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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Services Legal Publications Legal Publications al Publications HOE SERVICES with :at: CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUMMONS Oyster Reserve No. 2, Platt ]33, the following day between the !5 ft. backhoe. 15 years Bids will be received in the No. 4170 No. 10633 situated infrontof Lot2, Section hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four race. Also sewage systems. RESIDENT and office of the County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 16, Township 23 North, Range 3o'clock p.m. ~rkmanship. Earl T. Marr, Said timber on said land will !53.6/lltfn COMMERCIAL Commissioners, Shelton, O F THE STATE OF O F THE STATE OF West, W.M., Mason County, as Washington, until 11:00 A. M.,WASHINGTON FOR MASON WASHINGTON FOR MASON shown on the official plat on file be sold for not less than the Monday, December 28, 1970, forCOUNTY (IN PROBATE). COUNTY. in the office of the Commissioner appraised value, as appraised by I SAW sharpening, speedy, J.E. HARRIS furnishing gasoline, automotive IN THE MATTER OF THE DO ROTHY H. SHUGART, of Public Lands at Olympia, the Commissioner of Public Lands Fe. Precision grinding. Now diesel, heating fuels and other ESTATE OF GERTRUDE C. Plaintiff, vs. A. P. SHUGART,JR., Washington, subject however, to in the manner provided by law, a I~er Motor Shop, Hillcrest. right of way tar State Road asnotice of which is now on file in ~6-4602. 1/15 tfn Bonded and Insured petroleum products as may be RAWDING, Deceased. Defendant. required by the County Road The undersigned is the T H E S T A T E O F shown on Plat No. 342 on file in the office of the Auditor of said ~R TUNE" UP ~ Call 426-87737/4t,. Department, City of Shelton, also appointed and qualified Executor WASHINGTON, TO: A. e. said office of the Commissioner county, and District ALLABISSONIERE including all School, Fire or Port of said estate. Persons havingSHUGART JR., Defendant. of Public Lands; and, all tidelands Administrator of said district. ROBERTA OLIVIERO [make sewing machine. A Districts who desire to avail claims aaainst the deceased are You ar~ hereby summonee to of second class formerly owned BERT L. COLE .... BEV THOMASON | expert will come to your themselves of the benefit of this required to serve the same in appear within sixty days after the by the State of Washington, t.ommissioner aT vublic Lanos lit~ [and: Adjust and balance BOB OGDEN contract, during the calendar year auplicate, duly verified, on the date of the first publication of situated in front of, adjacent to 12/3-10-17-24-4t "--~'--'-""~-"----'- iT.s; check fabric-handlinq 1971. Also included is Mason undersigned or the attorney ofthis summons, to-wit: Within and abutting upon Govt. Lot 2, I~,ism,de'l'int thread handling Installation Service County Current Expense Funds. record at the address stated below sixty days after the 17th day of Section 16, Township 23 North, NOTICE ~ ~" ~'/~' |bly; oil entire machine; Specifications, instruction toand file the same with the Clerk December, 1970, and defend theRange 3 West, with 23.26 lineal No. A.D. 270 F motor; lubricate motor, if bidders and Bid forms may be of the Court, together with proof above entitled action in the above chains, more or less, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ~,I~AI~'~./~/ F;'check wiring for safety! Carpeting-Formica- obtained in the Office of the of service within four months entitled Court and answer the Defendants own an undivided 156.95. In Shelton contact County Engineer. after 24 December 1970, or thecomplaint of the plaintiff andone-third interest in the O F T H E S T A T E O F r.~wf(-vr'e~ WASHINGTON IN AND FOR ~ll/i= ulU A MCU/ I[ Draperies, 129 Railroad, Ceramic and Linoleum Bids must be submitted on same will be forever barred, serve a copy of your answer upon a b o v e -d e s c ribed property, MASON COUNTY. -.,, ...... ,,, ,.~ ,,,,.. ,, ~07. Singer Center, South the form provided. Additional J A C K A. RAW D I N G, the undersigned attorney for the situated in Mason County, State IN THE MATTER OF THE uinlleI iTe | Center/Lacey. 491-3400 Licensed, Bonded information will have no bearing Executor plaintiff, B. Franklin Heuston, at of Washington. on bid awards. The County Address: Rt. 1, Box 369E, his office below stated; and in NOWTH.EREFORE, NOTICE ADOPTION OF SCOTT mimiimrmamr iYTHING FOR y.ourbeach. & Insured reserves the right to make awards Olympia, Wash. case of your failure so to do,IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on EUGENE BEYER, A Minor. TO: I UVlllilnl 1 i rn e e r i n g, d e s i g n s, as may be deemed to be in the B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, judgment will be rendered against Friday the 8th day of January,LEO J. BEYER, and TO ALL TO IFl"l I~llIILI I"IA|AI ~ction. repair Bulkheads. Phone 426-3155 best interests of the County, orto A tto. rney. for Estate. . you according to the demands of 1971, at 10 o'clock in the WHOM ITMAYCONCERN:vc~II AIqF HFRFRM -r-- _L _bnlulr11... _....-'31nllm ~ouses, boat handling reject any or all bids. ~ngle ~lag., bnel£on, wash.the complaint which has been forenoon of said day, I will sell NO.I:II~IE~D that ......... there-has-been With 16"barandtchaln--Gltboxef d ~S. Sea Walls Inc. 868-3603 3/Gtfn DATED at Shelton, 98584 filed with theClerkof said Court. the above described property, or filed in this Court a petition for I!r [57-4550. Gig Harbor. WashingtOnNovember, 1970.this 16th day of ____12/24"31"1/7"3t__ actionPlaintiff'Sis to secure°bjectiVea divorce fromin this necessaryS° much thereOfto satisfyaS maYsaidbe the adoption of the above-named ///~. /![/,/J !i i ~ : I ./~,~.il_~F~ Septic Tank BOARD OF COUNTY NC~TICF T(~ CRFI~ITC)R~ the defendant upon the grounds judgment, together with SCOTTra ing thatEUGENEthere also beBEYER'first an ~ft~.\]t/f~'~ i,~/i ( ~ il ~-'~tl~-~l ~" ~,--f -~-~ P -Y " " L ~ j=l~ Ir ;~ ir ~)LSTERING! Material by COMMISSIONERS ...... I~n- ~.l"Ei7 ...... stated in her complaint on file as attorney's fees, interest, costs and adjudication that the consent of ~!I'~ t\,~l/~~/' / ~t'~t M TI-I~''~D'~:P r~l~ c'nlll~T aforesaid and for such additional increased costs, in all amounting ~?_n.~lrd" Seec a°UrW largeupholsterers,material In$tl llatienl WASHINGToNOF MASON COUNTY, O F"" "T'I~I'-F-~V'S%I-'A~'T t~'~C)'F relief as is prayed for in said to the sum of Four Hundred the natural father, LEO J. .~ /hI ..... 1~78 or McCleary 495-3978. 500-gal.,750-gal, I,000~jal. By RuthE. Boysen WASHINGTON FOR MASON c°m~la~Rt/~.K .......T"N Seventy-one and 50/lO0ths BEYER, to said adoption is not I~\ 3~-~'~ I~'~2/31 " Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, 12/17-24-2t m LIT ~Ub U Dollars. PLUS SHERIFF S FEES. required by law. The hearing for ~~=~ COUNTY (IN PROBATE) --', ......... ~ I1%1 TI-1~7 i~/IGTTI~[:~ ~1~ THE ~T~orney Tar P'IamTITT Said sale will take place at the such purpose will be held on ~-~'-'~l~]~J~lr'~l~ Backhoe, Trencher for Hire ~-"~ ~-'~ '%-"~-'n,' ~-~'~k,'~r~' E Office & Post Office Address: East door of the Court House atFriday, the 29th day of January, ~/ '~ ~ l\ ~ / NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL r_~_ ~r Lr-,-,,,,-,~,~, Angle Building Shelton in said County and State, 1971, at the hour of 9:30 A.M., [1/~ ~1~'~ TOPPING, phone Sharer Digging Service Notice is hereby given that FLOVVER,,peceased. ^.~ ;~ the Shelton, Washington 98584 and will be at public auction, for in the Superior Courtroom of the ~7/l"E~,fll ~'~/]~Ir above-entitled Court, at Shelton, .' f ~/i.#" II~ ~ the follow,ng Mason County ........... ~ ...... i2/,~ o.~ ~ ~,-~ ,.~ oI ~, cash in hand to the highest and Mason County, Washington, when ~~~r~S~ Phone 426-3660 Warrants are called for payment appointed and qualified Executrix ~''"-'*"~"'/"'""- "~ Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn at the office of the Treasurer of of said estate. Persons having "---~---'-------'-'---- best bidder. and where all persons interested ~ ,=~_----~.~ ,~/~I~ said County, and that interest will claims against the deceased are NO:)CE3Z~Gn~OUND Dated at Shelton, We., this shall appear and show cause why~,~=~l~-~,~l]ll~l cease December 24, 1970: required to serve the same in .... .;~.,~.~.;..f, ,. .... 23rd day of November, 1970. such an adjudication should not ~ II.~III~T/I • • - /-~FIJLIL,/'~/IUI~I I~10. I Iq--'/JohnD. Robinson iOM--SEWING, Alterations, E|ECTROLUX SALES CURRENT EXPENSE FUND duphcate, duly ver,f,ed, on the .................. ~N be made, and why, if made, such I~--~---~/~}~l~. undersigned or the attorney of ~oO,o,~T,~c~_~ vv~~,v, Sheriff of said County petition for adoption should not IIl: Y l l;IJ .dl By Ann Rose, Chief Civil thereafter be heard forthwith and ll@ll|Ee| !Stering, $2.00 per hour. Sales--Service--Supplies Warrant Has. 56 to 411 record at theaddressstatedbelow~(~¢IPIA'. .............. Deputy Lances. Estimates. Call CALL 426-3544 inclusive; and file the same with the Clerk ~'~,)~/'.,~'~,...- COUNTY ROAD FUND -- of r " roof .~r,~ ,,u. iv_. 12/3-I0-17-24-4tthe prayer thereof granted. 11 ~l~.'~II ~l~V~l~J~l~/ For free delivery--Jack Manley Warrant Has. 3219 to 3371 f the C.ou t, together with PnthsThat ALVIiXl ANDERSON of WITNESS the Honorable ~I~I v~/~/..., HAULING' o service w~nin Tour mo - - FRANK E. BAKER, Judge of said ~/ J~K#'~" I~1 ........... h Santa Barbara Cahfornla on EERAL 8/20tfn inclusive; ether ~/ uecember ~/u or ~ e -. - -' ....... Superior Court and the seal of P~P~. ~~ A~A-" P SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 311 same,~^DvWnl .... oe foreverc oarreo.-F, '-' '^' E R" a p p I i cat~on ue ce m o e r. " ~'for' ~/Upermlt. T~ieOto NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4168 said Court hereunto affixed thisIPHI~ ~" I--Ahhl[ l;J~l~ --GENERAL FUND .- ,~,[~.r, . L. ~_ ,.,v~' withdraw public ground waters IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 11th dayof December, 1970. ...=.,=. ,,. ,,,,I,.. ~lnd--Plts.YardDumpRUn--GraveITruck -HAND SAWS Warrnat Has. 6922 to 6988 ~xecu~x ........... through a well situated withinO F T H E S T A T E O F LODGA KIMBEL ~lliJ~ll~l~ .and Loader -- Peat Soil & TABLE SAWS inclusive; ~uuff~b.b.: b.U/ ha. ~n SVzNV~ of Section 18 Township WASHINGTON FOR MASON Clerk ' ~il~ll SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 401 bneuzon wasn 2" ~' R-- - ...' ..... , By Betty Thompson ll~ ' " u n~, ~nge I w. w.NI. in COUNTY (IN PROBATE). e t --~-- i,-FRANK- 426-3153 IIIAIIIMllilllll --GENERAL FUND B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON ^**,,r,,. f,,, c,÷~,~ Mason County, in the amounE orIN THE MATTER OF THE BRg[~P~,YRIsTOE& TAYLOR Mfrs. SuB. List Price also Light Clearing Warrant Has.4127 to 4]39 ~'~. '~.~. ........ 65 qallons per minute, subject to ESTATE OF GEORGE B. L_ 12/lOtfn 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) inclusive. ~ngl,e ~log.. ..... existing rights continuously each SMITH, Deceased. . LAWYERS CUT FIREWOOD ' • ,,~/~.~ .~. ~ ~, year tar the purpose of The undersigned is the Suite 1, Professional Arts Building ' ' ' - Ph. 426-6687 nlt n John B. Col~ bnen:on wasn v~3~ flMMING POOLS TREASURER O F MASON ~/z,-=-~-o,-.~=community domestic supply, appointed and qualified Executrix Olympia, Washington 98501 DI~I IMI: TI~I:::I:Q COUNTY STATE OF ~~ Any objections must be of said estate. Persons havingTelephone(206) 357-5566 '''~'~-''~'~-~ DAY & SONS - WASHINGTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS accompanied by a two dollars claims against the deceased are 12/17-24-31-3t BUILD RUSTIC ' Septic Tank CUSTOM Dated at Shelton, Washington,No. 4169 (~Z.UU) recording fee and filed required to serve the same in ~ PROJECTS bulldozing, backhoe ROTOVATING December 24, 1970 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF with the Department of Ecoloqv duplicate, duly verified, on the Id dump truck service Lawns, Gardens, Farm work -- 2(Seal) I2/24-1t WASH INGTON FOR MASON within thirty (30) days from undersigned or the attorney of We may consider each COUNTY. uecember 31, 1970. record at the address stated below generation as a distinct nation, d[l~l~j~l~l~ !glwater conditioners, machines no job too large or CITY OF SHELTON IN THE MATTER OF THE Witness my hand and official and file the same with the Clerk LEN PARR small. 426-87S0 4/gtfn SALE OF SURPLUS ESTATE O F LOU ISE H. seal this 17th day of December, of the Court, together with proof with a [i~ht ~ by the wi|| of its PROPERTY MERCER, Deceased. 1970. of service within four months majority, to bind themselves, but ~¥1olrOR SHOP ~39 Shelton0 The City of Shelton wishes to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN GLEN H. FIEDLER after 17 December 1970, or thenone to bind the succeeding RaTa-MATING sell a 1951 Ford Bus which i5 that the undersigned has been Department of Ecology same will be forever barred,generation, mo~:e than the 1306 "1 m ic Hw S surplus property. Motor number appointed and has qualified as 12/24-31-2t D O R C AS M. S M I T H,inhabitants of another country u y p y. . .---------_------------------- Satisfaction F8EILB16086. personal representative of this ~ Executrix Thomas Jefferson 426-4602 Interested parties may inspect estate. Persons having claims IMnTit'l= n~ Address: 430 Laurel Real Estnte ¢ Guaranteed__ov the busattheSchoolBusGarage against the deceased are required ~u~)'t"~L-;~"~'/c~c Shelton, Washington IWHO CAI .......DO I -'T} at Sanderson Field. Bids for the to serve the same, duly verified, i~-'~'~-~:~r-~-ir~.r'%~'ln~'e~D B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON ~ 426-2857 Evenings purchase of the 1951 Ford. Bus on the undersigned or the ~'~'N~E~"=''~,~t'~e'"r~v Attorney for Estate ~ 4/23tfn shall be made by certified cnecK, attorney of record at the address "~'-~"~i'~'~'-~'~n'~;l"'" Angle Bldg. money order, cashier's check or stated below and file the same . ~.~,v..~,,,.~. ,~%, .. ..... Shelton, Wash. 98584 _.. w, th the Clerk of this Court ............. 12/i 7-24-31-3t LANE HOUSE M ING cash. , - IIN l.l= bu~'v-.IU. ~.uuff. The City reserves the right totogether with proof of such ~, i-cut~Mr.~? i~1 ~^~ reject any or all bids and waive service within four months after ,.vv.~,n,,~.,-,,~ r,.,r, ,v,,-,o,~,, ,includel°Uld your buying or sellingaGreage tracts, farm Houses Raised, Foundations formalities. December 17 1970, or the same~.uu,~... l _ Your : -uide to Iv Christmas tree land, and Leveling ..... : .... Bids will be received by the wiUbe, foroverbarred. GRIMM• COLLECTIONS, NOTICE OF SALE OF ~~$~ lion property, waterfront or City Clerk untiJ: 11:00 a.m., Isl Thorn,s Mercer INC., Plamhff, vs. THOMAS H. VALUABLE MATERIAL Sites or mobile home sites. Phone 426-8147 January 5, 1971. Checks shall be Pe'rs'onalRep*resentative JAMES. and. MAR!E .JAMES, ON STATE LAND 1/27 tfnmade payable to the Shelton City JOHN C. RAGAN nusoand and wnTe, ueTenoanL STATE OF WASHINGTON, Clerk. Attorney for Estate Under and by virtue of a DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL Auto Glass , Concrete ..... III Ed "Ski" Lizakowski 12/17-24:2t Title Insurance Building general execution issued out of RESOURCES. 122 Railroad Avenue and under the seal of the SuperiorBert L. Cole, Commissioner of I . I I --Ready-mix Concrete t 426-6572 ~,.,________---.-~--~-- Shelton Washington 98584 Court of the State of Washington. Public Lands. Expert Installa~on ' 12117-24-31-3tin and for said County, on the Notice is hereby given that on l l l --Concrete Culverts & Blocks III III|AILTY Red Estate Real Estate .... 13th day of November, 1970, M onday, the 28th day of I I I --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone 161 Purdy NOTICE TO CREDITORS upon a judgment rendered in said December, 1970, commencing at I JIM PAULEY, INC. I I --Fireplace Screens & Tools No 4163 ~~urt~nthe~7thday~fJu~y~ten~'c~~~kinthef~ren~~n~f~KneM~ta~nvd~eCwnterPh~426~8231~~GRAYsT~NE~fsHELT~N ~ i ~ '' ~ N THE SUPERIOR COURT 1970' in fav°r °f GRIMM said day' at the Shelt°n District | I I 7th & Park 426"3344 O F T H E S T A T E O F COLLECTIONS, INC. and against Headquarters, located at Shelton, WASHINGTON FOR MASON THOMAS H. JAMES and MARIE County of Mason, State of ...... " ~ ' COUNTY. JAMES. , husband and wife Washington, by the District In the Matter of the Estate ofjudgment debtors for the sum ofAdministrator of said District, the R 0 LA N D I ANnERqON Four Hundred Seventy-one and timber on the following described Automotive I Drugs Deceased ........ 50/100ths ($471.50) Dollars state land will be sold at public I Tune up * Brakes I I --Helena Rubinstein The " undersianed is the together with attorney's fees, auction to the highest bidder, to ~.~ ,~ a .... interest costs and increased costs, w,,: II ppo,nted and quahf,ed personal -" ' ......... l .- :,.res *_Lube. C°:scme;~iSns re res~nf~fiu~ nf ~:airt ~,~i'~t~ ana ~o me alrec~ea ana aeuverea MASON COUNTY P ......................... ' I I I -Hypo-A,,ergic C Person " " " the I OlO on the 23rd day of APPLICATION s hawng claims against ......... r~ovemoer I~/U levy upon all deceased are required to serve the ....:.. , .... NO. 33508 I TOM'S RICHFIELD I I NELL'S PHARMACY ; tl{~ i"~)dlill~ .... In ....................... uuly Vqi~/l/ll~U, Ine rlgnt title ano interesl:oTsalo, __ ; __ __. . ~ . .__ Lower Bingham Creek i 1st & Railroad 426.3930 i 15th& Franklin Ph.426.3327 ~ on the u~,,~or~no,~ ,,r the juclgment cleotors In ano to the Sanitation and Thinning located ~+ ....... ~"~,,~÷%~o :',~,~ .... fol!owing, described property to approximately 21 miles by road stat'ecl'~be~'°w~an'dU ~i'le~"~heUsame sat'~YeSa~JrUt~gems~nt't°r~eirtof the west of Shelton. The sale is with the Clerk of this Court ..... .q . composed of all timber marked • ' ~,~or~neas~ querier and tne with blue paint only, bounded by Auto Repairing- I Floor Covering together with proof of such ....... • it ..... fter bou[neast quarter or the sale area boundary tags and I -- Major Overhauls I I serv0ce w nln tour mantas a "or ......... uecemoer ........... 11 L~IU or me same ...... i.~ Teas[ quar~er,_bec~0on~, l/. property lines on parts of the I --Brakes& Ignition I I --Linoleum --Carpeting ..-,~ ...... '_~..^~ lownsmp z~ Norm ~ange .~ following: NV~, NEV4 SWV4, W]h Wlll O~ roruver o~,,~u. '" +~^1 ~n , ',,4 nnNZ~Lr~ ~ CTr~r'~nz%Dn vves=, ........ ~excev, .or an SE]/~, SEI/4 SE]/4 of Section 26, I "Welding & Tune-ups I I --Tile --Formica .................. n i " --Spa ial Winterizing Hou,e" "2 ~ox~" " "~,,b JU dvlded 1/10th interest of Irene Township 20 North, Range 6 I II ..... n " ......... 4 ames now known as Irene James West, W.M., containing 426 acres, I ED S SERVICE I I REX FLOOR COVER NG bne [u , vvasn ng[on ~o~o ........... I D,',~C,TL ~,,vnc~ bm,,n ,n me ,'~ormeas, quar,eroT more or less, comprising 1219 so Ist 426-12121 I~' view Ph. 426-2292 A~or~eyfor~sta~e'-" the Northeast quarter); and, Govt. approximatley 1,870,000 bd. ft. • ->~ ~o M 5th Lot 2 Section 16 Township 23 of Douglas fir. S~elt~(~n,'Wash'ngt°~2~f58;4.31.3t N?r~hatRpggeo3 o~eSvtacWeM'~;~a~d $58,905.00.Minimum acceptable bid: Timber will be sold on a cash Beauty ......... Masonry ......... / Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the September 30, 1973. -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches All irick ~-~ -- B a.u / Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C., 20220 for his On or before December 28, --Merle Norman Cosmetics --Block Work I consent to a merger of Puget Sound National Bank, Tacoma, 1970, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder I -- Free Demonstrations I / Washington, and National Bank of Mason County, Shelton, must make a minimum deposit of I ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON I MASON'S MASONRY I i | Washington. $5,890.50 in the form of cash, Phone 426 2 78 / It is contemplated that all offices of the above-named banks money order or certified check. I 6th & Laurel 426-4582 I " " / will continue to be operated. Said deposit shall constitute an - ~,,,,,,,~ , , ,, / This notice is published pursuant to Section 18 (c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the / December 10, 1970 respective deposits shall be Bicycles Rawleigh Products | NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY returned to the unsuccessful | New and Re-Built F R .... bidders. On the day of sale, the I Factory Trained Mechanic or aw~eigh P'rooucts purchaser must pay the balanceI complete Line of New Parts In Shelton Call Shelton, Washington between the bid deposit and theI an~ Accessories 426-6150 | PUGET SOUND NATIONAL BANK . full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of I SWANSON'S BIKE SHOP Food Products, Extracts, Spices. | Tacoma, Washington sale fee, or may, if the purchaser I Open 7 days week, 8 a,m.-9 p.m. Medicines, Cosmetics. ------------ 12/17-24-31-1/7-14-5t so elects at the time of sale pay I 3 blocks east of Airport Grocery on Earl Westman--n~aler an additional amount, to bring I Spring Road Phone426-4989 ? ....... the total amount of the deposit NOTICE OF MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS exclusive of fees, to equal ]0 per OF NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY cent of the full bid price based on BRANCH OF MCCLEARY INS. REAL ESTATE W. HOD GES EVENINGS CALL; REALTORS: McCLEARY OFFICE: 495-3398 OLYMPIA OFFICE: 943-7839 r.~nl Savage ............ Asso. Broker ........ 426-8584 i~ Townsend ......... Asso. Broker ........ 426-6597 Asso. Broker ~.~'Mitch" Mitchell ........ .... "426-2519 I in • SHELTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to call of its Directors, the regular annual meeting of shareholders of NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY will be held at the Banking House, 3rd and Cote Street, Shelton, Washington. on Wednesday January 27, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of considering'and voting upon the following matters: 1. Election of Directors. Fixing the number of Directors to be elected at 10 and the election of the 10 persons listed in the Proxy Statement dated January 11, 1971, accompanying the notice of said meeting. 2. Whether an Agreement to Merge this bank and Puget Sound National Bank, located in Tacoma, State of Washington, under the provisions of the laws of the United States shall be ratified and confirmed, subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C., which agreement provides for the issuance of an additional 30,]50 shares of common stock of $10 par value each, and for the purpose of voting upon any other matters incidental to the proposed merger of the two banks. A copy of the aforesaid agreement executed by a majority of the directors of each of the two banks, providing for the merger, is on file at the bank and may be inspected during business hours. 3. Whatever Other Business may be brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof. Only those shareholders at record at the close of business on JanuarY 11 shall be entitled to notice of meeting and to vote at the meeting. By Order of the Board of Directors LARRY R. TRIPLETT Cashier 12/17-24-31-1/7-14-5t To be sold at Shelton District Headquarters, on Monday, December 28, i970, at io o~clock a.m. the cruise estimate. This balance Cable TV I Rental Service I may be paid by personal check. 1 Purchaser must also furnish / I I Almost Anything Anywhere I within 30 days of date of sale a For Service Call I Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps I surety bond of $9,000.00 to I Foiding BanquetTables I guarantee compliance with all I & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. I terms of the bill of sale. All S checks, money orders, etc. are to | LEW RENTS | be made payable to the |2216W.4th, Olympia, 357-7731| Commissioner of Public Lands. • , , a ACCESS ROAD REVOLVING FUND: $140.00 to be paid on day of sale. Chain Saws Sign Painting , Accessibility: via private and I " All TYI:~S I Department of Natural Resources I New and U~d--Renta~s II I • TruckLettering access. I Oregon Chains & Accessories J 1 * Cartoon Illustrated Signs Complete contract and I Small motor tune-up & repairs I I • personalized Business Card & SheltonSpecificati°nSDistrictmay beHeadquarters,eXamined at I Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily I I Letterhead Designs County Auditor's office, and I Mike's McCulloch Shop I I Phil Sharpe 323 S. Front St. office of the Commissioner of 2215 Olympic Hwy. N,,426-4639 l Phone 426-2661 Public Lands, Olympia. / Any sale which has been offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has be readvertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on I|| I THIS SPACE CAN BE HAD How About You? Travel ' --Air - Rail - Steamship --Bus - Hotels - Tours No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Cente¢ 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4] 34" I I L Thursday, December 24, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25