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Thursday, Dec. 24, 2015 - Mason County Journal - Page B-1
Shelton outlasts Bulldogs in second half
The plan for the Shelton
Highclimbers boys basket-
ball team was simple Monday
night: Shut down North Mason
players Trey Fisher and Kevin
Burrell-Briggs. The two North
Mason Bulldogs players have
been the keys to the team's
successes so far this season on
the court.
shots and move the ball," Mc- left in the quarter. They built a ler Giraldes, Kobe Bogh, Kim-
Cullough said. "We wanted to 10-point lead for the first time ball and McCullough all had
play hard defense and not al- with a minute left. trips to the free-throw line to
It worked, low them to score." Freshman Brice Solis broke put the game away.
Monday night at North Ma- Last year, the Climbers the Bulldogs' dry spell with It was a tough ending for
son High School, a er a tough beat North Mason 78-71 in a jumper. He added one shotthe Bulldogs.
three quarters of basketball, Shelton. from the free-throw line to end "I'm proud of the guys; they
the Climbers pulled away inComing out of the locker the quarter, stayed together and battled,"
the fourth quarter for a 61-46 room ai r the first half, the That's when the Bulldogs North Mason head coach Steve
win. Climbers had a 26-25 lead. started to look weary. North Hackett said. "It got chippy, it
Junior Marshall Mc- Junior Kyle Kimball start- Mason chased Shelto aroundgot emotional, it got physical
Cullough, who had 11 pointsed out the third quarter with the court and the Climbers and none of my guys backed
and three assists, was happy a jump shot and Fisher fol-batted away any attempts the down. They were all together
with the Climbers' efforts,lowed up with his own. Shel- Bulldogs made at their own and that says a lot about the
"I just tried to look for my ton went on a seven-point run basket. In the final minute and
teammates, look for open with three and a half minutes a half of the game, juniors Ty- see HOOPS, page B-8
Journal photo by Alexandria Valdez
Brothers Jon, left, and Zach Netzel compete on the Shelton High School diving team. They are a core
part of the Shelton diving team.
She~ton brothers take diving team to a new level
iving is more than just do-
ing a flip off a diving board.
It's about execution, flair
and, of course, safety.
Shelton diving coach Rob Phel-
an said if a diver is worried, they
can't do anything.
"They have about one and a half
seconds to do about 10 things and
think about all of those 10 things
all at one time," Phelan said.
"Then, if they crash, they just have
to laugh about it and move on
and not fret about it. That's what
makes a good diver. They can't
worry and they have to trust that
the water is going to be there and
gravity is going to work."
Brothers Jon and Zach Netzel
exemplify these traits and more as
two of Shelton High School's core
divers on the swim team.
The older brother Jon, now a se-
help each other work on their
dives and their teammates as
nior, joined the team his freshman Both of them are coachable ath-
year. During Jon's eighth-grade letes who bring different assets to
year when he was at open swim the team.
at Shelton High School, he saw a "Jon is really strong for his
high school diver practicing on the size and he can do a lot of things,"
board. He thought, "I could show Phelan said. "When he gets into
them a couple flips." The diver was a routine, he's able to follow that
impressed with Jon's skills and exact routine over and over and
encouraged him to join the team repeat it almost exactly the same.
when he started high school. Zach is a little bit straighter
His younger brother, Zach, now through his body, and he does a
a junior, soon followed suit after really good job on getting straight
watching Jon dive at a couple of during a dive to finish a dive."
meets. Last year, Jon placed third
One of the junior's favorite overall at the 3A WIAA State
parts of diving is learning new swim meet and Zach made it all
ones. the way to the West Central Dis-
"Something that most people trict III championship meet.
don't often see is when you learn This year, both brothers have
a dive that it's really fun," Zach lofty goals. In order to qualify for
said. "Like a one-and-a-half full leagues or district meets, divers
twist, people who don't dive are must compete at a meet where
like 'Wow.' " they perform 11 dives. At dual
Phelan said even though the meets, divers perform only six
Netzels are brothers, they never
squabble during practice. They see DIVERS, page B-7
wlns agaln
After he was an alternate at the
2A WIAA state wrestling tourna-
ment last year, North Mason ju-
nior Nico Ramirez had a goal this
season: make it to state. He took
one step" closer
to that dream
after winning
the 285-pound
weight class Sat-
urday at the sixth
annual Hammer-
Head Invitation-
al at the Kitsap
Sun Pavilion in
Silverdale. Ramirez
"It was like a
mini version of state," Ramirez said
about winning the tournament. "It
did feel pretty awesome because I
had a lot of people that were cheer-
ing me on. I had all my friends and
family there supporting me."
Ramirez's performance at the
HammerHead Invite was one of
several highlights for the Bulldogs
over the weekend.
The boys finished 26th overall
with 72.5 points. Marissa Covarru-
bias was the Bulldogs' only female
wrestler at the tournament, so the
girls team finished 31st with 4.0
Head coach Bill McCarty said he
was impressed with Ramirez's per-
formance because he kept improv-
ing every match. There were some
close calls, but after every match
McCarty saw Ramirez correct his
mistakes in the next match.
"I think he's getting better and
better; he's doing great," McCarty
said. "He's making mistakes but
he's correcting them and so far his
mistakes haven't cost him a match.
He's undefeated so far. When he
makes a mistake, he recovers
Ramirez's final opponent was
Holden Miller from Yelm High
School, a 4A school.
The match came down to the
third period. Ramirez said through-
out the match, Miller was trying to
do some of the same moves Ramirez
was. With 16 seconds left, Ramirez
tried to pin Miller but the referee
see WRESTLING, page B-8