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Thursday, Dec. 24, 2015 - Mason County Journal - Page B-7
Girls basketball
starts league
Last week was a tough
draw last week for the North
Mason Bulldogs girls basket-
ball team as it went 0-2 in its
first two Ieague games against
Port Angeles and North Kit-
One of the Bulldogs' lead-
ers, "Sydney Garrett, was out
all week due to a concussion,
head coach Don Farrell said.
Garrett's presence was missed
Dec. 16 when Port Angeles
beat them 53-21.
"We were never able to get
on track against a very good
young team," Farrell said.
Sophomore Hailey Simon-
son led the Bulldogs with
eight points.
The team's bad luck con-
tinued to Dec. 18 when North
Kitsap doubled up North Ma-
son 48-24.
"We struggled a bit from
the outside and we were los-
ing track of their players at
times and giving up some easy
buckets," Farrell said. "They
did not hurt us from the out-
side but were able to find the
gaps inside."
North Mason's Hannah
Womack, Lacy Stark and
YuenShan Sze-To finished
with five points apiece.
The Bulldogs' next game is
7 p.m. Jan. 5 at home against
Boys have
rough start
to league
Last week, the Bulldogs
boys basketball squad opened
its Olympic League schedule
with two losses.
On Dec. 16, North Mason
lost 66-47 at Port Angeles.
Freshman Brice Solis led the
team'sscoring efforts with
13 buckets followed by senior
Daulton Geyer with 12 points.
Two days later, the Bull-
dogs lost at home on Dec. 18
to North Kitsap 77-55. Solis'
led the team's scoring efforts
again with 14 points and
junior AJ Dumont added 13
North Mason's next game
is 7 p.m. Jan. 7 at Sequim
High School.
Wrestlers have
varied results
in double dual
On Dec. 15, North Mason
felt the support of the wres-
tling community at its first
home meet of the season.
Head coach Bill McCarty said
that former wrestlers and for-
mer wrestler's parents cameNorth Mason's next match-
out to support the team. es are Tuesday and Wednes-
North Mason had mixed day when they host two
results against Bremerton tournaments at home. At 10
and Port Townsend. a.m. Tuesday, the JV Hawkins
The Bremerton Knights Memorial Tournament begins
beat North Mason 60-24. Mc- and then the varsit y tourna-
Carry said the Bulldogs had ment is at 10 a.m. Wednesday.
several holes in their lineup
while the ghts had a "nn,,,I,..,,... "-" no' s"
"The more senior guys go 2-0 against
wrestled well,- McCarty said.
"The younger guys are still
young guys and making mis-
Against a smaller team, the The Bulldogs ended the
Bulldogs found success and first half of their season on a
beat Port Townsend 39-27. high note. On Dec. 15, North
McCarty said with holes on Mason beat Sequim 6-1. It
both teams, it came down to was the team's second win
who performed better on the against Sequim this season
mat. and marked the team's fifth
"Our best outings were win of the season.
with Colton Peterson and North Mason's next match
Nico Ramirez," McCarty said. is Jan. 4 against Steilacoom
"They had a tough kid at Port High School at home.
Townsend, but for a big guy,
he moves well and Nico out- • Compiled by reporter
lasted him." Alexandria Valdez
Climbers split
results in two
Last week, the Climbers
boys basketball squad beat
Mount Tahoma at home, but
lost to Central Kitsap on the
In the Dec. 16 home game
against Mount Tahoma, the
Climbers won 69-59. Shelton
jumped out to an early 19-14
lead in the first quarter, but
the Thunderbirds battled the
next two quarters as they
stayed neck-and-neck with
During the final quarter,
Shelton outmatched Mount
Tahoma and outscored them
"It was a good game; we
started out slack at the begin-
ning but we picked it up in
the first quarter," head coach
Derrick Pringle said. "They're
like we are, so it was a good
test for us. Overall it was good
play, but we still made some
little mental mistakes."
Junior Kyle Kimball led
the team with 15 points, 10
rebounds and added two as-
sists. Junior Kobe Bogh added
14 points, three assists and a
On Dec. 18, Central Kitsap
beat Shelton 78-52. Junior Ty-
ler Giraldes led scoring with
11 points, three assists and
two blocks. Bogh chipped in
nine points and four assists.
Pringle said they took the
Cougars too lightly.
~They (Central Kitsap)
were upset and they were
hungry and we took them for
granted," Pringle said. "The
kids had a half day that day
so when the kids are home
most of the day they get lazy
and start eating stuff they
shouldn't. It caught us off
guard. We were slack and we
battled back in the second
quarter but we couldn't over-
come that big lead."
Shelton's next game is 7
p.m. Dec. 29 at Hoquiam High
6-1. In the first game of the freestyle for his second dis-
season, Tumwater beat Shel: trict event.
ton 5-2. Senior Alec Dodge and ju-
~The victory was a nice nior Levi Vance are also qua/i-
way to end before the holiday fled for district events.
break," Shelton head coach The Climbers took first in
Dann Gagnon said. "We fin- each event and had several
ished the match strong by highlights, which included
winning both bakers. I'm Levi Vance dropping 14 sec-
proud of all the JV and varsity onds in the 500-yard freestyle
girls who continue to get bet- and Jacob Schreiber dropping
ter." 10 seconds in the 500-yard
Rebecca Robinson had the freestyle.
highest score for the Climb- On Dec. 21, the Climbers
ers with a 148 in the first beat Timberline High School
game. 121-65.
Shelton's next match is There were multiple league
3 p.m. Jan. 5 against River qualifications and the Climb-
Ridge High School at West- ers qualified in the 200-yard
side Lanes in Olympia. medley relay and the 400-yard
freestyle relay.
9-5 decision in the ll5-pound
class. In the 140-pound weight
class, Olivia Miles defeated
Melissa Mackintosh in a 13-3
medical decision.
"It was really aggressive
and physical," head coach
Chris Lacy said. "The three
matches were all quality
On the boys side, Shelton
had wins from Quinn Rodius,
Raymond Clark, Alec Manke,
Gable Lacy and Colton Paller.
Shelton's next wrestling
match is Jan. 2 at the Bremer-
ton Holiday Tournament.
plit Shelton's next meet is 3:30
bowlers s p.m. Jan. 7 against North
Thurston at Shelton High
teams pound pair of games qualifies more School
Mount Tahoma Last week, the Climbers
bowling team had a win and a Shelton
At their first home dualloss before the students went
meets of the season, the on winter break. The Shelton boys swim
Shelton Highclimbers boys On Dec. 15, the Climbers team dominated two meets be- get first ,ea ue
and girls wrestlers beat the were shut out 7-0 in their fore the winter break started.
Mount Tahoma Thunder- game against Lincoln. Shelton On Dec. 17, the High- v,cLory
birds. On Dec. 15, the boys couldn't compete with Lin-climbers swim team beat the
beat Mount Tahoma 60-14 coin's Trirma Williams, Kas- Mount Tahoma Thunderbirds On Dec. 14, the Shelton
and the girls beat Mount sandera Seifert and Poisha146-33. girls basketball team lost to
Tahoma 42-19. Choy, who all bowled over 133 Shelton added two more Centralia High School 63-41.
It was the first official Shel- in each game. events to their lineup forTwo days later, they beat Nar-
ton girls dual meet in school The Climbers' most con- the West Central District III rows League opponent Mount
history. There ended up being sistent bowler was Hannah Swimming Championships Tahoma 57-52 on the road.
only two matches and Shelton Murphy, who bowled a 134 in meet. No other stats from the
won by having several forfeits, game one and a 128 in gameDistrict qualifiers were games were available.
In the two matches, Sa- two. Brayden Ordonez in the
mantha Weeks defeated Shel- Shelton bounced back on 100-yard butterfly and Alex • Compiled by reporter
ton's Hannah Kegg with a Dec. 17 and beat Tumwater Brown-Garcia in the 100-yard Alexandria Valdez
continued from page B- 1
Zach and Jon both quali-
fied for the district's meet at
the end of this January ancl
have other personal go s.
Jon said he wants to beat his
own personal 11 dive meet
record, which is 419.35 points.
He said he wants to get at
least 450 points. Zach said
he would like to make it to
the state diving meet based
on points instead of by wild
card. At state, he would like to
place among the top eight.
Even as a state placer, Jon
admitted that some dives,
such as reverse dives, still get
to him.
"You're going straight up
and then you're flipping back-
wards towards the board," Jon
said. "It's pretty scary; it's a
lot to think about when you're
on the board. But you have to
block that part out and focus
on your hurdle."
At practice and during
meets, the brothers feed off
each other. Jon said when he
sees his brother do a new dive,
it encourages him to push
himself. Zach said that diving
wouldn't be the same without
his older brother by his side.
The hours spent together
when the rainy winters take
over Shelton give them an op-
portunity to hang out, bond
and learn from each other's
"|t's pretty scary; mt s a lot to think
about when you're en the board,"
Jon Netzel, She/ton High School diver
"His kick outs; he always
nails the kick outs," Jon said
about his younger brother's
strengths. "He'll usually kick
out above the board and that
allows him to dive in better."
"His approach, he nails his
approach pretty good." Zach
said. "He gets really good
height and that allows him to
do all sorts of stuff."