December 24, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1970 |
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Carl J. White
Dies In Hospital
Carl J, White, Rt. 2 Box 864,
Shelton, died Monday in Mason
General Hospital at the age of 63.
lie was born July 20, 1907 in
Richmond, Calif. lte had resided
m th:s area for the past two years,
having moved here from San
Francisco upon retirement from
his profession as Greyhound bus
driver. |te is survived by his wife,
Gloria, of the home.
Funeral and burial will be in
El Cerrito, California.
Dictators always look good
until the last minutes.
Thomas G. Masaryk
Complete Tuxedo
Rental Service
Men's WOn10n'$
409 Railroad
Get Awar
Several Mason County
employees of the State Park
Department were honored with
service awards at a special
ceremony in Olympia Dec. 14.
Their service pins were
presented by Ralph E. Mackey,
chairman of the Washington State
Parks and Recreation
Honored for 10 years service
were Armon Tuberg, Head
Ranger, Twanoh State Park; Ben
Hemstreet, Head Ranger, and Art
Irvin, Park Ranger II, both from
Belfair State Park.
ttonoered for five years of
service were James McAuliffe,
Park Ranger I1, Jarrells Cove State
Park; and George Carlson, Park
Ranger III, Potlatch State Park.
Also among those honored for
ten years of service was Richard
Clifton, artist-illustrator with the
State Park Headquarters in
Olympia. Clifton, the son of Mrs.
Cecelia Clifton Cornell, Shelton,
is a former Shelton resident.
,- Records * Record Players
Sheet Music & Books
*Tape Players -Record Racks
..Tapes .Tape Carrying Cases
Instruments and Accessories
Pianos *Organs.Chord Organs
Harmonicas *Guitars:
Everything In Music Look To
Open Nights
'ti~ 8:30 p.m.
205 COTA 4264302
i ± _J_
~.-.~ ~ktE.~.'~.5~.¸'t¸ - , ........
CHILDREN OF LAW enforcement and fire fighters children
in the area were guests of the Chamber of Commerce at a
party at the PUD 3 building last week. The 70 unique
decorations on the Christmas Tree were made by Debbie
Parsons, shown here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Waiter
Parsons• Parsons was chairman of the project for the
Department has applied to the
U.S. Coast Guard for a permit to
modify the existing bridge to
Stretch Island.
The county withdrew an
earlier application for the
construction of a new bridge after
a number of objections to the
construction were w)iced by
residents of the area.
The bridge connects Stretch
Island to the mainland in the
Grapeview area.
Mason County Road In its application, the county treated timber structure on the
Too Late to Classify
asked permission to reconstruct
the bridge by constructing a new
These tides are for the Union
area. For Shelton and Oakland
Bay, add one hour and 45
minutes and 2.5 feet.
Thursday, Dec. 24
ttigh ....... 3:17 a.m. 10.1 ft.
Low ....... 7:23 a.m. 8.4 ft.
ttigh ...... 12:35 p.m. 11.3 ft.
Low ....... 8:11 p.m. 0.5 ft.
Friday, Dec. 25
High ....... 4:11 a.m. 11.1 ft.
Low .......8:29 a.m. 8.9 ft.
High ....... 1 : 11 p.m. 11.3 ft.
Low .......8:53 p.m. -1.5 ft.
Saturday, Dee. 26
Iligh ....... 4:53 a.m. 11.9 ft.
Low .......9:23 a.m. 9.2 ft.
ttigh ....... 1:47 p.m. I 1.4 ft.
Low .......9:35 p.m. -2.3 ft.
Sunday, Dec. 27
ttigh ....... 5:29 a.m. 12.5 ft.
Low ...... 10:11 a.m. 9.2 ft.
lligh ....... 2:29 p.m. 11.5 ft.
Low ...... 10:11 p.m. -2.9 ft.
existing concrete bents across the
The proposal also calls for
increasing the roadway width and
placing the roadway profile on a
parabolic curve resulting in raising
the west end approximately one
and one half feet.
Vertical clearance in the two
spans open to navigation will not
be less than previously improved,
and the horizontal clearance for
the two spans will not be
changed, the permit said.
According to the Coast
Guard, the bridge was constructed
under a permit'ts~tled ifi q qt 9r and
reconstructed on a permit issued
in 1954.
25 Light String
Cello Pack of 6
Monday, Dec. 28
For Sale - Three piece double
bed, bedroom set. Good
condition, $75. Phone 426-8946.
Aluminum Jeep top for sale.
$60.00. Phone 426-2118. T12/24
Is Caught
Large "A" Frame at Lake
Limerick with clubhouse, golf and
lake privileges. Single or couple.
References. $95.00. Write A.
Matz, Route 2, Box 109, Everett,
Wash. Phone Eves. 252-2933.
A 16-year-old escapee from
Green ttill was arrested by
Shelton Police early Tuesday
Officers arrested the youth at
a Shelton residence after a woman
called the police station to report
he was in her home talking to one
of her children.
Officers had been watching
for the escapee, and had spotted
him previously but were unable to
catch him.
He was booked into the
Mason County Jail to await
disposition by junvenile
The art of progress is to
preserve order amid change and to
preserve change amid order.
Alfred North
Elane K. Saeger
Dies In Seattle
Elane K. Saeger, Rt. 1 Box
343, Centralia, died December 16
in the Harbor View Medical
Center in Seattle. She was 26
years old.
She was born April 24, 1944
in Shelton and had lived here all
of her life prior to moving to
Centralia two years ago.
She is survived by her
husband, Ralph, of the home;
three sons, Michael, Todd and
Daniel; her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Rodgers, Shelton; a
brother, Larry Rodgers; two
sister, Mrs, Donna Brown of
Louisiana and Mrs. Trudy Warner
of Shelton; grandmothers Mrs.
Cora Rodgers, Shelton, and Mrs.
Baxter of Montana.
A service was held in the
Batstone Funeral Home at 11
a.m. on Friday with the Rev.
Mason Youngland officiating.
John Kneelar
annouces he ha!
acquired, from
Rayonier Inco
the lands adjacent to
Questions or inc
regarding the
should be directed
John Kneeland
426-4889 or P.O.
81, Shelton, Washin
lint ?o,r,lbot dmcn for...
The Gaucho Boot
The great hoot look. lligh
and manly. What a feeling
... when you feel like
breaking away frolll the
ordinary. In now colors...
soft, soft, leather. Zip it
on and off ! Fabuhms
footwork for fall.
"T~t~ F~ ,, ! Our Shoe C lub~'----:-~--:------Now Has=------------~1
5d.e S re I Over 2500 Members
107 S. 4th
At 6 p.m. Christmas Eve.
Reg. $6.98
ltigh ....... 6:05 a.m. 13.0 ft.
Low ...... 10:59 a.m.
!) ,, ,ve o u r ~~i
need, d r, !he fol- :i
tore will be : ii
, i
' "OSEI) SA ' D C" 6
Coast-to-Coast Lumbermen s of Shelton
Shelton Electric Lloyd's :,;
Kay's Draperies Western Auto
Olsen Furniture Co. Fells & Valley ii
, Montgomery Ward Appliance Center
We will be open for bus-
iness as usual, Man., Dec. 2 I
t .:'' I\
Reg. 69¢ ea. $I 98
9.1 ft. NOW
lfigh ....... 3:17 p.m. 11.6 ft. A.Numb r907, $5 oOSpray Mist with Talc, ~,:~
Low ...... 10:53 p.m. -3.3 ft. Pretty Smooth B. HaconeMiStWim'Dusting "~t
Tuesday, Dec. 29 Powder, Number 914, $5•50
Wednesday, Dec.lligh ....... 6:4la.m. 13.430 ft. tad ies, :. Reg. $6.79",/~~
;r .ow
Low ...... l 1:47 a.m. 8.7 ft. .....
,igh ....... 4:05pm ,, 5ft
LOW ll:35p.m. _3.3ft. K~ i ...... mm~I i I! ' "
ltigh ....... 7:11 am. 13.6 ft.
Low ......12:35 p.m.8.1 ft.
tligh ....... 5:05p.m. ,,.2f,. Leatl ;
Thursday, Dec. 31 ~°~41[ :, .'
Low ......12:17 am. -2.8 ft. ALL PURPOSE /
High ....... 7:47 ft LOTION
Low ....... 1:23 p.m. 7.3 ft.
itigh ....... 6:05 p.m. 10.7 ft. 4 Ounce )50
I--~--I '~
5 Ounce Vnenna E
/too. / ...... .... C I
16 Ounce ooli
] offer 0f special interest to those [
/who hear but do not tmdersland I S A
~,,0~ ~,, ~. ~..0u.~ ~,, 3;9
] Beltone. A non.0perating replica [
[ of the smallest Beltone aid ever [
[ made will be given absolutely [
[ free to anyone answering this ad- [
/ vertisement" [ , CONTINENTAL "~-~,n~
/ r,: to ,ee how it is x, orn, / k
[ in the privacy o£ your n~n home, |
|vithout cost or obligation of any / ,, ~ ....
lkind. It's yours to keep, free. It U ~i
[ ounce and it's all at ear level, in ]
| one unit. NO wires lead from body | '~
] These non-operaling models are [
] free. so we suggest you 'phone |
[we repeat, there is no cost and [
[certainly no obligation. Call 943- [ ~,); by
/ /
I 418 S, Washington, Olympia [ B~ ~ :~ ~ ~ "
kDi*l 94~-9650 Yd. Adv.] BARTON'S CHOCOLATES
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 24, 1970