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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1970
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Local G Married In Recent eremony " ~, ~ °°° o " . in ' " " ' " ~ " justeats'plain waterWhichwithatUrned 2u~ to~ elsewhere in the room. The Brownies went caroling at . * . ~, -,. ,. .. o b~g The Andy Scotts expect to their last meeting, after which* * h t * "- ° " * BY ttuUDSt'ORT--IBelIs just color for zip. have a lively household Christmas they enjoyedhot chocolate and ~ _llll. ' II ." ." ,. ". -" naturally bring to mind the To add more fun to the Eve, when their children Roger, cake at the Bryants. ~°1.|||~ n ° ~ |. ~ "~ ![iI holiday season, but this time it evening Santa dropped by in aDick and Donna drop by with Friday Misty and I were F | | -' t L ,J • | _ ab J was weddinl~bellsforSilviaSund, tattered suit and red wig, witha their'families. They will haven pleased to have the Bill :il ' Ri I~. | q[I ~ IllJ Silvia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bag of gifts for Kim Michaels. gift exchange before having a Challender family of Shelton as /]1 • .. t roll •"'.limB' I . ' -- Harold Sund, was married to Blanche Callahan formerly of buffet suoper It has been a guests. The only guests turned out '"Ill I. ~1! ~ . Bruce Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. this area, now residing in Lacey tradition in the Scott family to to be Dee Dee, Dlanne, Darcy and l . i~L,p , . , • • ° Harold Wilson of Island Lake Dec. and Dorothy Edwards who have a Birthday cake at the end of 2 week old Jimmy. Nina was put ~ : ,," -- _ "~ i "4k° ~A.-..~ ** 20 at the First Baptist Church in recently returned here were the evening in honor of the to work painting the windows -, - "" & °'~hm•Lm ., ° ~l~m Shelton. special guests at this delightful "Christ Child" to keep the real with Christmas scenes, while Bill ° tf .° • IL~.f o ~ ~, , ° . " . • TP =~i: After a honeymoon in Hawaii party, meaning of Christmas alive for theoun sters trist°°k over the kitchen preparingspecial spaghetti sauce, as they I" ~..~|mo~. .'*~K'. J~P'' q~ hb" " * * .... "-j°/, " 1 ~1 the young couple will resume Barbara Gray was able to y g . ~ ~ . _ their studies. Silvia attending attend a luncheon held at Wayne Scott who will not be have done the past four years. ~mlii,,l ~ • ~ o ~¢" ~L'~ L Sefvic-e I ~h Seattle Pacific College, while Elwanda Bryant,s Thursday forable to be with the family this The Hood Canal Hi-Riggers 111ml~ | ~lb ~~llf ~1~ ¢ Bruce goes to the University of the mothers of the Hood Canalyear dropped bv Saturday to visit 4-H Club held its Christmas party .. . ~ I~~ ,~ ~b.° ~ Greeting Drawn ..... • . , • - .. I ~ by Kitty Mak Washington, where he recentlyPreschool when Frank offered to with his parents at the Bloomfield s Monday. o i AI I~"~" ~ • ~ ,. I ~ 5th Grade, transfered from Stanford. take over the care of Carl and Holiday guests of Jane andHome made gifts were exchanged,• °,,° °~ J I.~r/ ~/ ~-"~1~ ,~ Mt. View School A Christmas tree decoratedGina who are down with Chicken Harry Enoch will be Mr and Mrs games were played after which ° ,_ ° ~ • ~'/~g ~ ~. _'~ with red satin balls and Prisms set pox. The preschool, which J eri Pennell. They reside in the youngsters devoured a Santa"/'/~.~ ~/a~_ "~ ~' ° ', ° the scene, Wedneday night for the consisted of three and four year Olympia where Pennell is head of Claus cake and egg hog. "/* ". ~ ~'~ ~'/ • II~ • • the State Library. Merry Christmas. I , ° e ,~ "~ ._ Jt O.N.O. Christmas party, held at olds of the area will resume ~- O ~ Thelma Kneeland's h°me in classes at the P°tlatch Club h°use g '"~"I/'~ ~f/~# ~K" **~ Potlatch. Thelma and Gloria Van sometime in February. @ ?, Laanen, co-hostesses for the party Gloria Van Laanen and Skokomish (.'* " "" " ." were assisted by Sharron Emery, Thelma Kneelan were busy this, __ _ • ~.~ • ~'l~i --~."~ * *,,'° Thelma's daughter and Marie week• They were co-hostesses for • • • • ,,.~'j~ ~.A~'~ ~---- ~'~I, Carr. the Blanch Radtke Orthopedic ~,V~ ,~¢/1 X ~ ~I~1~ *~. ~ The gals revealed secret pals Guild Christmas party held at Comml$$1onln ervnce ~. during the gift exchange' then °n Thelma's Friday' Gifts were /i~" ~~" F ~'~'~~" to therefreshmenttablewherean exchanged, but with an unusual Is Set At ehu '¢h Here I unusual Christmas punch was twist" They spent the rest °f the - Ib .'~ i / ~| -/i~~~ served" A gift was given t° the evening trading gifts if they saw Bv MARY VALLEY - " while her parents are in Seattle. Greeting. Drawn. bY Ranpy pmith' "~ ~ " - - -,-- ~--~- D~-nen 5th Graoe, uoroeaux :~cnool - ..... first one to discover the another one thy preferred SKOKOMISH: The ~r. ann w,~. o~,~ ..... • . were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ' • Skokomxsh Commumty Church ........ d From }Kay and the G~rls !i!hi~hi~i7T~!iiP~'°~n!°~?ii?i iilY i! :d;chrWthe (AY'S DRAPE, ,E 70 ~ ~ 11 L robin, S " - ...... America. - ...... Mrs. Mary Valley ~ a~, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George =- ~ " U -a~'~ ~ .... Valley and Susan and Monie "4 r"~l~l~||~( (~t ~"~ Marshall to the Sea-Tac airport to * qi~ pick up Miss Jan Valley who has ~ ~ ~ ~ J[ been attending Mauma Olu | ,~ _ I[-|.. ~ ~¢~ "~ ~~7t ~) College in Maui, Hawaii. Jan also ~ "" brought a classmate, Miss Nancy ~ ~ ~ •-;...~ Colin whose home is in New ~ ., York, to spend the holidays with -- ...... her. "~* ~ ~ -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson drove to Seattle Friday where ~ ....................... they stayed over night with their ..... son Arian and family. Their ......... grand-children Kim, Melissa, and Kevin returned home with them ---_... ............. , .......................... _ ~ until Christmas when their ........ parents will join them. .•.' ~ . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter . - "~ ~ were dinner guests of Mr. and • Wilma Downing Mrs. Justin Taylor at Oyster Bay "" k '" Saturday. Later the Hunters and ,~.~< ~.,.,.,~. tJIC IxnauT Taylors attended a musical at the ~ Dave Thacher West Side Alliance Church. ~.-~ "" wnby DonnaZangl, 6thGrade, BorfleauxSchool Mrs. Pat Johnson and her , ' Skip Ness ., Gre_ .et0n~Dra Sunday school class deserve a \'-- , ....... F|elds Auto Parts te$ ......... vnnce Mimule thanK you zor aecoraung me' , , i Community Church Later in'the '• ~ • Dick Boiling evening they went caroling through the Valley which gave Carl Johnson Greeting Drawn by Marijane Travis, 6th Grade, Evergreen School Room Open Christmas Day 9 until 5 Mabel Long Greeting Drawn by Anna Maria Snellgrover 6th Grade, Bordeaux School Greeting Drawn by Annie Bailey, 6th Grade, Evergreen School everyone the Spirit of Christmas. ~ - - Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Richert /'" " f have moved into their new home on the Canal in time to entertain during the Holidays. Mrs. Ida Johnson and Mrs. Mary Valley were luncheon guests of Mrs. John Cole Wednesday. H I MI.I E INC, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mashburn of Gig Harbor were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mildred Tanner. Miss Pare Hunter has been staying with her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley • Mount Olive Christmas Rites Set Mount Olive Lutheran church will have its Christmas services. First is a candlelight service at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 24. This will feature Christmas carols by the congregation, and special numbers by the Junior and Senior choirs. Sermon theme will be: "The Night Of Nights." Christmas Day service will be at 10 a.m. Sermon theme is: "The Unspeakable Gift." The Sunday after Christmas, Dec. 27, will revolve about the theme: "Where is He that is born King of the Jews?" The public is welcome to attend any of the services. Greeting Drawni by Bob Linn : 6th Grade, Mt. View Schoo t Clinton's Bike & Ski Greeting Drawn by Tammy Young, 4th Grade, Mt. View School Greeting Drawn by Tammy LeDoux, 6th Grade, Mt. View School ail Page 22 - Snelton-Mason Gounty Journal - Thursday, December 24,1970