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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12 December 24, 1964 , I-IELTON--MA, 0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ch :!Stmtastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, WashingS. on Greeting by PAUL ROGERSON Evergreen School "Peace On Earth" Is Canal Club Yule Party 3heme "Peace on Earth" was the theme for the Christmas progrmn presented bv the Fine Arts de- partment of the Hood Canal Wom- an's Club at its meeting last Thursday in the Potlatch club- house. A blazinz fire in the fire- place and Yuletide decorations greeted the 30 members and guests who attended the morning busi- ness sessmn, the hmehcon and af- ternoon program. Mrs Carl Hansen. Fine Arts chairman was in charge of the program arranged by the depart- ment's writers' group. Featured were Christmas songs by Jim Shumate of Hoodsport, accompan- ied by Chaz Reedcr at the piano; original verse by Mrs. D. H. Pierce and Mrs. Frank Robinson: three original song compositions sung by the composer. Mrs. Do,,- ovan Palmer of Shelton accom- panied by Mrs. Reeder, and an original skit with a "Peace" theme,, produced by the writers' group. Christmas carols sung by members, guests and a roll call .with responses of Christmas verse, completed the program. "Awake. It's Christmas" was composed by lYrrs. Palmer espec- ially for the program. She played her own accompaniment for this and her other two numbers. "Hal- leluja! Christ is Born" and "Christmas Bells". Acting in the skit which depict- ed clubwomen working in a Christmas workshop wrapping gifts for an orphange, were the Mesdames Carl Hansen. Jack CKt- to, Zoe Sceva, John Shortsleeves and D. H. Pierce. An exchange of gifts from a decorated Christmas tree ended the afternoon session. Luncheon was served by a Pot- latch committee including Mes- dames Robert L. Rowe, T. Bry- an Miles, Matt Kaare, .Mae Dean, Edward Jenner. D. H. Pierce and Max Schmidt, Sr. Interesting Yule Program For 6arden Clube 6elffogetkorn Tw nty- . • b s a d one guest attended the apnual Christ- mas meeting and gift exchange of the Slmlton Garden Club Decem- ber 14 in the home of Mrs. Harry. Deegan. Mrs. Percy Kennerly and Mrs. F. A. Travis were co-host- esses. The program was in charge of Mrs. W. F. Roberts who led group reading depicting the Christmas BELLAINE :OGDEN has decided she wants to become an air- line stewardess and is planning her further education accordingly. Dancing has been one of her favorite activities since she started taking lessons 12 years ago. Eventually Bellaine Ogden plans was born here Aug. 23, 1947. She to "get up in the air" but for now 1 is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. she -is keeping her feel; pretty t Tom Ogden and has one older bro- firmly planted on the ground. A ther and an older sister. career as an airline stewardess is Typing and French are favor- the aim of this Shelton Htgh School senior. To prepare herself she plans to attend Centralia Jun- ior College one year then trans- fer to San Jose City college. Her subjects in her last year of high school include French II, civics, business English, biology and advanced typing. She is an of. rice worker in the school. ite subjects of this 5'4" brunette She has pretty dark brown eyes. Holiday Party Entertains Guests Of Beachcombers Shower Honors Bride-Elect Of Jerry Shimek A bridal shower for Miss Caro- lyn ~ndcrson. bride-elect of Jerry Shimek, was held December 8 in the home of Mcs. George Kaszy- cki with Mrs. Jack Swanson as co- hostess. Many friends and former teach- era of the bridegroom-to-be were in attendance. Games were played with prizes going to Mrs. Jim Needham and Mrs. Bob Temple. After gifts were opened by the future bride rcfresl]men ts were served from a pink and white buffet table decorated with wedding bells and candelabra Miss Anderson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Adrian Ander- son, San Jose, California. Her fu- tut'e in-laws are Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Shimek, Shelton. A De- cember 26 wedding date has been set, Square Dancers Slate New Year's Eve Party The Salty Sashayer Square Dance Club has cancelled its reg- ular dance this Saturday night as there will be a New Year's Eve dance in the Memorial hall. Ben- hie Berndson of Olympia will be the caller. Club members are asked to bring salads or dessert and the club will fm'nish ham and rolls. A special invitation is extended to all dancers who have been at- tending the dances regularly. VFW PARTY SUCCESS IN SPITE OF WEATHER A large crowd enjoyed the VFW Post and Auxiliary Christmas par- ty held last Friday night in the Memorial hall in spite of bad weather. Members are reminded dues must be in by the end of the year and there will be no meeting the first Friday in January. Greeting by Carol.:Sue Simpson Age 12 Mr. View School season. Others taking part were Bellaine's favorite activity is Mrs. V. T. Connolly, Miss Dora dancing. She has taken lessons Fredson, Mrs. Frank Travis, Sr, the past 12 years, She also likes and Mrs. I. Jeffery. swimming, skiing, horseback rid- Mrs. D. Palmer, co-chairman, ing and honda riding. She is a sang and played selections of her member of a Junior Orthopedic own compositions and Mrs. W. &:: Guild .. Witsiers gave a reading on the A native Sheltonian, Bellaine origin of the well-known hymn ...... "Silent Night". pO Music 01ub Re ris ACROSS •'.FROM EVERGREEN.,SQUARE DIRT DOBBER PARTY The Dirt Dobber Garden Club will hold its Christmas party at 1 p.m. Dec. 29 in the home of Mrs. Elroy Nelson on Capitol Hill. Denver Choir Concert Tremendous Success The beautifully decorated home of the Ralph Hoffmans welcomed members of the Shelton Music Club for the December 15 meet- ing. During the business portion of the meeting Mrs. Barrom. presi- dent, expressed the pleasure of all with the response of the nm,~y people who helped makc the con- cert of the Denver Choir a real success. The program was ateend- ed and thoroughly enjoyed by a capacity audience. The club is especially appre- ciative of the time and effort given by Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nic- loy who suggested the sponsoring of the choir for benefit of the scholarship fund. Each vear one or two students are sent to a summer music camp affiliated' with the State and National Fed- ration of Music Clubs. The singing of Christmas carols and other songs of the season, with ~rs. Loul Larson playing her portable organ, and readings of Christmas customs in many lands by members was followed by a gift exchange and Nena's famous Christmas Pudding served by hos- tesses Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. ~lena Roberts and Mrs. Carolyn Lentz. A study of the opera, "Rigolet- to" which is to be presented in Seattle will be the theme for the January meeting. The Beachcomber Garden Club .''~ ":~:.. held its regular meeting and '" .,"'~:'~ Christmas party in the home of Mrs. Paul MacKay December 12 in Allyn. A shor~ business meeting was called to order by President Mrs.! Vesta Reynolds at 11 a.m. Most members had g~msts who joined in the potluck hmcheon at 12:~5 p.m. and played games and ex- .~- "changed gifts afte~vards. Mrs. Pauline Woley, a new member, won the beautiful ltmch- con cloth made and donated by member Lyda Mac Jones, Pro- ceeds go into the scholarship fund. Members brought small deco~,- ated Christmas trees to be pres- ented to patients of Allyn House as a token of the holiday season. Club members arc makirig prep- ~rations for a flower show to be held in the future. The January meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Ann Westberg the second Thursday of the month. All interested parties are asked to attend. Just inform[ nd the hostess ahead of time that you a will be there. Greeting by BRIAN WILSON Age 12 Mt. View WINONA HOOD WAX-N-WOOL SHOP MAY MORGAN I, PAGE Age 12 Greeting by DIANE DEPOE Bordeaux School % Greeting by RANDY HOMAN Mt. View School B&R OIL Bill Besch - Glen Roessel ,I i!] ,Age 11 Greeting by BRIAN SLrND Evergreen School BARBARA NELSON, Advertising ".,: : , Greeting By TERRI BOSTRO~V£ -~ Age 11 -- Mt. View School -- 107 SOUTH FOURTH /