December 24, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 24, 1970 |
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ngs ecome
In a gown of Chantilly type blue taffeta with a blue lace over
lace and imported rayon organza dress was the choice of the
shimmering with seed pearls and mother of the bride. Her
French sequins Martha Jane accessories were white. The
Giddings, at 3:30 p.m. on mother of the groom wasgowned
November 7, became the bride of in green lace over a lime green
Monte Lee Marshall. The double sheath with matching accessories.
ring ceremony was performed by Both mothers wore white
Pastor Donald Wantland in the carnation corsages with gold
First Baptist Church in Aberdeen, ribbon.
where pews were decorated with Serving the four-tiered : ....
blue bows and trailing ivy. At the wedding cake at the reception
: altar stood two baskets of large held in the Fellowship Hall
white chrysanthemums accented following the ceremony were Mrs.
by blue bows, and the candelabra Verne Giddings, sister-in-law of
held both blue and white candles, the bride, and Mrs. Robert :~
--.. The bride is the daughter of Wagner. The cake was topped by
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. Giddings of bride and groom figurines, and
Cosmopolis, We. and the groom is two accompanying heart shaped
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. cakes each held a dove and were
Marshall of Shelton. inscribed with the names of the
Wearing a shoulder length veil, newlyweds. The cake was made
the top of whichwasornamented .... by Mrs. Graves of Shelton.
with seed pearls and sequins to ~ , ~...~ Groom's cake and rice were
match her dress, the bride carried passed by Laurie Wieland and
~. white camellias with blue apple Timmy Pollick.
i White covered tables were
blossoms and lily-of-the-valley. ~ decorated with large blue bows,
- Long white ribbons streamed . ,~
~" ..... from the bouquet, the center of candles, and an arrangement of
~~' ..... which formed a going-away ~ white and blue daisies.
corsage of camellias and apple Also serving were Mrs. LeRoy ....
blossoms. The neckline and cuffs ~i White, Mrs. Lorine Whitener, and
. of her gown, as well as the Mrs. Anton Ellison, aunts of the i
detachable watteau train, were groom. Gifts were opened by Mrs ....
.... scalloped. She was given in Carl Wieland, aunt of the bride,
marriage by her father, and Mrs. Gordon Stewart, sister of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Henderson
,,,~' Matron of honor Mrs. Philip the groom. Mrs. Kenneth Pollick,
.... Leithold was attired in floor Mr. and Mrs. Monte Lee Marshall sister of the bride, attended the
.... length pale blue patterned with guest book. Cindo Wotson Is Wedd
The bride is a graduate of
tiny white flowers and belted blue carnations and white apple Wieland carried a small basket
.~; filled withblueandwhitedaisies. North River High School and I u t)l"KIr'" gL"eremony
withblue ribbon. She carried a blossoms. Their headpieces were I r'~
o ..... nosegay of white carnations and white with baby blue streamers. Ring bearer was Timmy Pollick, Weaver Air Lines. She is n ou e n
.... .... blue apple blossoms and wore Best man was Gary Lewis nephew of the bride, employed by Sears, Roebuck &
.... flowers in her hair. In gownsMarshall, brother of the groom, Candles were lighted by Mike Co. in Shelton. The groom is aYellow, bronze and gold green satin taffeta gown
identical to hers were bridesmaids and the 135 guests were seated by Marshall, brother of the groom, Shelton High School graduate, chrysanthemums decorated the with short sleeves and an
":; .... Karen Hicks, Gall Eaton, Pamela Car I G id dings and Verne and Gorden Stewart, Jr., nephew and is employed by United States First Christian Church for the waist marked by a
.... Wagner and junior bridesmaid Giddings, brothers of the bride, of the groom. Soloist Phil Wacker Engineer Tech. of Hoodsport. double ring ceremony that united in yellow, green and oran:
Dora May Giddings, sister of the Kenneth Pollick, brother-in-law of sang "More" and "1 Love You After a honeymoon week-endin matrimony Cinda Watson, headpiece was held by
bride. White ribbon belts were the bride, and Donald Whitener, Truly." Mrs. Nan0y Wacker was in Seattle the couple is at home in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George bronze pore-puns, alli
worn, and the nosegays of thecousin of the groom, organist. Shelton. W a t s o n, a n d William H.bouquet of the same
• bridesmaidswere fashioned of Flower girlLaurie Ann An A-line dress of sapphire Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. bronze and yellow was
JO LUSIGNAN and daughter MQllie find enjoyment in the Kelly Henderson. The Rev. Ed yellow ribbon.
preparations for the holidays. Chamberlain officiated at 8 p.m. Bridesmaids Debbie
4"H NEWS on November 21 before 150 and Diane Lemon were
guests, yellow dresses
bb Seed pearls accented the styling to that of the
Jo Lusignan Wins Ri ons Hi-Riggers Meet neckline ofthebride'swhitesatin honor. Their net head
Hum baked Bread brocade gown, and matching were held by bronze
For H e r e- Naomi Johns assisted in the pearls were attached to the crown and their bouquets of
making of cookies during the that held her short nylon veil. Her bronze pom-pons
First time fair exhibitor Jo received it from a friend in whose T O D A Y! S December 14 meeting of the
Lusignan had ahead-of-time family it had been used for Hood Canal Hi-Riggers 4-H Clubdress was styled with a shortribbons. Gowned in like!
evaluation of her products, tter generations. For many years the held in the home of Kenny Drake. train, and she carried with a white were candlelighters Lynn
mother, who judges for fairs in recipe existed only in the minds The baked goods were given to Bible, a bouquet of white and Cindi Jo Baker,
Spokane where she is employed as of the users. A few weeks before shut-ins, carnations, yellow roses and bride.
a Home Economics teacher, washer death, the mother of the Jan Danford, Society Editor Melva Prusia became a lily-of-the-valley with iw, yellow The groom selected asI
visiting at the time. She didn't friend worked out the previously member of the club at the net and ribbon, man LeRoy Robbins,
The bride was given in ushers Arnold Rogers
g i v e h e r t o o m u c h thrown-together proportions and ,, December 3 meeting, at which amarriage by her father, and her Robbins. Musician was
encouragement, put the recipe in writing, using food chart was studied and
"She was much more critical pound measurements. It has since pictures cut from magazines tosister, Cheri Watson, as her maid Silva, and vocalists were
of honor wore a floor length Rice and Cheri Watson,
.than oar judge, s," lo laughe.,d. "I been transcribed into more | • • m~e a food nutrition p~tg~r. "The Lord's Prayer."
.................. "Treats ~ere brougtt~ the
OOI ers lOS
won blue ribbons on both my modern form. A cantaloupe-
mother of Billy Bryant, who was • ~ ~, r~
oatmeal bread and my white Sicilian Christmas Cookies absent. /Mew rear/,/once dress with three-quarter
bread, and also ribbons for (no baking powder is required) Preschoolers usually thinkchildren are still having fun." if an activity is not absorbing the by Vicky Bloomfield, reporter. Is Scheduled was the choice of the m,
the bride. Her patent shOO
pickles, canned green beans and 4 C. Flour parties are wonderful inventions, "Preschoolers like to win, so children's interest or falls flat. purse were black and her l
relish." 2 C. sesame seed Miss Jo-Ann Pizzello, County games of competition are out.Just have enough alternate ideas . At 8oyshore Club were white. The grooms r~
Jo was born in Utah and IV2 C. sugar Extension Agent of Mason Non-competitive activities such as worked, out to keep the party
raised in Spokane. She attended 1 tsp. salt County said. Since adults should rolling and cutting out play dough moving,' she said. FreshlTlen Enrolled lhe New Year s Dance of the wore beige knit with b
accessories. White ca~~
the University of Washington, 2 C. shortening have a good time at the party too, are more suitable. Making and The goal of every party is to Among freshmen enrolled at Bayshore Golf Club will begin at formed their corsages.
after which she taught a third 3 tsp. vanilla a friend or neighbor can be asked decorating party hats is another have fun. Preplanning and a the University of Puget Sound are 9:30 p.m. on December 31 and The three-tiered '¢/~
grade class at Bainbridge Island Sherry wine (ordinary to assist in the planning and to favorite. Try gathering ribbons, relaxed attitude during the party Karolee Stevens, daughter of Mr. continue until 2 a.m. Live music cake, in the form of a ~
forshea yearandPriOrhertOhusbandher marriage.Guy, California Sherry) attend the party• Morning or feathers, old buttons and lethelp to meet this goal. and Mrs. R.M. Stevens, Shelton; and a smorgasbord lunch will be cross, was adorned with Y'
who is a forester with Simpson Sift flour and measure. Sift flour, some time after the afternoon nap children decorate as they see fit. lerald L. Sparks, son of Mr. and featured, roses and silver leaves, and~
Timber Co., now have four sugar and salt together threeare good times to schedule a Dressing up in adult clothes,Bensons Visited Mrs. Robert Sparks, Shelton;and For further information call
times. Add sesame seed and mix party, playing with paper dolls and
Richard D. Ricker, son of Mr. and McCombs Business Service or with bells and with figu~ ~
bride and groom Servi~] i
children. Eric is in the fourth well. (It is best done with the"'Invite no more than three or making things with clay all are By Edwin Frazier Mrs. John K. Ricker of Keys Draperies. Both members " eC
grade, Peter is in the third, Jann Jeanne Almy, Gerri
in the second and five year old hands). Add shortening and mixfour guests to a toddler's party; non-competitive." Hoodsport. and guests are welcome.
Mollie attends pre-school, well, still using hands. Add vanilla four to six guests for 3 and 4 year She said to let children keep Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Benson Madaline Quinn and~
des she o
A special delight of the and sufficient sherry to make a old children. But by the time the on with an activity if they are were visited by Mrs. Benson s Rasmussen.pare Howell took cla~"~at is," do. :
dl Inmunlz
stiff, slightly sticky dough• On a child is six, as many as eight enjoying themselves. Even if brother, Tech. Sgt. Edwin Frazier the guest book and presi~ .
children and source of pleasure to lightly floured board roll a guests can be invited,", she said. another activity is planned, it is of the United States Air Force, I ~ the gift table were Sandy Id~°~ate tragic.
the entire family is the Advent handful of the dough into a long The smallest children will benot necessary to follow the clock who left for duty in Viet Nam on I ~I)~~ ~t" ~'~I t cousin-of-the-bride Linda It1~an m easier, aJ[Iruoes ~ sn'
Calendar created by Mrs. tubular strip about an inch insatisfied withaparty foranhour to start and stop fun, buthave a DecemberlJ. ~1~ Brenda and Monica AlmYfl"~h .. ,
Lusignan. On a two foot by four diameter. Cut into I'A to 2 inch or so and a party for six year dials basic planned schedule that Sgt. Frazier and his family |u e dlsea~
out scrolls |%
foot burlap covered board, each lengths. Bake in a 375 degree could last as long as three hours, included several activities as welt were stationed for three years in 1_ By Jan Dsnford | ~, " . I" red son:
~ne groom ~s em I. t~
of the 24 days preceding oven for about 20 minutes. 1)oMiss Pizzello added. "However, it as the refreshment time. Japan. His wife and four children
LeRoy'sTelevision ~ It' ne case
Christmas is represented by not grease pan. is best to end a party while the 'Feel free to change the plan now reside in New Mexico.
pictures and legends dealing with The Praying Mantis It was especially nice of him, after a wedding trip to only
the observance of the holiday in Female preys as he really hated that hat. Coast the couple is
other lands, as well as On bugsand worms; * * * Shelton.
explanations of our symbolic Before shelays
Christmas colors and our use of Her eggs, gone swiftly I shed no childhood
the wreath and the tree in Yule Celibate, Tears because i ~l~
decor. Each day holds a small gift She gobbles up I heard there was
for one of the children. Her hapless mate. No Santa Claus;
Mrs. Lusignan paints in both The Praying Mantis But how it cuts me
oils and watercolors; she makes Male just prays To the quick
c~indles, and she does much That maybe she That I myself OF
baking, including the making of Will change her ways. Am now St. Nick.
breads and fruitcakes, She sews •;::, • * * MAKEUP
• * * / Q. I am 50 years old,
and upholsters, and supervises j~ '.'~ My sister, being a relative, /unes in my face show it.
care of the family pets which ' I will never forget the year
include rabbits, guinea pigs, cats that my Christmas puppy ate mysometimes reads my column; she /use foundation.
and a dog. She is a member of mother s Christmas hat. found out that I was giving her a ] A. Definitely, so long
Faith Lutheran Church and she A gorgeous and expensive pair of peafowl for Christmas and /not a cake makeup, r,
|ma keup, or any other
attends Coinea Discussion Group hand made hat it was, too, and she sent me in return two |designed for young, oilY sR!
at the United Methodist Church. long had she admired it in the spawning salmon. / A foundation with
She is president of the Rainier shop window of our little town s Unfortunately, they grew ladded -- or a ,qu,J
Orthopedic group, and a leader of ..... a rancid in transit. I would have ll
wornto keep°Veryoura moisturlzercomplexlOn-4
exclusive mdllner. Her Ohs nd kept them anyway but the fresh.
Brownie Girl Scouts. "Ahs" as she opened her gift were neighbors got wind of it.
Her recipe was given to her by almost as enthusiastic as were mine A YOUNGER, |
her husband's great aunt, who had when a two month old mongrel * * * COMPLEXIOI I A
.............. pup was placed in my eager tenI remember yet the day o. HOW can I m111~|~
Adoption, Child year old arms. When I was six years old complexion look younger?
I could hardly let that little And walked on Christmas morning A. Moisture is the s
Care & Counseling ,, ..... dog out of my sight long enough Through the bright and bitter cold youthful-looking Co'
o¢ pjf 'S Cleansers, toners,
to eat my Christmas dinner, and Out to the barn, my father creams are all now
i n v i e w o f s u b s e q u e n t And my mother by my side
developments it would have been To find my Christmas pony
a great deal better if I hadn't. And to take my Christmas ride.
My mother's hat was I've owned a lot of horses since - a day.
THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING anniversary will be celebrated THE BATCHELORS on their wedding day. fashioned with a full and A champion or two -
by Mr. and Mrs. William C. Batchelor. sweeping brim, the entire surface But not a one of them has donesoft -- rather than
of which was covered with tiny And none will ever do
I • I velvet fl°wers" When' after a The wondrous things that I recall; aglow. Cool,
o ~ng e e leisurely and sumptuous meal, we For when I was a kid turquoise
~| | returned to the living room, it was My heart was thrilled by
my pup who was covered with everything
bl,,~S Mr. and Mrs. Win. C. Mena, Ark. and Mrs. Batchelor in o1 both World Wars and of Bill and Anne Batchelor are past little velvet flowers and the My Christmas did.
H Batchelor (Bill and Anne) willWishek, N.D. They were marriedCampaigns in Mexico and China. Matron and Patron of The Order horribly mutilated hat was bare as The sweet, swiftP°nyyears have
Stole-Wide Service m ark t h eir 50th wedding in San Diego, Calif. on Dec. 27th, Since arriving in Shelton the of Eastern Star, Guardians of Jobs a bald head. hurried by
anniversary on Sunday at a 1920. Batchelor retired from the Batchelors have been active in Daughters, and members of the 1 never loved my mother more And here I am again
West Central Branch reception to be held from 2 p.m. Navy in 1946 as a Lieutenant civic and fraternal affairs, Order of Amaranth. than when she expressed concern Living Christmas morning now Emergency Oh. 421
to 5 p.m. in the United Methodist Commander and joined Mrs. Batchelor having served as MasonThe Batchelors have one for the puppy's digestive tract; Just as I lived it then, Fifth & Franklin
201 $.34th St. Church. All friends are invited; it Batchelor, who had lived in County Director of Civil Defense daughter, Betty Ann. Their only nor did I ever regard my father Walking with this kid of mine Open Daily 9:30to
Tacoma, Washington is requested that no gifts be Shelton since 1942 while her and onthecitycouncilduringtheson was lost inthesecondWorldmore highly than when he Through sparkling drifts of snow Saturdays--g:3Ot°
91401 -- GR 2-3355 presented, husband was on duty over seas. Korean "war. He is a member of War. immediately ordered another To find a Christmas pony
-- ,, , Bill Batchelor wasbornin Commander Batchelor is a veteran Mount Moriah Lodge of Masons. identicalhat. As l did so long ago.
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 24, 1970