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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Olympia. Phone 352-2907. D 10/15 tfn $250. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cots. 4/16 tfn :B-~R~,-N Ei'-NEW- CO i:() ]k'-- imc-k--Pola rot d camera. Prlee reduced to $117.50. Ziegler's Camera Shop.1/23 tfn The Nation's Finest Color T.V. Zenith Color Costs n,o more. Try a Zenith in your home---no obligati,on. Compare it with any other. You'll want one when you see the difference--true color tones and perfect black & white too. Plus Zenith reliability (our two oldest Zenith C, olor TVs have never been serviced since in- stallation over 4 years ago.) Ask any of our Zenith owners. Get a Zenith, you'll be glad you did. ,,= , ,,H, Convenient Credit Terms = == = = = HI, ,IN= 1965 Models from $399,95 w/t EN 328 Cota 426-4702 i i ,i, BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 7/23 tfn I . McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS LOW AS $124.95 Sales & Service -- Sharpening B & W Marina -- Union, Wash. 898-2355 -- 5th & MoReavy 4/9 tfn ii i Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, cutting Lemke'= Service 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2255 11/21 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200, E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tfn ' .... Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph, 877-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5117 tt~ Znd & Cots 426-2445 IF YOU NEED A HANDYMAN-- CALL C. J. OSBORNE PH. 426-6241 12/10 tfn ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE EASTERN WASHINGTON Phone Mrs. Bill Wivell 426.3801 Route 3, Box 643 Shelton, Wash. 12/17-24 Oakland Fireplace Wood Heater - Tempered Glass Doors Excellent .................. =89,50 Ashley Wood Heater Excellent =89'° Wood Heater, . .......... .$15°0 needs linings All Naugahide Large Reclining $A~_ ~50 Chair ............................ ~ Biltwell Davenport $~1~00 & Chair .................... ~ Antique Velvet Fluted $~00 Back Sofa ................ B~ 4 pc. Bedroom Suite Walnut, DD w/m Chest, Big Bed. Cannot be told from new SAVE 50:00 =1295o or more .... NEW High Back Biltwell Swivel Rockers Choice of Colors $5500 Save $15.95 ............ Rollaway Bed $~1~00 48" Wide .................... ~ Chest, Eastern '10°° Hardwood ................ Birds Eye Maple $~J~00 Vanity w/mirror .... Antique Buffet Oak, $~J~00 worth more .................. ~-~.~1 Oak Pedestal $~00 Table .......................... ,~ 328 Cota St. 426-4702 II I ors l)]ease conta(:t Box No, MVP c/o the Journal. We pay highest prices. ' M 12/24-3]. AVON CALLING• -- Have a few ter- ritories open in the Shelton area-- Mattock, Hoodsport, Union and Brin- non arca. :For private interview in your home write Mary Rasmussen, 600 'N. 'T' St., Aberdeen, Wash. R 12/24 tfn For Rent FOR RENT -- Lovely redwood A-frame Chalet, completely furnished, car- pettng, fireplace, sundeck on nice beacl~ next to golf course. Four miles from Shelton 426-8277.B 11/26 tfn downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn COMPLETELY furnished cottage be- tween Union and Twanoh State park on Hood Cana! Hiway. Handy to buses and fishing $45, St. Rt. Box 255 Union. 898-2276. C 10/1 tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURI~ISi-IE~)- one bedroom apartments, two blocks from bank, shopping center. Appli- ances, heat, hot water, garbage ser- vice furnished. Tiled sinks, bath- tubs, showers. Ample storage. Quiet, clean, attractive surroundings. Also bachelor units for single persons, electric kitchens, ,.tiled showers, ex- haust fans, built-in dressing rooms. Three laundry rooms, automatic wa- shers, dryer. Abundance hot water and heat. Good beds, of course! Lawton Apts,, 7th & Pine. Shown by appointment. Phone 426-2121. L 12/10 tfn FOR RENT --- Furnished apartments. Phone 426-6663. C 12/3 tfn ONE BEDROOM apartment furnished, 718 North 6th. D 8/13 tfn FOR RENT -- Clean furnished one bedroom apartment, reasonably priced. One block from shopping center. Call 426-8277. W 11/26 tfn room apartment. Furnished, mod- ern, downtown area. Water and heat furnished. Adults. 119 E. Cedar. 426-4895 or 426-4481. G 11/26 tfn ~'-oR--RENT-=Z-Unfurnished two be(l-: room modern, new apartments on Mt. View. Wall-to-wall carpeting, draperies, laundry facilities, appli- ances, private parking and private locked storage space. Heated swim- ruing pool. $99.50 mouth. Contact manager. Phone 426-3100. E 11/26 tfn E 11/26 tfn FOR ~T -- Reea Apt.-~-b-eciroSinT unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 4~6- 4336. D 8/~9 tfn FOR RENT ,Mt. View Community Club House anytime. For information call 426-3959 or 426-2406, M 6/18 tfn MILL CREEK MOTEL has one and two bedroom cottages. Call 426-4420. Highway 101 south. S 6/11 tfn FOR RENT -- Two new. furnished. modern one-bedroom hodscs at Tup- pet's Resm't on Lake Nahwatzel. 8 miles to Corrections Center, 14 miles to Shelton. Phone 426-8323. 9/17 tfn FOR RENT -- Clean two bedroom un- furnished house. Reference requir(;d. $55 month. Waterfront Revlty, I)hone 426-8277. W ]2/10 tfn EDGE W0 0]IJ--APTS L-£--o-ne, -t we- -ai~d tl)r(~e be(]rool~m. Nicely furnished. Automatic heat. Lois of room. (Heau and neat. From $45 me. At the Shelton Airport. Call 426-8584. F()I~RENT --- One bedroom furnished house. Phone 426-46,14. S 12/17 tfn FOR' RENT 22: Thre(. bed~:oon~ l~0use J'llraisbe(]. Four miles from Sh~qt(Jll. $70. Photo; 426-6576. S 12/17-2~ Prompt - Guaranteed Se,wice WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 Can make it hers for First monthly payment in February Zig Zag Machine from .................... $99.95 Sewing Machines from ...... .............. $59.95 Vacuum Cleaners from .................... $24.95 Polishers & Rug Shampooers from .................... $24.95 Typewriters from .................... $49.95 Shirt Pocket Radios from .................... $14.95 Phonographs from .................... $24.77 Christmas Record Albums etc. from ............ $ 1.00 MANY GIFTS TO CHOOSE FROM Open Monday and Friday Nights Until 9:00 The Singer Co. 117 5th Avenue East Olympia, Wash. 35%7586 FOR SALE Farm of 124 acres on Lost Lake road. 16 miles from Shelton. G o o d buildings. A b o u t 50 acres cleared. Robert A. SI,oane, 110 Cota Street, Shelton, Washington 11/5 tfn Plastering Patch plastering --- Marblecrete Stucco --- also taping reasonable rates 426-4638 8/27 tfn Marden M. Stroud Dick Kaauf Barbara Stroud Call 426-8277 Anytime Fast, courteous service 2 & 3 bedroom homes situated in one of Shelton's most popular areas. We now have available-- LAKESHORE -- 3 bedrooms, fireplace with barbecue, enclosed patio area, oak floors, colored bath fixtures, birch cabinets and gar- age ..... $14,250.00 CORONET -- 3 bedrooms, garage, oak floors birch cabinets, fireplace, colored bath fixtures and patio area ..... $13,333.00 COLINDA --- 2 bedrooms, family room, birch cabinets, colored bath fixtures, separate stor- age room, patio area, and shake roof . .... $10,250.00 All these homes are available with LOW DOWN PAYMENTS & SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS We at WESTGATE BUILDERS welcome your inspection Turn west at Airport Service Station onto Spring Road - WOODLAND MANOR is lo- cated just east of the intersection of Island Lake Road on Spring Road. Watch for signs. Olympia, Wash. Call Today 943-7990 12/17 tfn condition, partly furnished, $3250. FINCH CREEK--Large, two bed- room home, fireplace, large lot, 2 creeks, $11,995, terms. View lots with beach access $1,- 400 and up. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5277 evenings Union 898-2263 below stated; and in case of ure so to do. judgment will dered against you accordin demand of the Complaint, been filed with the Clerk Court. That the cause of action for a divorce between tim named wherein Plaintiff vorce from the Defendant, E. NIETO, on the grounds treatment by tim Defendant. JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Plaintiff Offiee & Post Office Address: Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenue Shclton, Washington 98584 11/26 You Can't Beat Journal Want I| I OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE PHONE 426-3530 (1) 5 Acres, with a creek, some timber, close to town, acres cleared, 5 room house, 2 bedrooms $7~000. terms. Will take a trade iu town. (2) 5 Acres, close to town, all cleared in pasture, beautiful bedroom home, large living room, with fireplace, ment, Auto-oil furnace, beautiful family home, Will take a trade in town. (3) 6 Room house, dining and dinette, all qlect, heat, basement, $6,000.00. With Terms. .. (4) 2 Lots on Salt Water, 110 Ft. & 200 Ft. $20.00 per (5) Approximately 7500 Ft. of Hood Canal waterfront tidelands. Approximately 80 acres with some timber, price $60,000.00. (6) 150 Ft. waterfront, $30.00 per foot with tidelands, (7) 100 Ft. with tidelands, summer cottage, excellent on Harstine Island. $7,000.00. Easy Terms. (8) (0) First class duplex excellent neighborhood, corn decorated, full basement and furnaces, sprinlder this is a real buy at $15,800.00. Terms. 150 Ft. tidelands, good level building spot. No banl~w ccllcnt gravel Beach. $75.00 per foot. Terms. (10) 80 Acres, approximately 35 cleared, house, barn. Christmas tree ground and some timber. Full price 500.0~). Terms. (11) Owner leaving United States must sell at discotn~t cellent 2 bedroom home elect, heat, Close to district. Full Price unfurnished $6950.00 or $7500.00. (12) 3 Bedrooms, Dining room, Fireplace, oil furnace, garage, 1 acre, cleared $12,500.00. Easy Terms. (13) (14) Angles]de, will sell for less titan appraised value. 2 rooms, fireplace, Automatic hot water heater. Dow~ merit $500.00. Full Price $10,500.00. New . . . 3 Bedroom Homes: Fireplace, Patio, Elech'ic Range, Completely insulated, Clos.e to town Full Price $14,250.00. 7% Down. Evening Call 426-3397