phone 426-8060 i , Free Pickup & Delivery
J. L, DEBBAN, D.C. i Singer Sewing (~e~ter
I 117 5th Ave, East -Olympia
'noon 2-6 closed Thurs, I Ph. 357-7586
Services Ski Equipment -
Service [
70 Wall Carpet i Sales - Rentals - Repairs
. & Upholstery [ Bikes - New and Used
lete Line Of Supplies
E 4th Olympia 352-1367 I 223 Cot~ 426 8118
,ets - Wall to WallTire Service
- Stripped, Polished [ , New OK Tires
- Walls - Upholstery | • Recapping
426-8138 NItes 426-4376 IMr. View Ph. 426-4832
I-Ielena Rubinstein cos-I , Air - Rail - Steamship I
tactics I , Bus - Hotels - Tours I
Prescriptions I • No Extra Charge For I
I'Iypo-Allergtc Cosmetics ~ i Our Service I
NELL'S PHARMACY I Angle Travel Res, Center I
i401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272I
& Franklin Ph. 426-3327 I 426-4134 I
TIT Service ..........
I , Radio - 'IV
i Eleetriq Heating
| , Phonographs
' Westinghouse AppliancesI . CB 2-way radio
Railroad Ph. 426-6283 I Mr. View Ph. 426-3172
h Repairing ------ TV Service"
New Hamilton &
Bulova Watches Fast and Guaranteed
types Jewelry Items TV and Radio Repairs
err Jewelry Repairing Antenna and Parts Service
Jeweler Armagost TV.Radlo 'Service
A. T. Boswell, Owner 1919 King St. (Mr. View)
R all road 426-6182 426-4342
& Ignition
& Tune-ups
,eclat Winterizing
E. Cota 426-3926
, Quality Work
of All Kinds
227 Cota Phone 426-4412
Swift's ,Premium or
Lennon's Shamrock
Fully Cooked
12 to 16 lb. Aver.
U.S.D.A. Grade A
17 to 24 lb. Aver. lb. 37¢
10 to 16 lb. Aver. lb. 39¢
Shank Half ........................................ lb. 45¢
Butt Half ........................................ lb. 49¢
Whole ................................................ lb. 49¢
Country Style Hygrade's Fiesta or Tradewell
S are Ribs .................... ;...: ........... 7 " d
p Slmo Ba©on ...................................... ,,. 59
Swifts "Hostess' or Hygrades Fiesta - Fully Hygrade a Skinless. 12 oz. pkg. %%
Cooked . Whole, Halves or Quarters
Boaelass Ila s .................................... ,b. 89 Wiaaers ................................................... Ea. 39¢
Shrimp or
H,ormel's or Morrell s - 5 lb. Can Fully Cooked at ;/~ Ib
... ¢ Crab Me ............................................... 98¢ '
++,reed Hams .................................... ,+. 79
Fresh, Lean
Center Cut Rib
& Sherbet i/2 I/2 Gal. e4P~,l~
gal. 59¢ Tradewell .... Size
Tradewel, 1!1 oz. 49*
3 Bag Box ........ pkg.
Brach's 12 oz. 49¢
Finest ...... pkg.
Nut 12 oz. ~,(~
Lunch " pkg.
Jaok O'
• % 40 oz.
.......................... T,n, 77*
Bradley - Mincemeat or Pumpkin
2 °" 77*
........................ Sizes
Holiday Special - All Varieties
Mixed Nuts ........ lb. 39¢
Large Cali-
fornia NAVEL
Long Green Calif. Stalks
Celery .................... 2/29¢
Large & Firm - Green
Peppers ................ 3/25¢
See Tradewell first for the largest assort-
ment and greatest savings on your Christ-
mas Flowers: .Poinsettias, Mums, Flock-
ed Trees, Wreaths, Swags, Cherry Plants
and potted Azaleas.
,Prices effective
thru Thurs.,
Dec, 24th. Re-
serve Right to
Limit Quantity.
No sale to
Best Foods
' OOZ,
; l~,